almost 2 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s hello and welcome everybody
8s do you like mobile phones do you own a
11s mobile phone
13s do you play osrs on mobile well if you
16s answered yes to any of those questions
18s you are in for a treat today
20s we are joined by the very people who are
23s working so hard on some of our new
26s client features and we're also looking
28s to bring them through to mobile i'm your
31s host modlite and joining me today are
32s the wonderful mods lenny nin and ty
35s welcome everyone how are you all doing
37s today hi let's go to you first
40s oh i'm doing i'm doing pretty good
42s pretty good working on some new features
44s having a good day having having a laugh
46s how are you doing
48s i'm good i love the new hair tied
50s rocking it for the summer
52s hell yes uh ninh how are you doing
56s yeah i'm doing good uh i was struggling
58s to find a place to sit down and do this
59s stream in the office because it's a bit
61s scuffed to do it in the streaming room
63s with like two people i found this chair
65s and it's really bouncy like it was way
67s so i'm having a great time
70s you're bringing the energy today hell
72s yes nin lenny how are you doing i see
74s you stole the studio
76s yeah i'm doing good i've beaten into the
78s chase here to get down into the
80s livestream studio it's been doing good
82s but just a very tiring couple of weeks
84s all for good reasons but
86s you know
87s kind of taking us home
89s absolutely well we're so pleased to have
91s you
92s nice mod sphere cameo
95s awesome um right so today's live stream
97s we're going to be talking about some of
98s the mobile ui changes that we made a
100s blog about just uh the other week
103s first we'll go through some quick
104s announcements so exclamation mark game
106s update will tell you all about uh
108s today's game update so it was all about
111s group iron man we've added unranked
113s group iron man you can team up casually
115s with your pals we also have our very
117s first group boss bash so you can have a
120s chance of winning
121s a lot of membership there if you want to
123s take on those losses
125s and we also have exclamation mark rs
127s kingdoms you can find out
129s a lot more about our new board game our
131s friends at steamforged have brought
134s illinois to tabletop and get all the
136s latest information with that command
139s right so first of all
141s those of you who haven't read the blog
143s because we know some of you out there
144s don't read our blogs
146s we're gonna just talk quickly about some
148s of the changes um we'll go through some
150s images to start off with so if we can
152s show those now
156s first image is the existing ui um so
158s this is what you guys are all used to
160s what you know and love
162s um
163s and then going into some of the images
165s from the blog you can see an updated
167s version of the ui um with some of the
168s changes that we'd like to make so
170s just flicking through those um you can
172s see a bunch of different things which we
174s will get into today and discuss
177s um there is like a condensed mini map a
179s pop-out menu
181s loads of different things
183s um and mod nin i believe is gonna
186s discuss and summarize some of the
188s changes so take it away modnin
191s yeah so just for like a bit of context
193s here um the three of us have been
196s working on the what you guys know as a
198s steam client
199s which
200s uh is
201s basically we're taking a bunch of new
203s features
204s into the runescape client um
207s and recently we have done an open beta
210s for
211s android and a closed beat for ios i
214s believe
214s so take that same client that we've made
217s for pc and put onto the mobile as well
220s and
222s we need to make some space to fit some
224s of the new features in so like the
227s current ui that you have on mobile it's
229s a bit cramped
231s there's no room for us to kind of add
233s some new things to it
235s so
236s we thought okay now is the time we can
238s we can make some adjustments we can make
240s some improvements while we're at it um
242s nothing absolutely massive but
245s still some some pretty good changes and
247s that will give us some like room to add
249s some new features so if we go to like
251s the first image that you've got there
254s um
255s and yeah i'll go from like
258s i'll go around in a circle so
260s top left uh we've rearranged the chat a
263s little bit um you usually have the
265s stones across the top of the chat um we
268s thought they look kind of ugly you end
270s up having the report button which is
272s like a bright red button right in the
273s top middle of your screen which is kind
275s of weird so we thought okay let's move
277s that all over to the side kind of keep
279s it nice and uniform
281s on this it's a scrollable list but we've
282s been discussing some changes to that as
284s well
285s um
286s then in the top right you've got the
288s minimap you can currently minimize the
290s minimap in
291s current mobile ui but
294s it's in this weird kind of layout where
296s you have like your hit points and your
298s special attack like across the top and
300s then your prayer and your run down the
301s side it's kind of weird so we thought
303s okay let's let's just kind of rearrange
305s that that'll be
306s easy enough to do um to have now you
309s have the globes in kind of the right
310s order that they are when you usually
312s have the mini-map open and it all kind
313s of looks like a bit neater
315s uh below that you'll see the side panel
319s has been
320s all moved to the right-hand side so you
322s no longer have like a split where half
324s of the panels are on the left and half
326s of the panels on on the right you now
327s have they're all on the
329s right and the button right at the bottom
331s is a new one that kind of
333s expands
334s out to show some more like the the
336s hidden stones um the idea behind this is
340s the the first
342s column that you see that's like
343s immediate gameplay things so backpack
345s one items
346s um prayer spells all that stuff that
349s you'll need in like moment to moment
350s gameplay and everything behind it are
352s things that you don't necessarily need
354s to see in moment-to-moment
365s the gameplay the most like
367s strange looking thing is this controls
370s uh
371s like kind of quick settings panels so
373s this has
374s this is where tap to drop is you know
376s you used to have on if you we go back to
378s the old layout
379s uh you have this tiny tiny button
382s right above
383s the left hand like stones this teeny
385s teeny tiny button it's like smaller than
387s your like little fingernail
389s um
390s which you can assign to tap to drop or
392s open the keyboard or single tap mode uh
395s we've we've said okay that's too small
397s and kind of rubbish to use so let's make
399s it like a proper thing
401s um so this has a few things on it it's
403s got a button that lets you turn on and
405s off walking it's got a button that lets
407s you turn on and off interacting with
409s things it's got a button that lets you
411s turn on and off the ability to
414s highlight tiles on the ground and the
416s last one is is tap to drop
419s and then we also have some space now for
422s uh the pop out panel which is the
425s video i think
426s um
428s and this is
430s it's a panel that currently has the xp
432s tracker in it that modzuker made for us
435s and in the future we're going to be
436s adding some more things to that as well
438s uh and so and there's a lot of room
440s there for us to kind of add
442s new features and new kind of helpful
443s things in there
444s so yeah that's like an overview of the
446s whole thing
448s that is such a useful summary especially
450s for someone like me who does prefer to
452s see and hear it
454s and just hear you talking about it in
456s action so really appreciate that summary
459s um lenny and ty just what do you think
462s about the changes how what's your kind
464s of thoughts on it
465s how do you think it will improve the
467s player experience
468s yeah i think
470s i i've
471s i have long had a few issues with the
473s mobile ui um
475s and sort of as soon as we started coming
477s to look at the features we wanted to add
479s to it it became quickly apparent this is
481s the time that we need to start changing
482s it
483s and
