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At first I thought the team based reinforcements were a good idea.

However I have noticed that because they don't have to use their 2 reinforcements 8 times out of 10 people wont reinforce and just run off and leave it for others to do.

And if the others don't do other peoples share then those who anchor are easily picked off by an Ash or Zofia, or anyone with a charge when they open up the site.

There must be a better way because from level 10 to 200 I have seen many just run off and not bother even if they come back to the site
about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Yeah there have been some ups and downs when it comes to folks thoughts on this. It seems like when people are using good comms, it works out really well. Your roamers/ utility based ops get some time to get out and about more effectively and your anchoring ops get to set up reinforcements at their own leisure.

The converse side of things is that when there's poor communication or too many utility based folks/roamers about, there's not anyone to stay on point and reinforce.

This has been my experience at the very least, and i am hoping once folks adjust to the changes we will see some really effective utilization of the system.