almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

There's nothing else of note in the chest of drawers (in Closure's private space), other than the clue scroll. What does Relomia (in Draynor) have to say on the matter?

Have you unlocked the Closure's robes cosmetic override outfit?

EDIT: Opening the casket should give you (swap to) the ghostly undergarments object, which if you click on that it is deleted and you unlock the cosmetic override. (Am thinking perhaps you just missed the unlock message?)

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by 4p-RS

Maybe it’s the partyhat shard?

No, the party hat shard from the quest is given at quest completion. The clue scroll is separate post-quest content.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by MuffinManPotatos

yeah the first chat box(picture) is me clicking back on the chest in closures private space telling me to talk to relomia and then the other 2 are dialogues of what she says and then she just stops talking and repeats if i ask again

(I sent an in-game report)

Ah, I missed those.

The dialogue...

"Ha! That Closure certainly has a sense of humour."

...should only be seen if you have the unlock item in your inventory.


If that is destroyed, you should be able to get a replacement from Relomia. If neither of these things is the case, your best bet would be to submit a bug report, as I haven't seen this issue crop up with anyone else so far, so it might be a rare issue if it is an issue.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by MuffinManPotatos

Oh i looked in my inventory and hovered over an invisible cosmetic for the undergarments... but its invisivble... should it be reported?

Thank you by the way, i wanna be lookin spiff

Invisible item... I wondered if that might be it (it can't be banked). I have no idea what causes that issue, but it's not too common, I don't think.

I'm not sure that's worth reporting, TBH. Glad to have resolved this for you, though.

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Amazing quest, Rowley.

Any chance this robe unlock can be added to MQC?

Magic 8-ball says: "Seems likely." :)