484s quite a few months back now modern inn
486s came to me with some sort of like very
488s rough mock-ups of some of these changes
489s and started talking about them with me
491s he started roughly prototyping a few
493s things and i very quickly like got
494s behind was like okay cool yeah we've got
496s some really solid changes here obviously
498s there's a few issues that we might need
499s to iron out with it but i think it's a
501s really promising kind of change and a
502s step in the right direction
504s um and definitely the right time for us
505s to be looking at doing it
507s awesome tide what do you think
510s for me the new layout looks
512s really nice really clean and also coming
514s from development side there's a lot more
517s space to add new new features to which
519s is always good
520s absolutely yeah um and that was one of
523s the kind of findings that we found
525s across both the betas that we had on ios
528s and android they always want to see far
530s more features added in for mobile so
533s it's really nice to see the amount of
534s space you guys are creating for it um so
537s going a bit deeper into these changes um
540s let's take a look at the new pop out
541s panel um can you explain exactly what
544s the pop-up panel is to players uh nin
547s we'll go with you first
549s uh yeah so this if you've seen the steam
553s client
554s uh you'll know that it's got a sidebar
556s but it's basically the the sidebar you
558s have on roonlight it's like a space to
560s put some features xp tracker loot
562s tracker
563s things like that um
566s and we needed a place to put it in
568s the mobile client at the moment in the
569s mobile betas it is there
571s uh it exists as a bar down the side of
573s the screen takes up a lot of space um
577s but yeah it's just
578s that feature but into a new place
582s awesome all right seems pretty
584s self-explanatory so we'll move on to the
586s next question um what functionality
588s exactly can players expect from the
590s pop-up panel um lenny could you talk us
593s through
594s what exactly the features are because
595s some of our players may not have played
597s through the betas so far or even on
599s steam
600s yeah so the one thing that we have there
602s at the moment is the dimensions the xp
604s tracker um which especially when we've
606s got this big bar on the right side it
607s looks kind of a little bit lonely and
609s isolated over there
610s going forward there's a handful of other
612s things we've got planned where yeah
613s where you want to do loot tracking which
615s will be sort of a perfect candidate
616s something to go there we want to offer
618s high score lookups
619s um and then there's all kinds of other
621s things that are sort of a little less
622s certain at the moment but whether it
624s might be farming timers
626s um any other kinds of just like
628s long-term tracking notes things like
630s that
631s uh just any of these sorts of things
632s that want to sit alongside your gameplay
634s rather than
636s taking its focus
637s will be something that will be honed in
638s that panel
640s and
641s yeah it's kind of a little less certain
642s the further down in the future we go but
644s the first three that we really want to
645s get in there are the xp tracker loot
648s tracker and the high scores panel
650s yeah
653s one of the the things that we made sure
654s to do with this so on on mobile you have
657s like not a lot of space on the screen we
659s can't like extend the window out to the
660s side like on on windows or anything like
662s that so
664s um one of the ideas we had you can see
666s in this frame
668s um
669s it's like a kind of minimized panel so
671s like it extends out all the way so you
673s can get like a kind of full view of
674s everything we also had like a little
676s minimized one in case you just want to
677s see like you're just doing some mining
678s or some something like that and you can
679s just like have that down the bottom
682s um while you play and it's not too
684s intrusive so i think that
686s would be quite handy to have
688s awesome that sounds amazing chat was
690s pretty excited about that one too um
693s okay can we explain a bit more about
694s helper features what exactly are they
697s what do they do um lenny could you kind
699s of explain and expand on that
702s yeah so helpers are generally what a lot
704s of people are going to be used to in
705s third party clients and the sort of
706s general sort of feature sets that they
708s really want us to bring to our own
710s client uh so just anything that kind of
712s as the name would suggest helps through
714s your standard day-to-day gameplay
716s whether that's you know things like the
717s chamber of zerick helper that we've
719s already got in place things like the
720s wood cutting and mining timers
723s uh slayer sort of overlay anything like
726s this that just kind of sits alongside
727s your gameplay helps to present
729s information more clearly to you in ways
730s that we just currently don't and don't
732s have the platform to in the client as it
734s stands
736s great i imagine that's going to be super
738s useful on mobile because it's something
740s that we don't currently have a way to
742s show on mobile people can kind of use
744s rune light if they're using desktop but
747s mobile this is going to be a massive
748s upgrade
749s um yeah i think
751s sorry
752s the people who are in the current base
754s will see that some of those helpers are
756s already available on
758s the beta mobile clients but with the
760s sort of current ui layout they do feel a
762s little bit just tacked in and they're
763s kind of shuffling around constantly as
764s you're opening and closing different
766s bits of the interface
767s um which is one of the things we want to
769s try and address here
771s awesome yeah making space for it makes
773s absolute sense as well especially if
775s we're looking to add more of them
777s um will players need to keep pressing
779s expand to see both columns this is a
781s question that came up from the survey
783s nin could you answer that for us
786s uh yeah quick answer no it's a toggle
788s there's the the new stone the new icon
791s that you see like within all the stones
792s on the right hand side that is like you
794s tap it they come out you tap it again
796s they go back in and yeah
800s awesome can you explain some of the
802s changes that we're looking to make to
804s chat um will the chat work easier um can
808s you just explain like what we're looking
810s to do in that area uh ninh
812s or something yeah so i kind of
815s briefly touched on this earlier but it
817s was less about making the chat like more
819s functional and more making it just like
821s look and feel a lot nicer so we've taken
824s the stones from the top we've moved them
826s to the
827s left-hand side um we've made them like
830s the same like a uniform width like the
832s report button is actually bigger than
833s all the other buttons um
835s and then we made like everything on the
838s right-hand side is the or the left-hand
839s side is like the same width now so it
841s was more about just kind of
843s having making the ui kind of feel nicer
845s it's a better first impression for like
847s a new player um just kind of improves
849s the like perceived quality of the mobile
852s client
853s uh there's definitely some
855s like from the survey we got some
856s feedback about uh the chat in particular
859s so it's something that we're going to
860s revisit but that's kind of
862s the
863s goals that we have in mind with what
864s we're doing with the chat
867s awesome yeah i did notice some survey
869s feedback about players wanting more
871s functionality and that's definitely
873s something that we'll look to review um
876s but for now it's like more of a cleaner
878s look which i would definitely agree the
880s chat looks a bit cleaner to me in the
882s new ui
883s um right next question can unused
886s buttons or tools such as like the xp
888s tracker or any buttons that players
890s might want to hide because they just
891s don't use them can they be hidden um
894s lenny will start with you
896s sure yeah so things like the xp tracker
899s is a good example
900s we're going to kind of make them
902s available as and when you want to be
904s available so you know if you go into
905s your settings menu and just say no i
