almost 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello and welcome to this week's weekly
3s old-school Q&A live stream did I say
6s something strange already ok so funny
9s it's the first line of I've messed up
11s already then ok good new record I'm
14s joined this week on the sofa by Maude
16s Kieran you all right
17s Moore - hi Maude Wolfe
20s hello and Maude Jhansi ok and I'm your
24s host Maude gambits I was thinking one
26s name like chess it is ultimately yeah la
33s people are in the x-men character yeah
34s right
35s I'd have defaulted to the x-men most
37s people do rush that level went up when
38s you said chair so appreciate that and I
41s didn't choose my name for the Pokemon
42s thing for those of you who haven't seen
51s ma Jhansi on the server for a while or a
54s talks it's been a while since you've
55s frequented the sofa would you maybe like
58s to give an introduction of who you are
59s what your role is on the team ok I asked
61s you to do that didn't I yes I've been
63s that day yeah I've been on this so for
65s about a year give or take
67s they only that was a 1-up vacations we
70s talking mobile be acting with old school
72s since January 2014 I was in QA
75s development the production now product
78s manager but I went away for your heart
80s Abood you guys mobile essentially with a
82s different team working with old school
84s so we did that and I'm back should be
87s seeing a lot more of me on the sofa as
89s well so cute John Cena music well we're
98s very happy to have you back I think we
99s did briefly take you off the list of
102s names at the bottom of our news post but
103s now you're firmly back on there and I've
104s been for a while though excellent yeah
107s I'm not going anywhere
108s good luck didn't take long I feel like
110s Greg was alright he's gone now can you
113s see it was me the top to take it up
118s right so I'll go over the announcements
120s as per usual
122s exclamation marks progress hopefully
124s still links to the progress blog for
126s song of the elves which we released a
128s couple weeks back now I don't know the
130s exact date it will give you the
133s down on what the song of the elves team
134s have been working on how the quest has
136s been going obviously it's being released
137s next week which is super exciting on the
142s 25th the usual Thursday I believe it's
144s going to be an hour earlier than the
146s typical updates are rather than 11:00
148s a.m. UK time it will be 10:00 so be
151s prepared for that is that better yeah
155s this is the bigger probably the biggest
156s content released we've ever done like
158s we're we're mildly concert the reason
161s we're doing it a little bit earlier than
162s 11 we're doing it 10 like you said is
165s because we are mildly concerned that we
166s might leave the office and you guys
168s haven't even entered the city yet so
169s we'd like that to you know if somebody
171s could get in there before you know we
173s want to go out to the pub and celebrate
174s that'd be great so you can do that I did
178s the building there side of making this
180s release build yesterday and I think it
183s said there were five thousand three
184s hundred files involved that's some quite
187s a lot of files yeah we've all been we've
190s got a big whiteboard upstairs where
191s we've all been adding our names to it
193s and adding predictions for how long we
195s we think the quest will tick I think the
197s shortest one is just over four hours
201s it's like four and a half I think is the
202s short winter is the shorts prediction
205s some predictions go up to like six hours
207s yeah that was my prediction I just
210s realized what I did say false words yeah
215s it certainly not cooks the system
217s there's a lot of content coming in
219s mostly the quest itself is considerable
222s in size for then obviously you've got
224s the city as well britainís massive
227s massive update for our school and then
230s all the content that has inside it as
231s well like the gauntlet and Vulcano in
234s particular mm-hmm yeah
236s estimation about progress we'll give you
238s the rundown on all of those sorry Karen
239s was there just because there's a lot to
241s look forward to yeah
242s I'm caught I can't wait for each stitch
244s it's not being an update hugely involved
245s I'm looking for it I just what do you be
247s able play through it before playing for
248s that quest from end to end
249s yeah you may need set a day aside for
253s that one cleared next weekend seems good
255s recommended the same unlucky for getting
257s married or something
259s on the topic of song with the elves we
261s closed the login screen and video
264s competitions on Sunday thank you
267s everyone who entered those we've had
268s some really really good entries for both
272s but especially for the login screens
273s they were tracking we think we are still
276s pulling them right now are we have ho
278s closes tomorrow we thought we'd leave it
280s until later in the day so that people
282s coming in from the game update get a
284s chance as well what do you guys well saw
285s no interests I abstained just as a point
288s of fun oh you guys remember which one
290s knew they'd be I like to be as well I
292s like all of them I can't remember what I
294s said a will be yeah the quality of so
297s many submissions we've got this time
298s which is I love a lot they're all really
301s good they're all very good
302s usually there's a clear favor or at
304s least a number of favors but we struggle
305s to even narrow it down to Ford anyway
307s yeah we have to we did an internal vote
309s to decide on the final four because we
310s were like this there was so many yeah I
312s think I shot list of nine or so which
315s were really good and then ask the team
317s so vote on their fair at four but even
319s before I wrote the actual list of nine
320s there was plenty more than that which
322s was still great and just didn't make the
324s cut then on the point of on that topic
327s actually ash I meant to ask you before I
329s suppose now fifty good a time as any
331s I'm sorry I'm taking are we able to
343s Anna's a bit controversial are you able
345s to hide the results of that poll after
347s it's closed and then show the login
350s screen on release and make that the
352s announcement of the woman is that
353s feasible we'd have had to reprogram the
357s poll booth kind of before we sign off it
359s amorous update sorry that's right
362s all future polls we've got some other
364s ones coming up in which case we could we
366s could maybe theoretically have it so
368s that we said this is the end point take
370s a screenshot where the results other
371s than people could still vote on it no no
373s the ugly yeah it might be possible to
377s just hide the poll again so that people
379s can't vote in it anymore and but it's
382s not officially closed so the game
383s doesn't show it okay that might be we
387s might be able to do that what do you
388s want to do ii um well if it's not
390s possible not a problem i guess will be
392s announcing the winner tomorrow then so
395s yeah excited to see that happen and if
397s we find that we certainly can do this
399s thing that we're describing then we
400s voted out so will it tomorrow but we all
401s know who it is
402s and you guys can not don't be surprised
405s when they log in and they update day I
407s think that's the point yeah that was the
409s idea but then I actually think we're
410s going to be polling something else
411s before then anyway so may not be
414s possible the video competition we will
418s be announcing on the probably on the Q&A
421s next week just before the update happens
425s we also had a law competition where
427s loads of you guys entered law
429s submissions so stories books that kind
432s of thing and plenty of them have been
433s written into the game ready for that so
435s so many books with this update there's
439s so many books like I feel so bad for mod
442s curse who at the QA all those because Q
444s air like can have moments where it's not
447s the most fun in the world but the least
449s for in the world is reading through
450s these tiny like the great stories but
454s because of the way our interface where I
455s say this much text and these things
457s there's like 25 pages what is
458s essentially a to microsoft word to page
461s document what is what if you I spoke you
464s know something oh yeah and spelled oh
466s and the way it's written in code if you
467s change something as well it's like a
468s full massive spring rice is wrapped so
471s it's just like one full line they are
