about 1 year ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s foreign
6s and welcome back to our twitch Channel
9s today we plucked up the courage and
12s gathered a spot of gmods to play Tov
15s entry mode on our live stream nothing
17s bad is going to happen today right guys
21s um so some of us included yeah some of
24s us including myself
25s um have never ever set for ntob before
28s so please be kind we're just hoping to
31s provide you with some entertainment on
33s this Friday afternoon
35s um in this room as well we're going to
36s provide a quick holding statement on a
38s recent blog that we published relating
40s to the ruinous Powers that's a brand new
43s prayer book that should be released with
45s desert Treasure 2 so hold on just a few
47s minutes for that and we will let you
48s know
50s um but first let's welcome our guests on
51s today how are you all doing let's start
53s with Kieran how are you doing
55s I'm doing fantastic actually looking
58s forward to the weekend looking forward
59s to some tough I can't wait to see uh
62s your skill set
65s um in pvm on ship
68s absolutely I'm wearing some dragon plate
71s legs so that should be great hopefully
73s it's appropriate for entry mode
76s um next up Elena how are you doing how's
77s your week been
80s yeah I'm doing great thanks
82s um the week's been quite interesting uh
84s we're wrapping up stuff in terms of
87s where we're going with a new skill
90s um
91s wrapping up in terms of how we want to
94s present it basically
96s we're deciding what the new skill is
98s because you guys are going to do that
100s um but yeah it's been a wild ride so far
103s and I'm going to keep working on that
105s but for now Todd exciting
109s yeah and we really can't wait to show
111s you guys what we've been working on so
113s hang on soon for late March
115s um Bruno how's your week been how are
117s you doing
118s yeah it's been really good
120s um been working on the downstairs 2
122s stuff and getting like designs and
124s Boston so that already yeah it's been
126s really fun
127s excited for it
130s and mod manked you are a new face to the
133s old school uh streams but actually
135s you've been on multiple times before
137s um in a different way as a Creator how
139s are you doing welcome to the Stream
141s I'm doing really good thank you um
144s excited to be here obviously my first
145s appearance and excited to plank in front
148s of everyone at top
150s nice it's just what we wanted to hear
152s all right well before we start our Tob
155s run uh we just have a few announcements
157s to get through and I will give you that
159s quick update on the ruinous Powers blog
161s so exclamation mark game update in this
163s week's game update we see more of poll
165s 78 including the changes we made to Todd
167s entry mode
169s um so make sure to use exclamation mark
171s game update to get a link to that if you
172s haven't seen it already exclamation mark
174s Gazette should bring you the latest
176s version of The gildanola Gazette there's
178s a brand new format I'm a huge fan of it
180s with a brand new Community Showcase so
182s make sure to give us your feedback on
184s that
184s um exclamation mark RP it's not role
187s play for those erps out there but it's
190s the ruinous Powers
192s um so that's the recent chat recent blog
195s that we've just released we have a quick
196s holding statement following your
197s feedback which we will get to in a
199s second exclamation mark booty Let's help
202s get boti to be 2022's best MMORPG
206s streamer at the streamer Awards make
208s sure to submit your vote and make sure
210s that he is on top and finally
213s exclamation mark forestry the forestry
215s poll is now live so if you haven't
216s already make sure to catch up with all
218s the latest on that
220s oh all right so ruin us power's feedback
224s I have some direct blog blog copy just
227s to read off here as a holding statement
229s basically we've seen your feedback on
231s this blog and we're working on it and
233s listening to you so
235s um it looks like you've got a lot to say
236s about our initial proposal
238s first off we would like to say a massive
240s thank you to everyone who's taken the
242s time so far to leave your constructive
243s feedback it is much appreciated
246s um it's clear at the moment that opinion
248s on this topic is pretty divided with
250s different players and player groups
252s ultimately wanting different things from
253s the ruinous Powers we're going to be
255s taking some time to collate read over
257s and think about the feedback you've
259s submitted so far as well over the coming
262s weekend yes we Have No lives we don't
265s have weekends here
266s um well it looks like there are some
268s small tweaks that we can make to what
269s we've got already it seems like we have
272s bigger changes to make to increase both
273s yours and our own confidence in the
275s design
276s so we'll be back next week with an
278s adjusted approach to help us zero in on
281s your feedback and guide us through the
282s next steps towards delivering a set of
284s prayers that interests and excite you so
286s tldr thank you so much for the feedback
288s we're listening we're watching your
290s feedback make sure to
292s um let us know what you think
