over 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s ladies and gentleman and welcome to the
1s weekly old school Q&A first things first
3s let me introduce the couch before we
5s talk about some exciting things to my
7s right we have more tied hello
9s we have mod Bruno hi Mon Archie
12s I'm your host mod Wolfman to my left is
15s more ash hello and mod husky yeah and we
18s also have mod Huskies husky inside of
20s the stream we actually thought we'd
22s bring that on to distract you guys from
24s the free 12s building but in actuality
26s mod Archie's going to talk about 12
28s Esther and Deadman in general actually
29s right now there's a couple things that
33s have popped up but dead man this time
35s around that we'd like to address so
38s first and foremost the professor
39s situation to rest I had an account that
43s we classified as a mule as it stayed in
46s a safe zone the entire duration it was
47s made didn't interact with any gameplay
49s no PvP no PV I'm requesting there's
51s killing that's it there have been many
54s other accounts they've been banned as
56s well including from from other content
59s creators clan members etc but because
63s they're not such a high profile thing in
64s videos they're not being shared about
66s that's pretty much it with that so we're
69s gonna carry on with that going forward
72s there was another thing which was the
76s door situation in Shaba village so you
78s might not be familiar about this this
80s was happening in between a few different
81s clans there have been some big rivalries
83s this dead man just this camera so let me
88s just think how to so basically there was
89s a door from a quest that was what 16
92s years old however however long ago
93s shallowest classic yeah and it wasn't
97s obviously made to endure several hundred
100s people running at it and trying to get
101s through at the same time once the PvP
104s zone either yeah so what actually
106s happened is as we've seen in many
108s different Deadman tournaments we've seen
110s clans get to positions to hold down
112s strategic areas that lock off certain
115s pieces of content so in this in this
116s instance Charlotte village stops any of
120s anybody from getting piety and also
122s Lunars
122s which are two pretty integral things to
124s the the 1v1 part at least in the dead
126s man finale so there have been a couple
128s clans that have been holding that down
130s stopping anybody else from accessing
132s that content which means those clans
135s essentially given themselves a pretty
137s strong advantage for the finale so a
139s little bit of kind of fair play to them
141s they follow something clever they've
143s gotten there first nobody else is really
145s able to get through but that's not
147s entirely true
148s so actually we fixed the the door issue
150s to make it anti-spam rule so anybody can
153s well people can get through it now if
155s they can actually get through this
156s barrage of players they have to get
157s through but it's gonna require a push I
159s suppose from these clans that's pretty
163s much it the you know it's it's now a
165s fair piece of content it is however
167s still multi so yeah players if they do
170s want to complete this quest do you have
171s to run through something we're not so
173s much a fan of clans being able to lock
175s down content like this and because it
177s completely stops any solo players hopes
179s of getting through that other clans can
181s help hope to obviously build up their
183s numbers and make their way through but
185s as far as solo players they're pretty
188s much out of luck for this so we're gonna
190s look at revising situations like this
192s for future tournaments and seasons but
194s for the time being we're not gonna
195s change something
195s a few days into the tournament cool
198s that's it thank you very much for that
200s mod Archie if we can have the chat
202s please refreshed wonderful John Kahrs at
204s the moment it's frozen so we can't see
207s what you're saying right now apologies
208s on top of that just to stick on a topic
211s of Deadman I guess it's worth pointing
212s out the finale as a fall still this
214s Saturday
215s what time so I believe it's actually a
218s 7:30 p.m. GMT kickoff with the stream or
221s at least that's the time that we start
222s talking about things we've got about a
223s half an hour on stage then to talk about
225s things like that building up stories and
227s players and strategies and all those fun
229s things 8 p.m. GMT is when the finale
231s actually kicks off with the gameplay
233s cool fantastic with that in mind I'm
237s going to go ahead and politely request
239s from the chat we've heard what you said
241s we have responded to what you have said
243s here the rest of the screen will not
245s talk about it I would highly recommend
247s please not surrounding it any longer we
250s will be looking for questions in the
251s chat at when Skype and our old-school RS
253s for more questions to be asked on this
256s stream and with that in mind I'm gonna
259s move on to the next part I want to talk
260s about which is if you exclamation mark
262s pure pure is that northern pure pure
266s it'll take
268s last week's game a big news post with a
269s section for Pure's affected by the
271s February XP bug there'll be more
273s information on their surrounding that
275s we're cutting off the deadline pretty
277s shortly in a couple days so when you can
280s put your name down on that please do so
282s if you were affected by that I John
284s sorry I don't know why the track keeps
286s freezing it would like to come on show
294s things you're whispering whispered time
296s a would you like my microphone so oh
299s your mic on yeah of course it is with
304s the stream I think I'll miss the
305s beginning so didn't catch the stuff I'm
310s just make sure we have one oh we can see
312s the chair anyway sure cool fantastic
320s hi guys welcome to the weekly old school
322s Q&A am your host Maude wolf when I'm
324s done I'm going to do the intro
325s Maji will take over what was said about
328s table Esther and dead man Lord wants
330s more apologies if that was mixed clearer
332s you do that are we back to being live
334s are we good to go I'm just gonna assume
340s people can hear me hope yes let's go yes
345s alright so apologies if you've already
349s heard this there's a couple of things
351s that have come up this Deadman
352s tournament so the first thing is
354s Travis's account being DQ'd for from
357s dead men unfortunately there was an
359s account he was using which didn't leave
361s the safe zone didn't interact with what
363s only interacted with his account when
365s she was obviously trading mouth between
366s didn't engage in any PvP PVM skilling
369s questing etc it's very easy to be
372s classified as a mule if you're just
373s holding and storing wealth I'm not
375s leaving a safe zone it's very easy for
377s us to detect unfortunately if you do
379s want to have an alt if you do want to
380s have a second account of the dead man
382s familiar or even more than that that's
383s totally fine but they do have to
385s actually play the game and they have to
387s go and do things so that's that he's not
390s the only account to obviously be
391s disqualified there have been many many
393s others blowing in to cleanse other
395s content creators typical player is what
397s have you that just this one is quite
399s high profile obviously because it's it's
401s an
401s and it's got lots of traction so it's
405s great to see all your support though and
406s you guys back in your content creators
408s that I like to see that that's cool
410s second thing is the the SHA village
412s situation so there was a door in Shiloh
415s village as we said that quest is like 16
418s years old it wasn't build to endear
419s things like this essentially what's
422s happened is there have been a couple of
423s clans that managed to get to Shiloh
425s village first and then hold down a bit
427s of a choke point to stop anybody else
429s from getting through initially there
431s were concerns that this door was bugged
433s so we actually found what was wrong with
435s it wasn't really wrong I'm just wasn't
436s built for these things so we we fixed it
438s to make it anti-spam book so now
440s multiple people can get through there's
442s no no problem there however there is
444s still a big chunk of players holding
446s this area down and stopping anybody from
