Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

28 Jul


Originally posted by get_the_data

Yeah it’s absolutely not on Switch after using a free beta code. It just has each pack labeled as “purchased” in the eshop when I haven’t bought any. Same with all my friends (that also want to buy packs now) that got in with a code.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll ask about it.


Personally? I think you’re doing great.


Originally posted by solomansenpai

The C4 does not explode when i toss it and it lands. it forces me to cycle through all my weapons including melee weapons for it to trigger the explosion. But there are even times when that wont work

So what's happening there is if you try and trigger C4 midair, it becomes bugged when it hits the ground and won't detonate. We're fixing this in an upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by get_the_data

Thanks for your hard work. Please make it to where people that got in free on the beta can upgrade to a founder’s pack if they want to. You’re losing out on a lot of potential cash by this being walled off.

Buying a Founders Pack should 100% be possible. Are you seeing that is not the case?


Originally posted by TrypZdubstep

Fixing your micro transactions and allowing pack upgrades, should probably be your #1 Priority. I bought the $15 starter pack to try it out, loved playing the game but didn't want to spend an extra $30 dollars when I already paid $15 to try some new characters. So instead I bought some Rogue bucks. I bought them 3 nights ago and still haven't showed up on my account. Connected my epic games account to my HiRez account and made it my primary, still nothing. I decided to try again because I really want to try some new characters and that transaction was completed and I STILL have 0 rogue bucks.

Sent in a ticket through Epic Games and haven't gotten a response.

This is shady as f**k and I'm just going to dispute everything through my bank if it's not resolved soon. 0 reason for this to not be addressed.

hey there! If you've put in a ticket with our Support group we appreciate it and rest assured we're working through this is as quickly as possible. Epic Games I'm afraid may just send you to us.

In terms of upgrades there aren't plans to do this. These are limited time offerings.


Originally posted by solomansenpai

Fix C4 its not working properly

Could you detail what you are experiencing?


Originally posted by Born2beSlicker

I’m sorry that I don’t have a match ID to make things easier, however I can say it was my second last match today. u/HiRezRadar

Account name: Born2beSlicker Platform: Xbox One X

Bug: I did the “Not Even Close” award and did not get the Xbox Live achievement for it. For verification, here it is unlocked in my awards page.

Thanks for reporting this, I do know we've seen a couple of achievements that are unlocking correctly. I'll verify we have an issue in for this.


Originally posted by Enkiiro

You guys got a great, fun game on your hands once you learn the ropes. But you need to work on some things.

- Make it more clear who has the bomb.- Hard penalties for people who leave the game. Incredible how often I have 3v4 games.- funny bug: when you spray someone he has it on himself and projects it on every wall he stands on. Kinda like a beamer.- Perk "reload" or what it is called in English. Way too OP, you should only get an automatic reload when actually killing someone, not by downing him.

Appreciate the feedback on this! Deserter penalties are coming in Phase 1 which is next up. In terms of who has the bomb, we do have the icon at the top of the screen. What else would help?


Originally posted by BaconDG

Any word on what Scott's crystallize tweet was referencing?

That is for him to share! Once he does I'll reiterate it but he's dialed in like a laser on Rogue Company quality of life.

27 Jul


The PS+ items are intended for play within the PlayStation 4 system and while this functionality exists, we aren't providing support for it.


Appreciate you reporting to us. I'm going to ask and ensure this is intended behavior.


Originally posted by TheSirWilliam

I didn't like csgo, I didn't like valorant, I didn't even like overwatch.

But for some reason I love this game.

Edit: lol downvoted for an opinion. Never change reddit.

We're glad we are able to provide something different. There are more than enough folks in this world that we can have various types of shooters for everyone to enjoy!


If you are just looking for a General discord, I would start here:


Appreciate you posting this! There are definitely some things not right here. When did you notice you had one of the bombs?


Originally posted by Mattavariusly

When are the next wave of keys going out? My other friends have been waiting a while to play

We do intend to hand out more keys but have slowed things down a little bit while we improve the issues many of you have been reporting.


Rogues we can't believe a week has passed already since Rogue Company went into Closed Beta! You guys have shown us amazing clips, entertaining streams, cosplay, fan art, and we are just overwhelmed by it all. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and sharing your experience (both good and bad).

This week we are continuing to make changes to our back end to improve your experience and address matchmaking issues you are reporting. We've seen improvements in some areas (like rewards not being delayed) but there is more to do and the team will continue to hammer away at it.

We are tentatively scheduled for a hotfix this week which should hit some popular map exploits and a few other quality of life issues you've reported.

Finally, Lead Designer Gandhi has presented an upcoming change to Smoke Grenades and Flash Bangs you may be interested so check out his ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Mattavariusly

They don't need to take away the leave button, just punish those who leave

Which is coming in Phase 1!


We appreciate you reporting these issues as they are not consistent with how voice chat should work. Are you finding this happens every match or intermittently?