907s don't want the xp tracker to be
908s available for me
910s that button will go away we're not going
911s to kind of sit and leave it's out there
913s to offer nothing
914s um with the way it currently works it's
917s sort of set up so that
919s there'd be a number of different things
920s available there whether it is the xp
922s tracker the loot tracker high scores
924s panel
925s and it's kind of going to vary based on
927s a combination of all of those settings
929s so if you said i don't want any of them
931s then it would just hide it in its
932s entirety if you said i do want some of
934s them then it will show those relevant
935s ones to you uh obviously it's still
937s going to take up that little bit of
938s space for that button but yeah we kind
940s of tune it to what you actually do want
942s to see
943s and try to tidy things up and make as
945s much space where you don't want it
948s great sounds awesome
950s um ty do you kind of have anything to
953s add on that like in terms of unused
955s buttons or tools is there anything that
958s you kind of feel
959s um you want to comment on
963s not nothing in particular
964s at the moment but i think with the stone
966s buttons looking at the right stone
967s panels it would be
969s interesting if we could
970s say for instance they wanted to have two
971s panels up at one time maybe for instance
974s we could have one of those on the left
975s that'd be pretty cool
977s i know for me personally i wouldn't want
980s to see my xp because i'm so inefficient
983s so i'd want to hide that but it's good
986s that we get the option
987s all right um so this was a big question
989s that came up in the survey um are these
992s changes
993s the new
995s proposed ui changes are they gonna be
997s optional can players toggle between the
1000s existing ui and the new ui um and i
1002s think this warrants like a little bit of
1004s a wider discussion just to explain a bit
1006s more about it um so lenny if you could
1008s kick us off with that question
1010s yeah so the short answer may not be the
1013s most popular one but in short is uh no
1015s we're not going to be able to just
1016s toggle back and forth between the two
1017s completely different types of ui
1020s and the sort of the big overwhelming
1021s reason for that
1023s is that to offer all of these new
1024s features we need some space to put them
1026s on screen and we just don't have that
1029s space in the old ui quite simply um we
1031s don't have you know a good location to
1033s put the xp track without it just pushing
1035s everything in from the right hand side
1036s of the screen which right the beta has
1038s proved not to be the most popular place
1039s for it is
1041s bound to be clunky
1042s um and then all these sort of extra
1044s controls options that we want
1046s that you really don't want to be going
1047s into the settings menu to sort of switch
1049s between
1050s walk only run only
1052s interact only
1053s they need to be more available at the
1055s top level
1056s um and we just don't have the space to
1058s sort of offer that in the existing
1060s layout
1062s but obviously some people have been
1063s raising issues that they do have with
1065s the new ui layout so we don't want to
1067s kind of say
1068s tough deal with it you're taking it we
1070s do want to sort of be a little more
1072s flexible on that and work to bring it to
1074s the place that it needs to be where
1075s people are happy with it um figure out
1078s what exactly it is that people really do
1079s prefer about the old ui and try to find
1082s the right balance in there to make the
1084s space that we need make the changes that
1085s we need to make
1086s but not be taking anything away from
1088s people while we're at it
1091s that's a great answer and yeah
1093s we do want to nail down those particular
1096s instances where people prefer the old ui
1099s and make sure that we solve it with the
1101s new ui um then sorry i cut over you
1104s uh i forgot what i was going to say
1106s oh
1109s um ty do you have anything to add
1111s yes uh with the thing with it if we if
1113s we had a toggle and you would have the
1114s old ui new ui it would take a lot longer
1117s or it would take us longer to
1119s create features for them because we'd
1120s have to figure out where they're going
1122s on each ui
1123s any dodging that would need to be done
1125s having multiple things open at once it
1127s would uh
1128s it'll be a lot more work for any feature
1130s we had
1132s yeah that's always like a a challenge
1134s when i think uh giants foundry is is a
1137s good example it's got like a a really
1139s nice hud for like when you're doing the
1142s mini game and you know we've got to make
1144s sure that works on fixed mode desktop
1146s resizable desktop resizable modern
1149s desktop although that's usually like the
1151s same kind of thing
1152s um and the mobile ui and if you add like
1154s a second mobile ui on top of that then
1157s it's just like
1158s it's just like a lot so it really helps
1161s us as well if we can just have one but
1163s the main reason is because
1165s uh we we need to make the space we
1167s wouldn't be like trying to make any
1168s changes if we didn't have a good reason
1170s for it
1172s absolutely and i think something that
1173s came up when we were discussing the
1174s feedback um from the survey was that we
1177s would like to have one but done right
1179s like we'll do it the right way
1182s um and hopefully not have like several
1185s different iterations of ui
1187s we want to make sure we please as many
1189s people as possible so
1191s that's kind of the answer is like it's
1192s not going to be toggleable between the
1194s existing ui and the proposed ui but we
1196s will take the time to make sure that the
1198s proposed ui takes care of as many issues
1201s as possible
1202s um so next question that i've seen which
1205s is quite popular is um why are we
1208s looking to make the changes we touch on
1209s it um but lenny if you could just
1211s reiterate why do we need to make these
1213s changes and why now specifically
1217s yeah so it all looks background to the
1219s sort of base that we've been running and
1221s the new features that we've been adding
1222s already with it and we'll be continuing
1224s to add where it's one thing with just
1226s this xp track that we kind of want to
1228s add in uh where people might decide you
1230s know what it's kind of a little bit
1231s obstructive and intrusive so we can just
1233s toggle it off as we start adding more of
1236s these features we really do want them to
1237s be able to fit seamlessly into the ui
1240s and
1240s feel like something that you want to be
1242s there because you know it's not kind of
1244s impacting the interface but
1247s is you know the nice piece of sort of
1249s added content that it is it can offer
1251s you more information that you want to
1252s see while you're playing the game
1254s um
1254s and in the existing sort of ui iteration
1257s like we've been saying yeah we just
1258s quite simply don't have the space for it
1259s we don't have the way to offer the
1260s information
1262s in a sort of nice and user-friendly way
1264s and we just kind of need to take a
1267s bigger picture look at it and sort of
1268s start shuffling things around
1270s rather than just kind of
1272s pushing it in and tacking it on top of
1273s other things
1275s because
1276s that's kind of how we've dealt with all
1278s of the ui iterations on mobile to date
1281s and the further we keep going with it i
1283s think the worse it will just keep
1284s becoming where it's going to become a
1286s more cramped and
1288s uh
1289s unpleasant experience really
1291s so
1292s right now with the
1293s mobile appliance for both ios and
1295s android and beta and more of these
1297s features being actually worked on
1299s um
1300s and sort of coming out players
1302s as and when
1303s uh they're ready
1304s it feels like the time that we really
1306s should just be looking at a good
1307s overhaul for it and
1309s you know at the same time as a lot of
1310s new players are going to be able to get
1312s their hands on these new features
1314s feels like a good time to kind of just
1315s revamp it as a whole and say hey it's
1317s not just
1318s the exact same old client as you had
1320s before with a few extra features this is
1323s the kind of flashy new mobile build that
