almost 2 years ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

11s so
700s [Music]
721s hello
722s hello is this working oh i've got
724s to turn that off
726s hello
728s can you hear
730s how's it going everybody
732s party
733s we are ready are you sure
735s is this thing on i actually haven't
736s checked the volume uh let me know if the
738s volume wait where's the camera it's over
739s there
740s it's like looking all over the place
742s let me know what the volume is like
744s goofy or something like that because uh
746s then i will uh look into it i also need
748s to start this up hey everybody welcome
750s to our uh weekly dev stream we said it's
752s not our weekly webstream it's a release
754s stream which is happens to
756s start roughly the same day time when we
759s have our weekly devstreams
761s um we're starting a bit early today
763s because we're actually releasing it
764s early today uh for a couple of reasons
766s i'll explain why in a second but uh just
768s one second
770s gotta do
771s last second stuff
773s we're live
775s volume is very good wow that's a first
778s uh let's see here is it two
783s five
785s that's it three hours yeah cool all
787s right so welcome everybody to our uh
789s little release stream a little tiny
790s release stream uh good times will be had
792s by all it's gonna be a very like chillax
795s stream like maybe you guys
797s remember are akin to the
799s usual way of doing things
801s uh
802s like i said at the start of update six
804s it's going to be a little bit different
805s it's gonna be pretty chillax we're gonna
806s have like a couple of people from coffee
808s stain join in and uh we're gonna play
811s the game and maybe show a few things
813s that we haven't shown yet which isn't
814s going to be that many things because
815s we've pretty much shown everything but
817s there's been like some development of
819s certain things that i'm looking forward
820s to showing off
821s and um
823s yeah talk about like certain things in
825s certain aspects of the of update 6 that
828s we haven't really like dell into because
830s you know when you're making a video you
831s only have so much time um i'm going to
833s bring back up the little countdown
835s hopefully it works yay look at that so
837s yes we're going to release the update
839s one hour earlier than we usually do
842s and it's going to be at 5 pm cest
844s because we're in summer time now
846s summer standard time no whatever um
850s and the reason for that is because if
852s something breaks
853s which you never know we'll have a little
855s bit more time on our hands uh so
858s hopefully you are already stoked so like
860s agenda-wise the only real thing that i
862s have on the agenda is is playing the
865s game together with a bunch of people uh
868s accomplishing but it wouldn't be like a
871s proper stream i feel like if we didn't
874s do community highlights um
876s so uh i feel i feel like you know we
879s should we should start the stream
880s somebody said community
882s did somebody say community highlights
885s i heard it oh my god
888s where the did you come from
891s jesus christ hey everybody hello
894s everybody
896s that was not planned
899s i saw an opportunity and i had to take
901s it
903s hello everyone
905s yeah we got jason house there's no
907s community highlights without i thought
909s there's been many community highlights
911s without me but not today not today not
913s on release day not on release day
915s vamanos exactly yes exactly so snoot is
919s in australia yeah we are we moved
921s everything to australia
923s real crazy time so yeah we couldn't
925s couldn't do it community highlight with
926s that chase that would just be improper
929s illegal actually in most uh countries in
931s europe yeah yes are you still you played
933s today
934s you stoked for update six yeah i'm i'm
936s i'm curious i'm still curious about what
938s i'm gonna have to do with my spire coast
940s i i spent a a couple days moving
942s everything all my power production which
944s you know most people have a lot of power
945s production inspired coastal fuel
947s generators so i moved all that out the
948s other day and uh deleted everything this
950s morning from inspire coast and i hope
953s that my things are set up
956s in a safe location so we'll kind of see
958s catch it but i will assess the damage
960s and of course you know we'll still have
962s like early access being
964s you know which is really so an
965s experimental today right so i can i can
966s go back and forth if need be if i need
968s to fix anything but
969s um yeah so
972s we'll sort of see how it goes yeah yeah
974s i'm not sure if i'll move back into the
975s spire coast or not yet but
977s fill it out yeah i you know you're also
979s doing the thing we're looking at like i
980s keep forgetting the cameras over there
982s this is so weird
984s i never look this way at a camera
986s no matter where i stream i'm never
988s looking in this direction no right this
989s is like it's super strange yeah um so so
992s real quick also by the way we're in a
994s sort of new area at the office yeah
997s we're still renovating the office and i
998s think we're
999s we're like
1001s 70 done with renovations or something
1003s looking really good yeah there's a lot
1005s of new stuff like there's a whole if you
1007s guys remember the patch note video we
1009s did we're update four um when we ran
1012s around in the office like we were mostly
1014s exactly that's the word no yeah yeah it
1016s is yeah um we were running around mostly
1019s in the like lower area um and that was
1021s like probably the area that was like
1023s most done when we moved in yeah and now
1026s that is like the area that's getting
1028s completely like it's probably the least
1029s done now yeah
1030s right now yeah um so right now it's it's
1033s it's looking a bit different here yeah
1035s um
1036s looking forward to making that um
1039s mpv cribs yeah
1040s yeah we'll have to do another office
1042s store for sure yeah because our old
1043s office tour video is like one of our
1045s iconic favorite videos that we've ever
1046s done yeah so um we definitely want to
1048s make another one of those um and this
1050s office is pretty gnarly so yeah
1053s and we're definitely not gonna do we're
1055s definitely gonna do the same like
1056s process that we shot that video we're
1058s not gonna like script it or anything
1060s like that or yeah yeah we kind of just
1061s made it up as we went yeah and i think
1062s that was i think that's where a lot of
1064s the charm came from that video so i
1065s think we i think we go with the same
1066s approach yeah but we get you in it as
1068s well this time i mean you were kind of
1069s in it yeah but that was sort of before
1071s you were like officially cm yeah so
1075s so so right now the area we're in right
1077s now is like our this is like the
1079s replacement of the cinema kind of kind
1082s of um because there's a
1084s big ass tv over there that you guys
1086s can't see yeah uh the biggest tv i've
1088s ever seen there's another tv over there
1089s actually that you guys can't see
1092s uh there's like a whole couch group
1093s behind us as well that i've covered up
1095s with a big
1096s thing
1097s the space elevator um
1101s so yeah there's uh there's a bunch of
1103s cool stuff we also have a karaoke room
1105s now yeah we actually have a character oh
1107s we have to do a karaoke video or
1108s something at some point
1110s that's it like the the office they're
1112s like at the end of just drunk
1113s and be like oh yeah
1116s yeah i think we'll have to do something
1117s like that i think
1119s yeah
1120s um so yeah
1122s maybe the set looks a bit different
1124s that's because it is um
1126s we might even in the future build a
1129s proper streaming set yeah um we'll see
1131s we'll see what happens now
1133s who knows what the future will hold
1135s but that's that's why things look a bit
1136s different here today because this was
1138s easier to set up in here yes et cetera
1139s et cetera
1140s all right
1142s are you ready to dive into some
1143s community highlights
1144s okay all right screw it then i'm ready
1146s let's go let's do it i think i have this
1149s too
1150s there we go that's the wrong one whoops
1152s spoiled it
1154s spoiled the new menu guys
1156s can't believe this
1158s what a what a travesty all right give me
1160s highlights where's the
1163s here it is
1166s still a lot of cool stuff going on i'm
1167s really looking forward to community
1168s highlights post updates six uh see what
1171s people are doing uh it's not like
1172s there's any new buildings or anything
1174s like that so like i don't think
1175s architecturally
1176s you know things might not look that
1178s different but i'm looking forward to
1179s seeing like some buildings in the swamp
1181s and i'm looking forward to seeing some
1182s buildings in the spire coast absolutely
1183s um
1185s all right let's start us off by jumping
1188s into
1189s this
1190s huge cannon that's x say date say it
1194s that's yeah that is a bfg for sure yeah
1197s uh cool yeah
1199s yeah it's a
1201s pretty pretty gnarly i
1203s how did they do this is this like
1206s science or
1207s it's got to be science there's nothing
1208s else that glows like that right
1210s i don't think so
1212s right
1213s um this is super cool yeah beams so like
1216s what what is the
1218s is this supposed to be like a hypertube
1220s cannon right right right so you're
1221s supposed to like zoom around and then
1222s shoot out of the gun is that like the
1224s idea yeah so so
1225s i hope this is like a functional thing
1227s that like you
1229s took the effort to like actually make
1230s the
1231s i don't know if you can angle maybe you
1233s can if you place them like on a slope
1235s and then you angle the in input and
1237s outputs i'm not seeing like any
1239s what it's called like the
1241s these indicators through here but maybe
1243s they're hidden in the canal tube sort of
1244s thing yeah i feel like they would be
1246s clipping through if there were a bunch
1247s of yeah i think so as well unless
1249s they've hidden them like underneath
1250s maybe
1252s oh
1253s they could be doing something clever
1254s here or maybe it's just like a basic the
1257s not the hyper tube cannon
1260s but would would i mean if this was just
1261s the loop here
1263s would that build up speed with just
1264s those oh yeah that's true you could do
1266s the thing where it's one loop and then
1268s yeah because there's a thing where if
1269s you place if you do a loop and then you
1272s have like another
1273s the side of it once you get enough speed
1275s you'll get like shot out about yeah kind
1276s of thing into the and you get into the
1278s other entrance right yeah the wrenches
1279s will suck you in yeah so like that could
1281s work i'm really curious if this person
1283s is like here in chat
1285s let us know if this thing actually works
1286s i mean for starters all the lights are
1288s red right now so i'm it's not powered
1290s but i'm curious if this does anything at
1292s all yeah
1293s it's really cool also which chat are you
1296s in let us know yeah i'm checking both
1298s because we're streaming on both twitch
1300s and stream steam and youtube today we
1304s are special circle time i also don't
1305s have steam open where are you
1308s there you are
1309s you know
1311s um yeah really nice next up we have from
1314s shino harvest
1316s um a name we are not
1322s uh this is incredible yeah this is
1324s bridge meta plus sign meta
1326s and there's probably a crate in the
1328s background somewhere
1330s damn this is cool even there's two
1332s bridges even you can see i know i don't
1334s just flex it they're just like oh what's
1335s that in the back don't worry about that
1337s this is this is the uh this is where the
1340s the party is this is where the magic
1341s happens up front
1343s damn it i can't see my notes when i have
1344s it like this oh i wish i have more
1346s space yeah yeah
1348s it's a it's a
1350s weird setup yeah the setup right now is
1351s kind of strange but you know it's
1353s working and sometimes actually most of
1355s the time whenever
1356s all of our streams have always had weird
1358s setups even back when we're in the
1359s cinema you know we would have like this
1360s much space oh yeah with all this
1362s technology there
1363s uh you know it's just what you got to do
1366s yeah she know i was totally little with
1367s this i
1368s like i i don't know if we probably said
1370s this multiple times during the
1372s communalized i do it every single time i
1373s see the signs set up like this because
1375s we've made it so that you no longer have
1376s to like open the sign to like copy and
1378s paste the setting of it um
1381s the fact that
1382s sheena harvest like actually did go
1384s through that is shows dedication yes if
1387s anything so yeah i'm super impressed
1390s that anybody uses science in this way
1393s and like in this
1394s like size as well yeah
1396s no this is this is really cool i don't i
1398s don't know if we've seen anything kind
1399s of like this before
1401s or i have it anyway but like the whole
1403s like the dotted kind of look as well
1404s yeah that's really cool
1406s all right next up is from
1408s la mingus and then
1410s blur that name maybe i don't know
1413s but uh yeah i got the crane game going
1415s okay
1418s uh
1419s construction yeah that's pretty cool i i
1423s it's actually really cute yeah it's
1425s actually super cute
1426s you could do it crayon you're building
1429s it's very cool he's got like claws here
1432s with a beam yeah very clever that's sick
1435s so uh gotta get that new meta in you
1437s guys it's gonna be even stronger in
1439s update six are they like the uh
1441s double-sided see like see where the the
1443s cable or the wire uh
1445s going up the crane it's like four right
1447s it's like little connectors are they
1448s like the double-sided wall connector
1450s things
1451s that are like criss-crossing is that
1453s what they're thinking it's just uh yeah
1455s wall mounts yeah yeah the double-sided
1457s ones maybe maybe it could be single it
1459s could be singles actually could be
1460s singles but i
1461s i don't know maybe it's easier to set up
1462s singles and they have like a beam in the
1464s middle oh
1466s yeah true um i don't know
1470s tricky
1471s tricky all right anyways next up is from
1475s sky
1476s scythe
1478s guys
1480s um okay what's this new new meta okay
1483s oh well is it there was a joke here i
1485s can't remember what it was wait new new
1487s meta i think it's in my notes
1490s uh
1492s i i think it's just the fact that i've
1493s seen so many people build like um
1496s power towers
1497s so like i don't think you have
1500s caught like caught on the fact that like
1501s there's so many people doing this this
1502s is new meta yeah yeah i think this is a
1504s new meta and specifically power towers
1506s that don't have walls around them yeah
1508s uh there was someone on last week's uh
1510s community highlights right that was like
1511s started building a wall and we had this
1513s discussion of like is it better with or
1514s without the walls so like i think
1516s nude ooh fuel fuel generator or like
1519s generated towers power tower
1521s are kind of a meta
1523s kinda that's really cool looking um
1526s so so yeah we got 72 generators in here
1529s uh this is also working progress so
1532s it ain't even done it even done damn it
1534s closed my thing
1536s um
1537s so there's more progress happening but
1539s yeah i'm
1540s i don't know it's just uh i feel like
1542s i've included
1543s the power towers in like a lot of
1545s communities yeah in a row i think keep
1547s forgetting that like maybe you know what
1548s keep making that joke like what's the
1550s meta but this is actually the meta it's
1552s uh it's only fair that this gets uh
1555s you know what's that word when it's like
1556s allowed into
1558s the hall of fame yeah the meta hall of
1560s fame um
1561s i voted yeah i know there's a word
1563s there's a specific word for this there's
1565s so i'm gonna chat help
1566s when someone get in duck is it inducted
1569s indoctrinated not indoctrinated because
1571s that's the first word yeah yeah inducted
1573s into i knew it yeah
1575s uh my english is improving
1578s you've gotta finish this is getting
1579s really good thanks man yeah yeah is that
1581s the only thing that's like both like an
1583s and
1584s depending on who you tell it to or
1587s this is so funny or it's a compliment
1589s for many others
1590s it's like um because you know for me a
1593s lot of people think i am english or like
1595s i'm not swedish so like a lot of times
1597s when this happens quite often when
1599s people set up like meetings with me from
1601s people not in coffee stain but like in
1603s the sphere of copper stain like because
1605s we
1606s have there's a bunch of studios that
1607s work together with copper stains
1609s sometimes people organize like meetings
1610s with me and they don't know i'm swedish
1612s and they're swedish so like i'm in a
1613s meeting with like a bunch of swedish
1614s people and everybody's speaking english
1616s and i'm just like
1618s uh do i do i interject and be like by
1620s the way you don't need to speak english
1622s [Laughter]
1624s it's always so awkward at first start
1626s like no i'm i'm swedish by the way yeah
1628s don't worry about it all right next one
1630s is from huge um that rascal we'll get to
1633s that in a bit
1635s rascals yeah rascal oh rascal's
1637s confirmed in update
1638s is a no huge is a big rascal that's
1640s that's oh wow yeah we'll get to that in
1642s a bit so uh hugo's made this like kind
1644s of
1645s space alien thingy
1649s it's like a floating saucer yeah um i
1652s noticed now that i think i have a lot of
1654s attention to detail here maybe this
1656s shows up later in this in the slides
1658s because i i did have another image from
1660s this but it's
1661s it's like it's a bunch of um
1663s i think drones at the top there and
1666s some production going on but it's a
1667s really cool like build here
1668s uh with like the flying saucer i like
1670s the big light patches yeah right
1673s yeah
1674s and like these
1676s patches underneath yeah maybe that's
1677s what you meant that's what i meant yeah
1678s yeah yeah so it's like
1680s better watch out
1681s it's like independence day yeah yeah it
1682s does look like a ufo right and