294s all right
295s um well I see a lot of you guys in game
299s um and I'm really really excited
302s um but first let's do some new mod
303s questions with Mod menx
306s are you ready for the new mod questions
309s of course of course
312s all right no pressure uh first of all
315s how are you but secondly tell us a
318s little bit about yourself who are you
319s and what do you do at jagex
323s uh I'm good
325s um yeah very happy right now probably
326s happiest I've ever been in life in
328s general
329s um at jagex I'm a junior content
331s developer and currently working on the
334s Easter event
336s um yeah
338s awesome I know that you have like quite
340s a story in terms of how you got to jagex
343s you want to explain a little bit about
344s that because personally I heard it and I
346s thought it was really inspiring
349s yeah sure
350s um so after obviously playing this game
353s for 17 years or something ridiculous
356s um I decided I wanted to change my
358s career path and I thought I love
361s RuneScape could I be a Content developer
363s so I spent a year basically doing some
367s courses learning to code and then
369s applied and here I am
371s awesome
373s um next question is what's your
375s experience with old school like do you
377s focus on different things like PVP and
380s things like that I've heard that you're
381s really Avid PVP fan yeah
385s um I admittedly do love PVP but on the
389s side I do actually play an Iron Man as
390s well and the main account so I pretty
392s much play the whole game to be honest um
394s I do love PVP and I never get bored by
397s it there's just it's just so fun it's
399s always different
400s um so yeah PVP is definitely my favorite
402s but I like it all
405s one dead man
409s oh she's
411s um I bet the viewers are gonna be
412s surprised to hear this is gonna be the
414s first time you're studying foot in Tob
416s or sort of first run that you're having
419s an entry mode
420s I did it on release I died several times
423s with a bunch of other content creators
425s um I've boosted my friends for Brews um
427s because they're newbie hardcore I meant
429s and they needed a booth
431s um but I've not really done the whole
433s thing properly now so this will be an
435s experience
437s very excited this content all right
441s um a bit of a harder question
442s tell us your favorite thing about the
444s game as well as your least favorite
446s thing about the game
449s okay I would probably say dead man is
452s one of my most favorite things about the
454s game or leagues they're both just very
457s unique there's so it's so different to
459s the normal gameplay so I'd say
461s definitely those two are up there
464s um my least favorite part of the game to
468s be honest I don't really know I kind of
470s enjoy it all I mean
472s if
474s probably
475s getting secondaries for herb law agility
478s is not the most fun but at the same time
480s you can watch stuff while doing it so
482s it's not too bad I mean overall it's
484s just a good game in general isn't it so
486s I can't really complain about it
489s very good answer take notes everyone
492s watching at home if you haven't become a
494s genuine that was pretty much the perfect
496s answer all right well thank you mod menx
498s really appreciate it um before we jump
500s into game I just have two things to show
502s you guys so we asked you guys to submit
505s your Tob setups for some suggestions for
509s our stream and we have one from Duncan
511s Harbison to show you guys
513s if we can get that on screen
518s what do you guys think about Duncan's
521s setup what a gamer
525s very impressive
528s I am impressed I asked whether anyone
530s wanted to replicate that for the entry
533s mode stream but I don't think that's an
535s appropriate entry mode setup with all of
537s those switches
539s it might not be enough for entry mode to
541s be honest really
543s really interesting I think he's missing
546s the shadow of Zoom again to be honest
547s yeah only one ring switch as well like
550s I'll even try it the Fine Thing
552s favorite
556s well Duncan
558s um you got some some feedback there from
560s the J mods all right and our next one
562s exilia seven seven
565s wow I don't even know what classes
568s I like it straight away more like it
570s more like it
573s no idea of what half of these is
576s it's the best mutagen as well
580s Fab well
582s we have taken these setups and we've
584s created some of our own if we can go uh
587s to the J mug perspective
590s well three one three one zero
594s all right
596s well I'm about ready I can see there are
599s so many people if you guys are feeling
600s like doing a little entry mode raid feel
603s free to do it alongside us
606s um does anyone does anyone here want to
608s guide us through what to do um do we
610s just press enter and and go so I I'm
614s party leader you all join my party I've
616s got to end the first
618s cool uh I do not want to buy any
620s teleport crystals though
622s let's go so now I'm in confidence
626s [Music]
628s okay gave me a little warning
632s I'm a bit scared
635s I don't know what I'm doing
636s [Music]
638s we got three of us
639s you can't lie
643s I'm wearing a fire Cape is that okay
647s that's Brenna
652s [Music]