447s running through it so if anybody wants
449s to go ahead and complete Shiloh village
451s which is a requirement for piety and
453s Lunars two very integral things to
455s winning a deadman tournament you're
457s gonna have to be able to run through
458s that team so you either need a very
460s coordinated attack if your other clans
461s or what-have-you
463s the difficulty here is obviously if
464s you're a solo player you're not gonna be
465s able to coordinated attack big enough to
467s take that team on you're gonna be out of
469s luck so that's not so much something
471s that we are a fan of actually we're
473s thinking in the future we can reconsider
474s things like this or advise them and fix
477s things appropriately but halfway through
478s a tournament we're not looking to make
480s any changes or such cool thank you so
483s much sorry they pointed out he said Luna
485s and said a lunar which was quite I said
487s well which may be general he said you
488s know how did you say Luna there are yeah
492s Nana chuckle they pointed out okay
495s you're not distinctive yeah nevertheless
496s with that in mind and that being it I'll
499s share what I said before all that being
500s addressed we won't be mentioning again
502s in the scream of course the stream is
504s for answering questions and showing off
505s this week's content and some upcoming
507s things as well so if you would like some
509s more questions asked that aren't that
510s please do at all school RS and at
512s runescape will be gathering questions
513s that we've recommend not spamming it but
518s we'll yeah there you go
520s sorry I hope that's address your
522s concerns with that in mind and we'll
525s move on to the next thing that I
525s mentioned which was explanation mark
527s pure which will bring up the blog from
529s last week about the February speed bag
532s that certain Peters were affected by you
534s will have
534s only a few more days be able put your
536s name on that if you were affected by it
537s and affected by that bow entirely we've
540s been working through quite a lot of that
542s when we're pretty much we're pretty
543s close to being done in fact so yes do
546s you get your name on that before the
548s near future so they can find that link
550s exclamation mark pure go and it'll come
553s up right with that in mind we're going
556s to move up to the first little showcase
558s for this week we have shown from
562s Treasure Trail stuff already across
563s Treasure Trail updates coming out next
565s Thursday at beginner clues and new
566s rewards and new clues for existing
568s content which more tired has been
569s working on alongside mod at mod West is
571s standing by computers to show off some
573s of those rewards so we're going to first
576s we put the chat on slow mode for a
577s little while and then hand on over to
579s mod West a couple of items here so what
587s I've got equipped at the moment is the
588s brand new third age plate skirt as well
590s as the gilded climbing but climbing
592s boots G the cape of skulls and as well
596s as the ornament kit for the tormented
598s bracelet that is correct cool awesome
602s and I'm trying to go through a few other
604s outfits I've got prepared so and I said
606s there's been in like a repository for
608s quite a while is the heraldic plate body
610s and I figured I'd a take it make it
612s usable and add those in so here we got
615s the heroic play wanted to go along with
616s the heretic helm and the heretic kite
617s shield just got some ID wooden plate
621s legs on just to her shout look together
623s and I've also got some frog flippers on
625s which I think pretty key if I say so
628s myself okay cool so now we're gonna go
630s into the rune
631s Rodrick as well as some bare feet I
633s think it did show this off last week but
635s I needed some feet to Lansing cool I'm
638s just gonna do a turn around I mean it's
641s it's heraldic arm you know what is cool
643s moving on to the probably the greatest
644s outfit with a nice a bit of ham there so
651s is the sandwich lady outfit on a mat on
653s a male character obviously it's a bit
656s distracting with that clip-ons when I
657s take that off yeah there you go you can
659s cosplay is your favorite sandwich lady
663s we've also got some gilded dragon height
665s so
667s see yeah it's quite nice I went for like
672s a black cream as well on the arrows as
674s well as on there as well it's quite cool
677s awesome and any other outfits I think
681s just items now so I've got a fewer
684s ornament kits for the rune scimitar so
686s this is the saradomin
688s hurons scimitar see as you can see the
690s hill it's been replaced by little
691s saradomin star and we've also go on for
694s guthix and zemerik don't get back to the
696s cut this one a bit so you can have a
698s longer look at that one okay I believe
702s that I've also got for some reason the
704s Third Age dirty cloak in here
706s publisher to reverse the outfit that
709s spoilers next week oh yeah we've got
713s more things to shop next week we do yeah
715s awesome
716s Oh pressure off the mole slippers i
721s straight they've tweet there's out the
722s other day say okay we got some more
724s slips as well for all those memes cool
727s awesome yeah that's all the items so
730s yeah thanks for joining me for the sneak
731s peek of the week and we'll head back
732s over to the couch
736s and have you been working on go and grab
739s your boss and head off home my friend
741s that looks fantastic well you guys
742s favorite stuff in there any any
744s highlights that was shown there I would
746s say actually as somebody who used to
748s work much more so within the old school
750s team and helping to design things like
751s this I remember there was a point where
753s we were thinking about clue school
754s expansion rewards and really struggling
756s and thinking surely there's nothing more
758s there's nothing more we could think of
759s and there is definitely more and it's
762s really cool stuff so those came from
764s plays mmm but it's a yam Old West has
767s quite an imagination about what they
768s could look like you're lovers definitely
771s the guilty dragon tiny yeah I think
773s that's cool gonna see all the risks
774s fights were there mmm
775s however scimitars personally I think
777s I'll actually trying and hug to get
780s those myself and using for fashion scape
782s they're pretty cool a nice little tease
783s of what we're showing next week the ring
785s of the Third Age the ring of the Third
787s Age oh yeah I was showing off broody and
789s we'll also be showing off a bit of the
791s mimic fight it's the little
794s little tiny tidbit of the nimac by the
797s environment looks quite impressed it's
799s really good it's fantastic actually I
800s might get a picture out of that a little
802s bit before the screen so they'd be more
806s visual than the picture I showed of you
808s through a keyhole it was a teaser it was
811s a teaser was that your dog so
813s well-behaved yeah he is dogs dead it's
818s been for my girlfriend just taking for
820s like an hour and a half walk before this
821s so as long as he's got his exercise he's
824s pretty good we didn't say his name
825s what's his name Shiro Shiro that's
828s absolutely adorable just chillin look at
830s him yeah so you named your mother cow
833s after your dog no I was going to my mod
838s name was going to be mod Shiro but it
839s was taken so I went with mod husky
842s instead it thought it was fitting dog
845s would have been quite on the nose yeah
849s maybe not as a not the most desirable
851s name but I like to thank the chap by the
853s way for stopping spamming thank you very
855s much guys and to keep in the on the
858s topic of things that are not only
859s distracting you but keep you kind of
860s happy on top of the fact that we just
862s show have some awesome treasure trail
863s stuff and we have an awesome dog on
866s stream we're now gonna show off so you
869s guys are very excited about you may have
873s mentioned that you may remember that
874s last week we mentioned the scene vault
875s might not be coming out for three or
876s four weeks we still have work to do on
878s Sidious so we weren't able to release
880s that this week so first things first
882s that has been glared with a while while
883s we wait for more content to be developed
885s on it it's not fully ready yet but
887s because of that it's freed up some Q air