1325s we're looking at here
1327s that's a great answer um do we plan to
1330s pull these changes um if so would the
1333s poll be restricted to players who only
1335s play on mobile um
1338s lenny would you be comfortable answering
1340s that
1341s yeah so
1342s the short answer again is going to be
1344s that no we don't plan on pulling these
1345s changes
1346s um
1347s obviously we've already started trying
1349s to talk with the community about this
1351s and we want to continue doing that
1353s uh one of the important things here is
1355s that we we don't just want to push ahead
1357s with something that we think is right
1358s and players aren't happy with we want to
1359s make sure that we get it right and get
1361s something that the players
1362s will really like to have in the mobile
1364s client
1365s um
1367s it's not going to be so dedicated to who
1370s does or doesn't spend certain amounts of
1371s time on mobile because
1373s it's not just aimed at the people that
1374s are already there we also want to make
1375s it a more appealing sort of platform for
1378s people who aren't currently playing on
1379s mobile
1380s um
1382s but yeah and
1384s yeah it's like if you
1386s if you like poll all the people who play
1388s mobile most of them are probably just
1390s like fishing but there is like a small
1392s group of them who are like doing bossing
1394s pvm
1396s some pking um and we have already seen
1398s like a fair few responses of people
1400s saying no this is actually gonna make
1401s things worse so yeah we're definitely
1403s going to be going back revisiting
1406s certain aspects of this and trying to
1408s make sure that we can get it to work for
1410s that like we don't want to make anything
1412s worse than it currently is
1414s yeah so we're not going to be pulling it
1416s in the sense that we do need to go ahead
1418s with these changes in some format to
1420s enable these new features but we will
1422s spend the time to make sure that we're
1422s getting it right and talking to people
1424s about it
1426s yeah i've seen like two or three people
1428s mention hey i do peeking hey i do
1430s bossing this is going to make my
1432s experience
1434s a bit more difficult we see that we've
1436s seen that in the feedback survey so
1437s thank you so much for leaving your
1438s feedback
1439s and we are going to be going away
1442s revisiting what we can do to fix that
1444s we're not ignoring your concerns that's
1446s definitely a valid concern
1448s um so
1449s just give us some time to kind of like
1451s think about what we might change or
1454s tweak um we're not intending to just
1456s push this as an update without kind of
1459s taking into account those concerns
1461s but we do want to get a feeling of how
1464s you guys feel about the ui generally and
1467s we have a good idea now thanks to
1469s everyone who filled out the survey
1471s um right so lots of you guys have asked
1475s will we be bringing in mobile portrait
1477s mode i've seen it in all of the betas
1479s you guys really really don't want to
1481s show people that you're playing on your
1484s phone like this in public you want to
1486s look like you're playing on your you
1488s want to look like you're texting someone
1490s and i get it because it's you're in real
1493s life um so
1495s uh will we be bringing in a portrait
1497s mode nin i'm sorry i have to ask you
1500s this question
1501s oh that means i have to be the error of
1503s bad news we're not currently planning
1506s mobile portrait mode it's obviously been
1508s discussed like a lot uh i'll throw mod
1510s kieran under the bus here saying he's
1512s always coming to us being like hey can
1513s we do portrait mode and i mean
1517s i guess he could probably make that cool
1518s i don't know
1519s uh but yeah there's there's so much
1521s going on uh
1523s it's a lot of work to just like make an
1525s entire new tli again it like adds a
1527s bunch of overhead so it's not something
1529s that we're considering right now but
1532s we're definitely not rolling it out it's
1533s definitely something that we know a lot
1534s of people want we want
1536s um
1537s yeah it's not a current consideration
1540s yeah i think didn't we mention it's it's
1543s not a small undertaking either because
1546s all of the layouts of like banks and
1548s everything is in landscape so we would
1550s have to figure out a way of
1552s technically making it so that every
1554s single landscape type of tool that you
1556s use in the game can be
1559s used in portrait and
1561s we've like had these like crazy
1562s discussions on like little ways that we
1564s can integrate portrait mode like with
1566s the keyboard
1568s changing around and things like that and
1570s it's just a lot of work and it's
1571s something that needs
1573s actual care and attention someone needs
1575s to be assigned on that project they need
1576s to have
1578s a decent amount of time to
1580s design it and make it really user
1582s friendly and it's just not something
1583s that we can do until we've probably
1586s pushed out
1587s all of the other features that you guys
1589s want so like we know you want ground
1591s item more because we know you want all
1593s of these different things and it's just
1594s about prioritizing them and making sure
1596s we deliver as soon as possible um to as
1599s many people as possible so we hear you
1602s we understand we want it to because we
1604s don't want to show people that we're
1606s playing old school in public okay like
1608s you know but it's it's just something
1611s that we can't deliver right now um but
1614s we we hear your concerns um
1617s okay next question do you plan on
1618s integrating plugins like the one in
1620s roonlight to the mobile app uh lenny can
1623s we go with you for this question
1625s sure uh so
1627s this kind of depends on what exactly
1629s people are referring to when they ask
1630s for plug-ins um
1633s again going back to the betas if people
1635s have been trying out the betas they'll
1636s see a lot of things that they would
1637s probably be referencing as plug-ins
1639s already available things like the slayer
1641s helper like the xp tracker
1643s um and there's plenty more we've got
1644s plan going forwards we've mentioned a
1646s few times that one of the big ones we're
1648s looking at uh sort of
1650s as we speak is clue scrolls
1653s um
1653s and plenty more planned sort of as we
1655s keep going
1657s if they want things like you know
1660s uh their door kicker plug-in where they
1662s can go and kick down every door instead
1664s of pushing it open
1665s that might be a little further away that
1667s might not be one of the things we're
1667s prioritizing to get but you know it's
1669s not something that would rule out by any
1671s means we want to offer a lot of these
1673s sorts of things that have proven popular
1674s with players
1676s um
1677s and yeah like this sort of new c plus
1680s plus client whether that's
1681s mobile or on steam is our platform for
1684s offering these kinds of new features
1687s awesome um okay so ui is important um
1691s but players have felt like menu entry
1694s swapper grind ground item markers blue
1697s scroll helpers should also be a high
1699s priority as it would provide tremendous
1701s quality of life for mobile
1703s um what plans do we have for those like
1705s highly requested features uh lenny can
1708s we go with you for this one
1710s yeah so
1711s those are all things that we do have
1712s planned going forward in the future or
1714s sort of plans and discussions going on
1716s around at least
1717s um
1718s and in some cases the features that we
1721s need to make this space in the sort of
1723s interface layout for and we just
1724s currently don't have the sort of screen
1726s real estate to offer the customization
1728s and
1729s the actual data representations that we
1731s need
1732s in other cases uh obviously we
1734s understand that these are really highly
1736s requested features things like ground
1737s items um
1739s and we've just not yet had the sort of
1742s technical capability to get them
1744s implemented to the game
1746s uh we are definitely trying to
1747s prioritize them we are actively working
1749s towards them
1750s but there's
1751s a sort of huge underlying amount of work
1754s that goes into
1755s little bits and pieces the players might
1756s not even consider with regards to you