654s I saw someone in the chat
658s it's required to stop here and dance
659s before you go in
661s okay
663s why have I dance on the stairs
665s no that no no purple no I don't see it's
668s already four wide
671s I feel like I missed the outfit memo
673s like all of you guys are wearing void
675s and I'm just the odd one out here so
678s yeah
680s Chad gamer yeah
684s for me
686s I have a regular what
688s what do you mean
690s all right no not you then Bruno it's the
692s Chad game man yeah
696s um light and ranked need some advice
699s right right we do this is a bit right
702s where I say I haven't really done top in
704s like three four years but I think we go
706s in we pray like mage
708s Orange it's one of the two
710s um okay and then we just slap the boss
713s okay it might be Mage we're pretty we're
716s winging it
718s like your uh green potion super combat
721s potion and then like avoid don't don't
723s stand in Blood In Blood oh I got my my
728s cheats on I got hacks on so fine kill
731s this Blood though
733s and I've killed these blood spiders
735s called Nine Lucas
737s what do they don't let Ed hear me say
739s blood spider
742s they heal the boss if they get to the
744s bus as long as
746s I said you don't call them crabs that's
748s definitely not what they are yeah
749s they're not correct
754s I use a silly way to turn off my dream
757s with powers nope that's a note from me
769s but you can you can join in the next
771s stream
774s yeah there's no way I'm sitting out I've
776s got cheats on
778s um
779s Noobs
781s um Karen what was the inspiration behind
783s this part of the The Raid because you
786s worked on it
789s I don't know but um like mechanically I
793s really wanted this
794s mechanic with the Nyla cast coming out I
798s don't think it was
799s Nyla Castle to begin with but the idea
802s of players having to quickly switch take
804s some stuff out before it got to the the
806s Box inspiring people to take freezers
809s and stuff like that
811s was a lot of the thinking going into it
813s a lot of the narrative and sort of story
816s behind
817s Maiden was was modded as always right
822s the story the story Wizard in the team
826s oh hell yeah we killed it
828s we did it guys let's go
831s professional so good
835s all right nice sticky stuff ambulance on
837s I'm not worried for the next room if I'm
839s honest
840s what could possibly go wrong
843s nothing
844s race he brought a salve amulet switch
847s because the pestilent bloat is Undead
849s and this was the first boss
853s I guess a little spoiler alert this was
856s the first boss in
859s in Old School that ran
862s but at this point in time we couldn't
864s actually make NPCs run
866s so it runs by teleporting two tiles a
869s cycle and the client just happens to
872s make it walk two tails it makes it look
874s like it's running
875s a bit of a hat that's really cool we do
877s have buses that can run nowadays like
879s next runs properly
881s but yeah so the quick tldr is blow the
885s big guy can't miss him walks in a square
887s occasionally turns around you do not
889s want to be next to him when when he's
891s walking around we need to hide
897s were you happy are you ready to go in
900s I'm ready I've got people saying I
902s should turn off my hack so I'll try and
904s do that during the read
905s ER yeah
911s enjoy watching me die guys
913s be very dangerous
916s mom like the inner wall
924s when he stops walking you want to run on
926s the vacuum
928s like now go go go there we go
930s in an attack
940s can I just use Millie this whole raid
942s and it's fine
946s it's fine it's fine it's fine for the
949s most part you can um
956s I didn't bring food
961s that's okay we'll get feed after this
968s yeah so what are you what are you doing
970s like food is a good item to bring yeah
974s I mean actually we saw that no actually
976s we saw that professional set up at the
979s start they had no food they only had
980s Phoenix yeah
982s no food needed I think light's just
984s taking inspiration from the uh I have my
987s prayer on though I'm so confused
992s how did I die with my prayer on
997s yeah it's a bit through a prayer this
999s one sadly
1002s I love it the good thing about entry
1003s mode for anyone who is thinking about
1004s doing adventure mode is
1007s there's unlimited deaths so if the team
1009s does fully wipe you can just keep trying
1011s you'll get bandages that you can use to
1014s heal you
1016s where are the bandages I could use some
1019s of them
1019s yeah
1021s we get some from the chest
1025s good job guys good job very proud all
1029s right
1030s we just we just about to survived it's
1033s the chess
1036s so you go to this chest before you go to
1037s the Next Room
1039s [Music]
1041s they're the same ones from Castle laws
1044s actually
1046s I can drop some by the way no I can't
1048s live my life
1051s it doesn't let me yeah all right if
1053s you've got food these managers are
1055s better than your food
1058s I would recommend dropping like Korean
1061s brands or
1062s sharks or whatever you've got
1064s I've dropped some anglerfish if you can
1066s see them and you can just take those as
1067s well
1068s I appreciate that thank you
1072s I feel like I'm exactly the target
1074s audience for entry mode though like I
