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Overall, I’ve got to say this year’s runefest announcements were a lot of fun. It was having big announcements again and I am looking forward to most of the coming updates. There are a few places where things could always be better, of course. Also more quests, we always need more quests.

The announcement of Archeology is exciting. It sounds like it’ll have quite a lot of good content to engage in if desired, plus that skill cape white with black accents is enough on its own for me to want 99 in the skill. I also like the fact Jagex is expanding on the idea of perks, keep up that good mentality, as otherwise we have to juggle way too many aspects for the game to remain fun, at least for me.

The expansions for farming and herblore were quite the blindside personally, because I stay off Twitter if I can help it. Moving them up to 120 is surprising, but it really looks like they’ve ensured they have enough content to engage in to make the grind slightly different from reaching lvl 99. As to whether or not skills should be increased to 120, I’m in the camp that doesn’t mind the increase (in high level but not currently maxed). Really excited about raising dinosaurs and dino pets, personally.

The quests announced seem nice, but the next quest that advances the dragonkin questline needs to contain the boat building/first trip to Anachronia so players who engage the story later aren’t confused as to how they just now magically are on this island last thought lost at the end of Desperate Times. I know it would rehash for players that did the limited event, but it’s kind of a crucial gap otherwise.

Don’t really care about the elder gods dungeon. Nothing is a threat to them and they are so much more powerful that even considering any sort of fight by morals achieving anything is silly. That’s just my opinion.

tl:dr I liked most of the announcements, and was only neutral to an announcement or two. However, I wish there were more quests announced outside of just ones pertaining to the dragonkin.

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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Any quest set on Anachronia will require you to be able to access the island, so you'll need to do the little intro to get to the quest.