1685s it's like people are people are standing
1687s on this cliff
1687s alex
1689s oh no oh no exterminate
1692s um
1693s so very cool well we'll we're gonna
1695s we're gonna shun hughie later uh
1698s you get why so another one so here's
1700s from uh the real mu chichi um who's made
1703s this really cool like uh drone hub
1706s thingy and uh you know it's made from
1708s hexagons made out of the vestigons
1711s exactly so this is what it looks like
1712s from the top there was another really
1714s cool thing in the background by the way
1716s which is also
1717s which is gnarly yeah so shout outs to
1719s that so i think we showcased this like a
1722s while ago right because i remember we
1724s had that discussion with like best
1726s against hexagons blah blah blah i think
1728s that was that building in the background
1729s but i'm not
1730s 100 sure
1732s uh just
1734s moderately sure
1736s if anyone knows
1738s maybe even if if the real moochie cheese
1740s here
1741s not the fake muchi chiti
1744s but yeah i think everyone everyone
1745s confirms that uh hexagons are indeed the
1747s best to go
1749s we already knew if we could see that
1750s much yeah yeah already knew that
1752s um
1753s oh dang so yeah this is a
1756s and apparently
1757s this did not increase fps which i'm not
1760s surprised wait did not increase fps yeah
1764s adding a bunch of drone ports no i
1766s assume that adding things wouldn't
1767s increase
1768s other occasions maybe either maybe what
1770s they're meaning here is that like
1772s instead of having a bunch of conveyor
1774s belts having the drone boards right
1776s right right um it might be true i don't
1778s know i i don't have the numbers but it's
1780s a gnarly build and it and it farms
1783s reddit karma points and you know what
1784s that's
1785s that's that's the most important thing
1786s right
1788s i would trade fps for reddit karma any
1790s day i don't know about you guys
1793s gotta get your priorities straight you
1794s know yeah yeah um next time is from
1797s a lyron uh
1800s learning yes very tricky name to say but
1802s it is
1803s aeolian yes
1805s um so
1807s uh
1808s what's the word term here slap them on
1810s the fingers because apparently uh they
1812s were procrastinating when they made this
1814s they were supposed to be moving out of
1816s the northern like how their base
1819s instead they made this very beautiful
1820s though an amazing crystalline sculptures
1823s like a little crystal flower in the
1824s middle yeah if anyone plays runescape it
1826s reminds me of the place that i can't
1827s pronounce but the elven place you know
1829s where the elves are there's crystals
1830s everywhere this would fit right in
1832s gotcha
1833s if they were a factory
1836s exactly if they embraced an industry
1838s yeah exactly
1840s um
1841s so yeah but i mean i think that's i
1844s think you'll be fine like it probably
1846s won't be too bad once the update drops
1848s right
1849s right
1850s right right all right moving on
1853s from a lot of people are getting it
1855s right by the way they're saying it it's
1857s the proof dennis i don't know how to say
1859s it though it's it's bonkers i actually
1861s recognize that yeah
1862s no i mean it's a popular holiday
1865s destination location
1867s so this is the only thing i'm gonna say
1868s is if you can't pronounce it then nobody
1870s can
1870s right
1871s because you always at least in my world
1874s because i can't never pronounce people's
1875s names all you gotta do is say it with
1877s confidence you don't have to actually
1878s get it right that's that's the trick
1880s yeah that's that's
1881s that's my that's my weak weakness all
1884s right so this is from kya sebastian uh
1886s it made this like kind of like made a
1888s balloon thing so it's like that you got
1890s the basket
1892s yeah yeah yeah this is like a hot air
1894s balloon yeah exactly i get it yeah yeah
1895s oh cool um i it's really the the
1899s sandbags
1900s with the concrete is a really nice
1902s detail it's pretty good i'm really
1904s digging that uh no idea how
1907s if maybe they were using micromanage
1910s to to because like how else yeah to get
1912s it like like that yeah on an angle you
1915s want to know something
1916s very interesting yeah i really do so
1919s whenever you drop items they always
1921s rotate in the same direction i think
1923s so like all items are always facing
1926s really in a certain direction i think is
1927s there like an explanation in physics for
1929s that
1930s oh in the game yeah
1932s no i damn it i should have said like
1934s wait no no in real life damn it
1937s hell i got the setup and everything and
1939s i blew it
1941s god damn it um
1943s i don't know if that's intentional not
1945s that you can't drop them in real life
1947s in a different direction
1950s it's like i don't know if you've ever
1951s realized it's bugged
1953s i don't know if you heard this but
1954s there's like a
1955s i think it's somewhat proven actually
1956s that like dogs tend to when they when
1959s they when they when they take a big
1961s pile and pie it's hot
1963s they they always like orient themselves
1965s towards the electromagnetic magnetic
1968s field of the earth what like really yeah
1970s and it's it's
1972s it's like somewhat proven i think
1974s maybe someone oh my god when i get home
1977s i'm going to be googling that incognito
1978s because i don't want to
1980s i don't want to mess up this with my uh
1984s ad uh you know like recommendations and
1986s stuff but that's that's use dog ass
1988s compass
1990s that's one hell of a first time chat by
1992s the way
1993s you were biting your time this entire
1995s time nettle nettle burn very good yeah
1997s no no google it i'm pretty sure like a
1998s few
1999s don't
2000s you're about to google it all right all
2002s right now i'm pretty sure no i'm really
2004s curious now yeah
2005s only
2007s you guys always get upset why are we
2009s just hearing of that i agree
2013s uh dogs poop
2015s magnetic feelings
2018s dogs use the earth's magnetic field when
2019s they're relieving themselves wow not
2021s only that but canines choose to do so in
2023s a north-south axis a new study published
2025s in the journal
2027s 2014. what happens if they
2029s don't
2030s they die oh they explode it makes sense
2034s they explode yeah they catch on fire
2036s so so so that's interesting bet you
2038s didn't think you were gonna like tune in
2040s before yeah thanks a lot kaia sebastian
2043s by the way
2044s um we've learned a lot it's been really
2046s good it's all because of you yeah
2049s all right next up we have from uh the
2051s real muchici again yo i don't know why i
2053s didn't order these like
2056s in the same way so so
2058s and the tagline for this i thought it
2059s was really funny so they were like i
2060s just want i'm just going to build a
2062s simple train intersection like ordinary
2063s straightforward nothing special about it
2065s and then 20 hours later yeah yeah yeah i
2067s mean it is straightforward i guess we
2070s have all been there kind of yeah i think
2072s when we just gives me some outer wilds
2074s know my vibes
2076s by the way yeah it kind of looks like a
2077s little bit like a stargate kind of deal
2080s yep
2080s with uh if there was like a veil or
2083s something the train would just like go
2084s into it and then it's really neat though
2086s it's really super symmetrical oh holy
2088s cow you can also see like the there's
2090s another i guess this is like if this
2092s train is going this way or the other way
2093s around maybe this right hand you know
2095s what i would ride that train
2098s i'd buy a ticket i'd hop on board
2100s there's like a death pit here it's worth
2102s it yeah sorry that was my phone
2105s i'll get you're getting phone yeah
2106s my dad's your dad on facebook yeah i
2108s don't believe it classic classic
2111s um countdown oh is the countdown gone
2114s maybe it is oh yeah it is
2117s good call chats
2120s good good job
2122s you did me a solid yeah so
2124s i don't know really cool if you can tell
2126s that it took a lot of time to make this
2128s yeah
2129s um super nice super nice for sure next
2132s up we have from pubkak
2134s um
2136s who we we know in love so
2138s so this is a picture so this doesn't
2139s make too much sense but so i don't know
2142s exactly how
2143s i haven't looked into this properly uh i
2145s i hate to admit but pop guys apparently
2147s managed to get the game running in the
2149s game he's got the game in the game uh i
2151s don't know if he's playing videos or if
2153s he's actually playing the game
2154s right
2155s but
2156s there's a bunch of posts on it on reddit
2159s on our uh satisfactory game reddit where
2161s he showcases this and uh yeah if if this
2164s was a moving picture you would see it
2166s but i'm assuming since you're playing
2168s satisfactory in satisfactory that
2170s probably is a moving picture this is
2171s just how you know fps this is the frame
2174s that you can expect but there's a couple
2175s of demos where you can see like but i
2177s guess it's like daylight in the picture
2179s right yeah yeah outside yeah yeah yeah
2181s which which yeah makes and i'm really
2183s proud of this tag yeah
2185s and the game you try and again it really
2186s makes you think like if you die in
2187s satisfactory do you die in satisfactory
2190s too or
2191s satisfactory two the sequel um
2194s confirm no we're skipping two would you
2195s go straight through three for three do
2197s that who would do that no that's dumb
2199s that's ridiculous no one would ever do
2200s that yeah
2202s only me
2203s idiots
2206s yeah for sure all right
2207s so this is we're going to come back to
2209s huey now this is this is why
2212s this little rap i don't know if we can
2213s handle this no so
2215s huge made a post where they said like
2218s found a nice flat place to build oh yes
2220s more details in the comments oh yes well
2223s you're getting what you deserve okay
2225s this is not acceptable
2227s yeah
2228s so in the past huge is also built on
2231s like
2232s this place here
2234s a bunch of maybe it's here actually
2236s um
2238s trying to be funny
2240s like turn record oh recommending this
2241s site for the building it's super cool
2244s this is this is gonna get demolished
2246s soon in less than
2248s what is it
2249s where's the countdown
2252s like three hours two hours and thirty
2253s minutes
2254s kinda
2256s um if you boot it up on experimental
2257s that's up to you but um
2261s yeah don't build here
2264s basically yeah this is because this part
2267s is also gonna change we we we've told
2269s people a long time that this place is
2270s going to get renovated or changed um
2273s because you know
2274s it is sort of like obviously not done
2276s right like it's it's like very obviously
2279s well we i feel it's it's it's fairly
2281s obvious although putting a crash site
2283s there doesn't help with the situation no
2284s i was going to say it like yeah yeah it
2286s is a misleading yeah and that i think
2288s that crash site is going to get moved
2290s also so
2292s uh
2293s and i think even if you collect it from
2294s the crash right you won't get another
2297s hard drive but i'm not 100 sure of that
2299s um i know for a fact that the nodes
2302s we hope
2303s are are not going to generate more oil
2306s than we already have because it's the
2307s same amount of nodes and it's uh they've
2309s just moved unless we broke something
2310s else but
2311s which is you know likely yeah actually
2314s anything can happen
2315s but yeah shame on you for for
2318s teasing people
2320s uh next miss from kishore
2322s xd or maybe it's kishore
2325s sorry i missed that can you do it again
2326s okay sure
2327s your pronunciation is on point you're
2329s actually getting much better yeah yeah
2330s yeah yeah yeah yeah um
2332s so this is a copper
2334s works
2334s this is how copper works this is a
2336s copper uh
2338s smelting situation going on i got a
2341s bunch of constructors making copper
2344s ingots
2345s and smelting them is he busy yes you
2347s don't get a lot of like fancy copper
2349s builds i feel no in the community
2350s highlights so
2352s you know copper deserves love too yes
2353s for sure so this is making it's
2356s producing wiring cable with iron wire
2358s recipe
2360s uh
2360s we're not seeing everything here but so
2364s uh we got one way is that true 1100
2369s per minute
2370s uh copper sheet now wait
2372s that's what that says it might be this
2375s one yeah around 1200 maybe uh copper
2378s sheet oh yeah 1100 cable okay 200 wire
2381s yeah right yeah that's a lot so it's
2383s producing a bunch of stuff yeah that's a
2384s lot yeah that's more than i've ever
2386s produced in the entire game
2387s yeah total
2389s so very nice very nice all right next up
2391s this is this is really cool okay because
2392s it's gonna sort of see the thumbnail and
2394s it looks really really cool actually but
2396s but and it's not just because it's made
2397s by daddy cool
2399s so
2400s yeah this this is like oh i don't live
2402s here so the thing with this image here
2405s the cool thing with this image too is
2406s that like that this post wasn't even
2408s about the thing that i like when i saw
2410s this just like oh it's a cool city i
2411s didn't even see the building in the
2412s middle really oh really yeah because it
2414s really is the building in the middle
2416s that it's like oh damn
2418s and i i didn't pick it up like i didn't
2420s pick when i saw this i was just amazed
2421s by like oh this is a cool maid but then
2423s it was like no it's
2425s this is what i made like oh okay
2428s yeah crazy but it's crazy so i would i
2430s would live in the city but i wouldn't
2431s live in that building
2432s because it's like the same situation if
2434s anyone have you seen an
2436s idiot abroad
2437s with uh carl pilkington he travels
2439s around yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i
2440s think it was petra that he went to i
2442s think is that the name of that place uh
2443s i think it's in
2445s i remember i'm not sure where it is but
2447s anyway they were saying like um
2449s wouldn't you want to like live in there
2450s or something like that he's like no i'd
2451s live in the cave across so i could look
2453s out at this
2455s thing it's brilliant so like i looks
2457s amazing i wouldn't live there i'd live
2459s in like an apartment building nearby
2460s that is such a look out and actually see
2462s it that's such a car of pink dunkington
2464s yeah yeah it really is it's it's a five
2466s head move for sure for sure
2469s petr and jordan that's where it is right
2471s so let me see here so so this is based
2473s on it it isn't like
2475s one by one like a building building it's
2477s based on a
2479s the woolwich central building in london
2482s uh i didn't include it in the slides
2485s because i thought i did but apparently i
2487s didn't maybe it's my scripts generally
2489s anything that just watched it but uh it
2492s actually doesn't look like that it's
2493s just like the the it's got that like
2495s coloring with the black and white sort
2496s of deal um and
2499s and uh wait are you saying it doesn't
2500s look that like no no so like this is
2502s this is i mean it's it's it's you can
2504s definitely tell it's inspired by that
2505s building but it doesn't actually oh i
2508s see what you mean you guys can i can
2509s actually post this in chat if you guys
2511s want to look into it
2513s it's because it's kind of
2516s i'll post this in the chats is it
2518s woolwich yeah what wick which if you
2521s guys want to look it up
2523s and see for yourself where is steam chat
2526s am i logged in oh i'm not logged in
2528s on steam
2529s uh
2530s imagine that i posted another theme
2532s why am i not looking at this i am logged
2534s in
2535s oh no just oh that's what's confusing it
2537s says i'm streaming
2539s and as a streamer you are not allowed
2540s you are prohibited to uh chat with your
2542s chat yeah
2544s um
2545s okay well whatever it is
2548s next of us from from eight points in
2550s blue
2551s um who's been having uh uh you know so
2554s some vehicle situations so so they when
2558s they posted this they asked like if this
2560s is this rule one in rocket league
2562s you know for those who don't play rocket
2563s league in rule one
2566s there are two very important roles in
2567s rocket league the first rule of rock
2569s league is you you always keep it up like
2571s at the end of a match uh it doesn't end
2573s until the ball hits the ground
2575s so the first rule of rocket league is
2577s that you have to keep it up like no
2578s matter if you're winning or losing like
2580s you have to try and keep it up and score
2582s right but the first rule of rock league
2584s which is not the same thing as the first
2585s row regularly rule one is if you
2588s interlock like you start kissing with
2590s the vehicles you cannot break off like
2592s oh my god yes exactly you just need to
2594s keep going yeah so so they asked like is
2597s this breaking rule one if i
2599s keep it going i've broken rule one once
2601s and never again because once i broke it
2603s the the other team scored immediately it
2605s was weird yeah you do get it actually
2606s just happened immediately it's so funny
2608s when
2609s people
2610s get into rule one and then the opposing
2612s team breaks off and everyone's just like
2614s what the you just do and they just
2616s like score on goal immediately
2620s mass reported yeah exactly uh this also
2623s reminds me of i've been for some reason
2624s i've just i've fell down this like
2626s virtual uh
2628s rabbit hole the the trackmania streamer
2630s yeah right and he puts like a lot of
2632s really good videos on youtube as well
2634s and so like i've been watching a lot of
2636s track media videos and they've got a
2637s thing called like i think it's like
2638s nosebug or something so when you land
2640s nose down
2641s you pick up a lot of speed or something
2643s like that so that's what that reminded
2644s me of me really and now i just want to
2646s play track menu and it's not impossible
2647s that you can do sort of the same deal in
2649s satisfactory where like you gain like a
2651s bun like it bumps off or something with
2653s the physics or something like that i
2654s don't know there's some fun fun ways to
2656s cheat the the system in our game when it
2658s comes to physics and the vehicles
2660s but i don't think this breaks rule one
2662s because there's no no other vehicle