1076s literally have no clue
1078s how to pvm yet
1081s [Music]
1083s right that's why you're here right
1085s you're learning
1087s do the rooms get progressively harder as
1090s you go on or are they all the same
1092s difficulty
1093s foreign
1096s yeah
1099s I think
1103s so are we splitting up in the rolls here
1107s I'll be major
1110s I can range
1118s okay let's do it
1121s so basically hit the blue ones with
1122s magic hit the green ones with range and
1126s the white ones with melee
1131s we'll have to fight a wave and waves and
1133s waves of nine of cats coming in they're
1136s coming in they're trying to destroy the
1137s four pillars in the corners of the room
1141s and so we gotta kill them fast before
1143s they get to the pillars and start
1144s damaging the Villas ideally
1147s some of them will fight you ratherly go
1149s for the pillars let's try to take you
1150s down
1152s and soon you'll see some of them start
1154s changing colors
1158s there's big ones when you kill a big one
1159s it comes out of two small ones
1164s and like we need like um a learning
1167s plug-in you know that just plays like
1170s here and explaining everything to you
1172s when you're going through anything
1175s I don't know this is a challenge like
1178s normally when you're teaching somebody
1179s how to read it's a lot more like
1181s unprofessional language thing is
1187s you know
1189s yeah
1192s go to the right no the other right
1197s [Music]
1198s um how did we manage to balance this for
1201s entry mode like did we just scale
1202s everything down or were there other like
1204s mechanics that were kind of changed as a
1207s result of making an entry mode DOB
1210s it's the main thing is it scales down
1213s better just solos as well that's one of
1215s the major changes it's public
1217s specifically aimed at groups of three to
1219s five players
1221s and so
1222s we intentionally left it very difficult
1224s for solo and D Rose in that the minimum
1227s scale was targeted at three persons
1231s um
1232s with this we made it suitable for solo
1234s so that if you wanted to learn you could
1235s go by yourself you don't have all the
1237s difficulty in getting a team so you
1239s can't go into entry mode by yourself
1240s you're familiar with the content
1242s familiar with how the bosses work basic
1244s mechanics before you go in and try and
1246s join a team
1248s um because like like many games it's
1250s quite hard when you know teams start
1252s having requirements to say oh you need
1253s to know what you're doing before you
1255s join in you've experienced but it ends
1257s up being a bit of a closed shop because
1259s if a team demands experience but all the
1261s all the teams demand experience and you
1263s have none like how do you get it get
1265s that experience yeah so that's something
1267s we've tried to try and make better with
1269s entry mode but yeah it's much more
1271s generous on death the bandage system
1274s makes it a little bit easier to
1276s to survive you have much better stacked
1279s up
1279s um with your supplies
1282s and things are generally less punishing
1285s yeah so if you didn't mess up you take
1288s less damage
1290s it seems chill so far but I get that
1292s that's because you've got five people
1294s with good stats and
1296s pretty much at least half of our team is
1298s super experienced
1301s so
1303s yeah these waves are about to come to an
1305s end soon-ish I don't know and then after
1308s this we're gonna get a big boss that's
1310s basically a bigger version of one of
1312s these spiders
1314s and it's pretty much the same thing you
1316s want to use the right combat sale if you
1318s don't it'll deal that damage back to you
1320s so it's pretty damn risky
1322s so yeah you gotta switch a lot of gears
1327s [Music]
1333s so less punishing stuff mechanic
1337s and scaled down raid pretty much
1344s here we go the big guys are about to
1346s come in
1347s that's Millie right
1350s yeah do you want to pray you want to use
1352s the right prayer ideally the right
1354s protection prayer
1356s oh
1357s and then I just don't attack it and then
1359s if you don't have Mage
1361s don't attack it with the wrong style
1363s yeah
1364s yeah
1367s you have to pray whatever you're
1370s attacking with basically on this so if
1372s it's merely you need to pray merely this
1374s Mage you need to pray Mage if it's range
1375s and it's pre-range
1378s as well
1381s to take my auto retaliate off
1386s I think it's quite nice how it stops you
1388s attacking when it does change so you're
1389s not just automatically attacking it you
1392s have to click again I think yeah yeah
1395s that is quite nice very generous
1398s is that different in entry mode to the
1400s main mode or is it the same yeah
1408s but it's quite nice because it gets like
1410s it's one of those mechanics that gets
1411s players familiar with switching gear
1413s quickly
1414s and using that switching the protection
1416s press based on what they're saying in
1417s front of them
1419s because even with Jad like with Jad I
1422s don't remember having to do any switches
1424s I just did like prayers like doing Pros
1427s so this is like a step up from that you
1429s then have to think about switching your