889s time and this Thursday will be releasing
891s the seed vault so I'm sure you guys be
894s very excited about that and to show that
895s off we have Maude Bruner and Maude mares
898s at the PC I'm gonna show you a little
900s bit of that now select hadn't all of
902s that hello
905s so as you can see there's a cool vault
909s here we really intended to release this
913s towards the end of the month of April
915s art was the middle however after some
918s reselling of the schedule we decided we
921s don't really have anything to test right
923s now so since this is ready to test we
924s decided to go ahead and make the seed
927s vault come out this
928s week instead so yeah it's quite a wanted
932s update so you say it was a good idea
934s right so it's pretty cool-looking vault
937s you might have already seen it right
945s there we go so you may you may have
950s already seen this interface so it has
953s all the seeds and all the types of
956s cattle or the categories of seeds it's
959s not full so it only has some of the
961s seeds you can very usefully add some
964s seizes a favorite by right clicking or
966s dragging them on so for all the seeds
969s you regularly use let's just make this a
974s bit easier to see can we just have a
976s holding screen real quick you sure okay
980s it's a bit small guys apologies get your
983s magnifying glasses help right movie con
988s right yeah you can add things to the
990s favorites so say you want to grow some
993s tassel seeds you can drag them on
995s because he's gonna use them regularly so
998s you also don't want to scroll the way
1000s down you can just press the bottom
1002s another thing we can do is because some
1007s people use miscellaneous to get seeds
1009s we've also decided to tie that in so
1035s yeah so thank you - I was just that so
1038s you can collect hopefully I've quite a
1040s write-up right
1041s that's a lot of seeds so obviously I
1044s don't all these C's in the seed vault so
1046s the sealer don't have won't go to the
1048s seed vault instead go to my bank but
1051s we'll soon see I had about a hundred of
1052s each seed so if we look here
1057s these bargains my bank as expected and
1061s these other seeds wish I had starred
1075s these other seeds go straight to the
1078s seed vault which is quite useful so lots
1080s of seeds made me as a programmer happy
1094s yep
1095s also if you decide to dump every single
1098s seed in your bank into the seed vault
1100s you can just deposit everything to earth
1103s dry can also use all these bones much
1105s like the bank works where you press the
1107s 5 Bonilla Fei Preston and then yep so it
1113s works really well
1114s I think it's really good for the design
1117s of it this is what it looks like when
1120s it's full good look at any of this many
1126s seeds make people jealous
1127s yeah so when it's full you have all
1130s these seeds you can also if you don't
1133s want them randomly another you can just
1136s shuffle them out however you want them
1137s so yeah well yeah uses the the list at
1143s the left does expand and the seeds do
1146s tell it with further apart
1147s yep make it a bit easier so it'll be
1150s very easy to use on mobile as well and
1153s also because I know a lot of you are
1155s here for this coming this week oh no
1159s nevermind you'll get I guess you'll have
1161s to wait for this tomorrow but the Cydia
1163s stellar parts no longer has a K in it so
1166s the teleport tablet now has a H rather
1168s than okay great update Bethel be a week
1173s but yeah thank you guys I'll be right
1176s back
1181s I'm sorry Shira modn as they're showing
1186s off the the Seed Vault the long-awaited
1188s much-anticipated
1190s if I may point out what were you going
1192s to show off the H&K and Kieran's update
1195s was what in particular Oh
1197s one of the complaints we got from
1200s players recently when you run out of
1203s pepper wins it says you must recharge at
1205s an altar piece we face it so you can
1207s recharge and also a much more polite and
1210s British statement I much prefer it
1214s mandatory with that in mind then that's
1218s all the sneak peeks we do have one more
1220s thing to show you however before we
1221s continue use the Q&A I will point out
1223s again to the people who'll just start
1225s watching at the staff we did address the
1227s told Esther thing that has being
1228s mentioned in the chat twice actually
1230s because I think we had some stream issue
1231s go back and watch that with that in mind
1234s the next thing that we'd like to show
1236s you is a little video that we've
1238s actually been cooking up if you weren't
1239s aware we have been nominated for the e
1243s mobile game of Euro odd BAFTA so
1246s explanation mark BAFTA for that and yeah
1249s that show off this little video for you
1251s guys let's see what this looks like
1253s [Music]
1258s so what do you guys want to do for lunch
1261s Halloween game thanks guys guys you're
1265s not gonna believe this
1266s you've got 60 agility No
1269s soon we've been nominated for a BAFTA
1271s game award are you sure remember that
1274s time you said we're gonna get a Tony
1276s Award for runescape lives that might
1278s still happen
1278s all the time you told us that you got
1280s the infernal cake before winners listen
1282s weeks definitely cheated I just need to
1284s find out how to prove it boobs won
1286s anyway you sure have been nominated for
1289s a BAFTA they must have noticed that old
1291s school runescape isn't battle royale
1293s game right and we don't have an angry
1295s main character with a big bushy godlike
1297s beard and a world West setting right
1299s that's all true but no honestly look see
1304s he's right
1305s wait be nominated for he mobile game of
1309s the Year award and look it's also voted
1312s for by the public
1314s BAFTA must have been really impressed
1316s with our seamless cross-platform
1320s gameplay retro graphics and deep story
1322s narratives that are often lacking from
1325s mobile games that choose instead to
1326s focus on being short-lived commercial
1329s successes rather than long-term
1331s community driven gaming experiences you
1335s know maybe we should let everybody know
1336s they can go after BAFTA dog to vote for
1339s old school runescape as the EE mobile
1341s game of the earth indeed all we could
1344s tell them that you can download and play
1345s old school runescape right now for free
1348s on any PC or Android or iOS mobile
1352s device
1353s [Music]
1358s yes yes we sure
1365s so what do you guys want to do for lunch
1369s [Music]
1376s public bafta must have been really
1379s impressed with sorry there you go you
1392s know we know I know the fact is
1394s definitely the game not the reacting but
1395s I hope you guys enjoy that of course
1397s after dog to vote exclamation mark BAFTA
1401s in the chat to get a link if you do want
1404s to vote for us which would be awesome
1408s I'm really true for that I thought I
1411s thought though that wasn't too bad I
1412s thought it was the right balance of
1414s cringe yeah yeah anyway I'm gonna move
1419s into the actual Q&A now sorry it's so
1420s late we across the stream issues the
1422s beginning Saturn we keep some things so
1425s they've got the questions about the seed
1427s vault yeah um the one about asking
1430s whether all seeds can go it
1431s now if math is still over there in the
1433s corner I can't tell oh right
1436s I wouldn't worry about it well I think
1439s the answer is that seeds for normal
1442s training can quest seeds cannot but
1445s hopefully you didn't really need to keep
1446s a lot of those anyway so you should be
1448s alright with that and it said in the
1451s blog that when we hold this that some
1453s ultimate iron players would not be able
1455s to use it that's what we've done so I'm
1457s afraid this is not an update for them
1460s well there we go fantastic
1462s let's move on to the first question on
1464s the stream from corpus is it possible to
1466s turn certain doors in our player on
1467s houses to walls it would be nice to be
1469s able to customize between walls and
1471s doors their entrance and exits is the
1472s house tricky possible yeah like this
1477s makes it easy to build a nice house
1479s without having to plan advantage the
1481s trickier is gonna be where there's some
1483s you know rooms that's normally connect
1486s and you might have chosen to have a wall
1488s in one of the gaps for the