2663s there is the planet also hurtling
2666s through space oh yeah
2669s this massage
2674s there are things on it as it moves
2676s around
2677s okay moves around space
2679s i would say it's a vehicle all right
2681s i would say earth is one big clown car
2684s [Laughter]
2686s wow that was weirdly deep but i like it
2690s i like it you're welcome yeah
2692s um okay next step is from uh well you
2695s can probably guess if i just see yeah
2697s literally yeah although uh popcak's from
2700s before reminded me of uh a hula hoop
2702s yeah that's true as well yeah yeah but
2703s this is very cool
2705s uh breaking off the monopoly i know
2707s you've got competition now hooligan blue
2709s what are you gonna do
2710s all right crazy um yeah so uh hulu got
2714s the uh grabbed the the
2716s the the logo that we have in our press
2718s kit
2719s maybe or maybe they
2721s maybe sniped it from the youtube or
2723s something or yeah who knows uh but they
2726s got they got updates in there and it's
2728s in rocky desert kinda so it's it's safe
2731s yeah i mean if this was
2734s yeah i mean hula village you got to
2735s recreate this in the new spire coast
2737s when you have access to it oh yeah
2739s because it's going to be exactly like
2740s the thumbnail for this stream yeah yeah
2741s yeah yeah that'd be really cool actually
2742s yeah i can think about that that would
2744s be pretty interesting
2745s so so if you want to do that that's in
2747s the uh
2750s the what is it called the
2752s coral reef looking towards the
2754s desert there you go fun fact
2758s yeah really cool i always love uh it's
2760s fun to see what hulu always comes up
2762s with yes
2763s just keeps going next is from creepy
2765s conclusion
2767s came with a really creepy conclusion
2769s clever great name yeah but this is cool
2771s yeah so this is a central storage
2773s solution kind of deal uh
2775s i don't know if they populated it yet
2777s i'd also like how you would fit all the
2779s storage in there but maybe they're you
2780s can see some of the gear yeah but maybe
2782s they're doing like a stack thing so it
2783s could go further down i don't know if
2785s it's like the edge of a cliff or
2786s something yeah that's true it could be
2787s i'm not sure yeah uh i would stay here
2790s overnight
2791s it's like a it's a hotel yeah it's a
2793s really cool like hotel especially if
2794s that is the case where like there's a
2796s cliff down here
2797s um yeah they're my favorite kinds of
2798s hotels as well actually yeah
2801s gary uh it is looking sharp but yeah
2804s very nice
2805s um i'm looking for this is the work in
2807s progress i think or maybe this is a
2809s pedal on like a store solution i don't
2810s know if they maybe finish but looks
2812s really cool regardless sometimes when
2814s people post work in progress i still get
2815s like this looks finished what are you
2817s talking about what more are we gonna do
2819s um so yeah very nice okay next step is
2822s from maybe you should have this in the
2823s other way around so this is from luna
2825s celestial um nice so
2829s i don't i i didn't quite catch up maybe
2831s someone that is more accustomed to their
2833s reddit can can
2835s bring me up to speed but one so somebody
2837s posted this image
2839s a while back
2840s for a second i was like that's not our
2842s game
2843s yeah somebody posted this image and
2846s we're like this kind of looks like fun
2847s fact
2849s i mean it kind of looks like vitamins i
2850s could
2851s could be fine fancy
2854s eight in the future it could be yeah
2857s esther
2858s yeah true true um
2861s but i i think i saw someone post about
2862s this picture
2864s and then somebody else recreated it uh
2866s when they saw that oh yeah or it could
2868s be the other round somebody already knew
2870s they were gonna recreate this maybe
2871s maybe someone built the uh the building
2873s in real life after they saw this screen
2876s i mean
2877s they were just hella inspired you never
2879s know could have been could have been you
2880s never know but it's really cool i like
2882s this and i think they expanded on it too
2884s like there's a bunch of stuff here
2885s behind it you can't really see so i
2887s think this is also there's no stuff
2889s going on this doesn't ring a bell i feel
2890s like i've seen a build something kind of
2892s like this before
2894s it's sort of ringing a ring and a bell
2896s there is that like brutalistic building
2898s with people a lot of people are done
2899s with it's it's concrete but it's the
2900s same sort of shape mm-hmm it's not as
2902s much glass maybe
2904s but yeah now you mentioned also
2907s interesting this is like the good like
2909s example of like this is for perspective
2910s this is isometric
2912s oh yeah true right
2914s wait how do they get that
2918s that's like
2919s i mean it's not really no it's not okay
2921s but it feels like it yeah but compare it
2923s like compared to this this is a lot
2924s really wide what's going on here with
2926s the hypertubes coming up here we don't
2928s ask questions about it
2930s let's start and ask questions
2932s oh you know i'm gonna call end the
2934s stream there
2935s uh next miss from reverend no no
2942s god i don't know why that name got me
2944s when i was
2946s anyway moving on
2949s this is one of those cases where like
2950s when i look at reddit and i'm like
2951s making these i
2953s don't pick up on anything right and then
2955s when they actually come to stream like
2956s wait
2957s [Laughter]
2960s um i usually do pick on these things uh
2962s and then put them in the community
2963s highlights anyway when i do them but i
2964s mean i i don't think this would have
2966s stopped me no no no no i just think it's
2968s so funny how i like distracted i am yeah
2970s yeah yeah so this is a huge nuke power
2973s plant uh we've got
2975s 19 overclocked uranium reactors
2979s this is also working progress which is
2981s like is it
2985s and from the inside it also looks
2987s awesome
2988s we've got to get through the green there
2990s yeah got to get that um marco reactor oh
2993s yeah
2995s everything comes back to final fantasy
2998s i mean why someone's gonna fall into the
3002s hole oh no and they're gonna get green
3004s eyes and
3005s get sucked through the
3006s livestream and then end up in a weird
3009s town and then being all like
3011s oh yeah yeah or like they had like uh
3013s yeah and then a huge monster is going to
3015s show up and wreck the town
3018s you all need to play final fantasy vii
3021s right oh i was talking about no i was
3023s talking about real life this is gonna
3024s happen if i feel like that yeah i know
3026s sure
3027s sure of course it's based on real life
3029s events yes yeah
3031s um the science of mako energy in the
3033s livestream
3036s all right nixon is from dragon art
3037s imitates final fantasy
3041s [Music]
3043s final factory
3048s final factory seven oh yes very good
3050s game yes
3052s so good uh anyway sorry dragonheart
3054s gnarly
3055s so this is a different take on the pat
3057s on the power tower kind of deal oh damn
3060s it reminds me of like a business like
3062s trump tower yeah yeah i would close
3064s business deals here yeah
3066s along with 20 uh gigawatts of power in
3070s the process yeah yes holy cow i'm
3072s assuming this is uh fuel generators you
3075s can't see any any power generators here
3077s but oh you can see some of the top here
3078s actually and then i mentioned whoops
3081s spoilers yes
3083s yeah they're fuel generators at the top
3084s yeah
3085s pretty dope
3087s um
3088s yeah 20 gig do you really need that much
3090s power
3092s you know what i think people people use
3094s it i think they find ways to use it
3097s in in our community i think i think
3099s there are people who are like yeah i
3101s need that gotcha
3102s yeah um
3104s and if not karma points on reddit yeah
3106s it's on twitter uh yeah this is on
3108s twitter okay yeah likes on twitter
3110s twitter retweets
3112s uh
3113s maybe elon musk will retweet it i don't
3114s know we'll see next is from actual c44
3119s um we feel we've seen parts of this
3121s before so this is a another swamp build
3124s um that they've made or maybe there's
3126s the same one from a different angle and
3128s i think about it but uh because we've
3130s definitely seen like
3131s man i love that but this is yeah this is
3135s enjoy the swamp
3136s while while it looks all inviting and
3140s because there's a whole different vibe
3142s different different energy yeah for sure
3144s i love the rounded edges here
3146s yeah super super nice
3148s wait how do you do that wait yeah
3152s now i've seen a couple of tutorials
3153s actually i've never tried it
3155s it looks really good yeah for sure and
3156s then the orange trimming i think like
3158s the colors are great here
3159s uh i think i actually think they're kind
3161s of safe um
3164s also in
3165s rip the willows
3167s they're
3168s gone from the swamp now feels feels bad
3170s [Music]
3171s i i asked hannah like the other day he's
3173s like oh really disappearing for
3175s swamp now like the
3178s there's a couple left
3179s around the map and hannah's just like
3181s i haven't gotten around to them yet
3183s i'll get there wow yeah with the fist
3186s oh my god
3189s it's a lot it's a lot more amazing i
3190s mean it must have been really bloody
3192s watching her
3193s lead all the willows
3196s hannah looks all friendly right when
3198s she's jumping on stream yeah
3200s can i as to willis as i am to like
3202s lizard doggos yeah i would say worse
3205s yeah snoot is tame
3207s pretty sure yeah
3208s uh very cool i think you're safe
3210s actually um i i don't think we've
3214s there's like one part where there's like
3216s a little bit of like a mountain if you
3218s saw the teaser trailer there's like
3219s threesome video there's like at the end
3221s of that video there's like a little
3222s mound sort of thing
3224s but that's the highest vantage point in
3225s the swamp i think for the most part uh
3228s should be good because i don't think we
3229s oh whatever we'll find out you'll find
3232s out when you blow the sight fall up
3234s uh and lastly we have from game gear
3236s master who has just
3239s made this insane
3241s uh heavy oil residue
3243s factory
3244s which you can totally tell by the look
3246s of it but it's just amazing it's just
3248s huge
3249s it kind of reminds me of the shape of a
3251s generator as well fuel generator
3253s wrestling balm garden
3255s [Music]
3264s that's not coming back from that one
3267s it's like
3269s kind of does yeah i'm trying to tell
3271s this look at my mouth regardless
3273s i don't know if enough about my event to
3275s dispute that but i don't think that's
3276s right but uh yeah that's a really cool
3278s huge factory uh i would love to like
3279s walk around and look around here um
3282s but yeah just good job good job everyone
3284s yeah well done everyone well done
3286s everyone because this is a very
3288s impressive impressive stuff going on
3290s so uh yeah that's that's that's a wrap
3293s on community highlights we need your
3294s highlights well
3295s congratulations to everyone who was
3296s featured this week on community hides
3298s for the update six experimental reveal
3301s stream or release release release stream
3304s we have revealed it yeah um yeah that
3307s must have been hopefully hopefully you
3308s enjoy enjoyed it yeah you wanna do you
3310s wanna do the
3311s take out as well sure i can i haven't
3313s done this in a while yeah oh boy i'm
3314s nervous now
3316s so if you would like your screenshots to
3317s be featured on our devstreams we do
3319s these every week by the way on twitch we
3321s don't always stream on youtube we've got
3322s a lot of people on youtube watching
3323s today uh but we we do these every week
3325s actually on on on twitch and so if you
3328s would like any of your screenshots to be
3329s featured on the community highlight
3332s segment you can use the hashtag
3334s satisfactoryscreenshots on twitter or
3335s use the screenshot flare on our reddit
3337s uh and we use we we check that um
3340s and the flare uh for all of the
3343s screenshots that you've seen today so um
3345s yeah
3346s feel free to share your stuff for sure
3350s cool
3355s [Music]
3361s maybe he's not watching um yeah cool
3364s that was the uh
3365s yeah can you highlight so we no no uh
3369s okay no consecrated this week uh no
3371s there was just there was just no time no
3373s time that's okay but that's a thing that
3374s we normally do as well we often uh
3376s showcase uh content creators as well but
3378s uh yes yeah i guess we didn't get around
3380s to it yeah it's really busy and if
3381s you're interested in in the dev streams
3383s like they just like jase mentioned we do
3386s dev streams
3387s on tuesdays every week almost every week
3389s actually i didn't when
3391s we had like a
3393s last year i think we we we did like a
3396s checkup of like how many demonstrations
3397s did we do last week last year and we
3399s only missed like two or three or
3400s something like that which kind of nutty
3403s it didn't feel like that yeah but uh
3405s yeah we apparently apparently do these
3406s every week uh
3408s even even though
3410s we don't remember anything from them
3411s yeah but uh yeah 4 pm cst
3414s um
3415s uh hey mark you can come in if you want
3417s to yeah oh hi mark just sit down next to
3420s chase
3421s come on we got marky marky mark at the
3423s funky bunch in town yes um
3426s where's the stream thing uh what was i
3428s saying
3429s um uh but yeah so we stream 4 p.m cst so
3432s 4 p.m est by the way is in like
3434s one hour from now i think what's the
3436s time yeah it's like it's like in one
3438s hour from now normally so this stream
3440s we're starting a little earlier than
3441s usual yeah um
3446s yes
3447s but anyway i mean i'm maybe you could
3449s set that up that is true now that mark's
3451s here i'm gonna get get out of here i'm
3452s actually done for for the day uh so
3456s enjoy the rest of stream everybody thank
3457s you very much for hanging out and it was
3458s good to see you all yes uh and mark is
3460s now gonna take my place all right we're
3462s actually gonna do like a little bit of
3464s intermission or whatever okay yeah we'll
3466s be right back in a few minutes i'll see
3468s you all later yes i see you all again
3470s bye
3636s so
3897s he won bam we're back holy he did
3899s it yeah sorry folks we we're trying to
3902s set up like uh s
3904s uh play session um
3907s and uh there's a couple of things like
3909s we want to we want to like by the way we
3911s got mark here
3913s our game markers are game director and
3915s we're going to talk about the game and
3916s stuff and we're going to play the game a
3918s little bit um and we're setting up like
3920s a session where we can pretty much
3921s showcase all the items um
3925s that we've added for update six and
3927s maybe showcase some new things there's a
3928s bunch of cool new like the effects stuff
3931s that's been made
3932s and um
3934s i we i don't think we showed the entire
3936s like ma'am structure
3938s either in the video
3940s but i don't think so um so we'll show a
3942s little bit of that even though like you
3943s guys will get access to that shortly
3945s anyways but in two hours and two minutes
3947s oh boy but yeah this is mark mark is our
3949s game director mark decides stuff that's
3952s related to the game lots of stuff he's
3954s the one who's like
3955s let's let's change the overclocking into
3957s linear and then be like no let's not do
3959s that actually yeah uh so that's that's
3961s one thing i thought we'd talk a little
3962s bit about uh first because we initially
3966s revealed when we revealed update 6 we
3967s said that we were thinking of changing
3969s overclocking to be linear
3971s and uh then last second kind of not
3974s really but it kind of it kind of was
3976s last second yeah i mean we actually
3978s changed it last second it even is
3979s changed it even is more last second
3981s because it is possible that like the
3983s initial build that goes live might have
3985s it um i think it is fixed now okay okay
3988s but uh i'm not sure anymore at this
3990s point yeah it's going back and forth so
3992s so what was the main reason why we
3994s decided not to um
3997s it's mostly because we got a lot of
3998s feedback and that also prompted more
4001s discussion internally which made me kind
4004s of think that we should look at it a bit
4006s more closely right so because the change
4008s from exponential to linear is very
4010s simple yeah it's a very simple change
4012s that's why we actually wanted to just
4013s try it because it's such an easy thing
4014s for us to just do yeah uh but then with
4017s all the feedback feedback that we got
4019s and discussions that are prompted
4020s internally people had like different
4022s ideas of it i started thinking that we
4023s could maybe do more with it like
4025s something more complex and that turns
4026s the cinema system into something better
4028s than just exponential or linear
4030s there are also some suggestions that
4032s kind of prompted that where maybe there
4033s could be something where you uh don't
4036s even need slugs to overclock but the
4038s slugs make the exponential graph like as
4040s harsh for example or you can get
4042s upgrades in a map to make the
4043s exponential less less harsh over time it
4045s should progress
4047s and i kind of want to investigate those
4048s things and see what the best possible
4050s system is that we can make that kind of
4052s fits both the two player groups that are
4054s now in favor and against the change yeah
4056s so because i think we can find this
4058s midway that kind of works for everyone
4059s where everyone kind of gets out of it
4060s what they want and also in a way that we
4062s think it's good for the game
4064s but it will take some more time to
4065s investigate and we didn't have that time
4067s with this update because we had so many
4068s other things that we needed to pay
4069s attention to so i didn't want to just
4070s rush in and just do a change for the
4072s sake of it yeah we barely managed to uh
4074s finish everything we set out to do uh in
4077s update six because the the update six
4079s that you guys are gonna get to like
4080s today isn't gonna be like the full story
4083s uh if you watched the video i posted
4085s last week i mentioned that
4088s uh you know
4089s the update six that's coming out today