1431s gear and maybe even your weapons
1434s absolutely
1441s egg
1446s so crazy stuff's gonna happen let's just
1449s go in who knows
1450s explaining is hard
1452s this isn't good before right right when
1456s he shoots out a Red Bull you want to
1458s pray Mage when he shoots out a gray ball
1462s or a black ball you want to pre-arranged
1465s and the balls Target different people
1467s and when he shoots like a big red ball
1469s we have to stand on the same spot
1474s oh no
1478s you want to come in and valet
1480s I'm scared of mealing but yeah these
1483s these little these little projectors
1484s will follow you and you need to switch
1486s your prayer based on which one you're
1487s about to be hit by
1489s okay
1491s I thought I could just oh now
1494s it's amazing but we're good oh don't go
1496s out there
1499s you want to step on the tiles that are
1501s highlighted so these three right
1504s oh sorry can you see me it's a Bruno's
1508s actually I can see yeah I can see your
1510s point of view right you guys ready you
1512s better just follow the path I take it's
1515s a bit for the top then to left up then
1517s right up
1518s okay we're going I'll take it slow I
1521s won't do like diagonals you gotta go
1524s faster than that yeah okay okay okay
1527s okay
1529s we've got time
1531s if he's too slow the Red Tornado That is
1535s chasing us will catch up and uh will
1538s take a lot of damage essentially
1541s easy bandages good
1551s oh no he's looking at me
1554s foreign
1590s it's not a straight line
1591s this is
1593s wait
1594s well yeah not fully
1597s there we go
1601s one bandage left
1604s I don't drop
1606s your bandages y'all
1623s yeah this game is
1627s oh did we kill it
1629s yeah that's how you do science that's
1631s how you do something
1635s nice
1638s now we have another chest
1641s who's that guy
1644s is he watching us
1646s yeah
1649s oh my God
1652s so you could have like an arena of
1654s people watching you doing entry mode if
1656s you wanted
1661s all right
1664s I think I got lost some of course
1670s so right by the Chester there's another
1672s chest where you can pick up bandages oh
1675s you're through already
1677s yeah did you pick up more advantages
1679s yeah I got I restocked awesome
1685s okay
1687s yeah you go you go ahead yeah when we go
1689s in stuff's gonna appear on the floor we
1691s just want to stand on it that's the
1693s first phase of this boss
1700s as possible
1704s do you just stand
1706s until it despawns
1715s what does it do if you don't stand on it
1719s heals much more powerful
1723s it removes its stats and stuff
1727s how do you how would you do this if
1728s you're so low
1730s yeah I only have smelly it's it's scales
1733s so like the less of these would appear
1734s if you were in Solo
1739s [Music]
1743s don't stop smelling the bus now
1745s because it's gonna start firing out
1747s green projectiles
1749s and they're gonna land on the floor and
1752s stop you from standing there again
1754s we're going to want to be next to the
1756s bus
1759s oh wait so I can stand on the Green
1763s no time oh no I can't okay so don't
1766s stand on the green we're gonna arrange
1768s the box down
1772s but you see we're firing these acid
1774s attacks it lands on the floor uh right
1777s so you don't want to stand near him
1779s because he'll hit you you don't want to
1780s get that next to the box down there
1782s again yeah yeah you're gonna want it
1785s later
1787s but I could grief you basically if I
1790s wanted oh yeah you could do the Chad
1793s strategy that Elena's doing
1796s is she like going closer is smelling
1800s timing her collection
1805s s away from the bus
1808s what if I like just trapped myself in
1811s the goop basically
1813s I mean you can run through it but you
1816s just take a little bit of damage
1819s all right
1822s who's looking at you
1824s oh
1827s so will I ever attack him or do I just
1830s stab you so you can attack when he's not
1833s looking
1834s oh no so pathetic he's looking at you
1838s now sit down attack bye
1842s now you can attack I'm gonna do my I'm
1845s gonna try
1847s oh don't attack oh
1848s [Laughter]
1854s look at me
1857s I'm the captain now
1860s that was cool
1862s what's the wild all right at the end
1865s right he's got he's got the staff I got
1868s it
1869s nice
1870s now it's the final challenge
1876s do you want to talk a bit about uh
1879s you're creating her like how did you
1882s come up with that's like what was that
1883s at the time we did it at berzek this was
1886s like the most sort of crazy ambitious
1889s idea we had to have this whole first
1891s phase is very different and it probably
1894s still is the most things we've done in
1896s terms of mechanics we really like this
1898s idea of having to pass something around
1902s to take down the fight and have some
1905s sort of proper team play Team based
1907s mechanics so like is this special staff
1910s that's being picked up from the last
1911s room and that's the only thing that can
1913s sort of properly take down her Shield
1916s in this first phase but she's
1918s permanently basically every now and then
1920s firing out this super powerful attack
1922s and the only way to dodge it is to hide
1925s behind these big these six big pillars
1927s in the room