473s reading fine it's the work always have
475s it yeah great stories though what is a
478s story for ants yeah it's they're really
483s good and then of course the final
486s competition that we're going to run is
487s going to be post release which is the
489s gauntlet race so I think for the two
491s weeks after launch
493s we'll be clocking your times for
495s completing the new PVM challenge and the
497s winner is going to get one of our GT
499s Omega gaming chairs which we've posted I
502s believe wow we may not have placed an
504s image of them yet but they are round and
506s I'll post one shortly maybe after this
507s just like oh yeah we're giving this away
513s oh my administration beautiful assistant
518s producer mahjongg
521s we're not giving it away is being prized
523s that one in particular
524s CPM champion here that one exactly the
528s [Laughter]
531s specific one yeah cool got the books
534s where and everything that's perfect
536s thanks I mean yeah if you want that
538s prepare to be good at ppm and the godlet
541s and complete fun of the ants as fast as
542s you can to get that sounds easy right
545s two weeks two weeks yes I leave enough
548s time to wait for a quest guide you have
549s to do that question about the guy yeah
551s why I wanted to say the point we made it
554s two weeks rather than say one week or a
556s few days after was we don't want to
558s encourage me with a spacebar through the
559s quest we know a lot of you will anyway
560s if you're not particularly into the law
563s but we do want to encourage you to enjoy
564s the quest and the story that model is a
566s beautifully woven to be a part of the
568s game's history and also as a puzzle
571s we'll know that might be a bit
572s challenging okay audio one we've got so
575s many new super calls there are so much
576s to this again cows or something like 19
580s possibly Wow yeah I think that I learned
583s of the dialogue is what makes it adds to
586s the story if you understand the
587s consequences of what you're actually
588s doing it adds so much weight to do what
590s you're doing makes it so much more
591s enjoyable sir
593s alright so that's enough on some of the
596s elves for the time being I would like to
598s talk briefly about warding next also on
602s Monday we posted the second warding blog
605s which featured a lot of feedback changes
607s we cut back the skill and brought it
609s down dose of core fundamentals in a lot
611s of ways exclamation mark rewarding will
614s bring you to that blog and we're also
619s splitting the poll questions so the core
621s skill is being pulled separately from
622s many of the other features so that's why
626s you can really pick and choose what you
627s want and we've separated the skill from
629s those features um I have some bitch well
631s did you guys were talking more generally
633s about warding otherwise I've got some
634s questions for you to answer about it yes
638s essentially just my only ask is you go
640s and read the info and vote in the poll
642s no don't try to influence your decision
644s obviously most of us think it's a cool
646s idea if not all of us but you guys have
648s your say this is what's so special about
649s old school and a new skill is massive
652s yeah go get yourselves clued up figure
654s out what it is and decide if it's for
655s you I'm gonna have a vote
657s couldn't ask for that anymore really I
659s think at the end of the day you know the
660s blog's being changed so much from what
663s it originally was and we know that a lot
664s of people didn't really like some of the
665s rewards or suggested to begin with I'd
667s say just give another read give another
669s chance and then the most important thing
672s is just just vote whatever which way
674s that is we just want to hear your
675s opinion on it we have a cool content
677s it's worth emphasizing as well like this
679s is a big change right as as as well said
683s and that was driven by your feedback we
685s saw the response to the initial blog we
687s took that on board we spent an awful lot
689s of time going through that and hence why
690s it's taking so long to get back to this
692s stage so please give it a read and see
695s what you think
695s all right so I did have some questions
698s in reaction to that blog which I will
700s throw your way
701s the first is please want to know when
703s the beta will take place so don't we
706s have a fixed date and I expect we'll
708s happily have more than one might even
710s have one ongoing will build out that
712s roadmap once once we go through the poll
714s they needed to do that before we start
715s putting that much more investment into
717s figuring out how it's going to work but
719s ultimate that beater is there to serve
720s that we're building in the right way
722s it's suitable for the game it's balanced
723s correctly the only real true way to do
726s that is to get hands-on feedback from
728s you guys yeah so it'll be some time
730s before launch obviously some time after
733s all yeah yeah it'll take as long as it
737s takes to them to get it right cool if
740s the skill fails would we go ahead and
742s release it anyway in the future
744s ultimately I think that will come down
746s to the appetite from the community its
749s we'll see how it fares a poll starting
751s Friday I believe right so you just just
754s clarifying that by the way that isn't we
756s put it in without it passing yeah no it
759s would it would of course need to pass a
761s poll for a real life if it fails it
763s won't we won't just go oh well here it
765s is anyway we're not going to do that
766s that is what I was getting yeah we've
767s got some players who are quite maybe
771s suspicious of our intentions with this
772s sort of thing maybe thinking we're being
774s overly pushy and they're worried that we
775s would just all go ahead with the launch
776s yeah not at all which is that we
778s wouldn't be polit in the first place of
780s course off the table as well as want to
782s be summer eyes that one the TLDR is if
784s it fails No
785s we won't put it in game without it
787s passing I think what mod don't see how I
789s says maybe you know if it's seventy four
791s point nine percent
792s we'd probably look why was that the
794s reason is it something that's small that
796s we could change or as we do with most
798s things that fail that close potentially
800s we potentially readers in the future but
802s know if it's seventy four point nine
804s percent it's still a fail we wouldn't
805s exact in game that is what I was getting
808s good good nuance with yes we considered
813s that kind of a spectrum because for me
814s it's a no-brainer doesn't pass this poor
815s doesn't happen isn't right and this
817s falls under one of our like some caveats
819s of game integrity I don't think a new
820s skill does it really doesn't and I don't
823s think it'd be in anyone's best interests
824s who were suddenly just not use them look
827s like here it said this is a big deal if
829s it's coming into the game actually
830s because you asked for it yes exactly
832s cool and then the last one is a bit more
836s specific it's a suggestion actually
838s saying we should add a quest for digging
840s high robes with this release so I really
843s like that it feels like it makes sense
844s given the sort of historical law around
846s Dagon high and I think uh part of the
848s wild graphics leaps they first turned up
850s in the what lies below question yeah and
852s they were obtainable after ordering
854s well Gothic sleeps I think back in
857s runescape in a way I know and whenever
858s that was but I get ultimately all come
861s down to doesn't make sense it sounds
864s like it does we've just we've presented
866s some unnamed quests in the full public
868s design document if you want to make if
869s those are scan please do it's linked in
871s the blog I think you can obtain the blog
873s by typing its nation might warding yep
875s awesome
876s I don't like your name here so I know
878s how they work anymore still got it yeah
880s so if it makes sense it's adding some
882s value and enriching your player
884s experience and it's cost-effective so it
886s won't take us years and years to write a
887s quest that makes it makes it sensible
889s then show this there's a good chance
890s we'll consider it and trying deliver no
892s I think stuff like writing quests but I
894s think we're pretty up for at least have
896s an introduction erequest for sure that's
897s one thing that we're all pretty sure
899s like we should have something like
900s runecrafting days like a little intro
901s and similarly you know I've seen