4090s isn't like the update six it's the start
4093s like that's the where we are right now
4095s and it's and it's a pretty good stable
4096s version of it uh but there are more like
4099s more things to come in terms of like
4101s uh tweaking
4103s certain behaviors would be for animals
4105s or creatures uh there's a bunch of
4107s probably like i don't know there's
4108s probably a bunch of stuff probably like
4110s a couple of tweaks to vehicles
4111s in a lot of ways it's kind of the
4112s foundation for things that we want to
4113s build on a little bit further and the
4115s main reason that we're releasing it
4116s earlier is because it's hard for us to
4117s release later much later who would delay
4120s it at this point yeah so we were like
4122s let's just push it we have a lot of good
4123s changes that we want players to test we
4125s have a lot of major background systems
4127s that are quite impactful i think that we
4129s need tested as well yeah so it was just
4131s more practical for us to just release it
4133s early even though things aren't really
4134s finished
4135s um so so real quick as i kind of want to
4138s bring up because
4139s now that we're bringing up overclocking
4142s i think one important thing that we
4144s should probably like
4145s can i come back to is like the reason
4147s why we wanted to change overclocking
4148s there were a couple of reasons why we
4150s wanted to change overclocking right
4152s there was the uh we want to use we want
4154s to make slugs more attractive to use
4156s right there was the making like having
4159s the non-linear fashion overclocking was
4162s a bit confusing for folks that are like
4164s trying to like when they're
4166s starting to overclock they like they get
4168s fused broken and they don't understand
4170s like quite why so like the fact that
4172s it's an exponential growth like uh power
4175s consumption and power production i think
4177s too right uh the power consumption is
4179s exponential yeah when you actually it's
4181s kind of interesting when this is when
4183s you overclock uh power generators yeah
4186s they are linear in the sense that they
4188s they linearly consume more resources
4191s scaling to the power that's what i would
4192s say it's just that the value itself
4193s isn't skilled according to the the
4195s overclocking value so if you scale it to
4197s 200 it's not going to be 200 up with an
4199s input
4200s increase which is
4202s kind of weird
4203s yeah that is actually something that i
4204s do want to change just straight up in
4206s the future because i think there's no
4207s reason for us to have that complication
4209s yeah
4210s because that is linear effectively it
4212s just makes the numbers really wonky the
4213s main reason that we can change that now
4215s is because it would mess with the 250
4217s percent
4218s um
4220s uh nuclear power plant because you can't
4222s supply the amount of water it would need
4223s at that point if we went in when full
4225s linear scaling there
4227s yeah that's true
4228s um because like oh jesus somebody else
4231s was like um because because one thing
4233s that kind of like also
4236s made me realize like the fact if you go
4238s to our wiki where's the thing imaging
4240s here
4241s that's this one right
4243s uh if you go to our wiki we have a like
4247s the wiki is really good at like
4248s presenting like all the the everything
4250s related to
4252s uh overclocking
4255s go away um
4257s so like there's a graph over here that
4258s showcases like
4260s uh
4261s ratio i think this is the interesting
4263s one
4270s yeah so like just showcasing sort of
4272s like how how the overclocking system
4274s works and gives you examples like if you
4276s are overclocking like a basic
4277s constructor you know
4279s time doesn't scale linearly so like 150
4283s is not half of 4
4284s seconds and
4286s you don't get the same output and stuff
4287s like that and it shows here's the actual
4288s formula stuff like this stuff like when
4291s i visited the site it just made me
4292s realize like how
4295s it's kind of hard to like get a grasp
4296s when you're just playing the game sort
4298s of you know yeah i mean it's the design
4300s that you kind of break it down when
4301s you're playing it's just designed that
4302s you kind of realize
4304s hey if i overclock i'm going to get i'm
4306s going to use more power than i need to
4307s if i just build more yeah machines
4310s but it's different for for power
4312s generation of course yeah which maybe
4314s makes it more confusing yeah the reasons
4316s you were stating were correct like
4317s that's mult there's just multiple
4319s reasons that we would want to change it
4320s one big reason as well is performance
4322s that was actually the initial reason
4324s that i discussed with ben was that if we
4326s would do it then people would be more
4327s inclined to overclock meaning that they
4329s have less buildings in a factory
4331s meaning that they can play for longer
4333s without their computer burning down yeah
4335s which is just an issue that we're always
4336s going to have with this game because it
4337s just skills so far you can build so much
4339s and
4340s it's not really possible for us to make
4342s it
4343s uh run for everyone pro like in a nice
4346s way if they start building that much
4349s um and of course we want to make slugs
4351s more attractive that's why we decided to
4352s do this potentially then with the
4353s expiration update as we kind of
4355s discussed it to be because we wanted
4357s people to go up
4358s more and find more things that were
4360s valuable and we felt that slugs weren't
4362s that valuable because the trade-off
4364s of trading a slug and
4367s basically
4368s doing that trade-off and then using more
4369s power wasn't really valid for most
4371s players like the tradeoff wasn't worth
4373s it yeah
4374s so so yeah i'm kind of bringing it up
4376s because i think it's an important when
4378s because people are going to discuss
4379s about this again because it isn't final
4381s that we're not going to do linear i
4382s think i think we're we just want like i
4384s said have that
4386s get a little bit more time for us to
4387s evaluate ourselves
4388s as to what we do i think you mentioned
4390s to me like maybe maybe the the
4392s best case scenario isn't that we do
4394s linear maybe we just reduce the exponent
4396s or something like that yeah um we'll see
4399s we're trying we kind of need to like
4400s evaluate that ourselves and and
4402s then we'll
4403s let you guys try it and see if it's
4405s making a difference yeah one good thing
4407s maybe to think about there or to mention
4409s there as well is that the reason that we
4410s opted to not change it because we were
4411s kind of
4413s oscillating between should we just
4414s change it and see what go what happens
4415s or should we not change it and
4417s uh look at it again and make a proper
4420s decision later and we opted for not
4422s changing it because we also added more
4423s telemetry for this update yeah so we're
4426s collecting additional data and we're
4427s we're gonna try to see how people
4429s actually use the overclocking because we
4431s we worked with a lot of assumptions when
4433s we made these decisions and we looked a
4434s lot what people said about overclocking
4436s and that's what we based a lot of our
4438s decisions on or like initial thoughts on
4441s uh so now we're hoping that if we can
4443s kind of see how people actually use
4444s overclocking we might get a clearer
4446s picture of how the system is currently
4448s used and how that might affect
4450s how we want to change it right so we
4452s have more like us a
4454s better base
4455s base case or whatever to see like what
4457s we're comparing it to
4458s gotcha
4459s um yeah if anybody didn't know we we do
4462s collect a little bit of gameplay data uh
4464s we've been doing that since launch uh i
4465s don't think we've used a lot of it like
4467s up until but we also had very minor i
4469s think you even implemented it yeah i did
4470s right yeah we never barely
4472s we only really collected when people
4474s unlock something yeah and when that
4475s happened yeah so we did use it to kind
4477s of uh pace the game and decide like
4480s how many coupons you should get
4481s permitted and kind of estimate how fast
4482s people would get coupons for example
4484s but that's really the only information
4485s that we had everything else we got just
4487s from player interaction the qa side just
4489s checking on discord discussions that
4491s people had
4492s and that's a really hard way to actually
4494s collect information of course because
4495s you're going to miss things and you're
4496s going to get kind of this cute
4497s perception
4498s because of the community that's actually
4500s actively discussing things might be
4501s different than the community
4503s and yeah yeah yeah it is tricky because
4505s like the people that are on our team
4506s forums and are reddit and stuff like
4508s that you you don't know if like they
4510s actually reflect the entire player base
4512s yeah or if it's just like you know it
4514s could be it could be the die-hard
4515s players it could also be just like the
4517s the normies or whatever who are there to
4519s converse and the die-hards maybe or
4520s somewhere else maybe they're not don't
4521s want to be on our forums and stuff like
4523s that you never know so it's always hard
4525s to like grasp you know
4527s who are who are what is your player base
4529s really
4530s looking at like what they're actually
4532s doing because i think we also had that
4533s we did we did poop polls for them yeah
4536s right and it was like majority like 75
4538s was yeah at least initially like a lot
4540s of people we did a couple of polls
4541s actually uh on a couple of different
4543s platforms and i think i think the people
4545s that joined on those polls are like the
4547s people that you know are here on the
4548s streams and in our weekly streams and
4551s like there want to keep up to date like
4553s every single week and they're the people
4555s that probably played a lot of the game
4556s and maybe wanted to try something fresh
4558s or maybe they didn't like that approach
4560s yeah and i can see it as well if you
4561s played a lot you have a big factory it
4563s might be nicer if you can actually
4565s overclock purely linear yeah because
4566s then you don't feel like you're being
4568s inefficient for overclocking because you
4570s can't otherwise run your game anymore
4571s yeah
4572s but it was interesting to see because of
4574s course a lot of the discussion arose
4575s because people wanted to keep keep the
4577s overclocking the way it was
4578s but then the polls showed that the
4580s majority wanted it to actually change
4581s they'd be fine with the change yeah at
4583s least in those polls yeah but even
4585s though the majority was like let's just
4587s change it we were still kind of like uh
4588s maybe we should look at it again because
4590s a lot of good ideas were brought up and
4592s i didn't want to just jump the gun yeah
4593s i feel like when we were discussing it
4595s as well like when i was trying to like
4596s understand what the implications were i
4598s think we also realized a bunch of stuff
4600s like oh wait this affects this yeah so
4603s and that's i think that's something that
4604s i don't like a lot of people realize
4606s when they're not doing game design is
4607s that some very minor things can have
4609s very huge implications to the game
4612s um so you know sometimes you might be
4614s thinking like why aren't they changing
4616s this very minor thing and it's because
4618s they can trickle down and affect a lot
4619s of stuff and if it ends up like
4621s affecting maybe one of our core gameplay
4624s pillars that like the game is tied to
4627s like then we're not gonna do that yeah
4630s exactly
4631s so uh i was thinking so we're gonna play
4633s a game the game a little bit hopefully
4634s they've updated the uh so so one thing i
4636s want to showcase before we actually jump
4638s into this uh
4639s is
4641s the menu the new menu the spooky scary
4645s menu and mark was
4647s better than i was and he reminded me um
4649s to turn off turn on our phone
4651s arachnophobia mode which we have but
4654s this is what the menu will look like uh
4655s y'all
4657s spooky scary
4659s um
4661s so yes try and connect to the server and
4662s see if it if it works we're gonna try
4664s and play on a dedicated server that was
4666s set up like recently
4667s and uh
4669s what's this status or how do you
4671s i don't connect i've never done this so
4673s i don't like i never know i mean you
4675s know so before it just popped up then
4677s maybe it's
4677s offline i think uh
4679s i think pogba mentioned that he's
4681s restarting it maybe so maybe you need to
4682s like
4683s refresh it or yeah or exit the game
4685s maybe we also updated that should we
4687s exit again yeah
4692s oh yes and it changes the dedicated
4694s service not the text not that i know of
4698s well weird looked like just an ad like
4701s steam was just a big ass ad
4703s um
4704s so i wanna do this to make sure that i
4706s don't
4709s then i was worried that we showed all
4710s this inside information no no no
4712s we're on the scene um
4714s all the secrets
4716s can't show all the secrets hey there we
4718s go
4719s connect to that bad boy
4723s um
4725s yeah i they're like dedicated servers
4727s kind of live their own life they're not
4729s tied to you know when we're making
4732s server uh
4733s game updates we don't like
4735s tie in the the dedicated servers to be
4737s part of that sometimes they are because
4739s we are working in parallel a bunch of
4740s stuff and like if there's a bug that
4742s like maybe only happens on dedicated
4743s servers then we'll tie that into uh and
4746s there's a couple of features that we
4747s want to improve for dedicated users too
4749s but they cannot run their own their own
4751s life we also have docker
4753s images for dedicated service kind of
4755s like
4756s on the in the pipeline
4759s if you will
4760s um
4761s though so yeah
4766s which one was it it was
4769s this one right no it wasn't that one
4772s what the oh that's a drone
4774s oh what the do you know how
4776s this team looks no
4779s oh the volume that should just be
4780s that was the volume okay now i just need
4782s to how do i switch back to the
4784s what's the home button what is this
4785s movie
4787s do you do a little house
4791s okay
4792s now what good question
4795s should be like a source button right
4797s yeah
4799s just grandpa is trying to work out the
4800s tv
4802s it's too modern man
4804s do you want to buy
4805s a new tv no
4807s i want to go wait this must be source
4809s right no oh wait pc pc
4813s here we go
4816s all right
4822s he's selected i need an adult
4824s jesus christ
4826s it sounds like swedish wait okay okay
4828s and then now it's in multiview
4831s damn i wish we had like a camera just
4832s show what's happening on the screen
4834s right now because this is
4835s hilarious
4837s how do i how do i go back to
4840s where's where's
4841s he's not here
4844s wait press i'm fighting ben right now
4850s oh god damn it
4853s is it really this thing we're gonna get
4855s stuck on wait oh
4858s no
4860s god damn it if someone at coffee stain
4861s is watching the stream right now could
4862s somebody please that knows how this
4864s works because i'm just
4865s couldn't you go to go to the far left
4866s one
4868s or seventy views oh wait wait
4871s end of that this is riveting right
4874s okay we got it we gotta go
4876s chuck this away okay now
4878s how do we
4879s no
4880s [Laughter]
4882s i went back
4885s that was the button i was supposed to
4886s press god damn it okay we can do this
4889s which which where okay so i press this
4891s first
4893s and then this one
4894s start
4896s and then
4899s this one and then i press
4902s that oh
4904s oh my god can you press it's selected
4906s right it's like
4910s it's insane
4912s what is that
4913s we really need like a second second uh
4917s um
4920s it's also muted no
4922s exactly right
4924s okay okay okay okay here we go
4927s and now i press the volume button this
4929s button
4934s how do i lower the volume
4940s i need an adult holy
4943s how do you lower the volume oh my god
4944s the buttons can turn it's a switch up
4946s holy it's like they're like
4948s whatever
4949s super interesting
4951s y'all
4952s all right we're back in the game let me
4953s know if the volume is crazy high uh it
4956s might be
4957s let me see
4958s uh can you turn off the music in game as
4960s well why am i
4963s is someone on top of it oh my god
4967s uh turn off the in-game
4969s music
4972s this music yeah just uh
4974s uh music just turn it all the way down
4976s cool
4977s all right here we are
4979s um so let's see if you can unlock all
4982s the the stuff in the ma'am
4984s um there should be a mem right there and
4986s uh look at that the stuff yeah
4991s so so what is this new by the way in
4993s them where like it shows you like if you
4995s completely completed and like one thing
4997s that i didn't know about but apparently
4999s this is this is me just being like the
5001s fact that i didn't say it but when you
5003s haven't discovered these like chains it
5005s gives you like a hint of what it is yeah
5007s yeah there's like a description so you
5009s have the description there when you
5010s hover over it and it's different when
5011s you haven't started the research um so
5014s one thing we haven't shown is that all
5016s the loot that drops from from creatures
5018s now they have like their own separate
5019s type so if you hover over like the
5022s i don't think the scroll works
5024s i think you have to hold it or something
5025s like that
5027s maybe just drag and drop
5029s drag on the uh which means you won't
5031s switch weapons oh my god this is yeah so
5034s so
5035s there's there's like a loot for the
5037s stinger type there's a loot for the
5040s hatcher um which you then create like
5043s alien protein from yeah and then you
5045s turn that into
5046s by
5047s so that was the final name the final
5049s name is uh organic data capsule okay so
5052s the research is called bio organic
5053s properties gotcha and then from there
5055s you've got all these other resources and
5056s these are mostly the same so you got the
5058s inhaler here which we we changed our