1929s which you should see like all over if
1932s you're out in the open when you get hit
1933s by this it's a good chance it's just
1935s gonna one hit you
1938s but if you pray a mage you'll probably
1940s survive at least one
1944s um
1946s it's very much tied into The Narrative
1948s of this character who's sort of wants to
1951s be entertained and the idea is like so
1954s their leaders are pushing through the
1955s sort of human slaves into the into the
1958s theater of blood purely for their
1959s entertainment and this this like
1961s collection of like different beasts and
1963s challenges that they've built to sort of
1965s see you know see the slave suffer all at
1968s the promise that if you manage to
1970s succeed you'll be set free
1973s but it's not really a promise
1975s verzix unhappy we've made it to her and
1978s so now you need to defeat her to get
1980s through
1982s I'm so excited I'm probably gonna die
1985s but I'm excited
1987s yeah she's in her chair
1989s um
1994s oh God did you start
1998s Ed stand behind the pillars you guys
2002s okay dropping stuff
2013s the pillars will also take damage oh no
2019s just got hit it's unlikely to one hit
2021s you in entry mode I believe that's
2023s that's probably more generous
2026s get married
2029s I'm so confused oh yeah I'll bring the
2031s stuff all through
2034s oh yeah we'll wait
2036s [Music]
2040s do you want to time your attacks right
2042s because she fires fairly slowly
2044s once she's attacked get go out you can
2047s attack a couple of times
2049s oh my God we are also passing a staff
2051s around so there's a special weapon that
2054s has a special attack
2056s I don't know who has the stuff
2058s something
2066s it is going down
2069s is but the pillar is protecting us right
2072s we have the stuff where the stuff at the
2074s pillar protects you yeah
2079s what if we run out of pillars though
2082s it was great probably then
2085s drop the stuff this is why the team
2089s yeah yeah
2093s oh I've got full spec as well
2096s very nice
2098s again time your attack
2101s as soon as she fires
2105s oh
2109s I only have three bandages sorry guys
2111s I'm going down
2115s I've got specs
2118s I've also got specs
2121s specs meaning special attack
2124s yeah yeah
2126s oh just pick up the staff it's under you
2128s guys
2129s I can't see it yeah
2133s I can't see the stuff either I literally
2136s see it oh it's because you're no it's
2139s because I'm a Gmod
2141s [Laughter]
2141s um
2152s yeah give yourself some special attack
2155s and just slap it I don't know otherwise
2157s think we're gonna wait yeah yeah
2162s can you just gain blood uh kill the boss
2165s hey
2167s this is this is a good safety check to
2169s have in the game it means a jmod can't
2171s act be bad and Sport items dropping for
2174s Blitz
2176s and even the perfect staff isn't an
2178s exception to us
2180s throwback to when I entered Castle Wars
2182s and I forgot that no one could attack me
2192s we're just gonna wipe I'm just sitting
2193s here hiding behind the building we got
2195s all the stuff so we're killing it
2198s very slowly
2201s uh yeah unless the lady wants to like
2203s spam attacks but now I've only got like
2205s two bandages and some Brews
2211s I'm the first
2213s first birthday
2217s and then kill it because of the G
2220s monster
2225s yeah that you can literally just watch
2228s your teammates kill the boss while you
2230s sit there in a cage that's hilarious
2235s well this just shows how generous entry
2236s mode is so if you're scared of Tom
2239s give it a crack because like honestly as
2241s soon as you've done a few entry modes
2243s your confidence will build up
2245s and then you can start considering doing
2247s a regular one and we've been able to
2248s stand here with pretty magic and tank it
2250s relatively easily even if you screw up
2254s I'm confident that this stream will give
2256s people the push that they need to be
2258s like you know what I'm not as bad as mod
2261s light so I'm just gonna go play top
2265s laughs
2269s actually nearly made
2271s I just let myself die and eat bandages
2273s yeah
2276s you can use emotes here
2279s oh oh no you can't oh that sucks
2283s competition to make it while you're in
2286s the cage
2287s if staff respawns someone else pick it
2289s up and I'll just not pick it up
2292s if myself and Bruno use it first and
2294s then you you all can use it afterwards
2298s or are you I'm on my regular account as
2300s well so okay okay nice
2303s give yourself a special attack to get
2307s through it
2309s we can't swap the stuff around him I'd
2312s assume it's still a new inventory
2316s it's not on the floor
2318s I see it on the floor
2319s oh yeah yeah good you're probably gonna
2322s have to uh yeah I think you're gonna
2324s have to
2325s set you a special attack to 100
2327s constantly and just slap it
2329s but normally you would you would pass
2331s the stuff around but yeah J mod hacks
2333s ourselves
2336s just hide behind the pillar guys
2339s okay you guys can start the raid I will
2342s just hide behind a pillar
2347s so yeah normally on this face you got
2349s stuff
2351s it has a special attack that special
2353s attack does a huge amount of damage to
2355s versic
2356s obviously you only have so much special