903s suggestions like thank elemental
906s workshops and I was like not the most
907s popular of quests desires those quests I
910s yeah so I didn't write them so it's
915s worth staying as well though if a forty
916s it's not going to go dead silent until
918s we ship the thing it's where we're going
919s to start leveling up our collaboration
921s with you that's a lot of elves in one
922s phrase soon expect to hear more we'll be
925s collecting ideas helping shape the
927s design else it's it's a skill that can
929s work for you we need your feedback your
930s requirements to make it successful right
932s so yeah okay so yeah the TLDR for anyone
937s tuning in just now is exclamation mark
939s warding to read the latest blog we'll be
941s pulling it on Friday so inform your own
943s opinion and let us know what you think
945s in the meantime the player within the
947s chat with the name that's all one a note
949s of underscores the asking what about the
952s things that were just polled in poll 68
954s developments already start on those and
956s in fact quite a few of them already been
957s signed off in the testing we've got a
960s rather large Elfquest kind of on its way
963s out the door first and we're not going
965s to try and bundle a lot of stuff
967s alongside that because well we've got
970s enough to focus on we're not upset with
972s having some things that's ready to go
974s out it's just you know saw the owl's is
976s it's huge able to get you some of those
979s some once the elves are out the door and
982s we in through August I don't have a
983s gokhale August why not it's flooding the
987s chat now um you have been chosen well
991s done one underscore underscore
992s underscore underscore underscore I've
994s still got some way to go on the ones
995s evolving interfaces cuz I take longer
997s interface work always does but we're
1000s talking mid August for a lot of this
1002s stuff so along similar lines in
1005s preparation for song at the elves like
1007s we said in last week's update this week
1008s is going to be quite light in terms of
1010s content while we prepare ourselves for
1011s the big launch but what it will contain
1014s our changes to Last Man Standing which
1016s the beta of is going incredibly well
1019s huge shout out to mod rock and mod Mars
1023s for their work on that both in design
1025s and development you guys have been
1027s loving it and enjoying it does anyone
1030s else here been playing a bit of LMS on
1032s the side watched a bit of it on watched
1035s bit of on twitch
1036s I've seen a lot of people talking about
1037s it sir yeah there's meant to be a really
1040s quiet week and I think we've put in like
1042s 18 feedback jobs for LMS and
1046s we've we've we also added in the quest
1048s fun can I say that right it's not gonna
1051s be a secret yeah we've actually already
1054s put some of the elves on there because
1056s we realized looking on Twitter to find
1058s out what stats you need for next week's
1059s release is a lot harder than everyone
1061s yes yeah it's a lot yeah harder than
1064s just clicking on it and it's showing us
1065s that so so the elves will appear grayed
1067s out that you can click on so you can see
1069s what snaps you still need what quest you
1070s still need if you have got them all
1071s already looking at you Bertie yeah I
1073s remember I don't forget and then yeah
1076s lots of L&S changes and feedback as you
1078s guys been loving that that's pretty
1079s awesome yeah I mean the 18 things you
1082s listed includes the things that we were
1084s doing proper permanent fixes for based
1086s on last week's hot fixes but the things
1089s we've got new from the update include
1091s the final areas there can be a bit
1093s bigger than they currently are because
1094s they're where the fog stops the area
1097s that's left is quite small and also you
1099s can't quite see where it is because
1101s there's no marker and all we have we can
1102s really do is blunder around until you
1103s start dying a fog so we've put those um
1107s the big glowing balls you get around
1109s deadman final areas we're having the big
1111s glowing balls in Last Man Standing as
1113s well to mark the edges of the fog a lot
1115s of changes well we've got some like I
1116s should we talked about it I have a list
1118s of the exact changes he's interested
1122s speak so we are removing the accumulator
1125s from the starting inventory it was just
1127s all the useless which apparently I mean
1129s I'm not be care so I wouldn't know but
1130s you guys have let us know the dragon
1133s Warhammer is being replaced with a
1135s majors book so that's one of the items
1137s that you'd get for looting a bloody key
1139s bloodier key bloody a key was if the dwh
1143s not how many bloody King the oh the
1147s starting area spawns have been changed
1149s to group you in groups of six now so
1153s that's sort of a balancing thing whereby
1154s you won't have maybe four or five it's
1157s odd number of players in the starting
1159s your starting area so you've got have
1160s them run off and find a fight as I
1164s mentioned we're doubling the size of the
1165s final area and marking its boundary
1168s we're capping the number star diamond
1170s bruise you can have so you'll be one
1172s play inventory now dragon stone bolts
1175s are being replaced with diamond bolts as
1177s a big one people really on that
1178s and we're adding some more chest
1180s locations mmm
1182s and that that caps it all coming perfect
1185s all coming Thursday custom since last
1190s Thursday with influencing that look it's
1193s other changes already not fix as well
1194s firms that we could change but we've
1196s done plenty of stuff already I mean I've
1198s got if you're interested we're yeah
1200s we're also keeping an eye on how mage is
1203s faring as well so we have a couple of
1205s things that if you so inclined we could
1208s potentially with a hotfix ad in a couple
1210s of more items are obtainable within that
1212s chest to help mage out there's one thing
1214s we can also maybe talk about there's
1216s been a lot of complaints from LMS in
1218s terms of the unfair safe spying
1220s I guess the line of sight not being
1222s equivalent from one side to the other
1225s this is something that we've been
1228s looking into but haven't got around to
1230s properly testing yet because the line of
1234s sight rules are the problem here in that
1237s it's not symmetrical or side to side but
1240s that's going to affect safe spying
1243s against NPCs and obviously that sort of
1247s thing across the whole entire game
1249s that's not insignificant yeah so what
1256s atlas from the platform team the engine
1258s team here has done some of that famous
1259s engine work and has prepared a fix for
1262s it what ask you and says it's gonna have
1264s a lot of impact when that one rolls out
1266s so what we'd like to do is do as much
1270s test case we can internally first before
1272s troubling you with it and then hopefully
1274s put it on the LMS beta worlds in
1278s mid-august
1279s once we've be able to deal with some of
1282s the worst its worst issues before it
1284s gets to you yeah and that will give you
1287s guys an opportunity to try the LMS
1289s obviously but also you can use the rest
1293s of the world on those worlds and we'd
1297s therefore be able to get some more
1299s extensive be testing done that way I
1301s think things like barbarian assault
1302s indeed cuz emeral NPC I'd like to know
1305s for sure is it going to impact the way
1307s they defend their honor things seafood
1312s yeah because that's kind of worth
1314s knowing before we roll out the entire
1316s game on the real worlds like Inferno
1318s obviously is very and on this so there's
1321s a whole bunch of those things that we
1323s need to look at yeah and determine how
1325s that is affected ideally it's not
1328s affected right that's what that's what
1329s we want to be in that situation but if
1331s it is changed we want to understand
1332s exactly what is changing in all of these
1334s places so we can understand if it looks
1336s still something we want to do this is
1337s one of those scenarios where the best
1338s people to tell us if something is wrong
1340s in those especially things a barbarian
1342s assault are people like you and then
1344s there's some rat catchers gods
1347s now what mines are leading them yeah
1349s let's just delete the guards if people
1351s follow this or his garden with the
1353s patrolling guards throwing the same
1354s developer and then this are thinking
1356s Edgar's Roo is not from the same
1357s developer and with the trolls who throw