1758s know being able to filter out which
1760s items they do or don't want to see if
1761s you don't want to see bones getting
1763s highlighted every time they're dropped
1764s or ashes
1765s um being able to filter things out by
1768s their
1769s value anything like that
1771s it's a far more complex task than it
1772s seems at face value that's had a sort of
1775s huge amount of technical work required
1777s behind it
1778s uh we are working towards them but yes
1781s they are not quick features for us to
1783s get out
1785s well so you guys heard it here menu
1787s entry swapper round item markers clue
1790s scroll helpers they're on the cards uh
1793s we are going to be making them it's just
1796s uh
1797s you know some as soon as they're ready
1799s um i also saw a question in chat about
1801s an idol notifier and i believe we talked
1804s about this in feedback
1806s um is this something that is on that
1809s list of things that we will get around
1810s to
1811s at some point
1813s yeah so there's there's two different
1815s things that could be getting referenced
1816s there because we've come to realize
1818s ourselves this really pretty confusing
1819s terminology around it um the two
1822s different things one of which is already
1824s available within the mobile based in the
1826s same client is the kind of afk logout
1829s timer where
1831s you know 30 seconds before the game's
1832s going towards that you sign you out it
1834s will send you a notification and let you
1835s know that it's going to
1837s the other thing which the far more sort
1839s of fiddly and involved
1841s uh helper is to tell you when you go
1844s idle from doing something you know when
1846s you stop wood cursing at a redwood when
1848s you stop mining whatever it might be um
1851s which is another one of these more
1853s complex things that we've not yet gotten
1855s to but it's definitely on the cards
1856s definitely something we're intending to
1857s do
1858s when we can
1861s great thanks lenny
1862s um okay so i've seen a lot of this
1864s actually in chat so it's great that this
1866s has popped up
1867s is there an expected release date for
1869s the mobile ui changes uh nin can we
1871s start with you for this one
1873s yeah uh
1875s we still have to go through all the
1877s feedback and and make some adjustments
1879s and we'll probably put out another
1880s mock-up um
1882s before we do end up
1884s like releasing it
1885s uh i'd say maybe
1888s maybe within
1889s a few months but that might be pushing
1891s it um
1893s almost certainly before the end of the
1894s year
1895s uh
1896s we've got a few things going on with
1898s mobile so obviously we've got the
1900s android and the ios betas which are
1902s currently ongoing
1903s um at some point in the next couple of
1905s months those
1907s are gonna become like we're gonna swap
1910s those out so we'll get rid of the old
1911s client and
1912s then the
1914s the beta client will become the actual
1916s client um and that on its own has like a
1918s bunch of a bunch of things it's got
1920s increased draw distance it's got like
1922s higher resolution rendering it's got uh
1924s agility helper
1926s um a bunch of like
1927s the new features that we've already uh
1930s already developed and have been out in
1932s the beta um
1933s and then at some point after that the ui
1936s changes will come um
1938s yeah i'd say probably a few months away
1940s but no exact date
1943s well i think it's good from a community
1945s point of view that we're not looking to
1947s rush these changes out they're something
1949s that you know we want to do we want to
1951s make sure that we
1953s make sure that
1954s mobile has a good space a good amount of
1956s space for these features but it's not
1958s something that we're looking to push as
1960s soon as possible and we want to take our
1962s time with it take into account all of
1964s the feedback and then push these changes
1966s when they're kind of ready and when we
1969s feel like they're up to um standard that
1972s the community want so
1974s that's a huge w in my opinion does
1977s anyone else want to add anything to that
1978s before we move into some of the more
1981s uh
1981s other ui questions
1984s yeah
1985s giving leaving some time in there for
1987s community feedback is going to be nice
1990s so
1991s that we get it right the the first time
1993s when it first goes out instead of we've
1994s released it oh a lot of these a lot of
1997s you don't like this then
1998s we have to rework it again it will save
2000s time in the long run
2002s yeah tweet me tweet me your angry
2004s thoughts about the mobile ui changes
2006s that you don't like
2008s you heard it guys
2010s tweet yourself
2012s as well
2013s yeah we welcome the positivity too and
2016s i've seen a lot of positivity in chat as
2018s well by the way um
2020s so we'll get into some other ui
2022s questions um one of the changes that we
2025s are planning to replace is single tap
2027s with a long press
2029s how does the long press timer
2030s theoretically replaced single tap
2033s function and are we actually still going
2035s ahead with this considering the feedback
2037s um about single tap and how useful it
2039s was
2041s yeah so one of the one of the things
2043s that we said in the blog was um we're
2046s going to get rid of the keyboard
2047s functionality of the
2049s like function button and we're going to
2050s get rid of the single tab function out
2052s of functionality and we don't need them
2054s um
2055s with the idea being that
2058s you can now customize your long press
2060s time which is actually huge like being
2061s able to customize your long press time
2063s and then getting haptic feedback when
2064s the mini menu opens which are features
2066s of the
2067s betas
2068s um actually just improves like using the
2070s long press so much
2072s um
2073s the idea was that okay if we made that a
2076s lot better then people probably won't
2077s need single tap anymore but people have
2080s obviously raised a lot of things like
2081s black jacking and a bunch of activities
2084s like actually the single tap
2086s uh functionality
2087s is really handy for like a bunch of
2089s activities so yeah we just won't remove
2092s it we'll find some space in that like
2093s controls widget
2095s we'll make sure to keep it around
2098s great awesome so single tap will remain
2100s guys thank you for sending us your
2102s feedback
2103s has there been any talk of f key or
2105s keybind support for switching tabs on
2107s mobile
2108s player says they have an ipad with the
2110s magic keyboard as their mobile computer
2112s and it would be awesome if they could
2113s rebind some unnecessary keys on the
2115s keyboard to act as fps um like on the pc
2119s version
2120s um so just wondering about like
2122s rebinding uh keys similar to desktop um
2126s do you guys have any thoughts on this
2129s uh yeah so i mean in the short term
2132s we're not looking to officially support
2134s using
2135s keyboards and mice on android and ios
2138s there has been some work done to make
2139s sure that they kind of like function
2142s um
2143s but there's a lot of other features that
2144s we need to get done first before we we
2146s consider that kind of thing one of the
2148s main uh difficulties with that is like
2151s how the way that the chat works like
2153s being able to rebind keys that don't
2155s type characters um or the do type
2158s characters is just kind of difficult
2160s um
2161s but yeah i mean it's something that
2162s maybe we could look at in the future but
2164s in the short term
2166s we have other things that we need to
2167s look at
2170s so more of like a nice to have type
2172s thing that we'll look at
2174s um do the mobile ui changes affect
2176s battery life at all and this was a
2179s question that came up from the survey
2180s and i was quite curious about it do you
2181s think that um
2183s it will make it more
2185s draining to a mobile user
2189s uh the ui changes themselves shouldn't
2192s uh is it's possible that there might be
2194s some difference in battery life between
2196s the current client and the beta client
2199s um
2200s but that would depend on that depending
2202s on your device it will depend on the
2203s draw distance because you cannot
2204s customize that
2205s um the frame rate
2207s uh things like that we've been keeping