1490s from one of the rooms but not the other
1492s and you can kind of put up with whatever
1494s the game does for you in that situation
1497s do we do we allow for customizable doors
1500s well there's not seem to have them shut
1502s open or not there at all if I recall
1504s correctly it's sort of a customisation
1506s it would be interesting to be able to
1509s change them in between like the one and
1511s then like from God Wars or okay okay all
1516s right actually doable with the way that
1520s Ash implemented removing the dolls they
1522s think some interesting-looking gates and
1525s doors in the game making it unlock for
1527s the the bins door to winter Todd in your
1529s house and you know right next question
1534s from not a programmer and they asked how
1540s do you feel about how hard it is for
1541s players to start raid - the first time
1543s I'm found that being late game content
1545s but and there's 80s and still
1547s intimidated it's a unique experience
1548s more challenging to get into that over
1550s pvm and bossing content mob rumor
1552s actually it's probably best maybe you
1555s have an opinion on this yeah hard to get
1557s into it can't be if you don't have any
1559s friends however even leaving it even if
1564s you don't have any friends there's
1566s plenty of places you can find people who
1568s also want to do raids well I don't mean
1571s it in Pam will the 65 has people who do
1574s free-for-all usually they'll probably be
1577s able to let you in their raid if you
1578s know what you doing there's also many
1580s discos and clans which based around
1583s teaching people how to do raids ways one
1585s and Thorogood so although it is hard you
1588s can definitely find people if you're
1590s willing to look now you have Prince Paul
1596s join a clan yeah I think people get very
1598s off put and think oh I have to get
1600s ninety in this stand I have to do that
1602s yeah it's gonna help having the better
1603s stats and the better gear it's just it
1605s was finding the people who are willing
1607s to do it with you if you're trying to
1609s find people randomly they might just not
1612s feel happy about carrying you is the
1614s honest truth obviously because raids
1616s uses all three combat styles that kind
1618s of makes it harder as well because it's
1619s not just if I can compensate with good
1621s range
1622s I think it I think it still does it's
1625s much better at it than Theatre of blood
1626s at least it's much more open to content
1628s to you know those lower level players
1630s than Thea of blood so I think raids
1633s itself is fine it's just as you said
1634s finding the right group mm-hmm cool
1637s next question from raw with a double
1639s view can an activity timer be added to
1641s castle walls players err caring at the
1642s base for easy ticket slows down games
1648s could be don't see it being one of the
1653s things people want I think the kind of
1655s activity that they might start doing to
1657s gain in the timer man would not be I
1659s think very useful yeah yeah well things
1663s with like a pest control game that has
1664s the timer in it is they're typically
1666s very short they're like what one two
1668s three minutes yeah and so if you run out
1670s of your activity timer and you don't get
1672s your points you're like okay I'll just
1673s wait a couple minutes started new in
1674s both castles if you missed that you're
1677s just gonna leave you're not gonna wait
1679s so the things that would give you
1681s activity in Castle ARS I think what ash
1683s is really a as well is the activities in
1687s castle walls may actually hinder your
1689s team if we're forcing people to do them
1691s for example oh I get a lot of activity
1693s but put down a barricade yeah how many
1695s people are trolling and just putting
1696s them up and down that's not gonna help
1698s your team right yeah I don't think it's
1701s something that would help particularly
1702s and even if we made it combat based
1704s you'd be hey you go on you were trying
1705s to design a team I'll try a saradomin
1707s team or just yeah okay attack each other
1709s or something like that you know yeah
1711s there'd be the kind of official corner
1713s where people who just want to splash on
1714s each other hang out yeah and they could
1716s even still alch in between that it it
1718s would be very difficult to do it but I
1719s think if I know if anyone can think of a
1723s really clever way to implement it is it
1727s would be beneficial to have something
1728s like that it's not obviously we don't
1729s want people joining these games and not
1731s actually doing them yeah it's definitely
1733s a problem I think would acknowledge
1735s call me crazy I I would actually suggest
1738s shortening the length of the Cazadores
1740s game slightly lens then that's the main
1743s thing is they take ages I don't know man
1746s I know that's obviously that's no it's
1748s been like that for the entirety of old
1749s school runescape people agree with me
1754s and it paid off that we're players we
1757s did it yeah we can I think it's
1759s interesting because a lot of people will
1761s see even at a deficit of two score of
1763s two there what eight minutes are we
1765s really gonna get that back I know
1766s similar games like the League of Legends
1768s have like a surrender system where
1769s they're like oh we're too far back this
1770s games taken a while you know you don't
1773s see one implement surrender system but
1774s there is the idea that the game is too
1775s long it's the fact that castle wars has
1779s never been instanced and it's given the
1781s current map can't easily be instanced
1783s means that we can't even have parallel
1786s games you've gotta wait for the last one
1787s to finish so even if everyone decides
1790s they've had enough about what game want
1791s to get out of it the world ain't gonna
1793s give him another one yeah this is I'm
1798s not gonna say impossible to change well
1800s but the map does not lend itself to that
1803s because it's got the underground bit
1805s which occupies most of our maps square
1807s as well as a full overground bit
1808s so since instance is going to be a
1811s certain size we'd probably have to have
1813s the underground bit up in the sky to the
1815s far northeast or something of the
1818s overground base and hope people can't
1820s see that far in most clients right
1822s also the balancing wouldn't need to be
1825s pretty tricky obviously there are people
1827s who have gotten cal stores tickets a
1828s full set of gold with these 20-minute
1830s games and so if we were to make keep the
1832s same ticket system and then show them to
1834s 10-minute games that would obviously
1835s devalue their achievements mmm-hmm that
1838s would be tricky yeah for sure I think
1840s it's - they're connected but they guess
1844s the goal is making castle water
1845s desirable many games people to play and
1847s if the time is a problem then I guess
1849s the rewards can easily be shifted round
1850s that oh cool
1853s next question from fat elite they asked
1855s can harvesting snare grass be sped up to
1857s be more like harvesting limpet roots
1858s currently it takes two minutes to
1861s harvest Nekrasov 16 off an inventory
1863s spots with a high farming level I can
1865s see that BOTS would work very
1869s differently to any other allotment patch
1871s which I guess is the problem doesn't it
1874s be a sticking point though yeah I mean
1876s at the moment you do an action then
1878s accuse up another one and you do the
1879s action it queues up another one if you
1881s if it did more than one action at the
1882s time then we should be able to keep the
1885s same mechanic
1887s without very much code changing I agree
1890s with the chair however they're
1891s mentioning but watermelons act the exact
1893s same and it's not like what melons
1895s aren't farmed by people it's not really
1897s any complaining with that kind of stuff
1898s before it's just so much fun see your
1900s bend with your fitting up with
1901s watermelons covers this key all the XP
1903s coming in yes true I was half the amount
1906s of snipped grass they get that would
1907s solve that problem chat might not like
1910s that
1910s well the acceptors criteria on that job
1913s might need refining yep right awesome
1916s the next question from revived --ax they
1919s asked can you make it so the message