1360s clubs at you the kind of things where
1362s we're gonna have to make sure we cover
1364s those as well because with the best will
1366s in the world if we give you a beetle
1367s world and that you go anywhere you like
1368s on it you probably won't do the rat
1369s catchers quest so I guess that's what
1371s real Massacre CLG are is a we're gonna
1374s figure out what it will do will consult
1376s with you guys it's telling where they're
1378s not that's the thing we want to do and
1379s then we'll run a series of public tests
1381s and yes Tabish whether or not we think
1382s it's what it's doing is actually what
1384s it's doing that's the plan we just not
1387s gonna be able to do that right now yeah
1389s I try to deal with it but yeah but we've
1390s got the engine work done big thanks to
1393s my doubt that's there yeah obviously the
1395s one way safe spotting is something we
1397s would look to fix given well it's unfair
1400s sort of nature a separate but similar
1403s topic is the the trees in LMS do you
1406s know about these wolf the diagonal
1408s attacking of yes whereby you freeze your
1411s opponent run and run behind a tree and
1413s then attack them your attack animation
1415s say you're using range will delay your
1417s character appearing where they actually
1419s are making you only available to be
1421s attacked for gwantak
1423s it it provides a huge sort of positional
1426s advantage to the player who catches to
1428s freeze can you not do that I'm walking
1429s under someone as well though not quite
1432s the same way because you can still be
1434s attacked a lot more easily you can still
1437s spam click the person's underneath you I
1439s think this requires a bit more
1441s discussion some players say it's part of
1445s peaking some people
1445s is unfair I guess we'll just sort of
1447s refer to your your guys's feedback on
1449s this one and talk to your mod rock a bit
1450s more about it and see if we should keep
1453s that or not I guess the thing that
1454s happens everywhere there are in the
1455s world it is the one way safe spotting
1459s this on the other hand is not so obvious
1461s it needs changing those asymmetric
1463s line-of-sight check makes no sense
1464s there's a strong argument this is just
1466s part of peeking and part of you know is
1468s it requires a level of skill to pull off
1470s so there we go if you have further
1474s feedback for LMS I think we're going to
1476s keep the beta rope and sort of
1477s indefinitely for the time being for time
1480s being we don't expect it to be open all
1484s the way through to the full launch but
1486s no it's staying open well into August
1488s anyway especially if we want to do this
1489s line of sight thing just don't be
1491s awesome for yes absolutely so if you
1496s have any further feedback on LMS is
1498s going to be open for awhile feel free to
1499s play it and ping at jackets rock with
1503s your suggestions just wonder if usually
1505s don't be frozen if there was some new
1507s high-level mage armor in the game
1508s somehow I see what you're getting at but
1511s we're gonna move on yeah brings us just
1516s about to the end of all the
1517s announcements and things to talk about
1519s for the questions although before I do
1522s move on to the questions I would like to
1524s highlight a bit of user-generated
1527s content on the sofa in the chat familiar
1531s with lil smokie little videos right
1535s you've been making some very
1536s high-quality I know what this is yeah um
1538s so I think something like maybe three
1540s four hours ago he drops the latest and
1542s if we can get our producer to show it on
1544s screen you guys can see it first yeah
1547s take it away
1548s enjoy
1552s [Music]
1560s scanning planet information
1569s resources animals and humans detected
1573s image found at their leader
1576s [Applause]
1578s look what I found sea shanty 2
1584s warning planet resources are running low
1588s they won't stop making fire dropping
1592s fish and wasting resources
1595s commence operation balance
1609s [Music]
1618s [Music]
1631s I saw I saw Slayer Slayer music yeah he
1645s tweeted out he was like oh no I got
1647s caught up in the dust I guess we now
1648s have to watch soup guides I guess oh oh
1651s and for those yeah really
1654s topless I love his work yes good timer
1656s probably reminding about golden Dawn's
1658s yes so we've we haven't closed them just
1661s yet we're closing the Golden Dome
1662s nominations oh it may be tomorrow I have
1665s to double-check on that soon is the mess
1667s already they might have been closed
1669s already I'll have to check and I'll post
1670s about it after the stream yeah well
1673s we'll see how little smokey does he's
1675s quite a late and later appearance just
1677s suddenly came out no it was high quality
1679s content I don't know his Twitter handle
1683s off the top of my head but if you go for
1686s lil smokie search on twitter you will
1688s find him make sure the drop north follow
1690s quality a little smoky tube that's it
1695s alright so I realized with a half an
1697s hour in but I'm gonna move on seems in
1699s the chat love you guys I realized about
1707s halfway into the Q&A so I'm gonna start
1709s asking some questions the first one says
1713s all skal is a highly click intensive
1715s game and the delay for the long tap on
1717s mobile is not smooth at all could we add
1719s an option for two quick taps or similar
1721s to register as a right click so don't
1723s know about that functionality you'll
1724s have to take you to the platform guys
1725s but you can choose one tap moves which
1728s is it's an accessibility feature the
1730s route scripts have from very long time
1732s where you can make your default action
1734s be a right click it's found through the
1736s settings menu and I think it's on the
1737s one tap menu you know the one tap menu
1739s which you don't have to right click yeah
1741s you can just tap it same as a tap to
1743s drop it's on the same functionality
1744s settings though yeah try that see if it
1747s helps and we'll follow ups probably in
1748s some months given poison the platform
1750s team are regarding that awesome what are
1756s the team's thoughts on skull tricking do
1758s you consider it to be a fair part of the
1759s game if not can you add further measures
1761s to prevent it
1762s that's juicy that's a juicy question
1767s proper question spicy question I I would
1770s like to take that question throw in a
1771s straw policy with chances okay yeah
1775s well I'm curious yeah so my general
1777s opinion on skull tracking that I have I
1780s have some mixed thoughts however I think
1783s it's a cross between if it's something
1787s that is blatantly obvious a problem via
1789s others in that shouldn't interact like
1791s that I think that deserves to be fixed
1792s as in have we implemented something that
1794s is so broken that you wouldn't expect to
1797s be schooled in that way however if it's
1800s just over the pool lefse with the Fez
1803s it's a context because like school trip
1807s you can just set school tricking the
1808s falses yeah this is random different
1812s each one is might be okay something some
1816s scenarios though depending on how it's
1817s done
1818s might be okay and worth leaving it I
1819s mean no offense but I think it's kind of
1822s an introduction Airy thing that you need
1823s to have your stuff stolen from you and
1826s the wilderness as a noob at some point
1828s like look you learn by being there is a
1832s good point you didn't get lured but if
1833s you did you won't do it again
1834s oh you won't fall for again for sure
1836s there is the good point is where's the
1838s line with squirming yeah yeah this yeah
1840s because that's very much what it could
1841s fall under right so where is that yeah
1843s the way I see it is the state of being
1847s scold for the way the game is designed
1851s it appears to be something that you
1852s would deliberately opt into yeah you
1854s can't smile school if you don't go on
1855s the wilderness one exo-skull tricking
1858s does seem to sort of defeat the point
1860s however is within the limitations of the
1862s game it's not like there's no rule
1864s against there anything like that yeah
1866s yeah two people look the same and you
1868s click on the wrong one there's not much
1869s we can do about it yeah
1872s so I'm kind of on the fence about this
1874s one frankly I'd be curious to know what
1876s the chat thinks if we've got a straw
1877s poll running so should we said let's say
1880s I'm it's gold tricking oh I just want to