2209s an eye on it throughout the betas and it
2211s hasn't been raised as much of an issue i
2214s think
2215s um
2216s so
2216s yeah i
2218s the ui changes themselves
2219s won't
2222s could be wrong in this as well but with
2224s the change to c plus plus
2226s then
2228s it'd be better performance it could be
2229s better performance anyway i could be
2230s wrong with that
2233s yeah definitely in some places it is is
2235s a lot faster than the
2237s java client um so yeah that's a
2239s possibility as well it does render a
2241s higher resolution
2242s which might affect battery life um we
2245s were thinking about ways to kind of make
2246s it that as well but yeah
2248s we haven't seen
2250s any
2250s any issues with it really throughout the
2252s beta so
2253s should be all good
2256s nice
2256s um
2257s i'm left-handed so this question is dear
2260s to my heart um will the new i be new ui
2264s be usable or switchable for left-handed
2266s players
2268s um it's
2269s not something that we had considered
2271s initially but if you think about it we
2274s could take everything below like the
2275s chat and the mini map and just make it
2277s so that you can like mirror them maybe
2279s that would work it's something that
2281s we're considering um and it yeah it did
2283s come out quite a lot in the feedback as
2284s well so
2285s yeah it's one of the things that we're
2287s discussing and looking at
2290s nice lefties we're still in for a chance
2292s to become the best mobile gamers out
2294s there
2295s then you're also left-handed are you
2298s yep
2300s so
2301s yeah i mean like you know they don't
2302s make like a left-handed xbox controller
2304s because that's that's dumb they don't
2306s make like a
2307s you know we just get used to it
2310s yeah we just have to learn to live with
2311s it but we really shouldn't we should
2313s start an uprising honestly
2315s um
2316s okay so will you consider porting the
2318s new look of the chat button and side
2320s panel stones to pc and desktop or
2324s resizable mode
2327s so this isn't something that we've
2328s considered before
2330s um
2331s but if it does prove to be a popular new
2332s look then i definitely wouldn't be
2334s opposed to it
2335s uh would definitely need to sort of like
2337s reconsider it because
2338s especially in the context of fake screen
2341s i know this references resizeable mode
2342s but in fixed screen rare everything is
2344s kind of held together by this stone
2347s frame it might look a little out of
2349s place to have this different style of
2350s stone on top of it
2352s um i think we've got more flexibility to
2354s it in resizable
2356s where
2357s it's kind of all detached from each
2358s other anyway
2360s but yeah it's kind of down to how people
2362s feel about it if they feel like it would
2364s be a welcome change on desktop i'm
2366s perfectly open to it myself uh it's
2368s probably not something that we'd rush to
2370s get to do because we don't have the same
2371s sort of need for it as we do on the
2373s mobile client when making space
2375s but
2376s yeah it's definitely something that we
2377s could be open to in the future
2380s open you guys are that's awesome um
2383s right so i noticed the look of the
2385s proposed interface look really sleek and
2387s square compared to the classic runescape
2389s look of the buttons that look like
2391s stones do you feel that keeping the
2393s overall look and feel of the classic
2395s runescape interface is more important
2397s why did we seem to deviate from it
2400s yeah could we get west usually would be
2403s here sorry
2404s um westwood we can get those on it
2408s get the picture right of the
2411s thing so hopefully whilst
2413s that um wes would usually be here um he
2416s couldn't make it to the stream so we're
2418s gonna have to kind of talk on behalf of
2419s him which um isn't the best but
2422s hopefully we can give you some kind of
2423s answer so min take it away
2425s yeah could we get the like the full
2427s screen one with the mini map open and
2428s everything as well
2429s um
2430s yeah so
2432s in in lieu of
2433s mod west being ill today um
2437s yeah we
2439s there were a couple of reasons for like
2442s making this kind of aesthetic change um
2445s the first one was so you have
2446s now that we have all of the stones in
2448s two columns uh the stones are rounded so
2450s if you have them all right next to each
2452s other you get these uh like gaps between
2454s them you can see the world through um
2457s so we really wanted to kind of square
2459s them out
2460s um and then the aesthetic that we ended
2463s up going for was this kind of like steel
2465s looking one and that was to
2468s i remember like discussing this with mod
2469s west he was like
2471s to kind of make it more cohesive like
2473s fit with the the mini map it's kind of
2475s got like a frame that's
2477s a bit more
2478s like clean um and then the side panel
2481s itself has like these kind of edges and
2484s and a
2485s border around it
2486s um
2487s so
2488s we were just kind of
2490s experimenting to see like could we make
2492s this look a bit more kind of cohesive um
2496s it is like a bit of a departure from
2497s like the the old school look
2499s uh particularly like the um controls
2502s thing as well that was another thing
2504s where we were like
2505s let's experiment this is just like a
2507s like a proposal um let's throw it out
2510s see what people like
2511s um
2512s so yeah we're welcoming any feedback on
2514s it personally i quite like them
2517s but yeah we're welcoming feedback
2520s yeah when you explained about the stones
2523s and the fact that if you put all the
2525s stones together you would see little
2527s holes through it i my ocd got super
2530s triggered so i'm personally happy with
2532s the way that it looks
2534s um
2535s but i can understand why players who are
2536s used to the the stones they feel that
2539s they're very used to it
2541s um why they might be a bit you know
2544s taken aback by it
2546s um
2547s so yeah i guess it's up to personal
2548s preference and stuff generally speaking
2551s i can say from the survey results that
2553s most people did like it we did see some
2555s kind of variants and opinions when it
2557s came to the question about art style on
2559s the whole
2560s most people either like the new art
2563s changes or they're kind of neutral about
2565s it
2566s but we will be chatting with wes to see
2568s if there's anything that we can do in
2569s particular so if you are going to give
2571s us feedback on the art cell um just keep
2573s it constructive
2575s let us know your thoughts as kind of
2576s like constructively as possible and then
2578s we can go away and look at that as a
2580s team
2581s but if you do say stuff like oh i just
2583s hate it it looks trash it looks terrible
2585s there's nothing really we can take from
2587s that in order to improve it so
2590s definitely give us your thoughts we're
2592s still looking at it
2593s but make sure that all of those thoughts
2595s are you kind of put it into words that
2597s we can then take away and do something
2599s different um and improve it
2602s um
2603s does anyone want to add anything before
2604s you move on to the next question
2610s i think uh with the new changes in the
2611s way it looks it looks a lot sleeker and
2613s a bit more a bit more uniformed
2617s sleek loving it
2619s all right so which activities do you
2622s guys see the new mobile ui excelling in
2624s compared to the previous where do you
2626s see it performing the same or
2628s potentially even worse and nin how about
2631s you answer this one
2633s yeah so the
2636s the ones that i saw most people like
2638s asking about before we even like thought
2640s about doing a rework was uh alking and
2643s superheating because you have the magic
2645s your spells are on like one side and
2647s your imagery's on the other um
2649s so that
2650s becomes
2651s a lot easier with this change um
2655s we've seen
2656s uh like i mentioned earlier we saw some
2658s feedback where people think that pvm you
2661s know is gonna end up your your right
2663s thumb is gonna be like way
2665s like overloaded and your left thumb's
2667s not gonna be doing anything if you have
2668s to like do gear switches or switching
2670s prayers and things like that so
2672s um
2673s we're gonna come up with a solution to