5060s recipes for all inhalers a bit as well
5062s they're a bit easier to get and we vary
5064s them a little bit more so
5065s the protein inhaler which was before the
5067s inhaler that you made with spitter
5068s remains you can just use any alien part
5070s now because you use the protein and then
5072s you use some nuts
5073s as well
5074s and the reborn is still here as well but
5076s it has like a prerequisite unlock now
5078s which is new so that's why it's still
5079s locked here yeah
5081s and the reason why it's like half
5083s unlocked here is because we're playing
5084s on an old save file that was loaded
5086s before update six so like this is
5087s probably you're gonna probably get
5088s similar experience here yeah i think
5090s usually for most people it will look
5091s like this because these are new you
5092s usually already have these two because
5094s they they are the standard so there's
5095s like one hidden node there that's that's
5098s just a lock node though that doesn't
5100s actually show anything new right these
5101s are yeah i mean this one is locked so we
5103s have to get this one first
5105s um
5106s so which one is interesting it's like
5108s this one this one looks quite different
5110s yeah people remember it used to be just
5112s a line with like wrenches on the side a
5114s little bit more interesting christmas
5116s tree yeah a bit more
5118s uh so yeah we did that moved things
5121s around a little bit just for visual
5122s purposes
5124s unlocks are mostly the same you have to
5126s stun rebar here which uses quick wire
5128s you got the bullet guidance system
5130s unlock which is the homing rifle ammo
5132s and the rest is basically still the same
5135s here yeah and then we get the mycelia
5136s tree
5139s with the so you got the the old
5141s polyester fabric recipe now here yeah we
5144s added an extra hand slot so you can have
5145s more equipment at the same time now oh
5148s is that new for updates yeah not an
5149s extra one so you can have six instead of
5151s what one
5152s inventory
5154s uh we got the an extra inhaler recipe
5156s which combines the new protein with uh
5159s the healthcare mushroom yeah someone is
5162s stop goofing y'all no you're nothing oh
5164s my god oh my god they're hitting you
5165s with the tractor
5168s out of here well good
5170s day
5171s i thought we had no vehicle
5173s yeah
5174s yeah and this one also just updated we
5175s updated the look for all of them a
5176s little bit just to make them a bit more
5178s interesting to look at you got the gas
5179s donald scare
5181s as well yeah
5183s that's my celia these are exactly the
5184s same as before that's why they're
5185s completely completed yeah or we didn't
5188s change the cost for some of them but
5189s that shouldn't be really you'll find
5191s that anyway
5192s um and then a couple more the shadowy
5195s bar
5196s quartz 3 which also has these
5198s little prompts now new shop products new
5200s shop products on the two basic quartz
5203s unlocks
5204s and we moved the blade runners here so
5206s if you already had unlocked the blade
5207s runners you should still have them
5209s that's completely fine yeah
5211s but if you start a new game you'll have
5212s to unlock it here and this one actually
5213s also used to be in the
5215s keterium tree so we moved a bunch stuff
5217s from there to here because the quartz
5218s was kind of sad
5220s yeah so we got the shadowy bar we got
5221s the the pulse nobelisk explosive
5224s resonance application oh the screen kind
5226s of works oh it does just work just very
5230s rusty okay maybe it's uh you have to
5232s scroll like a lot for it to trigger yeah
5234s yeah you were saying the name uh love
5236s this pulse novelisk
5243s probably got the most new yeah
5246s where yeah we got the experimental power
5248s generation which
5250s that's where you get the turbo view on
5251s the compacted call from and then we got
5253s the new smokeless powder recipe
5255s yeah so let's unlock that one i think
5256s they should be in somewhere
5264s oh never mind huge ass because they oh
5266s nice a lot of stuff
5269s just took it all it's mine
5272s do we have everything we also need
5273s plastic
5275s so this is going to be a
5277s little bit of a
5278s stress test um because we are playing as
5281s client which is like
5283s infamously the most stable version of
5285s the game
5286s uh but there's a bunch of people here
5289s from coffee stainless who's joined and
5290s playing around a little bit
5293s yeah was a blade runner there but
5297s were there power packs in the
5301s you took them all
5303s no fun for anyone else
5307s nice yeah she should show off like the
5310s [Music]
5311s you should pick up a blade runner and
5312s equip it too because you can you can
5314s have blade you can do wheels you can
5316s dual will you can get the gun
5318s do anything
5321s get the filters too because you're gonna
5322s need that
5324s uh
5326s yeah yeah you have to get the chainsaw
5328s and the there's a bunch yeah yeah
5330s okay
5333s ah there we go we need that uh we should
5336s probably grab that too
5340s yeah we'll show off the the equipment uh
5342s changes
5342s in a second yeah
5344s yeah so here you go
5346s equip that
5348s do you have the hazmat as well we don't
5350s have regular fuel yeah or the gas mask
5352s and stuff like that i don't think
5353s there's a gas mask in here we'll have to
5356s craft one or something yeah we gotta
5358s have it we gotta let's now that
5360s we can we have to equip everything at
5362s the same time
5366s wow look at that wow
5369s pretty already up my slide though
5372s earlier this year
5374s what the hell is going on over there
5376s this is so fast though pretty sweet
5378s though what is this it's the tractor
5381s look away
5382s i didn't you didn't see that
5384s um
5385s so so one thing i kind of want to
5386s clarify when it comes to the equipment
5387s stuff is that we've mentioned that like
5389s hover pack and no uh jetpack and like
5392s blade earners is kind of op
5394s like a lot of people have
5396s seen that as like oh is that does that
5398s mean you're gonna remove
5399s that combination and that's not really
5401s what we're planning to do
5402s uh no no you're still gonna be able to
5404s use it we are just thinking of kind of
5406s rebalancing
5407s some value so that they kind of line up
5409s a bit nicer because you're very fast now
5411s when you slide jump jump jetpack yeah um
5414s which might not be an issue we kind of
5415s have to see if we think it's a problem
5416s somehow but it might be more like end
5418s game sort of
5420s speeds yeah i mean it might not be an
5421s issue we just haven't looked at it at
5422s all yes that's also we can't promise
5424s everyone no it's going to change it but
5426s yeah
5427s it's hard to say right now yes unlock
5428s some some cool stuff
5430s but do we do we have everything we don't
5431s have any nobilisks or rifle ammo yeah
5434s this is where you get most of the
5437s new ammo types still the rifle is still
5439s here so you don't also you don't have to
5441s unlock the rifle ammo and rifle
5442s separately anymore same for the nobles
5444s so you just get it in one go we kind of
5446s just separated them in the past so that
5448s we would have more unlocks in it so it
5449s wouldn't look so sad but of course it's
5451s kind of annoying if you have to unlock
5452s them separately yeah but now it makes a
5453s little bit more sense and also something
5455s that people might have seen is that all
5457s these researches they only take three
5458s seconds now before you had someone took
5460s like five minutes or even longer we
5462s changed all of that so they're all three
5464s seconds
5465s wow
5467s and that should be quite nice i think
5468s because we felt that people might not
5470s interact as much with demand because
5471s they have to like wait for stuff then
5472s they go and don't get the unlock right
5473s away then they forget about it and now
5476s you can just just unlock everything in
5478s one go the hard drives though still take
5480s 10 minutes okay so
5482s that is that is crazy i forgot that are
5485s they reading stream no
5487s we're not
5488s um
5491s yeah so we plan to unlock like all the
5492s weapons in here so we can run around and
5494s shoot some some creatures it's the plan
5496s at least we're a little bit behind
5498s schedule but it's fine did you get a
5501s tobias and each and right yeah they're
5503s gonna join in in as soon as we even
5504s unlocked all this we have a
5509s do you need oh yeah it's true
5512s vehicles
5514s it's who was that was that
5515s dylan
5518s look at that so much rifle ammo by the
5521s way uh stop stop
5524s for people that don't know this like no
5526s hands you if you tap space bar you
5529s automatically handcraft okay
5531s uh i wanna go grab a coffee and uh
5534s yeah exactly
5535s uh i still see to this day posts on
5537s reddit people would be like oh look at
5538s my fancy automated setup for like day
5541s before putting like a huge huge dies or
5543s something on it you don't have to you
5545s can just tap spacebar
5547s um
5548s and i'm sure i i didn't check here
5550s there's probably like a bunch of people
5551s just wait what
5554s finally no this has been in the game for
5555s a long time i don't remember like update
5558s four three
5559s a while
5562s do any of you guys have no obelisks
5565s need some
5566s give it to me give me
5568s off
5571s do we have we need uh
5573s that might not maybe uh they should be
5575s listening to this wait do we have
5579s pipes steel pipes
5582s there's like another uh bunch of
5584s containers right on the other side
5586s golden
5587s maybe this is free pre-made no
5591s no
5595s i mean it's not like the game tells you
5597s anywhere that you can press space bar
5600s no but we don't tell a lot of like
5603s things honestly
5605s but that is always one thing that a lot
5606s of people always like
5608s get surprised by yeah we have actually
5610s discussed a lot like how are we gonna
5612s tell people about all these quality of
5614s life features because like we can keep
5615s adding them in but then people don't
5616s know about them they mostly know them
5618s from the patch notes you just find them
5619s randomly yeah i'm read it right maybe i
5621s just need to put in every single video
5623s or just mention that you can
5625s hang like automatically handcraft
5627s yeah i think it's been in since update
5629s three like it's a huge it's an old-ass
5630s feature i stuck
5632s maybe there's a server crashed
5634s because i saw dylan disconnected
5636s uh-oh
5637s uh oh my
5639s my running around yeah
5641s i'm stuck
5642s is there a tractor or something on you
5645s wait
5646s wait oh this is a menu bug i think
5649s because you have the
5651s yeah there you go
5654s did you open the console
5656s i did yeah that's probably what happened
5659s i mean i'll open it after but yeah
5662s are they pinging no don't don't don't
5664s worry about it
5665s it's probably fine don't worry about it
5666s what do we want to unlock uh everything
5669s yeah we can unlock anything we still
5671s need more oh really yeah yeah
5674s we need a lot of parts for this okay
5678s still need more nobles huh yeah
5680s we should have prepared some novelists
5682s yeah
5683s you just sit here a bit longer
5686s oh shoot a snoot
5688s pretty good yeah
5690s pretty cool
5692s um
5693s yeah it's a bug free game no exploits
5695s yeah exactly it's ready ready for 1.0
5699s uh we need so i think tobias mentioned
5701s that he's he's left the nuke nobles
5703s somewhere we definitely have to showcase
5704s that oh yeah uh i know actually
5707s and uh
5708s yeah i just i just want about a bunch of
5710s rifles and stuff so we can show off some
5711s of the
5712s yeah there you go got that
5715s uh because
5717s i want to show up more things with the
5718s cluster notebook as well and the pulse
5721s one so uh
5723s oh my god this scroll wheel yeah right
5725s oh wait don't do it now don't do it now
5727s we'll do it later
5730s there's a time and place for for
5732s for everything it's called college
5735s um
5738s so yeah
5739s handcrafting got it it's so fun
5743s that's part of the game yeah right where
5745s the
5746s gets so lost in here
5748s uh but we can unlock this one now which
5750s is fun
5767s oh my god
5769s it's just stressful
5772s we need oh we need more
5774s mustard more in here
5777s we can we can show over another really
5778s cool feature if you press h
5782s look at that wow the future is now old
5784s man
5786s you got a uh
5789s pulse ring you can hold some stuff now
5793s yeah
5796s all that achievements so
5798s we will probably not add achievements
5799s until
5800s we're pretty much finished with the game
5802s i think
5803s um
5805s so closer to 1.0 i'd say
5810s is that tractor like messing you up
5812s because i wonder if it is yeah every
5814s time you go close to it it's always
5815s something it might have bumped into
5816s dylan's avatar because the vehicles are
5818s like kind of simulated on clients
5821s um it might still be one camera you can
5823s still because they'll run into like
5825s collision issues where at least the
5827s collision tractor is like a little bit
5828s off on server so you bump into it
5833s yes
5834s that's nice
5837s finally oh pulse
5839s you had rifle ammo right yeah
5842s that's another thing we've increased the
5843s stack for uh rifle ammo
5847s 500 to 500 which i think is really nice
5849s because it felt like you'd have to bring
5851s so many stacks of ammo when you're out
5853s running
5854s now we can go haywire
5856s um
5859s yeah if if to be us and at the end if
5861s you're if you're watching you can
5862s probably skedaddle over
5865s to the
5867s stream i didn't push him
5870s so this is a new um vfx actually for the
5872s pulse uh there we go that was nice
5878s it's super wait do you think damage from
5879s that now yeah there's a little bit of
5881s damage
5887s yeah
5888s look at that
5889s oh you get that slug
5891s oh wait do you wanna see the blood wait
5892s wait stop stop stop let's see a funny
5894s bug
5895s so if you start picking it up and run
5897s away from it and keep holding e
5899s run away and then keep holding now keep
5901s holding
5903s what yeah
5905s do you see the health by the way
5907s yeah isn't that strange huh chat are you
5909s are you getting this are you noticing
5910s this happening what's happening
5912s we're getting health back
5915s sneaky coming from from that side no the
5917s other side as
5918s a there's a bunch of here
5920s yeah from the
5921s thingy
5923s can i leave now can i get the out
5925s of here
5926s yes we're going to show off some of the
5928s weapons i'll just do one more good uh
5931s oh you you squandered it you got to get
5933s the timing right yeah yeah it's a pure
5934s skill based gameplay
5937s yeah doing the slide thing oh my god
5943s you get this one you get one more chance
5946s wait why it's not triggered
5949s uh oh
5950s you find a bug maybe
5952s ah there we go
5953s there you go
5955s holy it's so cool all right what
5958s about yours yeah so we're gonna kick
5960s mark off yeah thanks for having me
5962s that was nice
5963s see you around see you around another
5966s couple of guests
5969s so
5970s joining us on the couch you can just
5972s say come on boys
5974s sit on down
5976s uh what was i doing
5978s i just want to make sure i get their
5980s names
5981s correctly spelled and
5983s uh so on the couch we got etienne and
5986s tobias or lim that some people might
5988s know you you sneak around on on the
5990s internet sometimes
5992s um i'm a sneaky boy yeah i think around
5994s as well but nobody knows who i am
5997s undercover
5998s yes uh so
6001s both of these fine folks are programmers
6003s and uh
6005s we're gonna talk a little bit about some
6006s actually could you guys make sure get
6008s like weapons and like all the
6010s in the game uh while i put this up
6012s actually
6013s a little bit of extra um
6016s because you you know what's in the safe
6018s right
6019s uh yeah kind of fish um we're gonna
6022s switch scenes soon chad one second
6027s i'm just gonna
6031s it's
6032s silly things to do at the same time
6035s there we go
6037s cool
6039s all right there we go so um this is
6041s again tobias like i mentioned and
6043s they're both programmers through the
6044s game crash
6045s yep
6048s um connection's been lost bummer so uh
6052s you guys are programmers and you've been
6053s working on a few things so at tiana's
6055s been working mostly on like the weapon
6056s system but you've both been doing
6057s creature stuff right yeah yeah so it's
6060s been doing a lot of the the weapon
6061s systems
6062s and uh you've been in that for quite
6064s some time actually since update
6066s five yeah i started uh actually before
6069s update five yeah uh and then
6071s some things happened so it ended up kind
6073s of being sneakily in update five but we
6075s were like ah let's not turn anything
6078s let's make it look like it didn't change
6080s uh and then some more work has been put
6082s into it between update five two now and
6084s uh
6085s and now we have a new weapons yep i mean
6088s new old weapons yeah so uh if you guys
6090s remember
6091s when i think it was during the fixmas
6093s event where we changed like the noblesks
6096s where the snowball stuff like that was
6098s that was around the time when we
6099s actually kind of implemented a lot of
6100s the weapons yeah that was the time that
6102s we started to be like okay let's try to
6104s use that new system and let's try to
6106s change things up a bit yeah
6108s uh okay so bogdan was restarting the
6110s server that was going on
6113s and then uh
6115s yeah we got the bs as well we've been
6117s working a lot on a bunch of stuff a
6118s bunch of stuff yeah muscle creatures
6120s yeah creatures stuff and uh we're gonna
6122s try and break the ai system today
6125s yes i know that would be great somebody
6126s has mentioned like before there's a
6127s couple of like uh yeah books that we're
6129s like hoping we won't run into because
6131s like one thing that we really have to
6132s sort of
6134s drill in here is that the um
6136s like a lot of systems aren't like fully
6138s fully finished like i mentioned before
6139s for update six uh we're in like a good
6141s state but there's still a bunch of stuff
6143s coming
6144s uh and and one of the like major things
6146s that we felt like was a bit lacking is
6149s the creature stuff and that's mostly
