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I just want to get my two cents out on the rework to Tachanka as someone who mains him on defense.

The removal of his turret will kill him and turn him into a worse version of Blackbeard on defense. If you really want to buff and balance Tachanka here's what Ubisoft needs to do.

The first change is keep his turret, I know sounds insane right? Here's why, Tachanka's turret is an amazing gadget for holding down strategic points such as doors, windows and hallways. The problem being his lower half is easy to shoot and kill him, what Ubisoft needs to do is make it so when he get's on his turret and by holding down the gadget button for a second or two he can detach his turret from it's base and can roam with it, essentially keeping not only the tactical turret we love and what makes him such a good operator but also allowing the new movable turret mechanic to come into play. In doing so by walking back up to his turret he can hold the gadget button again to reattach it.

Keep it's ability to open holes in walls because that's just amazing and if you think this makes him too overpowered as an operator make it so when he removes his turret from the base it shatters the shield on it. This will make it a choice whether or not you detach from the base and lose your shield or keep the shield and be unable to roam with his turret. When you face a Montagne, Clash, or Blitz all they need to do is sit in a corner and unless you have several teammates or a C-4 Charge they're very hard to deal with. Make it so his turret breaks shields after 30-40 shots and instead of all shield operators being banned every game, people would instead begin to play Tachanka more in order to counter shields and effectively balance out the shield banning problem that has kept Montagne banned in every single ranked match I've ever played in.

In summary, keep his turret but allow him to detach and reattach it from the base and if this is too op make it shatter the shield, make it open holes in walls and allow it to break shields after 30-40 shots which will solve the shield banning problem that keeps Montagne banned in every single ranked match.
This my friends is how to balance Tachanka as an operator while still allowing him to keep his turret add the roaming ability and finally add a proper shield counter to the game.
about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Thank you for the feedback on the Tachanka rework!

I know some players are disappointed to see his turret go away since it was something he was known for. The devs stated that in a game where constantly moving and changing your angles is key in your survival, standing still on a turret isn't exactly a viable defense and that leads to the attackers being able to devise a plan to take you out really quickly.