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Does the playerbase really not care about the old storylines? Obviously, there is a section of the playerbase that doesn't care and has never cared about lore/quests at all. So I am not sure how much their opinion matters. But those of you who do care about quests and lore, let me know your thoughts.

How does Jagex expect the playerbase to care about these old storylines when Jagex has allowed them to fall into decay and irrelevancy for years, sometimes 10+ years?

For me personally, I do care about these old storylines, but it has been so long since we have seen any continuation of these story lines that I've basically given up on them ever being picked up again. So players end up being pretty apathetic about them, meanwhile Jagex continues to do new storylines, so obviously those quests lines repeatedly receive attention and fresh new content.

What I don't understand is, why can't old storylines be tied up while also introducing new content and/or revitalizing old content at the same time? Completing old quest lines can make many players beyond lorehounds happy.

  • E.G. Take an old quest line and finish it (lorehounds = happy), graphically rework and revitalize the area the quest takes place in (people who complain about dead/dilapidated content = happy and game looks better overall), introduce a repeatable boss fight/new slayer creature/mob, etc, in the quest (pvmers = happy), introduce new skilling item/method (skillers = happy).

  • Another solution could be to tie the old quest lines into some new quest lines, obviously that would take some good storytelling/writing to do, but it isn't impossible, start consolidating your loose ends, as you end a quest line you can simultaneously start a new one. The best of both worlds perhaps?

Sounds like a lot of work to make so much content, yet that is basically what Jagex did/is planning to do with Anachronia, yet I feel the game would be better served overall and the players better served overall if Jagex finished work they already started (Unfinished Business anyone?) When Jagex keeps introducing all these new land masses and new quest lines, how long will it be before these new quest lines join the old quest lines and go unfinished too? How long until these new areas fall into irrelevancy?

Finishing old quest lines benefits new players too, why would most new players get invested in the old unfinished quest lines when they don't have a conclusion? What rubbish.

If you care about the old quest lines like I do, please vote in the upcoming content survey and let Jagex know how you feel.

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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by holydamned


The wiki actually lists the unfinished ones and the completed ones. Completed ones are near the bottom of the page. (Not all of these are "old" but some are)

Unfinished Quest Lines:

5th age:

  • Desert series
  • Dragon kin series
  • Druid Circles series
  • Elemental Workshop series
  • Gnome series
  • Enchanted Key series
  • Monkey series
  • Penguin series
  • Signature hero series: Sir Owen, Ozan, Ariane, Xenia, Linza, The Raptor

Sixth Age:

  • Elder Gods series
  • God series
  • Temple Knight series

Finished Quest lines:

  • Camelot
  • Dorgeshuun
  • Elf
  • Fairy
  • Fremmenik
  • Mahjarrat
  • Myreque
  • Pirate
  • The Return of Zaros
  • Rise of the Red Axe
  • Sea Slug
  • Sliske
  • Summer series
  • Troll
  • TzHaar
  • Void Knights
  • Wise Old Man

It's safe to say that this wiki list is not necessarily how we see it. Not all of these are necessarily series. It's useful for us to see what the player perception/expectation is, though. Some discussion around these would be helpful to help us manage that.

It is slow going in general, but we're tying things up when we can - Pirates finale last year, Menaphos continuation the year before. We'll catch up with past developers' plans eventually. Since the Lore Council was established, we're a lot better at planning things out as a group and being more concise (though still have room for improvement).

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by holydamned

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

The wiki probably only puts a "series" in the finished category if there was either jmod confirmation or a very obvious conclusion. I'm curious though if you or another developer feels strongly about what constitutes a "series" and if any of the listed quests Jagex feels is definitively concluded.

Happy to update the wiki accordingly.

robably only puts a "series" in the finished category if there was either jmod confirmation or a very obvious conclusion. I'm curious though if you or another developer feels strongly about what constitutes a "series" and if any of the listed quests Jagex feels is

I'm sure there's not a complete consensus here either. I think we'll just tackle things as we go and it's one of those things you just know when you see. If players are still clamouring for more from a particular character, series or string of quests, I imagine we'd look to add more, though if we felt a particular storyline had concluded, we could always just make a standalone continuation or start or new series, or combine it with another one.