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First sorry for my english, i try my best.

I really really try to love this game still. I have almost 4000hours in siege on console and pc and i dont want to raise myself to pedestal but i think i have some exprience.

This game is not fun anymore. Its all about you ubisoft.

More and more pro players and siege influencers are leaving siege and making videos how they have stopped playing cos cheater etc but you dont even communicate nothing. You promise things but nothing happens, five years and still we have bad cheater problem.


For love of god change anticheat already, its impossible to play higher ranks cos cheaters. There is players who have cheated so long and still not banned, guys have 90% hs ratio and kd over 20 and still nothing.

Warzone killed cheating pretty fast, ofc there some but not even close what it was. Valorant banns already cheaters live. Why its so hard to ubi do something? Im not developer but i have worked more and less whole my life on videogame industry and so many delevopers get anticheat right.

Ubi is making pretty much money with siege, maybe put some of it on new anticheat or make your own?

You also say every single month that you are watching and developing something towards cheaters but nothing happens, every single season we have more and more cheaters.

There is literally evidence when people cheat on streams and youtube and you can see their uplay name but you do nothing NOTHING. These same guys cheat still with same accounts.

Balancing and operators.

Siege has more stale meta ever. Just fragging and destroying def utility. Its so boring that even pro players are crying, but nothing.

Lets take frags off from buck, lets give four candelas to ying (they reverted it but still), take super shotty from mozzie etc. Lets make jäger 2/2 cos high pickrate. Its not about jäger speed, its about hes gun and gadget, but no. Lets make him slower but there hasnt been any impact to hes pickrate.

Do you have any clue about this game and how balance works, maybe hire some old pro players etc how has some idea how to balance this game.

In addition to this you make operators who doesent need any skill. Five years olds can play these operators. I mean lion, jackal, dokkaebi, mozzie, finka etc. Minus finka, these all are someway too strong and doesent have any skillgap.


Im not delevoper but how can this game still have rubberband holes etc. Clash clitch every season, still sounds are bugged.

I dont mind battlepass, i like to grind but maybe just maybe focus on bugs first.

Last words.

I dont hate siege im just dissapointed the current state. Siege could be best competive fps game ever but cheaters and bugs are ruining it. CS:GO had really bad cheater problem back in the day and it almost killd mm games, but valve really made good job and "save" matchmaking scene. Do the same ubi. for real.

almost 4 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi Pulu! Thanks for expressing your views on the current state of Siege. We have our Status Report post coming out soon which will give more visibility on our plan against Hackers and bugs like Audio Issues.

Its not about jäger speed, its about hes gun and gadget, but no. Lets make him slower but there hasnt been any impact to hes pickrate.
As we talked about in the Designer Notes, we have more options we are looking into for Jager. As a start to lowering the pickrate, the team considers him among the most mobile defender, which pairs really well his solid weapons.

Lets take frags off from buck,
Also mentioned in the Designer Notes, the team felt Buck having Frags was redundant given his gadget can provide a lot of destruction already. The balancing team felt that the frustration levels of Buck on certain sites was too high. Sledge can still do the same thing, but he can't do it above, which I assume is the frustrating part of the change.

lets give four candelas to ying (they reverted it but still)
I personally did not agree with this change either. We talked about removing the extra candela in our recent Pre-Season Designer Notes with a graph showing stats pre-post. The team found the combination of giving her Smokes and an extra Candela was too oppressive, therefore deciding to remove one Candela again. She can still burn through ADSs.

take super shotty from mozzie
This doesn't really apply to the complaint about Defender heavy utility in my opinion unless you are suggesting Mozzie's Pests should have been looked into instead. The reason for the change was because he was viewed as too strong given his speed and weapons. The point was to remove Mozzie's ability to create rotates and be quite scary while roaming. I have seen some suggestions recently that Mozzie's Pests should be looked into for a change, like changing the way the launcher works or the number of Pests.

maybe hire some old pro players etc how has some idea how to balance this game.
As you should know, we did mention the Professional Players do have a part in balancing feedback. But the balancing team does not necessarily agree with everything they suggest. From the post:
We listen to pro feedback, but also monitor and gather data on every aspect of the game, their matches included. We make decisions on the best course of action with their feedback, player feedback, and data in mind.

I mean lion, jackal, dokkaebi, mozzie, finka etc. Minus finka, these all are someway too strong and doesent have any skillgap.
Personally, I don't think there is necessarily a problem having operators that are easy to play. I think these are all operators (besides maybe Dokka) that have a low skill floor but decently high skill ceiling. The problem comes into play when they are easy to play and overpowered.
I am going to assume your complaint about Mozzie being easy to play yet upset at the removal of the Super Shotty was because you think the Pests need to be looked into.
I have not seen much push back on Finka or Lion. Lion is not nearly as strong as he used to be on release. I am not sure what further needs to be changed with his kit. I've seen suggestions for Finka to be buffed, but not much discussion that her ability is overpowered.
Jackal is obviously a known topic within the community, as he continues to be the most banned Attacker. I've seen discussions from MacieJay on how to rework Jackal's kit to make him a bit harder to play and make his gadget not as irritating.
As for Dokka, I am also not sure what I would personally change about her kit. I personally don't like her DMR that much, but that's just my playstyle. Her phone calls can be countered with Mute but most times I just let them ring out if I know I am in a safer area where I can anticipate the Attackers pushing.