6150s because it takes time to sort of you
6152s know nail it down i think we're pretty
6154s happy with like the ai system itself
6156s uh has changed quite drastically like
6158s from almost from scratch or ground up
6160s yeah
6162s [Music]
6164s like a lot of time
6166s that goes into like
6167s this type of stuff like behavior trees
6169s and making ai work it's it's just
6171s tweaking it and making sure that it
6173s feels good because that can take a long
6175s time um get like getting it really
6177s really nice and solid yeah exactly and
6179s it's also the fact that we have to kind
6180s of replicate what we had before yeah but
6182s we're using a new system so it's like
6184s yeah yeah it takes a while yeah getting
6186s it one to one is pretty challenging uh
6189s to what we had before because it's very
6191s different
6193s and obviously when we take an approach
6195s that's
6196s new kit and create it yeah
6198s so so uh yeah we're trying to mimic it
6200s some parts of the old system um and so
6203s so that's why i mentioned in the video
6205s like some maybe some parts feel kind of
6207s off maybe
6208s you were expecting them to behave a
6210s certain way and i feel like they're
6212s pretty close to uh yeah
6214s like how they used to work like the hogs
6216s feel pretty nice and like the i guess
6218s the spitters are the ones that have a
6220s lot of work left
6221s in some sense maybe i don't know yeah
6223s because you're not the one who actually
6224s implemented the behavior trees right or
6226s uh
6227s a bit of both i guess yeah yeah yeah
6230s it was it was really a joint work in a
6233s sense it's not really
6235s we we we've been both working on that
6238s for the past what like six months oh
6240s yeah it's a bit more it's been a while
6241s yeah see if you can hook up into the
6244s stratosphere into the stratosphere yes
6248s um so we're going to showcase a bunch of
6250s the weapons mark already spoiled the
6253s pulse nobilis oh my god uh which which i
6256s think is like one of the coolest things
6258s we've added to the game because he
6259s wanted to do the jump yeah yeah yeah
6261s like doing the rocket jump stuff is so
6264s so much fun it's awesome um and when i
6267s was playing
6268s uh my favorite thing was to do in the
6270s update with the new weapons were using
6271s the cluster obelisk and
6273s um
6275s like using the pulse and the cluster to
6277s like pulse up cluster and then try to
6279s like hit the enemies with the cluster
6281s grenades yeah so like you throw it up in
6283s the air and you try to like ring down
6286s on them yeah um i love doing that
6292s right
6294s where's the hub here uh it's
6296s the hell are you
6298s i have no idea where i am uh
6301s you can check the the compass right yeah
6303s yeah the compass yeah no problems uh you
6305s can actually open the map and and uh
6308s clean it up because you can you can do
6310s the like the thing like where you hide
6311s all the i haven't done this before yeah
6313s so hit the uh the compass thingy at the
6316s top there yeah that one so hide
6318s everything except uh
6320s drone ports hide all that we don't
6323s need all this
6324s this is also a bunch of stuff we've
6326s changed here i don't think we've added
6327s anything new we've increased the map
6329s marker count to 250
6331s oh wait i need to switch scene um
6336s so so you can't see it because i have
6339s show this
6341s i mean i guess we're right at the hub
6343s maybe yeah i think you're basically just
6345s behind you yeah
6346s oh oh oh look at that we found it uh oh
6350s if you open the map real quick again uh
6351s so so we up the the map mark account to
6354s 250 uh we don't know if that's going to
6356s be the final number uh we're gonna see
6360s how it goes essentially
6362s um
6363s but yeah you can do cool stuff with
6365s stamps and place them in the world and
6367s all that stuff and completely revamp
6368s that map
6369s as well
6371s um
6372s so yeah here we go yeah get gets get
6374s some other gucci weapons yes some of
6376s that gucci because i was thinking we
6377s should try try and get to like the
6378s spider coast and then uh oh boy look
6380s around so we need we need some weapons
6382s so we can mark i've already filled out
6383s the image what is this
6385s mycelia i try to get rid of this
6388s oh
6389s do you really need that many we don't
6390s need that many now uh it's important you
6392s get the yeah you have a chainsaw
6394s yeah you're yeah the rebar you have a
6396s rifle
6396s yeah yeah
6398s all the weapons yeah yeah you're you're
6399s right set you up so i think it's mostly
6400s ammo uh i don't know if you unlocked
6402s everything
6404s you have regular ammo and you have the
6406s fast ammo type yeah
6408s see there's the uh yeah yeah we gotta
6410s get the stun
6412s we gotta get the explosive rebar oh yeah
6414s oh yeah i feel bad for not showing that
6416s off more in the video because this the
6418s explosive rebar
6420s is sick that's sick
6423s uh i guess you need to handcraft some
6425s powder
6426s i mean did we just dropped it
6429s i just dropped it in here
6433s there's some steel beams
6435s uh there was something on the top
6437s container
6438s yeah
6440s let's find out
6441s the next episode of santa's face oh boy
6444s and the other one maybe another one
6447s it's always it's always the last place
6448s to look
6451s what are you looking for steel beams
6453s gotcha uh there might be
6455s so there's a bunch of containers behind
6456s you there like
6458s in that direction yeah i think there's a
6460s bunch of stuff there oh boy
6462s like uh
6464s we're gonna have to check no no you can
6466s see the items oh yeah it's the old style
6469s it's the pre-science style yeah so there
6470s you go there we go yeah students
6474s take those old school now they have
6477s signs so this safe place from like
6478s update three i think yeah
6480s so that's why we're not using any signs
6482s in the same box
6485s so you get some of that stuff get the uh
6488s cluster nobel list oh we need a lot of
6490s discussions
6494s nothing to see here
6496s look away look away
6503s that's a lot of ammo yeah it sure is
6506s yeah do you have any nobodisks around
6509s i think mark
6510s mark had to craft so unless you placed
6513s any in the box you did not all right
6515s let's handcraft let's get to it let's
6517s handcraft we bet you didn't expect this
6520s stream to join on the stream just watch
6521s a bunch of handcrafting yeah
6523s seems like it
6525s see six updates later
6528s the way of the game
6529s handcraft everything yeah oh wait no we
6531s don't do this here it is
6534s i know how to play this game i swear
6537s so it's funny to watch like dads play
6539s their own games and like actually
6541s because it is such a big game to work on
6543s there's a bunch of stuff that we just
6544s don't see
6545s 200
6547s we can't have 69. i don't know if we're
6549s gonna be able to afford this it's not
6550s gonna lie
6553s they call the black photos so what was
6555s the thing you're looking for
6556s uh
6557s i mean we need
6559s i guess we need more black powder which
6562s we might have
6564s was black powder thing you couldn't uh
6566s automate or handcraft
6568s yeah i think so
6574s we might have lost them
6575s i think that's they should have i think
6577s we already used a bunch of it for the
6578s instead okay well um i don't know if
6581s we're going to be able to afford this
6582s one like this
6585s okay but uh make some explosive rebar
6587s and some stun rebar so yeah we can do
6589s that
6590s because those also cost black powder
6592s yeah yeah
6593s making making a can whatever um
6598s so but you have
6601s no you didn't have smart
6602s oh that's another regular ammo uh
6606s oh yeah yeah throwing over here yes
6609s i'm pretty sure those costs also cause
6610s black powder
6612s yeah i think they do everything goes
6613s black powder and everything does black
6615s powder
6615s [Music]
6617s maybe it's faster if uh
6618s if uh
6621s someone who controls the server uh maybe
6626s uh cheat hidden or something
6629s might be a good idea yeah all the
6630s equipments and
6632s yeah mostly all the ammo types yeah
6635s all the ammo types
6637s so so one thing we can show off while
6639s while that is is going in the background
6652s um
6653s so one thing we can do in the meanwhile
6655s if you load up a
6656s go back to the scene you can if you load
6658s up the save manually
6660s oh wait
6661s um
6664s no you did send it to me yeah you have
6666s because the one thing i really want to
6667s show off the nuke noble list we had some
6670s yeah yeah
6671s i made a little oh oh no
6674s inventory oh okay you take that okay
6676s good good all right
6680s yeah because i kind of want to run out
6682s and like go to uh like uh see if we can
6685s find some creatures maybe we can use
6687s some of the items we have already yeah
6689s we should try not to
6691s the northwest yes suppose
6695s is it northwest
6697s yeah from from here it is yeah where's
6699s the space or
6701s is this this is the are we in the duster
6702s yeah okay that's kind of what's done i
6704s guess
6705s west northwest where where did that pipe
6708s go a tube no idea
6711s are we gonna have to run there or
6712s probably probably it's gonna be a long
6714s war
6716s no that's fine okay could you make an
6718s explorer wait someone's pinging is it
6719s someone thinking for
6721s items i'm not sure somebody right in
6724s chat or in the
6726s no no
6729s run around
6735s yeah youtube jetpack
6737s oh we have a shot back hey right
6739s wait we can do some of this
6741s yes yeah
6743s now we're talking
6745s are you an expert at this am i yeah
6748s you've been
6749s you've been having a lot of fun that was
6750s pretty good yeah
6752s oh bounce can we do it can we do it
6754s oh
6755s we cannot all kind of kind of yeah
6758s actually yeah
6760s yeah let's uh let's try around here
6764s yeah that's smart actually
6767s completely nest
6769s oh yeah we got coupons yeah you can buy
6771s them yeah that's true it's a good call
6774s uh where are the coupons
6777s are they in the awesome shop uh awesome
6779s sink if you build an awesome sink maybe
6781s you can uh
6782s steal them from there
6786s oh you had materials cool
6788s the power oh wait we can
6790s no no you think we have cheats enabled
6792s we don't have cheats
6794s if we go back to the
6796s thing back to the thing yeah back to
6798s power grid oh yeah yeah for sure
6803s you can check it out we can check it out
6806s let's see get some power here
6810s let's go up here
6814s then just right now it was okay i
6816s thought you threw a regular notebook oh
6817s yeah just blow myself up yeah fast
6832s we're
6833s rich great um
6836s i mean maybe
6837s the other ones on the server set it up
6839s maybe you have to decide i'm sure
6842s or if we cheat i mean maybe yeah we
6844s can't
6845s it's uh restart the segment it's not
6850s yeah
6852s yeah i was i was like going back
6855s take care earlier okay yeah good
6857s is that in all the ammo types i guess
6861s i guess we can go up here because
6862s there's like a little
6864s voice this place right
6866s i wanna go i just wanna run into
6867s creatures through creatures right all
6869s right let's find the creatures
6873s yeah we're all like
6875s hiding that's why we have the nuke
6877s nobelisk oh yeah it's not for this
6879s negotiation
6880s true
6886s check the shop now
6888s oh wait the sink oh oh we have some
6890s power over there i think
6893s no
6894s right here oh yeah over there
6897s oh i didn't want to look at the start
6899s yeah i don't think we've actually shown
6901s this ever but the night
6903s sky uh is very different now like we've
6906s completely revamped the atmosphere
6908s system uh for this update so there's a
6911s different decade difference in power
6914s um
6915s so uh
6916s yeah
6917s fun fact there's like a volumetric
6919s clouds and
6921s it's amazing it is pretty yes
6925s all right we can't
6927s meet you
6930s no bugs
6931s please stop finding bugs
6933s his name is perfect yeah it's more stuff
6935s to fix that's great
6937s all right now let's get that let's get
6938s those coupons let's get those coupons
6941s you probably need to run quite a bit
6943s right because the creatures don't spawn
6944s when you're close to factory but yeah
6946s exactly that's fun i'm worried about it
6948s as well more coupons is that enough to
6949s buy a bunch of
6951s ammo types um
6954s i mean
6955s seems pretty expensive are they because
6957s a lot of stuff is still kind of
6958s expensive in the ammo pack what is that
6963s that's iron rebar do we not unlock like
6966s the special auto types or the special
6968s parts
6969s more ink okay
6972s okay
6974s yeah maybe you haven't added it to the
6976s awesome shop yet that you can unlock uh
6981s yeah
6984s well but you needed nobles to crafts
6986s yeah i mean yeah now that that 20 coupon
6989s that gets that gets us the 200 nobody's
6991s yeah it does yeah pretty well someone's
6994s someone's it's grinding over
6996s there working hard yeah i don't know
6998s what's being thrown into the scene but
7000s there's probably a lot we probably have
7001s like a bunch of computer parts that's
7002s being automated somewhere
7004s by 20
7006s like that but actually
7011s and then we should be able to make
7013s i know we needed to research it right
7015s yeah yeah that was the thing
7017s so what was it it was the
7018s cluster yeah oh my god we're missing tom
7022s oh no way can you buy
7024s black powder uh i think that's this
7026s is smokeless yeah yeah but you can buy
7028s black powder so you can make smokeless
7029s all right all right yeah yeah you can
7032s parts
7034s now you can buy small pieces
7037s okay
7038s oh it's 100 as well
7040s that's pretty good
7041s but like three couplings yeah that's not
7043s bad sweet money
7046s it's in the yeah there we go
7049s yeah
7050s and a thing lots more coupons yes
7057s let's see here
7060s no handcrafting
7063s oh which one
7065s for the smugglers search for smokeless
7070s what can you not handcraft that at all
7074s oh oh oh that's problematic
7077s hmm
7078s wait it's not research no it should be
7079s research
7081s yeah
7083s i think so right
7085s i mean it should be like yeah yeah
7092s yeah oh yeah you need a refinery for
7093s that yeah
7095s okay yeah that's an issue that's a
7097s bummer all right let's skip the cluster
7099s then i guess skip that for now
7102s i mean yeah we could we could probably
7103s research something else here right
7106s we have something
7108s are these yeah of course crystal ah of
7110s course we have a bunch of uh there's a
7113s there's a quartz right close to you
7115s isn't there uh there might be
7117s yeah
7119s we can probably get this but that one
7122s can you can buy ammo though you can buy
7124s regular ammo we can yeah but we're
7126s missing we're missing the
7127s encased aluminum
7129s casing whatever
7134s we need ammo types yes
7141s um
7157s all right let's find some creatures
7159s let's find some green yep let's just go
7161s blue up let's do it
7163s that sounds like a good idea to me
7165s yes
7169s oh wait did somebody place
7172s no so sad sad faces in the chat
7177s yeah lots more
7179s coupons but that doesn't help us yeah
7182s it's
7183s nothing 50 hens
7189s so yeah the question is where can we go
7190s for some creatures because i don't know
7192s this time
7193s if you go straight up into the the
7196s haydn forest oh there's no that was a
7198s tree
7200s just a tree oh wait there should be one
7201s close by here because there's a oh we
7203s have a up kind of go to swamp can
7205s we how close would we just swamp
7207s oh this one
7209s you have the map unlocked that's true
7211s that's true yeah you're going straight
7212s we're going straight to the swamp yeah
7214s that's perfect
7217s i can't reload and shoot at the same
7218s time
7223s so you might run into the tropical
7225s spitters there's the bean jesus is so
7228s dark yeah it's very dark here push b for
7230s blast light b for blast light yeah yeah
7232s so let's nuke that one yeah let's nuke
7234s the balloon
7235s i've been used you need more than one
7236s nuke for the bean like like stick like
7238s three or four to eight oh there's
7240s no way all right new test subject
7244s all right here we go
7246s okay i would prefer if you stay away
7247s from me mr hogg
7249s yeah you're gonna need a little bit of
7250s space here all right here we go all
7251s right three two one
7258s the hog is no more yeah dude
7260s you're getting radiated now
7263s oh my god poor guy so dramatic i love
7266s this you're gonna die from the radiation
7268s here yeah it's kind of hurting oh he's
7270s friends
7273s with someone else's boyfriend
7275s i love the nukes
7276s wait what hannah's uh giving you uh
7279s help aerial support
7285s yeah another one
7291s there's uh you might wanna um
7295s no wait
7299s um
7300s whoever that was he's no more it's so
7302s violent so brutal you should not give me
7304s this kind of power no
7306s mark dot you need to resin oh
7315s don't you get the um
7317s if you open the map so you can get the
7318s uh
7319s death crate or whatever in the compass
7322s i mean how about
7328s my back my back
7330s show players in the compass oh yeah in
7332s the compass oh yeah yeah you disable
7333s them yeah you're right
7349s under the plan yeah you were well hidden
7354s sorry i'm sorry
7356s yeah
7358s oh my god this is this is all every
7360s multiplication of that game so i think
7363s uh simon's like changed all the vfx for
7365s for the
7368s yeah
7369s so even the regular notice regular
7371s control try it look so go to the form
7374s that's good for this one yeah let's do
7375s it
7379s that's the wrong numbers if you might
7381s not jump yeah oh yeah yeah no i'm not
7383s gonna i'm not gonna do any jumps
7385s actually we will just do this
7391s that was awesome
7393s you know i think so yes you're right by
7395s it now you turn left i think
7398s is it down here uh
7400s it's possible it's possible
7403s yeah you're in yeah yeah yeah so we're
7404s in the swamp now really really foggy yup
7408s yeah so we're just gonna find we don't
7410s know what we are going to land on right
7411s now no we're gonna run water probably
7413s run into some stingers i imagine yeah we
7415s have arachnophobia moved on so okay yeah
7417s she should be fine
7418s i don't know i'm not sure
7420s i think they're more terrifying so do
7422s you have the rebar gun as well uh i do