1920s your box crap has collapsed it doesn't
1922s close the bank interface it's really
1924s annoying when you escape from PK as a
1925s black chins and the message repeatedly
1927s closes your bank interface I do have a
1930s message here where you can probably
1931s mention that that's what's happening to
1933s be honest with you if you fancy we're
1936s planning on including this in the
1937s upcoming changes yes would you like to
1939s talk about the upcoming changes a little
1941s bit actually what we've discussed
1943s recently sure so um extemporizing here
1949s recently we as a company puts out a
1952s great big blog acknowledging look
1954s there's a lot of stuff you guys are
1955s unhappy about stuff that you'd like us
1957s to do that we're not doing the kind of
1960s updates that's you see most of on the
1961s ones that you'd most like to see
1962s necessarily and we're trying to do
1967s something about that now our team isn't
1970s gonna be able to deliver on the really
1972s big stuff like authenticated delay or an
1975s entirely new way of communicating the
1977s sport to eat and things like that that's
1979s sorry a bit beyond us what we can
1982s hopefully do is some stuff in runescape
1984s so the community teams starting off
1987s working on a new way of racing with
1989s players about especially well content
1994s for special groups like say PvP like you
2000s remember back in November we tried to
2001s address some issues about PvP some of
2003s those went alright or didn't get too
2005s many complaints others who are more
2006s contentious and there was a very strong
2008s consensus that the players we asked for
2010s advice on it were the wrong players or
2013s irrelevant players were the wrong kind
2014s of PvP is and we should ask you know the
2017s real PvP is
2019s got plenty of lists of the right people
2021s to ask for next time anyway before
2025s trying another batch like that
2027s the community seems working on them
2029s something I think it's gonna be like um
2030s I forget what the nice world is like a
2034s survey to gauge interest partly that
2036s also they were talking about setting up
2038s focus groups of invited players I
2041s believe there was a cabal I think about
2043s where they used yeah it's much more than
2046s this has much better than focus group so
2050s they'll be setting that up in the
2052s meantime
2053s stuff that's yeah we can get feedback
2055s from a wider group of people and it
2057s still be representative we will be
2061s looking at their list of changes that we
2063s can offer for just improving the game a
2066s bit like that and that particular thing
2068s with the hunter traps was on the list
2070s can't commit to that one off the top of
2072s our head so cuz to let the variables
2076s change we've got menus open means that
2079s the variables need to have their race
2080s condition protection removed that means
2082s first being darn sure that we're not
2084s going to get any race condition bugs
2085s from them if we take the protection off
2089s but I'm optimistic we can do that one
2091s yep
2094s essentially there's also a group of some
2097s changes coming through they're a little
2098s bit more akin to the stuff that we
2100s believe that you guys are looking as to
2102s work on so I was asked to maybe mention
2106s a couple more the things that we've
2107s popped down as improvements for existing
2110s content minigames and in-game stuff so
2113s for example where one of things are
2115s gonna tackle is LMS we're gonna allow it
2118s so that LMS can be started with any
2120s amount of people instead of twenty for
2121s example we've had quite a few requests
2124s for that so a nice little improvement to
2125s that can you help me out throughout my
2129s head if you remember any from the
2130s meeting and so the barbarian assaults
2135s that's interesting one we kind of
2138s invented a weird trick a while back for
2140s letting you have well it's like
2145s wilderness cape mini mascots without
2147s wearing about wilderness cake we put in
2149s clan wars and it was used in the
2150s wilderness Wars as well
2152s we reckoned if we did the same trick in
2154s a barbarian assault we should be able to
2157s make those icons appear around you
2159s without leading to occupy your Cape slot
2161s and while that's a fairly challenging
2166s and thing to changing the barbarian a
2168s sonic oh we think it's gonna be worth
2171s being able to offer that to you so that
2172s if you want to be able to actually use a
2176s cape in there for the first so I'm but
2178s that's that would be freed up that was
2181s sitting them at one I think I'll have
2182s most fun trying to program unless of
2184s course you guys want to have a go we
2187s talking about the magic beard technique
2189s right yeah good yeah they go a couple of
2192s another really good one which i think is
2195s really good is a in-game timer so we
2198s know a lot of people are in clans and
2199s they like to lock in game clock not a
2202s timer it tells the time yeah so you know
2208s a lot of people like to do events with
2209s their clans and all that sort of stuff
2210s but since everyone's around the world no
2213s one has a centralized time for when an
2215s event is going to be or when it's gonna
2217s start for example like demo mode we know
2219s it's a half seven GTM the GMT what when
2223s is half seven GMT so we'd like to make a
2226s game clock perhaps put it on the clan
2229s interface where you can join and cleanse
2232s and although you're not talking about it
2234s though it's worth pointing out that with
2236s that in mind it would be a runescape
2238s Italian clock so it wouldn't be your
2241s personal time would be like innocence
2242s standard or Pacific it would be a GM T
2246s which is runescape time so when that
2248s hits zero zero zero zero reason that's
2252s your take a recess yeah quite handy
2255s especially cuz well clocks about to go
2257s forward in this country quite soon yeah
2259s we needed a few hours after the
2262s tournament actually yes Australia a very
2264s pressing reason why Daisy row of the
2266s tournament is not counted of the season
2268s is not counted for XP caps it all
2270s correctly Gillan our meantime there go
2273s GMT yeah anymore are you good
2276s that was a man or I remembered cool they
2278s go saw some awesome things that we think
2279s that you guys might be a little bit more
2281s excited for and the kind of stuff that
2283s we mentioned we'd be working on a bit
2284s more
2285s and when we've got the next question
2286s then if that's okay and I said well then
2288s he'll say cool from three happy five you
2291s they say uh they ask we're getting close
2294s to one hundred and fiftieth question OS
2295s RS is the team planning on anything
2297s special like for recipe for disaster for
2299s the hundredth quest I know it's very
2302s much aware of that particular milestone
2305s coming up and he calculated well at the
2310s rate he keeps churning out quests when
2312s he thought he might need to do a big one
2314s I think he's still calculating this away
2316s away unless he it and of course he might
2319s just stop writing little quests so Wow
2321s but I do think we're gonna do something
2323s for cool fantastic what we did recipe
2327s for disaster all that time ago was each
2330s member's a team or each fully trained
2332s member of the team got a chapter and had
2338s pretty much free raise and a fairly big
2339s graphics budget I was voted for the
2344s suicide in those days and didn't have a
2346s chapter but I did get to rice and cut
2348s scenes for it and help with some of the
2351s fixes it was really nice because you've
2354s got very distinctive things like titans
2356s ogre content building on the very
2361s distinctive work he did for Champa bird
2363s they would Chompy bird quest it's not
2366s something anyone else would have done in
2368s the same way that some mod Wilson went
2371s for something involving pirates and
2373s mudskippers underwater
2374s madness which is very much his starter
2377s content and outfit somehow we got a
2380s monkey agility course it was really good
2383s fun to work on brilliance then moving on
2387s to the next question from King they
2389s asked silver light and dark light both
2390s have quests explaining their context
2392s within the game but are quite is just
2394s kind of there can we get a mini quest to
2397s explain its backstory this would be tied