2358s attack energy so you can only do two I
2361s think per person and
2363s then you want to start sharing it with
2365s everybody else
2367s and normally you just drop the staff
2369s somebody else can pick it up
2371s oh I was so confused because I was like
2373s why do you need my Abyssal whip special
2375s attack but no it will make sense
2380s you've got to use that special weapon
2388s oh there we go so now we want to be
2391s honest
2394s okay
2400s flying or is she
2403s she's bouncing you if you aren't too
2405s close
2409s oh there we go
2416s oh
2417s ah
2421s yeah she she bounces and that's
2424s basically her melee attack it'll fling
2425s you back so that's why you don't want to
2427s be right next to her and
2429s the normal strategy for versic is to
2432s time your attacks and then step back
2436s got it okay what are the things flying
2439s out of her is it just
2442s like a rage attack yeah
2445s if you prey range it will reduce the
2447s damage those deal you
2449s Millie
2454s these will heal her
2457s do you want to attack these
2459s these are these red spider these red
2461s neither cats yeah we saw those in the
2463s beginning
2471s I remember when this first came out and
2474s overall didn't know there was a second
2476s phase
2477s it was amazing no one knew about it
2479s there's a second phase
2483s third phase
2487s foreign
2489s people thought this was the final fight
2491s uh
2493s It's the final fight but
2497s I've seen the concept art for verzig but
2499s I've never actually like four no one
2501s knew this was gonna happen
2503s get this entire secret no one knew this
2506s was going to happen
2510s and I remember one Lord
2512s it took people so long to figure out how
2515s to uh
2518s I'd repeat versa
2521s it's like the first couple days
2525s took a while people got some real close
2527s calls before they finally got managed to
2528s get a successful kill
2533s entry mode wasn't out uh when tmb
2536s launched so it was a lot harder than
2538s this as well and
2540s um when you wiped like you had to reset
2542s the entire raid and start from scratch
2545s that's the other major thing that's the
2548s major thing entry mode has done in that
2552s you get to retry if the team all dies in
2556s regularly it says active right to the
2558s start they only got one attempt at
2560s versing like every 30 minutes so however
2562s long it took you to get to her
2565s that mechan actually sprays webs
2567s everywhere and you can get stuck in the
2568s webs it's like I just have
2570s yeah oh should I save you you're good
2574s oh you can't say because I'm from web
2578s am I thinking leave me alone
2581s does it um Target a random person to
2583s think or is it based on your stats or
2586s something
2588s oh watch out for these uh Spotlight
2590s things now it's random you want to dodge
2592s these purple things
2595s gold things
2601s if you stand in the Bible think that it
2603s heals vertic a lot this is like the
2604s final mechanic and this is why it took
2606s people so long to get the uh the first
2608s kill
2610s it was people took a while to get used
2612s to this mechanic but again entry mode a
2614s lot easier to deal with
2618s a lot of the year if I die do I still
2620s qualify for drops
2624s uh yeah yeah anything good
2629s you also can't get money drops for entry
2631s mode
2633s um
2637s but it is mostly designed for practicing
2639s for training and getting yourself ready
2641s for regular tub
2644s nice
2645s you still get a purple from entry mode
2648s no no is there a chance
2650s okay
2652s [Music]
2661s yeah same
2664s I got a new PB not new for some reason I
2667s don't know why
2669s now I can
2671s I think you're stuck for the treasure
2673s room
2676s no purple
2677s Sage
2680s we totally deserve that everyone lucky
2683s trampoline
2685s right we need to go look at the strategy
2687s table and see what uh
2693s how do I know which chest is mine
2696s it was a big arrow point massive yellow
2698s arrow above it oh there it is
2701s it's the top left one
2710s oh
2713s [Applause]
2714s I'm surprised it wasn't me Elena come
2717s over and uh
2718s read the board
2720s the stream can see
2724s oh Elena's gone mate yep
2733s coming
2735s you can see your own stats here so I
2739s died three times and the times that we
2742s took to do each room that's kind of cool
2744s nice
2748s all right well I'm pretty happy with
2750s that
2753s I'm just gonna say do we know what the
2754s uh the Record Times Are sorry
2758s record time for entry Moon
2761s do you want to skip
2765s that was the world record
2768s yeah if you come outside do we
2772s yeah leave the theater there is a
2775s scoreboard
2783s oh wow
2786s the best times for different team sizes
2790s very very cool we were very close right
2793s guys
2795s yeah it was only just about over double
2797s that's not a lot right yeah we took it
2801s slow and taught some people how to do
2802s the raid so that's all that matters
2806s fair enough yeah if you if you get into
2808s entry
2810s with no
2811s um we'd love to uh hear from you
2814s um all right I don't think we have time
2816s to do another run unfortunately
2818s um so we'll have to wrap up there we did
2820s have some fun segments
2822s um but we'll leave that until next time