7425s but i'm not sure i have any reaper i
7426s don't i actually do i should have
7429s i think you have uh
7430s yeah oh my god explosive yeah
7433s yeah this one's pretty cool so we've
7435s also changed a couple of things with the
7436s hud here's the well maybe somebody did
7438s but there's this bug where sometimes
7440s when you join in like and if you're just
7442s dead yeah you arrive so that's another
7445s phone book right uh we've done a little
7447s tweak on the hud uh again so like uh the
7450s hud is a little bit less like
7451s in your face now
7453s um so if you guys notice there's like a
7455s t when you're throwing that the
7458s the uh the noblesks oh there's that
7461s that's nice yeah that's a nice bike yeah
7463s so when you charge up you get like
7464s little bits in your face as it was
7466s before yeah
7468s there you go
7470s all right
7472s looks like it's completely bugged yeah
7474s it seems completely bad there we go
7475s third time's a charm
7482s i love that you threw two
7484s nobles yeah yeah i i i don't know why
7487s that's that's not normal but that
7489s animation should have enough it looks
7491s like
7504s from here
7516s yeah so this is pretty sweet it's been
7518s hard to like track some enemies um i
7522s think for the stickers it might be
7523s difficult like i i think for the
7524s stingers the shotgun is really good for
7526s that yeah
7528s um
7528s we actually
7530s a couple of changes the stingers are
7531s like the probably the the creature
7533s that's got like the most improvements
7534s i'd say yeah uh you know physics because
7537s now they like leap and and like
7539s it's pretty cool yeah they got a little
7540s bit more interesting uh attack batteries
7542s now no more cheesing them by uh
7545s foundation or jet packing yeah they'll
7547s jump at you yeah
7549s so you probably need to get away from
7550s the
7551s the geothermal ones yeah that's what i'm
7553s thinking if you go right oh
7556s server crash cool wreath
7559s ripperoo peru
7561s oh timed out interesting
7564s might explain why we didn't see any
7565s creature in the past like five minutes
7567s okay yeah yeah yeah um
7570s so i think we're gonna like switch up uh
7572s folks here yeah
7573s yeah we got a couple
7575s um
7577s so if simon if you're still here you can
7579s you can join as well dylan and ben are
7581s also free to join if you want to uh so
7583s thanks for for joining in is there
7585s anything you guys want to talk about
7586s that
7587s i didn't bring up now
7588s you guys worked on anything cool that we
7591s haven't shown
7592s attachments are being
7594s nuked but i that's very that's pretty
7596s internal nobody knows but actually it um
7599s it it has a very positive effect on uh
7601s especially multiplayer for the third
7603s person view which
7605s is a lot less
7607s buggy and static because before you did
7608s not really see where people were aiming
7610s like that
7611s and now since it uses the same set of
7613s animations
7614s and it's the same weapon really you
7616s start to you have better animation it's
7618s better it's like multiplayer tends to be
7620s more in sync you see what
7622s see what your friends are being like
7624s throwing and aiming like loading up you
7626s can walk up to the weapon of someone and
7628s be like oh yes he has like explosive
7630s reborn because the tip is red in the
7631s weapon it's a
7633s i guess it's it's it's mine of things
7635s but
7636s internally it's a big change for us in
7638s the good direction and
7641s yeah
7642s yeah noise all right we're gonna switch
7644s it up we're gonna switch up some posts
7645s here uh so thanks for joining us thank
7648s you for having us thanks for having us
7652s sorry no more programmers here i
7654s understand yeah yeah no no dylan's there
7656s oh yeah yeah you want more programmers
7658s all right yeah
7659s see ya
7663s get get on off get on up
7666s diving in the house how are we going
7668s buddy hello hello
7670s we're gonna fit all people in the couch
7672s i don't know you guys i think you need
7681s um
7683s welcome everybody
7685s um so we got simon dylan and ben
7687s do you guys want to just quickly
7688s introduce yourselves while i
7690s do this
7691s thing here
7693s adobe fix
7695s what's your name though yeah simon
7698s uh i'm dylan i'm a programmer
7701s and then i'm technical artist
7703s very nice
7706s uh
7707s artist you became two people simon a
7710s second there
7711s cool
7713s sorry better
7717s you want me to move that for you
7720s all right there you go then you're not
7722s gonna help
7726s something i
7727s think i thought about ben you're you're
7728s like middle last name like the hulu it's
7731s not capitalized is that that's normal
7733s dutch okay interesting i don't even
7735s thought about that it's like i'm so used
7737s to like all your names are always
7738s capitalized for everything
7743s is it short for the who
7745s i mean it's a french name
7747s it's from
7749s this button
7751s cool cool welcome folks the server died
7753s but i'm sure we saw it
7756s we caught it for
7761s it's super cool to see the nuke in
7763s action
7763s it's so much cooler than it was in the
7765s uh
7766s like when i showed it in the video yeah
7768s i don't know that was pretty impressive
7770s though
7786s so cool
7787s um
7788s have you replaced like all of the
7789s effects of the double list no i remade
7792s the like the regular novelist just so we
7793s can scale it so we can use it to move
7795s gotcha yeah because that one looks
7797s different yeah yeah so i just remade it
7799s a little bit yeah yeah noise wow i love
7802s doing
7803s like
7804s re-implementing the same thing twice
7806s hell yeah yeah yeah now that i did most
7808s most of the work was like the nuke was
7810s super hard to make yeah such a big
7812s effect yeah to make it not look
7815s as but to like carry it down yeah
7817s because it's kind of tricky when you're
7818s close to the explosion because then it
7820s just looks like textures yeah in your
7823s face yeah
7825s just hide it with a camera shake yeah
7835s did you do the rebar stuff the explosive
7837s rebar and stuff yeah
7839s that's still yeah yeah that's not the
7841s same explosion as the noble squad yeah
7843s it is okay but we can scale it so that's
7845s why we made it so we catch it yeah it
7846s makes sense
7848s um
7849s and you also did a bunch of work on the
7850s the swamp with the atmosphere yes i've
7853s done some lighting and fog
7855s yes on some levels very neat like
7858s sparkles they're the new main
7860s main thing here yeah i think it's
7862s it's one main menu yeah
7864s very chill yeah chill is chill and
7867s terrifying yeah yeah i get one corner
7869s the pioneers standing there chilling out
7871s yeah yeah
7873s yeah you're kind of into nightmare stuff
7874s too right so
7876s yeah yeah yeah it's so old
7880s it's really cool um and then we got
7882s dylan how do you do here i'd
7885s you know not much i think recently
7886s you've mostly been doing networking
7888s stuff yeah that's still behind the
7890s scenes at the moment yeah so um but i
7892s did for this build i did the sub level
7894s saving yeah overall so that was the main
7896s thing i did can you explain what that
7898s like actual like benefit for people
7903s i wish i could um
7905s i guess
7906s it doesn't offer too much initially but
7908s the idea we've run into the problem in
7909s the past where we want to have more
7911s world actors that can save and things
7913s like that but it comes with a
7914s performance hit and so it was hard to
7916s justify some of these things so now that
7918s we've moved a lot of the actors into the
7921s sub-level tiles that stream in
7923s we can have more dense save actors and
7925s everything because those used to be
7926s loaded all the time and that was not
7928s very good for performance
7930s so now they're moved to the tiles and
7932s basically what i did was make it so that
7934s they can save before anything in tiles
7936s was unable to save so there's a big save
7938s migration that happens and hopefully
7940s that means more
7942s content for more more items in the world
7945s going forward yeah
7947s it can save and everything because i
7948s think ben you mentioned that like
7950s having the sub level saving system also
7952s makes it so that's less like render yeah
7954s um because you have less
7957s primitives like objects in the world to
7958s consider yeah because otherwise you had
7961s all the sport flowers and all the
7963s gas pillars too i think yes pillars
7966s although those were
7967s yeah and then deposits all those all the
7969s pickups were present so and all those
7971s head parameters
7973s and how rendering works it just takes
7975s everything it's like i am my visible am
7977s i visible that my visible so yeah it
7978s goes through absolutely everything in
7980s the scene social level helps quite a bit
7982s for that does that also help for factory
7984s stuff where it's just like for voltage
7985s or uh no for things in the world that
7988s game designers mainly place okay yeah so
7990s it won't really help like in the cases
7992s where people have been like massive safe
7993s files and there's a bunch of like
7994s because that is a huge part of the cpu
7996s cycles when we're trying to figure out
7998s like what do we call and and and
8000s sometimes it's like not worth doing that
8003s like calling pass it's just like all
8005s right whatever render everything because
8008s so many things to check for that anyways
8010s yeah yeah pretty cool
8013s um
8014s but i feel like there's something more
8016s that you made that
8017s i mean really i've just been hammering
8019s on the complete networking overhaul yeah
8021s um which unfortunately isn't ready to go
8023s live yet
8024s um soon in the future soon tm soon yeah
8028s yeah but that should come with uh
8030s like also the conveyor rendering
8031s improvements on clients
8033s it comes with that fix to those changes
8035s so those are in the pipeline yeah now i
8037s realized that the reason why i brought
8038s you up on here in this past as well was
8040s because you you did the initial pass on
8042s the note lists yes yes i was i was
8043s thinking that might be worse yeah
8046s it's not for the saving okay
8048s nobody gives a about that
8050s no i think people care about that it's
8052s just like they won't get the the like i
8054s think a lot of people are looking
8054s forward to like getting faster save
8056s times and stuff like that yeah which
8057s isn't necessarily what this is for
8059s correct uh unfortunately since the
8061s factory is the majority of the save time
8063s and not really the world actors yes
8066s but it is optimized for the world actors
8068s now yeah unfortunately that's such a
8070s small part of this save time that it's
8072s almost negligible yeah exactly but that
8074s is that is a future thing maybe that
8076s we're and yeah we do have some ideas for
8078s optimization too yeah as always to speed
8079s up save and load because it's both like
8081s speed up say but there's also like we
8082s could also like hide the the saving
8086s experience a little bit because like it
8087s is technically i mean it's kind of
8089s actually a lot of work to do this but we
8091s could do it so that you can at least
8093s like walk around in the world while it's
8094s saving and stuff like that and pause the
8096s factories and stuff like that
8097s but that also introduces a bunch of
8100s yeah
8101s states that can uh
8104s yeah we benefit from saying okay here's
8106s this save state and we lock everything
8108s and then process everything sorted and
8111s then save it out and that obviously has
8113s some benefits and then the downsides
8115s being yes you're stuck yeah that's
8118s well it's doing all that yeah
8120s um
8121s see
8122s i haven't got like
8125s like clear yet maybe it's not still up
8127s because i want to i kind of also want to
8128s talk about
8130s the atmosphere maybe i can just actually
8133s we don't need to be on the surface
8137s because i wanted to touch on
8138s the atmosphere system that we've made
8141s and change this way because the the
8144s one thing that a lot of people noticed
8145s when we uh updated the game for
8149s um
8151s from to update five was that the like
8154s sky got super like desaturated and gray
8158s um
8160s but now
8162s somebody
8163s somebody who can actually
8166s just round oh you're not going to lean
8168s over the entire time now if you look up
8170s yeah like it's it's it's a lot it's a
8171s lot cleaner now
8173s and nicer so and we completely changed
8176s like the way that clouds are generated
8178s the clouds are generated now i think
8180s before they were just uh they they are
8182s volumetric i love it so it's an uh
8185s complex theater taking care of it yeah
8188s we have a fallback for low spec
8190s computers that are just using an umap
8193s instead
8194s so if your gpu is really old don't worry
8197s you should be able to have at least some
8198s clouds that look decent that are based
8201s off the cloud so they're just a static
8202s render of it
8205s um all right we can actually go back to
8207s that because
8209s is it is it a bit bummer if you go to
8211s the server manager i'm going to there
8213s um because we're in a dune desert right
8215s now and it doesn't rain in the desert
8218s under the rain stuff
8221s yeah so how does the rain work right now
8224s like i mentioned it doesn't rain in the
8225s dune desert or any other places oh no oh
8228s oh nice
8231s she shouldn't have said it
8246s i'm about to start reading the calls
8247s back oh i gotta go debug this
8249s can you also uh make sure that the uh
8252s make sure that it's on desktop one which
8254s yeah it is because we're using windows
8256s 11 isn't it
8258s yeah it's certainly not satisfactory
8263s yeah so it doesn't rain in the dune
8264s desert does it rain in rocky desert yes
8266s okay green's everywhere but there okay
8268s so it's only doing desert yeah there's
8269s also quite a slim chance to get rain so
8272s okay but i'll be here for a while
8275s yeah yeah for sure uh did we ever get
8277s around to adding like so you can turn it
8278s off and not yet yeah we're gonna add a
8280s mechanic um either it's gonna be in game
8283s play setting or it's gonna be buildable
8285s maybe okay
8286s interesting we have some things in the
8288s pipeline for that interesting wow
8291s um yeah so don't expect that for the
8293s drop but uh oh you have to go back
8296s all the way to the start again
8298s can you just suicide yeah respawn you
8300s mean on on alive yourself oh no
8303s yeah yeah that says respawn yeah yeah
8306s there's a bunch of stuff in that good
8307s thing
8309s i kind of wish
8312s it was
8312s [Laughter]
8316s who did that you're fired
8320s is it hannah it's still going to be
8322s radiated
8324s go go go go
8325s [Laughter]
8328s that's amazing wow the radiation level
8330s absolutely spiked are did they like
8332s place like 40 000 moves here you're not
8334s gonna make it go go go go
8337s what are you guys doing our vehicle
8339s still
8340s oh hell yeah wait wait are you nothing
8342s what happened before are you my system
8344s you're not getting radiated in the
8345s vehicles apparently
8347s maybe they didn't fix it i think i think
8349s it's just that radiation is going on
8350s because like the radio when you blow up
8352s a nuke the radiation sticks around in
8353s the environment for a little bit and
8355s then it appears no no um
8358s um
8359s a bunch of uh so there should
8361s be
8362s right this should be a bunch of uh
8366s i was busy
8368s oh wait did you make that yes
8370s that that i was so curious like what do
8372s you mean alpaca
8375s i thought it was a space invader you die
8377s again
8378s so there should be stupid storage
8380s containers with a bunch of stuff in
8381s there oh did i oh did you get stuck on
8384s the
8385s well
8386s everything
8387s hannah this is amazing hannah you're
8388s fired
8391s i'm stuck
8392s that's how you do it
8394s just get nuked again next to that maybe
8396s in this yeah
8398s yeah look at all that yeah take it
8400s off take all take it all
8403s and then what's in here
8405s more stuff
8406s but no rifle yeah i have a rifle yeah so
8408s you need to grab the rifle and uh
8410s probably
8411s does hannah have a rifle
8414s don't worry about it
8415s it doesn't eat me like yeah okay now
8417s let's see what you mean
8421s i do not like
8425s so you should be in those source
8426s contacts over there
8428s this one
8429s no in the go back
8432s in those in front of you there should be
8435s some equipment
8437s oh look good got chainsaw
8440s maybe you need that
8444s factory cart is important yeah
8447s and then
8448s yeah maybe go back filter
8450s i don't think you have the gas mask but
8453s was that ionized iodine's
8455s yeah okay
8460s uh let's try and get to the spartacus um
8467s you can probably build and explore it so
8468s we have no cost on now
8471s i think we had a big board as well
8474s you probably need to get out of the
8475s basement i don't think thanks for
8478s stopping here
8481s always going to the gamer mode
8485s [Music]
8499s according to good news he gave us the
8501s chief you know what why don't you okay
8503s open the map uh oh wait can you do yeah
8505s yeah so open the map and if you place a
8506s marker
8508s on
8509s uh the sparkles area which is like above
8512s right above there yeah there you go
8515s and then
8517s floating stuff and then
8520s and then do the highlight thing
8522s so highlight mark
8524s and uh hopefully
8526s it depends where it is but hopefully you
8527s can see it in the environment
8530s did you bring for your peel
8532s oh we don't have no fuel
8534s we have do you have color cartridges did
8536s we pick that by the way
8538s what we have that somewhere i've seen it
8539s yeah yeah i saw it before when they had
8541s fuel value bro
8545s you didn't know i didn't fix that then
8547s i didn't know that the funniest part is
8548s also the best fuel
8549s [Laughter]
8551s well it kind of makes sense because it
8552s costs more than gasoline right
8554s yeah it's like
8556s for a printer costs like three thousand
8557s dollars per per gallon that's true yeah
8560s it deserves to be the best fuel yeah
8561s yeah yeah
8564s where's the hub this this base is so
8566s messed up or like it's all over the
8568s place
8569s there was in the in the one of those
8570s containers on the left there i can't
8572s just do it from here