2398s to the catacombs of current as long as
2401s you don't have to do it to use it yeah
2403s feels a bit to Lakes at that point then
2406s it's like a quest for an item for
2409s telling explaining why names there a
2411s dark altar of course might be excessive
2413s for the reasons you give but like when
2416s they would talk about the Corp you
2417s to go on this at least providing some
2421s in-game explanation via a scroll a
2423s library book lord knows I scoped for a
2425s library book around those parts that
2427s kind of thing might address the the law
2430s question without it needing to be a
2432s quest that as chris says wouldn't be a
2435s requirement for it if somebody in the
2438s community will write down a short story
2440s or a short reasoning explanation that
2443s can be part of scroll but doesn't
2444s overlap with law that we have and isn't
2447s because the dark alter and isn't the
2449s dark alter which is probably what
2450s currently is I will happily plug that in
2452s for whoever does less so if you do wish
2454s to write there I will pop that in you'll
2456s get some awesome stories I'm sure I'm
2458s sure I will
2459s and it has to be not obscene yes not
2462s obscene no yeah no fan thick know that
2467s yeah I know that obviously we laid the
2469s groundwork for a lot of quests and
2471s current with the five starter quests for
2473s the families while a quest might not
2476s need to distinctly address the ArcLight
2478s i guess it could be fed into the story
2480s for some of those they've had Scott I
2481s don't know what heads got planned for
2483s that and where that's going but I know I
2485s just had the idea that maybe maybe the
2487s ArcLight could be used in one of those
2489s quests to specifically fight a demon
2491s that would do that but you know you
2493s don't need to do the quest to get it
2494s like maybe you've just cut a step out if
2496s you've already got it maybe something
2498s along those lines but uh I mean the
2500s whole point of the original quests
2501s wasn't about the sword it was about the
2503s demon right and about needing a powerful
2505s weapon to defeat it so you know you
2507s don't really need the quest to be go do
2510s this to get the arc light just maybe
2511s expand the story and use it as a tool to
2513s power that quest maybe yeah that makes
2515s sense it will be a nice place to pop it
2517s for example as well like it was the
2518s explanation scroll of something yeah
2520s cool then I'm gonna move on to Dead
2523s Red's question they asked can we have an
2524s option to pay a large amount of GP to
2526s permanently unlock the door to Dagon off
2528s Kings without using a pet rock but it
2532s gave us in use yeah that's true I always
2535s really liked that I always really liked
2536s the use of the of the peril you know who
2539s should have done oh we missed
2540s opportunity treasure Trailz had a golden
2542s pet rock open and and that leaves it
2546s open forever we miss the opportunity
2547s darn it
2548s they were imperfect would have been
2550s nah golden pet rocking is seeing in your
2552s house yeah I'm good with the power I
2554s don't know if our graphics budget will
2556s stretch to recoloring the petrol seems a
2559s bit too much I know darn well given
2562s where that rock gets reused hilarious
2566s yeah that's definitely spamming or a
2568s nose for it and it feels like a very
2570s old-school piece of content now it's
2572s that extra layer of challenge to the
2573s Dagon of kings if you've got a good
2575s enough gear you can stay there pre
2576s indefinitely but when you're maybe not
2577s you there is that limit on balancing
2580s your supplies with prayer pots to anti
2581s poisons to your you know your combat
2583s boosting pots that I feel like that
2586s that's that little bit of challenge that
2587s content has just giving extra infantry
2589s space just feels like yeah it's annoying
2592s when you forget to have your rock but
2594s there are other things in the game you
2595s need an item for it to get there I don't
2596s see why this is any different deck North
2599s King was a such good content the fact
2600s that they've held look for so long I
2601s think it's fantastic I really want to
2603s really really want to do Dagon off
2606s Queens at some point I really want to do
2608s that and I know where I'm gonna do it
2610s but this is at this year's in advance in
2613s my head but I want to do it
2614s I'd love it alas you have a plan yes mmm
2618s I have a plan exciting Remnick related
2621s hmm that's easily nevertheless I think
2626s that's a no generally for for the
2629s suggestion of the rock yes okay so next
2631s question from regen in regen it all they
2634s ask rather than looking for new items to
2636s attach to the hydra tale to increase its
2638s price can we look at buffing the bone
2640s crush necklace give its that's
2641s equivalent to a glory or even a fury
2648s well I'm gonna say I'm off fan first huh
2651s yes people aren't too sure definitely
2653s not fury because then it becomes a best
2654s in slot of some kind but I won't mind
2659s exactly once combined with I guess
2660s that's beautiful best and it is yes it
2663s could have some stats I wouldn't mind it
2665s being a lot of fury glory stats cuz
2667s glory is really accessible and it is
2669s quite high level like maybe they ate
2671s your prey or I think and need a bone
2673s crusher which is hard
2674s bertazzoni dairies ear maybe a small
2678s buff but not like fury of level buff
2681s does it need a buff
2683s mmm I don't see anyone any I don't see
2687s the item being used anymore because of
2690s this small book excuse me hello up to
2694s the community yeah well one of the
2698s problems with it is that that use
2700s literally isn't really useful in a lot
2701s of places catacombs being the main one
2704s I've seen some people use it a Hydra for
2706s extremely long trips just the ability to
2709s because they don't need the prayer
2710s experience just to stay there and you
2712s could take no damage I guess it's an
2714s item that will just maybe potentially
2715s get better when when we if we ever come
2719s up with content that requires you know
2721s prayer to be a resource that no I manage
2723s that with the inventory you know it's
2725s one a difficult one though the chats
2727s calling me out for touching the iPad
2729s after sneezing don't worry it's only me
2730s and mud Shawnee that use it sir
2732s oh so he's got a lot of kind of
2734s sterilizing Joe yeah don't worry I'll
2736s clean it off don't worry I'll wipe in
2737s the wet way for something next question
2741s next question from ollie the brownie
2742s they ask can the whip drop be removed
2744s from the unsired drop table and added to
2746s the size regular table this would make
2748s it more profitable
2749s what currently it's GP per hour is
2753s subpar that devalues the world yeah yeah
2757s I don't see abyssal demons being the
2759s best a great money-making method ever
2762s because the Ronnie could I am like a
2764s little bit a whip and like a rune met
2766s how awesome think I think it's quite as
2769s it is now if I was to put it on the
2772s regular drop table I just make it the
2773s exact same chance that would come from
2774s the onside anyway but that's not yeah a
2779s little confused that question yes is the
2781s desire to make it more profitable I
2783s assume so players normally one things
2785s you made more profitable if I was
2787s already quite profitable I thought I
2788s thought that was the case yeah it's
2789s already quite profitable in the long run
2792s it's quite an intense thing to have to
2795s work on and compared to other Slayer
2797s stuff I can see why they might expect
2799s even more in recognition of that
2802s especially all those lungs it's good
2805s yeah it's a three mil drop I mean when
2807s have you ever been unhappy about getting
2809s three mil as a drop from things right I
2811s mean those are coverings from rec
2813s strings money about that it's about half
2815s an art just ring it feels like yeah it's
2816s not your blood
2817s Pease that's a third of whatever the
2819s bludgeoned costs but if anything the
2823s thing I would have thought people would
2824s have suggested more oh he's moving me
2828s the thing I would have thought players
2830s would to move because it's the only one
2831s that acts differently the pet and the
2832s Jarls move to additional drops as
