Hi everyone,
I rarely post ever, but from what I experienced today I felt like I absolutely had to. I decided to install and play Runescape today on Steam after not playing since 2006.
I'm sitting clueless in Burthorpe trying to navigate through the interface, trying to figure out how I go about making my first steps in the game and I do see someone typing:
"Any new players need help in this game today?"
I strike up a conversation with this person and I do mention that it's been over a decade since I've played. We spend some time reminiscing the Old school days and he gives me some advice as a returning beginner, and guides me to an area to begin my first quest.
Just before we part ways, he sends me a trade offer and gives me $2 Million GP, wishing me luck in the game and hoping I do stick around and continue to play.
Out of every game I've played I don't think I've ever come across a community that is this friendly and helpful to new players. As I was in Burthorpe having a conversation with this friendly soul, many others just walking through (very high level players) would stop by and give me tips, or just give me a genuinely warm welcome which I thought was incredibly wholesome, much unlike the old days where it was toxic and LOTS of people were out to scam each other.
To all of you who play this game who spend any amount of time helping new players, I want to extend a very warm thank you for doing so. Any time in doing so is invaluable and I hope someday I can pay any kind gesture of this nature forward.
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