2676s that because we don't want anything to
2677s be worse
2679s we want everything to be as good
2681s if not better um
2684s most things probably will remain the
2685s same though like anything where you're
2686s just interacting with the world will
2688s remain the same
2690s awesome cool
2692s um can we make it easier to right click
2694s on mobile currently it's a pain to grind
2697s anything requiring it
2700s uh yeah if anyone's played the the betas
2703s then yeah the long press
2706s the long press time
2707s on the old client is 600 milliseconds
2710s which is more than half a second that's
2712s like a really long time to wait for the
2714s many many to open you can turn that down
2715s all the way to 100 milliseconds in the
2717s new client which is too fast
2719s but 200 is a pretty good number to have
2722s on um
2723s and that makes anything like
2725s like you just tap do tap do
2728s just like way better than it currently
2729s is um so yeah as soon as you get your
2731s hands on like the beta or when we go and
2733s and swap out for the the real thing um
2737s yeah it'll be better and we'll keep
2738s single tap mode as well
2741s i do remember from the beta there were
2743s so many people saying how smooth it was
2745s and how it just felt so different um
2747s compared to the mobile so
2749s compared to the existing mobile um
2751s client that we have so i'm really really
2753s excited to see uh when you guys will get
2755s your hands on it
2757s there's so many things that you just
2758s they're tiny little details but they
2760s make such a difference in terms of your
2762s gameplay
2763s and i think that customizable long press
2765s timer is going to be one to watch
2767s because it definitely makes all the
2768s difference especially considering you
2771s know you're clicking all the time
2773s as a mobile user also so i'm always
2776s shouting about it the long press delay
2778s and the haptic feedback is just so good
2781s so good
2784s it's my favorite thing about the new
2785s client
2788s that's awesome
2790s um as a mobile user who plays mainly on
2792s large android tablet the one feature i'd
2794s love to see is a way to resize all ui
2797s elements at once perhaps a slide bar in
2799s the display settings to clarify my
2801s request this is from a player on tablet
2804s there's no need for the inventory or
2806s chat to take up the same percent of
2807s space it does on mobile i would like
2809s more uncovered uncluttered gameplay real
2812s estate someone else use gameplay real
2814s estate well on the men well the menu
2816s should stay the same size as they are on
2818s mobile
2822s that's a good good term
2824s real estate use all the time
2826s um
2828s the
2829s new client makes it technically possible
2832s like we can resize
2833s that we can like scale the ui separately
2835s to like the rest of the app
2837s um
2838s so technically yeah that's possible it's
2840s not something that we've like
2841s considered before like i saw this
2843s question today um
2845s yeah it's definitely possible if we get
2847s enough requests for it maybe we can do
2848s it in the future
2851s cool
2852s all right um have we considered changing
2854s the also log out timer it's rather short
2856s for someone multitasking
2858s um an afk able skill like sand crabs or
2862s bank standing perhaps adding a visible
2865s timer warning or push notification
2868s does anyone have any thoughts on this
2870s yeah so i mean changing the auto logout
2873s timer is a bit of a more broad sort of
2876s like game question as
2877s you know do we want to allow people to
2879s say sign in for longer which wouldn't
2881s just affect people afk and things but
2882s also affect you know people actually
2884s just going away and leaving their
2886s account inactive
2887s uh which you know we want them to get
2889s signed out before too long in those
2890s cases we don't want to leave people
2892s left signed in for hours when they're
2894s not at home
2896s um
2897s but
2898s yeah it's kind of one that falls outside
2900s of just the scope of these client and
2901s mobile changes
2904s i wouldn't personally
2907s hold my hopes too high for it i think
2909s there are a number of reasons that it
2911s should be kept sort of
2913s at least fairly close to where it is at
2915s the moment
2916s um
2917s but yeah it definitely could be
2918s something that the team at least
2920s consider obviously this limitation was
2922s put in place
2923s god knows how many years ago now i don't
2925s think it's ever changed since the
2927s release of old school at least and
2929s however many years before that
2932s on the sort of follow-up part of kind of
2934s warnings timers push notifications
2936s to have a little another little
2938s throwback to the fact we've got these
2940s ongoing betas and the same client we do
2942s have push notifications available on the
2944s mobile basis uh when you're about to be
2946s signed out we do have sort of desktop
2948s post notifications on the same client if
2951s you're about to be signed up and don't
2952s have the window in focus
2954s we are looking at these kinds of
2955s notifications
2956s if there's more that people still want
2958s if they do want kind of like
2959s uh an on-screen indicator
2962s then we could maybe consider that but
2963s i'd hope that when people are actually
2965s looking at the screen they're also kind
2967s of
2967s actually engaging with it and not about
2969s to be signed out anyway
2970s so hopefully the kind of push
2972s notifications and the out of focus
2974s notifications
2975s cover the majority of cases that this is
2977s really wanted for
2980s they want farming one from what i've
2982s seen i've seen a lot of people say we
2984s want farming notifications i don't know
2987s if we have those
2989s uh that that's something that has been
2990s looked at quite a long while back now um
2993s i seem to remember back when everyone
2995s was in the office you know pre-pandemic
2997s that there was some investigation going
2999s on into that maybe from
3001s mod oasis and modmas at the time i
3002s believe
3004s uh it is not a simple thing to do it's
3006s something that we love the idea of doing
3008s and having push notifications when
3010s you're offline to tell you that you know
3012s you
3013s your tree has fully grown it is not
3015s simple
3017s okay
3018s oh that would be so good though
3022s uh but back on the top of the log
3024s notifier maybe it would help if we uh
3026s allowed them to customize how long until
3028s it was sent
3031s potentially yeah um i mean i do wonder
3034s if the players who are asking for us to
3036s include in the client just haven't been
3038s playing with the beta and haven't played
3039s the same client so just didn't realize
3040s it was there rather than really needing
3042s the customization though
3044s true
3046s yeah and on the uh
3048s on the auto logout timer
3050s i mean i've only thought about it for
3052s like 10 seconds but i'd be i'd be well
3054s in favor of making it longer there's
3056s probably a ton of problems with with
3058s doing that that i'm not considering but
3062s i think we should do it
3066s all right you guys know who's at
3068s i don't know
3070s how popular it would be
3072s yeah no that's awesome
3075s definitely we should consider everything
3077s if it's coming up a lot in feedback that
3079s people really want us to reconsider it
3081s um it's a completely valid thing to take
3083s back to the team and discuss um there's
3085s no promises that we can ever make on q
3087s and a's but we definitely should give
3090s our thoughts so yeah
3092s if you guys think the logout timer
3093s should be increased um definitely share
3096s that i'm sure that many players would
3098s find that relieving to hear
3101s um okay so last question and then we'll
3104s wrap up with some ugc
3106s um are there any plans on allowing ios
3109s users to lock their phone and stay
3111s logged in
3113s uh
3114s yeah this is something that we've been
3116s investigating like a like a ton over the
3119s course of like developing these new
3121s android and ios clients it's like how
3122s can we
3123s like keep the app still running in the
3125s background and
3127s what we've what we've found as far as
3128s like i know is that
3131s uh
3132s ios is just like really picky about like
3134s what you're doing with an app while it's