2834s opposed to part of unique drop I know
2836s that's sire is the only one that does
2837s that I don't know if it's it's obviously
2840s something that would need to be polled
2841s and stuff and he goes to talk about
2843s separately but I can't see why they'd
2844s want to change the whip drop it's still
2846s a still a good drop to get even if
2848s you're a bit disappointed about the
2849s young you know getting it because you've
2851s got your hopes up expecting a budget
2853s piece and got a whip yeah you know I
2857s just realized the old dogs means leaving
2859s this entire scream and you've just given
2860s it a - for two hours something walk so
2863s he's gonna be full of energy at the end
2864s of the stream like I'm gonna have to
2865s deal with yeah yeah he's alive guys he's
2868s just completely asleep adorable
2873s next question from yo bitch they asked
2875s can we have additional construction
2876s training methods currently the skill
2878s makes me feel less like a master builder
2879s and more like a table fanatic with
2882s commitment issues I would also like the
2885s skill yeah the skill outside of the
2887s player on houses they something like
2889s building things for your kingdom
2894s favorite questions we've ever gotten
2896s that's how offense really go oh I like
2899s that wedding spoke about a tower defense
2901s video before and also contracts is the
2902s initial thing I jump to I think those
2904s have a designed for sort of construction
2907s contracts update where you'd be building
2910s something on commission from you know
2912s local nobility and decorating their
2914s house and I think if you just fill it
2916s with one ladder they might not pay you
2918s so well you know it probably wouldn't be
2921s quite like that
2921s I don't know full details but it's
2924s something with quite keen to offer in
2926s future but we're not pushing it for now
2928s because we've got other requests of
2930s yours to pursue before we offer that
2933s could be a more fun way to deconstruct
2936s things that wouldn't really help too
2938s much but we use a tinderbox on the chair
2940s I hope you build it or smash it with a
2943s sword or something I mean I get it once
2948s a really really clumsy Butler who just
2949s makes well your furniture break whenever
2951s looks passed it's now gonna be love the
2957s next question from
2959s Tildy 2t can the hunt pet be made
2964s obtainable through hunter activities
2965s other than gym jumpers but it's a qin
2971s qiong pipette yeah
2972s we're not unless you picky about that
2974s kind of thing I mean if you start
2976s wondering how you get a bloodhound out
2978s of a box that's been found on the ground
2980s the RL his Peter and the RSPCA it's
2984s gonna be ringing off asking questions
2985s now oh yeah I mean I have confirmed that
2989s lucky and please do not have a chance of
2991s turning I to be carrying a large dog but
2993s so that would be us well yes variously
2995s about a sense of Worsley and that's
2997s where any of the other places you get
2998s dogs or the bit where you stick your
3001s head in somebody's pocket and find every
3002s coon or whatever cool
3007s next question from swine's they asked
3008s can the Shantae pass have a left click
3010s option that buys a pass an illusion move
3012s through in a single action if you have
3014s the GP in your on venturi who want that
3015s yeah also recently suggested we the same
3017s Pat Alka red gear and the ecto barrier
3019s considering a one-off payment for
3020s Shantae past two till they are great
3023s ideas all them yeah oh wow oh okay so
3026s let's do it let's do one at a time but
3028s the chat will get the response slightly
3030s delayed so the Shantae past rather
3032s left-click the purchases and puts you
3034s through one go it's just - yes - all of
3036s them wait I think it always does that
3037s already it does that but it's more
3039s expensive is it yeah it's like 200 GP
3042s instead no it doesn't know like you know
3046s thinking about the Charlotte village
3048s carp guy I could have sworn the Shantae
3051s paths if your left quick like actual dog
3054s no it does not chat chat sis you're
3056s wrong there's a bribe option to the
3060s guard is that yeah they believe so no
3063s there's not I can't remember but I can't
3066s believe you I can't believe that it's
3067s been this long and it's been I think the
3070s only one that would be a problem would
3071s be the make payment to do infinitely is
3075s stepping on the elite diary requirements
3077s and their song there were definitely
3078s people who would be out there saying I
3079s did that as one of the incentives for
3081s that especially gone through that
3082s horrible cake you grind
3084s you know those people that did a 8 or
3087s 900 kind of like uh Nemo I made a payee
3089s head yeah but the people still did it
3091s yeah so I feel like there are people who
3094s are gay but why just pay instead of all
3097s the skill requirements and grinding I
3098s had to do but apart from that I think
3099s streamlining that is probably something
3101s we could do yes very much so
3104s I would speak of streamlining extreme
3106s lining the climbing into shallow village
3108s was on the list as well it's a long list
3112s by the way cuz mud camp it's been
3113s gathering for quite some time and also
3116s we've got all so many random things you
3119s centers out on social media radio etc
3121s over the years finally we're very
3125s pleased to get to trawl through that
3126s list after traitor trails and the city's
3129s rework of course but treasure Trailz is
3133s well you see it's coming on quite well
3135s so there's not that much more needs to
3136s be dev there it's mostly testing now may
3138s I hope so well I've made the changes you
3142s suggested to the mimic I hope you like
3145s it
3145s yes I'm not going forward to it it'll be
3147s out hopefully next Thursday for anything
3148s goes great oh what a cute goddammit yeah
3153s there's a new music trap for the moving
3154s boss as well one of mine I hope you like
3157s it
3158s those who ever get to hear it see if I
3161s brought my if I brought my corgis in
3163s they'll just run about the place would
3166s be destroyed I'm sorry like it would
3167s just hold my place Hey yeah but they
3169s only piddled brief the enzymes on their
3171s own bed rub them on the floor they play
3173s a fight a lot now and the stream would
3175s be like they're killing each other it's
3177s like no they're playing fighting and
3178s their brothers they're gonna do that but
3179s I just don't want the stream - yeah he
3181s plays not aggressively I'll say
3184s enthusiastically and I could just see
3187s him running around the place and
3188s knocking things over and and you could
3191s probably at it for four or five hours
3192s and not care that dog Myka I think ya
3197s didn't see come on stream yep he's like
3199s this big she's adorable
3201s yeah is it moving on the chat moving on
3203s in yeah next question from its death
3206s they add up cast would it be possible to
3208s add a graceful skirt
3214s yeah we'll just have trouble with all
3216s the places you might have stored
3217s graceful sets cuz they wouldn't be
3219s expecting there's been alternate form
3220s another player and house problem where
3222s people say I've stored the whole set but
3224s I want to stay and store the skirt and
3226s the legs and because I've got both
3228s that's that'd be possible for the sets
3230s that currently have it it becomes more
3232s of a problem for the sets that don't
3233s when they suddenly want to start having
3235s one I would probably give it a transform
3237s option over it being a different item
3239s for a unless people want you to think of
3241s the talking's I guess I just didn't
3243s remember I forget dwarfs name um used to
3247s have a shop in rock and render a sit you
3251s took him year plate legs and he gave you
3253s back plates good and vice versa he was
3255s just the armor who don't changed the the
3258s model of his stuff for you rainscapes
3260s asks who runs and skirts cheerleaders
3263s continue you know who wants to run in
3266s skirt gracefully but you know if we had
3270s an NPC who just um swapped the gender of
3273s the item then we could introduce a skirt
3278s that way without it being something
3280s needed had to collect newly got
3284s obviously wouldn't this would be a dwarf
3286s Smith if it were graceful right next