1886s phrase it the right way it's gold
1887s tricking a legitimate mechanic in old
1890s school and then just go for years well
1891s yes and maybe go yes no and dependent on
1894s scenario sure
1896s like I think we'd all agree that if
1898s you're getting schooled and attacked you
1899s know invalid or maybe we should do
1901s something about that but we EVP well
1903s Mexico will be calling hash out again to
1906s do it I'm not on call these days that's
1908s actually it's right good luck here yeah
1910s sorry things that right now on coffee
1912s people cool I suspect it's gonna be one
1915s of those things where pvm is largely
1917s will want options that make it
1919s essentially impossible to get scold by
1921s accident
1921s whereas PP cares think it will be a
1923s legitimate part of the game it's a
1925s shocking conclusion to draw that people
1926s that want to kill people want it to be
1928s easier and people don't want to die
1928s funny how that work some people go to
1934s university for four years to get a
1936s degree that says they can design
1937s something like that so why that straw
1940s poll is running I'll move on to the next
1943s question which is will we ever see
1947s existing areas of the game which were
1949s clearly still being developed or in the
1950s middle of a storyline at the time of all
1952s schools release be expanded for example
1955s Celtic Rim is a huge city but it's
1957s lacking in content besides the vast
1959s furnace and doesn't have a conclusion to
1961s his main storyline no it covers
1963s completely yeah
1974s blast furnace and making Bank everywhere
1976s else in Cal the grim is going used to
1978s restrict themselves really be
1979s underground that's true essentially the
1982s answer the question is yeah well that we
1984s we can do whatever we like as long as
1985s one you guys vote for it and two we are
1988s respectful to the overarching deep
1990s storylines of the runescape franchise we
1992s can't start you know crossing too many
1995s boundaries but we can do what we like
1996s with the existing story there's a thing
1997s we've done trolls
1999s already we're doing elves right now
2001s these are all continued storylines I've
2003s already actually finished all hasn't it
2006s taste a hope we're doing storylines that
2008s are old and created with saw the elves
2012s definitely as somebody who's I blaze
2014s yeah like I've played both quests the
2016s runescape and this version now and they
2019s are they hit the same beats but they're
2021s completely different quests so it's
2022s possible to do
2023s I've been contacting something involving
2025s the sea slugs as well because you know
2027s slug - ends on a bit of a cliffhanger
2029s with mother Malin heading off to do a
2032s thing somewhere the developer had in
2035s mind what she would go and do it where
2037s and it's not what happened in salt in
2041s the wound so their scope to have take
2045s that story differently I think
2048s no um mod I think his name was Mudkip
2051s wrote slug Menace Nance he did the
2053s Penguins are desperately I'm salt in the
2055s wound was the developer on that one mod
2058s trick was told he had to finish the slug
2061s story finished do something the Penguins
2064s plug dungeoneering because that was the
2067s hot thing at the time and not have any
2070s combat requirements because and that
2071s would be a that was a lot people doing
2073s it that's a tricky requirement Sarah
2075s yeah he especially so I think there was
2077s an too inconsistent ordering of penguin
2080s quests that meant that couldn't make
2081s sense yeah like cold war then racks we
2083s were by that point yeah he had to follow
2086s a rack to but but not require it it was
2088s challenging for him and he the place
2091s didn't like the results and he's not
2093s with us anymore
2094s I hope he's having more fun somewhere
2096s else that wasn't causing the quest right
2100s but yeah we might be able to do a
2103s different story involving the slugs
2105s evolving mother mal I'm a bit more maybe
2109s it could be different and you know what
2113s I mean if you've done the question and
2116s also I'd like to address more about what
2118s the temple Knights are up to because
2119s it's always been hinted that they are
2122s really quite nasty behind the scenes and
2125s other the developer apparently worked on
2128s a cutscene where you'd be seeing through
2131s a slit in the jail door where you the
2134s player had taken an npc to be debriefed
2138s after his possession by mother Malin and
2140s this the regional cassette from being
2142s strapped to a rack with a big burly
2144s template pounding away on it and the
2147s route ends I'm trying to get in front of
2148s him and you'd start having to wonder
2150s where they were doing the right thing
2151s now and whether or not we use actual and
2154s logic aside in old-school is maybe not
2157s mocking there's always kittens in so
2160s yeah
2160s could be could be and I'm there's that
2163s one in the off part one um there's a
2167s gnome shut down I don't have you it's
2171s extreme I mean I thought you just
2173s threatened him maybe yeah but I was just
2177s to threaten him rather than to actually
2178s do it Oh state a few years since I did
2180s this I can't remember as well and I
2182s think you know I'm slowly starting to
2183s realize of our quest as time goes on I
2185s think we're the baddies we're the bad
2187s guys wait she came I'm sorry like active
2191s adventure it's really weird cuz I'm
2192s wearing my band ops it's got spikes and
2194s skulls on it like am i are we the
2196s pattern was the clutch or is it like 300
2200s thousand these storylines drag drag the
2206s conversation back to the original
2207s question yes we'd love to develop some
2209s of the older stuff that already exists
2210s in game is just a case of weighing up
2212s how much you guys want that versus the
2214s new stuff and then balancing our
2216s development schedule around that on the
2219s very topic we're actually planning a
2220s survey which we discussed earlier in the
2222s year whereby we'll be doing exactly that
2224s we'll be finding out exactly how much
2226s you guys want all the content to be
2228s revisited which type and in what ways
2231s will be capturing that information
2232s hopefully towards the end of next month
2235s so you can look out for that and then if
2238s if it turns out the majority of you guys
2239s do want this stuff revisited then we'll
2241s though we'll go ahead and do it openly
2244s our next question mm asks are there
2248s plans to release a tank mechanic in
2250s future this would give items like the
2252s bulwark and the Justice you set a place
2254s outside of PvP I wouldn't say we have a
2257s plan for one but that's not to say it's
2259s not in the cards
2260s hmm I don't like I don't know if any of
2262s our current concepts I'm pretty sure
2264s when we made the bullet we said this we
2267s would be taking his existence into
2269s account when designing future bosses
2271s yeah I don't know if that's ever really
2273s worked out yeah I would have to link one
2276s really hardcore I'm tanking I think to
2279s make that work but yeah that's not to
2281s say it's not gonna ever happen sure I
2283s would say there's call for it given
2286s given that we've got items like justice
2288s here in the bulwark but no real content
2290s that requires you to kapanke
2291s so heavily it's just
2294s it's really really dislike creating
2296s bosses where you acquire something I
2300s really hate how like Cerberus we're
2302s kinda you almost meet the spirit shield
2305s right is it like I don't like that but
2308s it's sometimes the only way to get it to
2309s work
2310s sometimes it's just no other way putting
2312s this like in a game like like old-school
2313s you can't just have it so like we're not
2316s World of Warcraft in the sense that you
2317s know pulling can be a mechanic in that
2319s way unless the boss is specifically
2320s designed like that because of the way
2322s the NPC is working out again I don't
2324s think you would need to go that far to
2326s make it required like if a boss really
2328s requires a tank and that players doing
2332s quite a lot of damage it's very doable
2334s if I having the bulwark it's just it's
2336s balanced so that having the bulwark
2338s would be better than not having it I
2340s mean much like having you know having to
2343s twist that bow it's better than using a
2346s metal boat somewhere right you can take
2348s rod or give him a steroids and having it
2351s through prayer and you'd need one
2351s already yes it's already very good at