3136s backgrounded and it will just decide
3138s that
3139s now
3140s it's done you're done using that app it
3142s can't get like a network connection or
3143s something anymore um so yeah from from
3146s what i understand iphones are kind of
3147s strict about like the lifetime of your
3149s app when it's backgrounded
3151s which makes that kind of difficult for
3152s us to do but like we have put
3154s um
3155s a lot of work into like figuring that
3157s out so maybe we'll maybe we'll have a
3159s breakthrough at some point
3162s awesome thank you so much for answering
3164s that um does anybody have anything to
3166s add in terms of that question or any
3168s other questions maybe that you're seeing
3170s in chat um that you want to address
3174s the only question i've just seen come up
3175s a moment ago was you know saying
3177s speaking of uh the steam client and
3179s these features when can we expect a new
3180s batch and i don't want to give a
3182s specific time or date or anything
3184s but
3185s the near future is my kind of tentative
3188s short answer um like we mentioned in the
3190s past you gonna know because that's clues
3191s gross being our focus and it's coming
3193s along really well huge shout out to mod
3195s silva on it
3197s has been putting on some more some work
3199s um and yeah it's really coming together
3200s nicely
3202s hopefully not too far out within the
3204s next month or
3207s champ two scroll helper that's so big
3210s especially for um i'm assuming that's
3213s going to be
3214s transferred over through to like mobile
3216s and things like that so that's awesome
3220s yeah
3221s hi do you want to add anything or
3222s address anything that you've seen in
3223s chat take it away
3226s uh there's nothing to me but
3228s the the scrub is looking really really
3231s nice and uh you should all look forward
3233s to seeing that
3235s hi and then do you want to address
3238s anything before i go into ugc
3240s uh the only thing i saw was someone said
3243s that left-handed people like iron men of
3245s real life
3246s which is so true we love to talk about
3248s it and just make sure that everyone
3250s knows
3254s that is perfect oh that makes me feel so
3256s much better about it
3258s um right okay let's wrap up with some
3260s community content what is in store for
3262s this week i don't think any of us have
3264s actually seen it so uh first of all
3267s if we can get the uh first one up which
3270s is just titled neve
3272s oh my goodness that's beautiful
3275s this is by daniel
3278s daniel r lee
3280s wow
3281s oh gorgeous
3284s stunning
3285s just so damn talented
3288s yes
3289s oh my gosh
3291s i can barely draw a stick person
3296s that is stunning
3299s what uh does anyone know what creature
3300s that is on the right hand side
3303s i don't like knowledge
3305s anyone in chat now
3309s looks like some kind of hydra maybe
3312s is someone said dog
3315s is that a dog
3317s all right
3320s oh do you want it is that what it is
3322s that's what the chat seems to be saying
3324s okay that is sickening
3326s she looks amazing oh my gosh
3330s all right the next one is 13 years of
3332s runescape drawings by
3334s ariton i returned
3337s oh yes i saw this um so i think the
3340s first one is where he the person started
3342s and this is like their drawing skills
3345s now
3346s that's amazing i'm not gonna like they
3349s started out pretty good
3355s i do remember being a big fan of many
3357s pictures like the one on the left back
3359s in the day
3360s oh yeah oh that it looks like something
3362s you draw at school where you're kind of
3364s just like
3366s really bored in class and
3368s yeah you're just thinking about
3369s runescape
3370s that's proof that if you put as much
3372s time as you put into runescape into a
3374s drawing then
3380s well done
3381s um the next one is inferno af once
3387s oh my gosh that's beautiful oh
3391s i'm assuming they drew that they painted
3394s that on oh my gosh
3396s i wonder what the the shoe would look
3398s like if the pattern was continued the
3399s whole way around
3402s and you had to shoot
3403s the shoe laces as well
3406s geez
3408s that is so great
3410s i love it i don't know if they do
3413s commissions but oh my gosh that would be
3415s so great
3418s and the next one is you have a funny
3419s feeling you're being followed so this
3422s could be i don't know
3424s oh that's so cute
3427s oh my gosh
3428s imagine having that on your desk i've
3430s seen the kraken pet in game and it's
3432s just one of the most adorable pets ever
3434s they're so cute i don't even think it's
3436s meant to be cute it's meant to look
3437s scary but it just ends up looking really
3439s cute
3440s no he's just a little wiggly boy
3444s um that's by fr via peruvia
3449s and our last um ugc of the week is who
3452s would win in a fight by orthazor
3456s oh
3458s who do you think would win
3460s the uh is it a smoke devil in the
3461s background easy
3464s no i mean the mage looks ready to go
3467s oh yeah he's already got uh got a spell
3469s going
3471s you're
3474s ah the the man with the axe he's gonna
3476s chop them all down
3478s oh yeah true
3480s no creation
3482s all right well that's our ugc for the
3485s week but don't leave yet we still have
3487s one more thing to talk to you about
3488s before we let you guys go
3490s uh we have a really cool trailer to show
3493s you um for from rs kingdoms um
3498s the steamforged game stuff so if see uh
3501s spear can get that up for us
3520s uh
3598s wow
3599s guys what you just witnessed was a cgi
3603s trailer for a physical board game that
3606s is being developed by steam forged games
3609s so i just have a few things to say um
3611s steamforged are bringing this bad boy to
3613s kickstarter on the 31st of may so very
3615s very soon we actually played it through
3617s the digital version and really enjoyed
3619s it a couple of weeks back i know lenny
3621s um has a bit say on that um beloved osrs
3625s creator 9rain is also going to be doing
3627s the digital playthrough with steam forge
3629s soon you can keep an eye on
3632s all of their channels for more info with
3633s exclamation mark rs kingdoms um the
3636s kickstarter is starting tuesday so
3638s follow the kickstarter page if you want
3640s to get involved super super fun um and
3643s lenny i believe you have some info to
3645s share on a video i think yeah so i
3649s i i had the luck of getting to
3652s play myself the other week along with a
3654s couple of the guys from steamforged and
3656s the lovely mod sphere over here
3658s um and there are some videos that i
3659s believe i'm told are now up on youtube
3662s as a sort of like
3663s rough how to play of the video of the
3665s board game with myself and spear playing
3668s through it for the first time
3670s it was
3670s it was a wild ride of a game it was
3672s great fun so i strongly recommend
3674s checking them out
3677s fantastic so yeah definitely check out
3680s the video guys it's exclamation mark rs
3682s kingdoms
3684s if you are into board games even if
3685s you're new to board games uh definitely
3687s check it out
3688s um you'll find all of the information
3690s with the command um and with that i
3693s think we're gonna wrap up for today's
3695s stream um so uh any final words guys
3700s before we do the announcements again
3704s thanks for watching yeah if you have any
3706s feedback on the
3707s on the ui stuff um you didn't get into
3710s the survey just just aim me on twitter
3714s nice
3716s okay guys so exclamation mark game
3718s update this week's game update was all
3720s about group iron man we've added
3722s unranked group iron man mode so you can
3724s team up casually with your pals we also
3727s have a very first group boss bash which
3729s is a competition that you can enter
3732s through the game um your group can take
3734s on old school's toughest foes and be in
3736s with a chance of winning a bunch of
3738s membership
3739s and then finally exclamation mark rs
3741s kingdoms we just showed you an awesome
3743s cgi trailer for a physical board game um
3746s we're so excited to share more
3747s information about that with you so make
3750s sure to check out all of the information
3751s about steamforged and the kickstarter
3754s which is starting on the 31st of may and
3756s with that we will say goodbye to you
3758s guys
3759s goodbye we'll see you next time
3772s oh