2824s so thank you guys so much for joining us
2827s does anyone want to say anything before
2829s we round off the stream do you have some
2831s words of wisdom for our friends here who
2833s showed up um in World 310 to
2836s Eurozone
2837s I mean give it a go if you've not uh
2840s given they're a blood of a go I mean we
2844s just demonstrated you can do it
2845s relatively easily yeah we had summer
2847s camps with 99s and everything we went in
2850s with pretty dodgy gear
2853s um it really isn't too hard to get to
2855s grips with and you can screw it the
2857s thing is you could screw up just as we
2859s did
2860s and still get by so do you give it a
2863s shot the only thing I'd say like a
2864s popular thing I say online a lot around
2866s like theater of blood it's like people
2868s want another sort of like late game hard
2870s piece of content and think maybe tombs
2872s of a mascot didn't quite do the same
2874s thing that they obey did and being a
2877s pretty big challenge
2878s people ask like are we ever gonna do it
2880s again I mean totally will I I think the
2882s things we learned from theater of blood
2884s is
2886s I think we went way too hard with the
2888s death mechanics they were way too harsh
2891s the punishment for dying on verzik is so
2894s high right like you have to start the
2896s red again from scratch this is in
2898s regular mood not entry
2900s and that's I think the biggest thing
2901s that makes a difference with
2903s with future content so in in future
2906s likely case we'll do we'll maybe do
2909s harder pvm encounters maybe even a
2911s harder rate again other than TOA
2914s um but we'll probably have softer death
2916s mechanics so it's a little bit easier to
2918s learn a little bit easier to get into
2919s and I think we've also learned like
2921s entry modes are healthy they're good
2922s things to to do and give people a way to
2924s get into the content get to grips with
2927s it ready for the regular regular version
2930s in the in the future uh but yeah to your
2933s vehicle is just brutal like especially
2935s and it was too focused as well I think
2937s three to five people was a really narrow
2939s band which made it really hard to get
2941s teams and so on so there are a few
2943s things I think I did wrong that way I
2945s think we've learned better now
2948s um such that even if we do a harder read
2950s and future comparable to tub we're way
2953s better equipped and it'll be way more
2954s accessible in that regard
2957s absolutely well said
2959s um definitely Echo those sentiments like
2961s I've seen a bunch of people say that Tob
2964s is just the the bar to entry is so high
2966s but it makes it so rewarding
2969s um but I'm hoping that entry mode just
2970s increases that accessibility so that
2972s everyone can get up to that like really
2974s high standards
2976s um and it's so great to see so many of
2977s you coming along and so definitely let
2979s us know how you get on with it and let
2981s us know as well how you felt about the
2982s changes that came in with this week's
2984s game update
2986s um hopefully it just improved your
2988s experience
2989s um anyone else want to say anything
2990s before we round off at some
2991s announcements
2995s is the thing that's stopping you from
2998s getting a quest Cape I really do believe
3000s they can do it so go give it a go
3005s um all right well uh sorry man go ahead
3008s so I was just gonna say maybe uh maybe
3010s next time we do a go on a PK trip mod PK
3012s trip see how that goes that might be
3015s quite fun
3016s no no Gmod accounts this time
3020s I would absolutely love to see that we
3022s could definitely schedule that in I've
3023s seen a few people say uh bot busting
3026s stream in chat um I'll make sure that
3028s the team is aware of that request
3030s all right
3031s um so rounding off exclamation mark game
3032s update will take you to this week's game
3034s update and you'll see more of poll 78
3036s including the changes made to tob's
3039s entry mode
3040s um exclamation mark Gazette for The
3042s Gazette exclamation mark RP no it's not
3044s what you're thinking it's the ruinous
3046s powers make sure you check out that blog
3048s but we've also released a holding
3050s statement at the start of this stream I
3052s believe we're also going to get a Blog
3053s up for that and just to say that we're
3055s listening to your feedback and we'll
3057s take it into account
3058s and we'll have more to share with you
3060s next week on that exclamation mark booty
3064s um it would be so amazing if you could
3065s vote for boc for the streamer Awards um
3068s as best MMO RPG streamer
3071s um so submit your vote via the uh Link
3073s in the command and exclamation mark
3076s forestry the forestry poll is now live
3078s so
3080s um if you haven't already make sure to
3081s vote
3082s all right well thank you so much for
3084s this rather fun stream this week we'll
3086s be back next week hopefully with more
3088s news
3089s um thank you so much for joining us and
3091s thank you for showing off if you decided
3093s to in game and thank you for putting up
3095s with how bad my gameplay was I really
3097s appreciate it I will do better to
3099s improve all right bye guys
3103s bye
3106s [Music]