2355s tanking god it's just not them it's just
2359s not fair than doing damage but then you
2360s have something about weird mechanics
2362s like okay great so you've got this new
2363s group boss that requires four people to
2365s kill you've got one person taking all
2367s the damage who presumably goes in first
2369s which is usually how you pull in now
2371s again with the tank yeah well there were
2373s three people doing just wailing on in
2374s the 30 seconds as I stuff they abode do
2376s we use thought bowling rocks again
2377s because yeah we look at them falling
2379s rocks yeah I saw some good suggestions
2380s right Bubb work there right now because
2382s the main blocking mode you can't attack
2384s with right yeah that's pretty much the
2386s place like it's been emphasized that
2387s your tank you're not dealing damage the
2390s players highlighted that one of the
2391s problems with that it means they can't
2392s generally lure the attention of the ones
2394s on the attack is the cart attack yeah
2396s so they'd prefer if it just dealt zeros
2398s or rather than we could make it yeah
2399s rather than physically preventing you
2402s from attacking yeah which might give us
2404s what we need
2404s integrated which might help it but
2406s anyway yes on the topic of the bulwark
2410s should we address the PvP change that we
2412s suggested in the small changes and
2414s improvements Paul log where we said we'd
2419s like to nerf it I think across the board
2422s minus 10 there's been quite a strong
2425s reaction to that suggests
2427s cool thing is for PvP situations where
2430s it needs nerfing that's been said by
2432s some not to be enough and for almost
2435s every other situation in the game the
2437s things not much use anyway so nothing it
2439s is going in the other direction up other
2440s than where they'd like it to go which is
2443s why we suggested we might like to look
2445s at a different implementation where it
2447s gets well not as good in PvP but better
2452s in PVM right with all the different
2455s designs what we pitched before mm-hmm
2457s some further discussion to be had there
2459s I think as to what exactly it does yeah
2461s yeah good idea
2462s over to us knows no sure I think it's
2465s one of those things again where
2467s different parts of the community sort of
2469s pvp and PVE Emmas have very opposed
2472s interests so it's difficult to get a
2475s very clear answer on what's right for
2477s the item it may end up being the case
2480s whereby an earth is justified in PvP
2484s situations but maybe some new content
2486s gives it extra uses or makes it better
2488s elsewhere but that's something we're
2490s going to discuss internally similar to
2492s the G mall we know that suggestion
2495s became well gave rise to again quite
2498s heated debates let's say we're also
2501s going to be discussing what the right
2503s the right solution for that item is as
2506s well before we do anything to celebrate
2508s that for a second as well I don't know
2510s any other game in the world or you can't
2511s just do something and then react to feed
2513s that but suggest we're going to do
2514s something and have such a passionate
2516s group of players help us shape what that
2518s thing should be it's just wonderful for
2520s sure it's great yeah absolutely
2522s wonderful you sake
2524s parts and chat guys I'm a romantic at
2526s heart yeah so the cycle before I forget
2532s we got the results of that straw poll in
2534s where we asked you guys if skull
2537s tricking is legitimate mechanic in the
2538s game half of you said yes thirty percent
2541s of you said no and then the remaining
2543s twenty percent said it depends on the
2545s situation so basically they don't know
2547s like I guess not I'm surprised actually
2551s though I imagined more players in the
2554s twitch chat to say it's not but
2558s I guess we'll we'll work out later on if
2561s you want to change scull drinking or not
2563s I guess not clear right now what what
2565s the answer is
2568s besides partnerships what methods has
2570s Jagex considered for bringing in new
2571s players I vaguely remember of runescape
2573s commercials in the past would you
2575s consider doing more of those or reaching
2576s out to influential twitch streamers who
2578s stream other games so I think quite a
2580s lot of exposure to our marketing efforts
2582s the last few years having been the
2583s producer on mobile it's marketing it
2586s tends to come down to your your cost per
2588s acquisition essentially various
2590s different channels offer that various
2591s different prices in terms various
2592s different audiences and the way ads are
2594s so targeted these days you've doing
2597s really is no sort of catch-all kind of
2598s thing we don't do things like Hebe
2601s commercials because how many 20 year
2603s olds to other watch TV TVs are dying off
2607s yeah what's the television exactly the
2609s thing therefore this comes up on so your
2613s outside of partnerships we have a core
2614s marketing team the work around the clock
2615s to essentially spending a lot of money
2618s to try and find players that want to
2619s come play the game trying playing
2620s players that used to play the game and
2621s bring them back that kind of stuff but
2624s essentially it comes down to doing a lot
2625s of maths and funny what's most
2626s cost-effective there you go I know the
2632s marketing guys have put together a few
2633s ads and I see them from time to time on
2635s Facebook or other social media so we do
2637s that if you play the game you're
2640s unlikely to see them it's another thing
2642s to a bear in mind sometimes you do with
2646s in addition to the discussed ecumenical
2649s key change can they be added to the
2651s avian sea drop table they're the only
2653s NPC in the God Wars dungeon that doesn't
2655s drop them yeah this is true and we
2656s Python 68 knit past yes the answers
2661s because previously they were noted
2663s adamantite bars and the only creature to
2666s drop them so we thought do they really
2667s need an additional incentive outside of
2669s that because we doubled it in the
2670s wilderness as well at which point we
2672s went no and that was you know five years
2674s ago and times have changed and to an ax
2677s man type draw a bar drops are no longer
2678s exciting well it used to be that they
2680s were the only thing with banknote
2681s element drops but then we did a story of
2684s rewarding 2015 so it's not unique in the
2685s wilderness anymore and yeah we can add
2688s the ecumenical piece the audience sees
2691s I don't think this is gonna be a much of
2693s a game changer for the most heart but
2695s something kiss I know there's some
2696s players who are quite happy about it so
2698s you've mentioned it and what the heck it
2701s means that you won't sit there grinding
2702s on the wrong NPC for hours yeah no curse
2706s we the reason that question is still in
2708s there is because we didn't do a Q&A last
2710s week so we're gathering questions from
2712s previous a previous list fortunately it
2715s came up last week so we just put it on
2716s POSIX gate and did it are there plans to
2721s I know a lot of these questions starts
2723s are there plans and even who don't have
2724s plans we might still like the idea and
2726s discuss them they say other plans to add
2729s a toggleable
2730s icon next year are ascending clan chats
2732s and friends lists that would indicate
2733s your own mobile I'm not ignoring you
2737s just barbarian fishing while on the bus
2739s so it's not planned essentially it's not
2743s say we couldn't do it I'm not sure you'd
2744s want it in all situations as well right
2747s so I guess it's whether asked for the
2747s torille but it's it's the value of a
2751s feature and doing anything mobile is
2752s very expensive especially if this one
2754s means that the chat system shared
2755s between old school and rs3 exact have to
2758s become able to know that information
2760s about everybody who's logged in and pass
2762s it to all the game worlds in real time
2763s along with all the other info it passes
2765s yeah it's nice
2766s um not just engine work for our lore its
2769s engine work for the rs3 team as well and
2771s their engine team ain't exactly short of
2773s work too because well frankly they
2775s haven't even got a full mobile launch
2776s yet so we are unlikely to bonk them down
2779s with nice-to-haves
2781s when they've got more critical things
2784s they need it's also my understanding
2787s that because of mobile emulators that
2791s you can get on desktop which would