3292s question from gang style could the
3296s desert amulet that was spelt like that
3298s and just say like that could the desert
3300s and millet receive a buff the medium
3301s reward gives one teleport which does not
3303s increase until the elite where you have
3305s receive unlimited teleports could there
3307s be a middle ground of the hard diary
3308s exactly went back quite a while ago and
3310s did that with a lot of things toward to
3312s be one free five unlimited didn't we I
3314s think it was one three unlimited yeah
3316s think and nothing for easy but I think
3319s it depends on the diary I feel like it
3321s is something that should be standardized
3322s cuz it feels like if you've you know
3325s interacted with one diary piece the rest
3327s should probably interact the same
3328s someone might get confused that the
3329s brunette teleports are not realized they
3331s act differently I mean I'm gonna be
3332s honest who reads that day look at the
3335s data master tells you everything you get
3336s some people just hold spacebar to run
3338s away after getting the writings I save a
3340s lot of time not calling it some people
3344s reading it we get the occasional bug
3345s reports about errors in it that's true
3347s that's true thoughts then maybe look at
3350s making it consistent I'm pretty sure the
3352s last time we actually said is there
3354s anymore that we've mixed then we got
3355s told no everything's fine and turns out
3358s we missed one yeah I'd be in favor of
3361s making it the same yeah yeah cool
3365s next questions more of a discussion
3367s point that's awesome
3368s no XE asks 200 mil xB cosmetic capes
3371s what are your thoughts on those no I'd
3377s rather not because then I gives people a
3379s reason to go up 200 mil and then if they
3380s have a reason they'll be like can you
3382s make this faster please can you make it
3384s 100k in our eggs Iran yes gopher to me
3388s like because you want to give it two
3389s hundred mil not because of something at
3390s the end of it yeah Amen yes thank you
3394s preach that is clip that that's great
3397s okay you know you know I'm five years
3399s time that's gonna be used against you
3401s you know that I agree with it so it will
3404s be I hope not you know it will be in
3406s what circumstance like if we went and
3408s did it and we'd be showing videos of
3410s Bruno saying we shouldn't I'm sure
3411s there'll be something that will love
3413s that will happen that like you go and
3416s get 200 milk I'm not gonna Bella's been
3421s sped up substantially yeah cool so
3426s generally a no on that one next question
3429s was actually talking about completion
3431s escape and update on the task list that
3433s you may have spoke about before mod
3435s Bruno we won't talk about that so yeah
3437s it's just being in the background for a
3439s while cuz the team have been really busy
3441s me included
3442s I'd like to revisit it and maybe well
3445s obviously update it as well because I
3447s was a bit update in a few months so
3448s there's more things to add like the cow
3451s boss expansion probably added quite a
3452s lot of things to it but yeah maybe in
3457s the future we'll revisit it and look
3459s into actually putting in the game cool
3462s just to elaborate the owner may not be
3464s aware that isn't essentially a comp cape
3467s but mod Bruno mentioned inside of the
3470s avera use IAM potentially adding a form
3472s of task list yeah which would be
3474s essentially the completion escape list
3477s per se but there's no cape there's no
3479s okay it's just so people can track
3481s contract their completion of the game
3484s outside of achievement Diaries and
3486s quests right XP mm-hmm so fair yeah cool
3493s right then it is two minutes to six so
3496s I'm gonna quickly read off a couple of
3498s things and have the final announcements
3500s before this end so first things first
3502s exclamation mark pur will take at last
3504s week's game update news post about the
3506s people affected with February XP bug for
3508s the peers if you have not put your name
3510s down on that and you were affected
3511s please do so promptly we will be closing
3514s that shortly for the table esker stuff
3518s that has been put inside the chat what
3520s our she explained that beginning twice
3522s because we had a scream issue so please
3523s do go back and re-watch that after this
3525s scream reminder that tomorrow the seed
3529s vault is coming out which is fantastic
3531s and next week Treasure Trail will be out
3534s feel free to look at the start of the
3536s stream again to look at some of the
3537s items that mod West was showing off for
3539s that finally exclamation mark after we
3543s have been nominated for a BAFTA reward
3545s and we will leave you with the video of
3547s our BAFTA nomination what there's one
3551s other thing we need to mention oh god we
3552s fall we do that well is that is what
3554s we're ending on yeah okay yep several of
3558s us of jagex are running a thing for
3559s charity it's called the rat race there's
3560s I think 13 of us total it's 20 miles 200
3564s obstacles we really appreciate all your
3565s support thank you yeah we only came trap
3569s yeah if we've got a little inkling chat
3570s and you guys can all check that out do
3574s you want you can just explain that a
3575s little bit more my way I got under
3578s causes there's a bunch of j-mods you
3580s recognized including myself it's the
3582s middle of May
3584s I guess it's 20 miles more of thems like
3586s a hundred thirty meter of monkey bars
3588s thing basically it's just it's it's
3590s gonna be difficult but we're doing for
3592s charity so we really appreciate anything
3594s any support you guys can offer and we
3597s flug that through social and now we're
3599s just kind of getting through it through
3600s streams and Sun so if the link is in the
3603s stream have we got that it is in there
3605s perfect
3605s cool it's also on our Twitter accounts
3607s but yeah thanks guys awesome please do
3610s please do support the best that you can
3612s if they even just by retweeting liking
3614s as well
3615s the tweets and you tweet about yourself
3616s as well yeah Jagex Archie right yeah you
3619s wanna check that out - link was in the
3621s chat and we're gonna end on the
3623s exclamation mark BAFTA and the BAFTA
3624s video thank you all so much for watching
3625s thanks for bringing Shiro he was $1.00
3627s so quiet good boy hey you can't see us
3635s take a bag go again goodbye that is
3637s thanks a lot guys for watching have a
3639s lovely lovely week and enjoy tomorrow's
3640s update oh Beauty doji exclamation mark
3644s after my eyes so what do you guys want
3653s to do for lunch
3655s Halloween game thanks guys guys you're
3659s not gonna believe this you've got 60
3661s agility no soon we've been nominated for
3665s a BAFTA game award are you sure
3667s remember that time you said we really
3669s got a Tony Award for runescape live that
3671s might still happen all the time you told
3673s us that you got the infernal cake before
3675s worse listen weeks definitely cheated I
3677s just need to find out how to prove it
3679s boobs won anyway you sure have been
3682s nominated for a BAFTA they must have
3684s noticed that old school runescape isn't
3685s battle royale game right and we don't
3688s have an angry main character with a big
3690s bushy godlike beard and a world West
3692s setting right that's all true but no
3694s honestly look see he's right we've been
3700s nominated for he mobile game of the Year
3703s award and look it's also voted for by
3706s the public
3707s BAFTA must have been really impressed
3710s with
3712s our seamless cross-platform gameplay
3714s retro graphics and deep story narratives
3717s that are often lacking from mobile games
3719s that choose instead to focus on being
3721s short-lived commercial successes rather
3724s than long-term community driven gaming
3726s experiences you know maybe we should let
3730s everybody know they can go over to bath
3731s to dog to vote for old school runescape
3733s as the EE mobile game of beer indeed
3736s or we could tell them that you can
3738s download and play old school runescape
3740s rights now for free on any PC or Android
3745s or iOS mobile device yes yes we sure
3758s so what do you guys want to do for lunch
3763s [Music]
3770s Republic Baffler must have been really
3773s impressed with trigger-finger I'm sorry