2793s obviously probably make you look like
2796s you're coming in on mobile anyway if we
2797s had such a system
2798s we'd have to be very very careful to
2801s make sure any indication or separation
2803s like that wouldn't provide any
2804s advantages or disadvantages things so
2808s it's not necessarily something we'd be
2810s able to pull off members items be
2816s changed so that they can be sold on the
2818s ground exchange from free-to-play
2819s accounts it's something we've wanted to
2821s get done for a number of years now
2824s I have been pushing that one of the more
2825s recently that feel investigating a
2828s little bit into this one aspect of this
2831s it's that a free player well he's
2834s talking to me neat we'll see what a
2835s members item is right now that's obvious
2838s you right-click the item it says members
2840s item incentive for them but if we're
2844s gonna let you sell them on the G we'd
2845s want to enable it so that you can see
2847s the real item name etc so we'd have to
2850s do some other method where it's maybe we
2854s attach a symbol to the name or make all
2856s members items have bracket m or
2858s something in there would need to come up
2860s with something that that achieves that
2862s in a way that you guys are happy with
2865s and also the game currently has no idea
2869s whether things tradable or not because
2871s I'm a free to play world it says no no
2873s that's not tradable be some members item
2874s but we don't want to enable trading all
2877s the untradable free-to-play that members
2879s items on those worlds as well which is
2882s why this whole thing is first the engine
2885s work secondly some designing needs
2887s before they could do it and they are
2891s getting not short of player request so i
2893s do you think this is a rather valuable
2894s one yeah yeah i'd be good to do because
2896s i know i know it's a bit of a pain when
2897s you're in a free to play a world and i
2899s mean maybe you've got enough you know
2900s and maybe hung up membership and you if
2903s you've got enough members like as a cell
2904s get yourself a bond that might be nice
2906s exactly that sort of thing and clean up
2907s bank space and whatnot Greenman zaire
2910s and we first started looking at this
2911s when we were scoping out the launch of
2914s free-to-play importance back in 2015 so
2915s that's how long it's been on our minds
2918s yeah it's yeah it's I can certainly only
2922s imagine how annoying it can be to be a
2924s free-to-play and be like I could buy a
2925s bond right now become a member but I
2927s can't because my money's in the items I
2929s sell and actually get that it's the same
2931s thing with iron men as well we spoke
2933s about that before as well maybe having
2934s you know James Bond be a person who talk
2936s to to buy a bond for the highest
2938s possible price you can buy one and he'll
2940s buy it for you and give it to you just
2941s to avoid having again a different
2943s account again beats going for the GE yes
2945s yeah there's a question this question
2947s that can free the chat would this let
2949s free it plays merch we would stop you
2951s from buying beer one way only selling
2954s you know okay
2956s except possibly buying a bond could
2961s random event rewards be changed to scale
2963s with total level most of them are
2965s underwhelming and not worth doing as
2966s they when you're hired to at level just
2969s give me genies she was per day back in
2972s 2009 I did a rework of all my live
2975s events took a few weeks and made her
2978s they all gave you a kind of generic
2981s reward item it was a big pink box with a
2983s tied up with a bow and the contents of
2988s it was encoded on the object based on
2990s the skill total you had at the time and
2993s how you'd performed in the event that
2995s were relevant like if you solved it
2996s first time rather than bursting the
2998s wrong balloons a few times first and so
3003s when you open it you'd be able to choose
3005s what catsby of item you wanted the
3007s quantities and qualities would be scaled
3009s to your skill total at the time when you
3012s got the box and the and your performance
3015s in the event with exceptions built in so
3019s that if it had been the school ran
3022s events you could choose to get the Book
3024s of Knowledge
3024s and I bet you always did and if you but
3027s other resource options would be there as
3029s well if you really didn't want the Book
3031s of Knowledge my fellows for having some
3032s coal but we could do something that I
3036s saw again heck we might even be able to
3039s lift some of the code I used last time
3041s from the IRS fees archives that said of
3046s all the things we could be doing yeah
3048s this does not feel like the most
3050s pressing bonkers yeah it might encourage
3053s more people to do random events but I'd
3058s rather be encourage you to do other
3059s things it's not fun content right no
3063s because I need to be I think no it was
3066s created to disrupt botters but he did
3069s not succeed for very long okay you can
3075s ask maybe one or two more questions
3077s before wrapping things up a little bit
3079s of a team cause I've got a another
3082s user-generated piece of content that I'd
3084s like to shower so let's
3088s go for as it stands new players are
3092s dropped in lumbridge with no idea what
3093s to do next
3094s I propose having a toggleable suggestion
3097s system he would check player stats to
3099s suggest and suggest to the next easi
3101s easiest quest using an order based on
3103s law or quest line you can also recommend
3106s skilling methods to reach the
3107s requirements for the next one
3108s so we are actually building something
3109s very similar to that the moment not
3111s quite the same but very similar but it's
3114s be a while before you really see it
3116s because we're going to go through a
3116s series of testing to make sure what's
3117s effective in actually doing good rather
3119s than doing bad players experience etc
3121s but they actually aren't doing something
3123s kind of similar for just for new players
3124s which is optional sure chat or sort of
3132s really against this for something on a
3136s second like we get a surprising amount
3142s of players coming in who have never
3143s played this game before about three
3145s times as many of these are watching the
3146s stream right now the Craven Council a
3147s yeah we are I say surprisingly if it's a
3152s bad thing but too many people surprise a
3154s very popular game to new players who
3156s have never played it before people think
3157s that the people who are joining our game
3159s oh they know have played before and
3160s that's not true
3161s and you guys are aware that we're trying
3163s to work on that and you guys already
3164s know that we're trying to bring more
3167s people in and in turn also ensure that
3169s when those people come in they have the
3171s best possible experience right you saw
3173s with our recent discussions about
3174s partnerships that you guys voted no to
3176s which was of course perfectly fine as
3178s well we thought we pulled it for a
3179s reason there are other things that we
3182s need to do to ensure we've spoke about
3183s these and blogs just to make sure that
3185s people who do come in have the best
3186s possible onboarding experience it's not
3188s nice
3189s to be a person who's never played ruins
3190s old school before and not have a friend
3192s you know some people don't myself into
3194s it all right and not have somebody guide
3196s you through a game that is now what 10
3200s 11 years old if you classroom 2000 or
3202s German just probably a context to as
3204s well I'm not looking to we're not taking
3205s new players and holding their hand
3207s through the game it's just about you
3209s give them a bit more learning than
3209s tutorial islands so how does the game
3211s actually work which includes do a little
3213s bit of welcome to tutorial as well but
3216s it's all caveated around the wanting to
3219s protect the heritage and that and the
3220s experience that you get as a new
3222s by coming to a game like old school
3224s because it is essentially a museum of a
3227s way that the game could have taken in
3229s 2007 all right it's about balance and
3232s it's not something I don't get right
3234s first time either yeah we know a
3235s tutorial island is a thing that people
3236s remember about old school runescape and
3238s we don't want to change that entirely to
3240s include every skill possible and
3241s completely change the way that works
3243s because that's something yeah cuz that's
3245s something you guys know and love as a
3248s part of old school but we also need to
3250s add something to assist with that and
3252s the best way of doing that is something
3253s that you guys probably won't even come
3255s across yourselves but something that
3256s somebody who's new will and can assist
3259s them and becoming another awesome player
3260s like you who can probably throw our
3262s poles and enjoy our content as a whole I
3265s think we're looking at in a completely
3266s different way to how it's been looked at
3267s yeah in previous in previous iterations
3269s and in what RuneScape's tried to do
3271s recent packaging up the the sort of
3273s early game content that's already there
3275s and just making it just making you aware
3276s of it and helping you understand why
3279s it's there what it might be used for on
3281s that kind of stuff it was that and but
3283s the whole game right old-school is a
3285s steep learning curve that's not going to
3286s change but the game is the game this is
3289s about trying to help people understand
3291s that and give them the tools to be able
3293s to deal with that I saw players in in in
3296s this in the chat just now saying
3298s suggesting that why not just go and
3299s watch youtube videos that is literally
3301s something we could teach the birth right
3303s it's that sort of thing because we know
3305s full well when you go and do some quests
3307s you're gonna read a quest guide for the
3308s most part we should prepare people for
3310s this and explain like the different
3314s things you can do whether it's chatting
3316s to other players getting help from
3317s others or searching Google are using
3319s YouTube guides let's give the player
3321s those sort of ideas point them to some
3324s of the early stuff to do so they can
3325s start to get integrated and understand
3328s these things but the games the game and
3330s it's about helping people understand
3332s what the game is it's ultimately not
3334s easy scape to point somebody gets look
3336s there's a chef in that kitchen
3338s talk to me might have quest for you all
3340s right look you've got a strength skill
3343s go to the leveling unit um that's it's
3346s not playing the game for you and it's
3348s not taking away the grind yeah from what
3351s I saw the rewards they weren't all that
3352s so
3353s oh sorry yeah it's not meant to be
3356s anything red yeah I'll talk about the
3358s approach of it as well as it were being
3359s quite cautious with this we're not just
3360s expecting week we know what that what
3362s good looks like for something like this
3363s because it's never been done properly so
3366s we've we've got our own ideas we're
3368s building them they can be tested that
3369s was eight through through day are in
3371s there if someone's actually um it's one
3373s of these new features do they stay with
3375s the game for longer or is it more
3375s detrimental and if so we'll just take it
3377s out it's about learning and we'll share
3379s what we're learning as we're going
3380s floppy points out isn't there lumbridge
3382s guide yeah there is the thing about the
3384s Lumbridge guide is that he's only they
3386s have you talked to him ago through
3387s direct dialogue trainer which is not a
3390s very effective way look how many people
3392s seriously learned how to control their
3395s attack styles from talking to the NPC in
3398s language yeah that's maybe a few view
3402s genuinely did and found it a good
3405s learning experience but we think there
3406s could be a better one rather than there
3409s being an NPC behind three who if you
3412s speak to them and ask the right things
3413s will try to describe via our chat box
3416s medium how to control the buttons on the
3418s left of year panel yeah that's not
3422s sensible yeah if they opened up a
3424s YouTube video they'd probably doing
3425s better than they are now we'd like to
3427s work on that kind of thing people see
3430s it's been suggested by some that we
3434s shouldn't care about getting new players
3436s and focus all our efforts on just
3438s pleasing you the ones we already have
3440s now I get that because you guys managed
3443s to learn the game without these features
3445s why shouldn't everyone else thing is if
3448s we focus solely on just the players
3452s we've got with the best within the world
3454s you are probably mortal and beds happen
3462s to the best of us with the best in the
3463s world that take people waved if they
3465s don't want to if we just say okay we've
3468s got these customers we'll just look
3470s after them and never think about ever
3471s getting any new ones I do not think
3473s that's gonna work out in the very long
3474s term and even if that might be okay for
3478s some of you I'm afraid it's not going to
3484s keep the game for people who would like
3486s keep playing it in future so yeah we are
3489s going to look at these things that's we
3492s will try to avoid them impacting how the
3495s game is but we would like to make it a
3498s bit less of a slap in the face when you
3500s drop off tutorial Island and find
3502s yourself in the big wide world it's very
3504s different to be told hey quests exist
3506s from a random block through 20 bits of
3508s dialogue trees that you are definitely
3509s space borrowing through nine times out
3511s of 10 anyway than it is to go oh talk to
3515s this guy also quest just like he said
3516s it's completely different being inside
3518s of an enclosed environment that
3520s essentially tutorial Island is almost
3522s two hand-holding sometimes for a point
3523s where when you get dropped in the center
3525s you actually don't know how to find a
3527s quest or how does this skill right
3529s there's no giant rat unless you go over
3531s to this swamp right unless you're walk
3532s on that way if you've gone off you're
3533s like oh oh what can i attack count this
3535s is that thing that I do to train is how
3537s do I train I got 20 attack before I got
3539s like any defense and strength levels
3540s when I first start playing this game
3542s like like duels and Yerger now like it's
3546s important yeah for sure I think the vast
3550s majority of well hopefully you guys want
3552s the game to continue to thrive and
3554s succeed and do well as we obviously do
3555s of course and it's like that question we
3558s had earlier saying you know what are you
3559s doing to bring new players in while
3560s we're doing various things but there are
3562s there are two parts to that which is
3564s getting new players interested but then
3565s also keeping them once they've you know
3567s logged in and like we say it's not
3570s particularly intuitive once you leave
3571s tutorial island what you're meant to do
3573s next or at least not for many players
3576s we've found that's one of the particular
3578s drop-off points so anything we can do to
3580s sort of retain players a bit better and
3582s get them to experience the rest of the
3583s game which you guys already playing and
3585s enjoying the better and we need more
3587s loops otherwise who's gonna buy all your
3588s supplies it's not like we're suggesting
3592s nothing VDOT wizards up over rock so
3595s they won't kill be well no no we still
3597s allow it right I realized we're just
3603s about that time I don't think we're
3605s going to have time to show off the thing
3606s I wanted to but I will give it a
3608s shout-out it's a piece of content
3610s generated by or I come up with the name
3613s of the player off the top of my head is
3617s quite long what I'll do is I'll ask a
3618s producer to
3620s family in the chats briefly so you guys
3622s can have a look it's the desert treasure
3624s quest turned into undertale support for
3628s never played undertale when they were
3631s younger
3632s excellent excellent game this person has
3634s done an excellent rendition with the the
3635s four bosses from desert treasure if
3637s you're interested in watching we could
3640s but I think often I producer might need
3642s to later
3643s yeah anyway we'll leave that's okay well
3646s leave that with you guys we hope you
3647s enjoy it a quick overview of the
3649s announcements exclamation mark rewarding
3650s to read the final boarding blog before
3652s polling on Friday information mark
3654s progress to see the song of the elves
3657s progress blog that's obviously being
3658s released next week we hope you enjoy it
3662s and update tomorrow is going to be
3665s last-man-standing changes with some
3667s other news in there I hope you guys have
3669s a wonderful week and we'll see you next
3671s time have a good way