8574s you can but
8577s awesome as fuel
8579s biomass nobody uses that
8583s i've seen them somewhere yeah there was
8585s a bunch of color crunches there
8588s grab those
8589s oh man
8590s there you go so excited yeah fuel
8591s potatoes
8593s unless someone picked that uh i hope not
8596s which way we're looking uh so
8600s so many things turn right
8601s that's the direction
8605s uh turn it on on the
8606s turn it off in the compass
8608s no
8609s if you go to the marker itself
8612s it's looks like it's yeah yeah
8615s wait i don't think it's on by default
8617s actually dude i don't think if you save
8619s it
8621s also make it pink
8624s it's like color make it pink
8628s yes
8629s it's more of a violet
8632s also
8635s oh yes broken shader color
8638s i didn't hit the play right i didn't i
8640s think you did
8641s but i think you you haven't turned
8642s towards it
8644s where are you
8646s or maybe just go west just go go
8651s hey kids you want to go
8653s west dylan can you take over i got a
8655s weapon where's mark where's mark he's
8657s got weapons i am afraid of mark
8660s he let me take over hello first she's
8662s calling me oh
8664s he's got important things to do
8666s yes
8667s chase wait now i need to uh what's with
8670s the tiny ship button
8673s dylan who is not used to the swedish
8675s keyboard you've got tiny little shift
8676s buttons why isn't it showing up in the
8679s now i'm going west
8691s i got it got this guys
8694s all right here we go
8696s no scope
8697s notes go
8698s oh no mark mark mark
8701s give me the give it
8703s mark drop this stuff
8705s that's not the stuff that's not the
8706s stuff give me the weapons mark wait two
8708s in one
8721s okay let's get out of
8723s why don't here call me the cards
8727s mark did you drop the weapons and stuff
8730s yeah oh here we go
8732s all right my man so now we can show off
8734s some of the like the the fire modes and
8736s stuff uh if you switch to the best
8738s weapon type
8740s well we haven't fixed the arm thing yet
8741s uh
8742s turbo unplayable yeah turbo you gotta
8744s reload
8746s right yeah yeah i always forget to
8747s reload all right and now uh kill mark
8750s again
8754s get him
8755s oh it's too fast for you man let's do it
8757s accurate
8759s let's do it
8760s oh man close enough that's very quick
8763s you have two guns you can reload them
8765s all in the switch between it
8767s that's more
8770s oh yeah it doesn't even like really
8772s hitting yeah you can you can have guns
8774s yeah
8774s yeah so if you have like uh
8777s see it he's not even dying
8784s [Laughter]
8794s all right
8795s uh let's see if we can we gotta get to
8797s this fire goes okay we gotta we
8799s gotta go somebody rest mark somebody
8801s said to get mark yeah yeah
8804s um
8810s yeah i do need to leave something you
8812s need to put the
8813s yeah the fuel in the yeah you can bail
8815s whenever you want to if you want to i'm
8817s gonna bail is there anything you want to
8818s mention that you you haven't mentioned
8820s before
8822s sorry
8823s no regarding the stuff no check out the
8825s menu
8826s check out the menu yeah
8827s did you make the menu yeah
8830s the menu scene oh yeah oh yeah sorry i
8831s thought you said the map or the map or
8833s the i made them
8836s cool yeah okay okay i'm gonna go this
8839s way oh wow
8840s brave boy
8842s bye simon hi simon
8854s good stuff
8857s very nice i'm going the right way yeah
8858s this is fire codes right yeah
8860s when is update you guys notice the
8862s countdown right
8866s i don't know how to make it clear except
8868s based on how this is going probably like
8869s three weeks maybe three weeks yeah we're
8872s not we're not releasing this update
8873s until you get to this firefox man yeah
8875s once i get there though
8883s where are you right now oh you're in the
8884s middle i'm in the yeah so so fun fact
8887s folks uh this area is also pending to be
8890s changed in the future at some point um
8893s this is and i'm quoting hand on this
8895s this is but the bullet ugly area i think
8897s we passed it now but this is part of the
8899s the the
8900s case still for seconds
8904s what's happening look at my
8907s look at that
8908s i guess you have an overcast
8910s yes
8911s yeah that's the thing we actually
8913s haven't talked about um
8914s like you can see the the clouds like
8916s form and when they're making rain clouds
8917s and stuff like that there's a nice
8918s little stream here yeah the placeholder
8922s it is this waterfall
8924s wait this does this stream work by the
8926s way because i think this is the oh no
8928s dude oh my god
8930s it was it worked i think this is the new
8933s water yes yeah but maybe it doesn't have
8935s the no yeah it doesn't have a water
8936s bottle it's still working progress yeah
8939s geez
8941s yeah for sure
8943s polish me does it it's wet but it's not
8946s raining i like my character outside
8947s books gotcha
8949s that was interesting
8951s uh well this is what we get for choosing
8953s to play as client though
8955s yeah
8956s yeah i i i don't i'm not right
8958s like yeah you show all the bugs yeah
8960s this is we're entering this park oh this
8962s is really nice
8965s i want to go to there yeah you can go
8967s through there uh and get to it
8969s well if you follow the stream because
8970s you you're not you're supposed to be
8972s able to walk in the stream
8975s which means i can drive in the stream
8977s yes
8978s let's take a little shortcut i think
8980s there's still some issues where lotting
8982s for the tiles uh it's still like the old
8984s logs
8985s so uh if you're like approaching it from
8988s a distance you might not see the
8989s sparkles until close into it they should
8991s be replaced oh okay they have because i
8992s played uh
8994s i actually don't remember let's just say
8996s they're quick and dirty
8998s yeah okay mainly dirty not quick yeah
9000s um but there's still a bunch of lotting
9002s and stuff that's going to be replaced
9004s anyways
9005s uh so i don't think we've shown this
9007s area at all um but here we are inspire
9009s coast y'all brand new brand spanking oh
9013s the spinner type
9016s perfect i also love the floating oh
9018s there he goes
9019s you're yeah i'm outside the car
9021s that happened when i got in wait he's
9022s still going
9024s back
9026s nice
9028s uh go back to the left maybe you can
9030s cross around there i can go back oh good
9032s there yeah because i don't think uh
9034s that's new isn't it this is new it's
9036s been worked on a lot so what last time
9038s we showed it there was still progress
9040s happening here
9042s and good enough
9045s no i'm stuck oh don't die
9048s i think the water volume is oh yeah this
9050s is a little bit
9052s working work in progress and the water
9054s volume is a little too low it seems
9055s that's the part it's also yeah yeah
9057s which uh probably might be if you can
9059s get up there it'd be cool if i keep
9061s jumping it'll
9062s look
9063s because i don't think we've shown off
9064s the top part here at all
9067s so that would be cool
9073s yeah hannah you can actually uh
9076s pat on torsion and hannah you can join
9077s in
9078s and we'll swap by swap out
9081s biggest jump pack
9083s which one's uh i think you have a jet
9085s pack
9087s yeah i don't think homie works on other
9088s players though it doesn't doesn't it
9090s oh there's a jet pack he dropped
9092s right there
9096s yeah
9097s just dropping everything
9100s very nice and
9108s oh we changed the uh
9110s wait where are the projectiles
9112s i don't know maybe because they're
9114s maybe because there's no yeah this is
9117s work in progress yeah
9118s i'll get up the top of here that's
9120s pretty cool actually
9123s wow you're you're really out there
9125s exploring i'm really out there using the
9126s whole slow blisks
9128s you gotta do the rocket
9146s there we go
9147s there we go now we're up
9150s hello
9151s all right hello
9153s hannah will take it from here yes please
9156s please fix my videos
9167s got more more people so many people
9169s working confiscating yes
9171s too many you have the order you guys are
9174s sitting here
9178s i don't know
9179s i don't know what matters no it's it's
9181s switch your job day mm-hmm what your
9183s dogs your day is
9187s yeah
9188s we'll see who we are
9190s yes
9191s i love doing this live um so yeah we got
9193s hannah thorstein and anna joining us you
9195s guys might need to scoot in a little bit
9196s more
9197s all right sure i guess i'll be in the
9199s corner yeah sorry
9201s it's a time we're gonna have to make
9203s so yeah hannah is our uh world designer
9207s and also a little bit of uh
9210s i was almost said composer uh
9212s writer i prefer
9214s narrative story writer person thingy
9216s yeah uh tarzan is our art director or
9218s creative director no art director right
9220s i always i always mix
9221s it makes it up it's automatically yeah
9224s and then we get anna's our lead 3d
9226s artist
9227s doing all this stuff so we're gonna be
9228s talking about the spider coast mainly
9230s and uh a little bit of the process of
9233s that goes into making things so but for
9235s this i think we we hannah was on stream
9238s a couple of weeks ago i think we talked
9240s a lot about stuff there how like the
9243s the spider coast came together from like
9245s stuff that we already kind of had
9247s exactly apart from like the coral stuff
9249s yeah and then
9250s you just kind of like put it together
9253s but usually how do we usually when we've
9255s been creating new biomes what is the
9257s sort of process that goes into to to
9259s that
9261s uh
9262s what we usually did i mean for for uh
9264s the spy course which was obviously an
9267s empty playing field
9268s uh it's fully new it was just
9271s empty
9273s and uh sorry and the swamp that we were
9276s kind of uh unhappy with it felt like
9277s yeah it's not done yet we have to polish
9279s that up
9280s um
9281s we essentially looked into
9284s what
9285s what kind of biome are we missing or
9287s what do we want there i mean inspire cos
9289s we need obviously it's a coastal region
9292s uh layout-wise so what kind of coastal
9294s regions are there what can we have
9296s and yeah and we we collect a lot of
9299s stuff like in like like uh
9302s a lot of inspirations and everything in
9304s references real world stuff what could
9306s we have and then of course the question
9309s is what can we have what should we have
9311s what's the library that we have yeah how
9314s much can we get away without adding
9315s anything exactly without question yeah
9317s without creating too many new assets
9319s because we also yeah we also don't want
9321s to spend like another one and a half
9323s years on a small biome
9325s so how can we get uh the the most out of
9328s it with what what we had so we yeah we
9331s did a lot of like reference uh
9333s references inspirations a few paint
9335s overs looking for color schemes what
9338s and the overall vibe what should be the
9340s vibe of the place yeah exactly
9342s yeah and initially we went through a
9344s whole list of coral assets that we had
9347s there was a whole bunch of random corals
9350s made at different times of the
9351s development some of them were pretty
9353s atrocious yeah some of them were nice so
9356s they made it some of them are like even
9358s i think mega scans but of like these
9360s like little oh yeah little tiny like
9363s statues of coral that we have yeah
9366s in the past we had those scans yeah and
9368s they were real messy yeah so we were
9370s like we were never cleaned up they're
9372s just all in the bin yeah we we
9374s essentially went through the the
9376s graphical attic and we dusted off stuff
9379s yeah exactly like looked in boxes like
9381s what's this we all know this is terrible
9384s yeah open boxes and then quickly close
9387s it again and shove it into the back of
9388s the attic again it's like
9390s and one fun part about the corals
9392s actually was that one of the corals had
9394s a really pretty shape so we wanted to
9397s keep it but it was kind of
9399s broken a bit as a as a 3d mesh
9402s so what we ended up doing is
9404s i i just kind of merged it with the
9407s coral trees like the platform trees that
9409s are there
9411s and
9411s it became like a weird fungus that's
9414s growing on those trees and just that
9416s made it a bit more like fun looking and
9418s artsy so exactly saving some small
9421s things yeah you gotta be creative with
9423s the things here yeah i think what we
9425s what we yeah what we also tried a lot
9428s was
9429s not just visually looking at which color
9431s wise which assets fit together but also
9434s trying to make up like a narrative
9437s with the existing like what how do they
9440s work together these plants why do these
9442s grow next to each other what is the
9444s basic basic biology behind it so because
9449s you only need to get a little chunk of
9451s believability and then well the rest is
9453s space magic it's fine but
9456s but if you know it you've got to make
9459s something that's pretty good we are i've
9461s got to say we're pretty good we have we
9463s have a decent amount of space magic like
9465s i believe every sci-fi thing should have
9467s but it makes sense we we have tried to
9470s make it make sense
9471s yeah and just to make it believable
9474s exactly yeah
9476s so so i'm going to be a
9477s little bit of a bummer i actually want
9478s to switch places with you too because i
9480s want you yes to destroy this fire
9484s okay
9485s all right you know this might be
9487s actually the cathartic exercise right
9490s yes because i'm so done with it
9499s so it's a bit more comfortable
9501s um so so
9503s one thing that i so so first of all we
9505s got to get up to the the plateau because
9506s i don't think we've ever shown the
9508s recent state of it the not the recent
9510s state just the the in progress one yeah
9512s we have jetpack now yeah okay we do
9517s what is this game what are the controls
9519s how does it work who knows how much does
9521s it weigh yeah
9524s when was the last time you pressed play
9526s hannah um
9528s i mean just now when i was harassing
9530s everybody
9531s oh here we go this is gonna wait we're
9533s gonna land i'm gonna land it's okay it's
9535s okay all right there's no water
9537s there is there is
9539s where's the i thought the jet pack was
9541s supposed to show up in like when you're
9542s consuming the fuel thing but no you
9543s didn't no yeah there's some some missing
9547s stuff here but that's why these
9548s platforms are here it's almost like that
9551s was intentional are you are you to tell
9554s me that there's level design
9556s going on i mean
9558s allegedly i guess i like accidentally
9561s made it right
9562s but you know
9563s it's it's really tricky when you can't
9565s see how much fuel you have yeah i'm
9566s gonna have to guess yeah uh one thing i
9569s also want to mention real quickly too is
9570s like all the waterfalls and like a lot
9572s of the water here a lot of volumes are
9574s placeholder right super placeholder yeah
9576s exactly they're gonna be fixed whenever
9579s ben has time yeah it's always the
9581s question when ben has time to do things
9585s he's a resident wizard so everybody
9587s wants uh him to work on their thing yeah
9590s this is like a fight but ben wants to
9591s work on his thing oh oh oh oh we got
9594s some uh fun stuff to the right here do
9595s you want to blow them up
9597s bring up the cluster uh
9599s oh no
9601s it's a good placement you get the pulse
9602s one up from there
9604s i think it will happen oh which one is
9617s you might need to use the
9619s zapper do you have one
9622s broken uh no no nothing's broken
9624s everything's fine we have no zapper
9627s on using a new nobody it's it's cool
9630s maybe try to switch
9633s what's up oh no
9636s don't you don't you don't don't you get
9638s me don't you get me
9640s at that
9642s oh
9644s good enough
9646s oh he got
9651s [Music]
9658s just nuke it
9659s yeah yeah
9660s that's the only no but this is a
9662s different only wait she would be sure no
9665s it didn't work
9669s use the inhaler
9672s yeah nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
9675s look this is a high pressure situation
9677s and this mouse has
9679s horrendous yeah this mouse sucks oh my
9681s god oh my god please stop
9685s all right you place a nuke
9686s so yeah yeah okay
9702s maybe a little bit too close there but
9703s it's fine it's fine
9705s you have the uh you have the um i mean
9707s it's the explosion i guess uh but you
9709s have uh yeah you shouldn't be radiated
9711s oh hello look oh a person you got you
9714s got a bodyguard
9716s yeah we gotta get up on this cliff yeah
9718s i know they're surpassed you can just
9720s if you want to i mean i guess but it's
9723s like the boring thing yeah you have the
9724s children
9726s or something like that
9728s yeah which is under
9731s yes or organization
9733s yeah architecture
9736s something isn't it
9743s okay let's see if this this works let's
9744s see if this works
9746s here we go
9749s i literally haven't played this game in
9750s months but
9751s let's see if we make it
9754s yes
9755s [Music]
9761s holy
9762s oh i'm so excited i haven't seen
9764s actually what it looks up here before
9765s the rework i remember climbing up there
9767s and it was so disappointing there was
9770s nothing that was just
9771s this is this is the area that marie has
9773s worked on yeah uh
9776s because you know
9778s poor me him all alone i need support
9779s occasionally
9781s but she did a great job
9783s i really like how it turned out
9786s it's kind of like a mix between dune
9788s desert and sparkles
9792s we're gonna make it we're gonna make it
9793s it's cool it's cool
9794s oh yeah yeah almost there it's so close
9799s it'd be funny if like we actually didn't
9801s change something here i don't know if
9802s i'll make this but you can stack another
9804s ladder on it all right yeah
9808s there's like no change here it's just
9809s like pretty much the same as before just
9811s all flat shaded
9814s like oh yeah we forgot that oh sure we
9816s forgot yeah yeah yeah
9818s forgot to let's just like submit that
9820s tile yeah
9822s pink textures
9823s you la you joke about that but i feel
9825s like that could actually legit happen no
9827s that's not really
9828s one of those things that happens too
9830s often okay
9832s well here we go
9833s famously reveal there might be uh are
9836s they enemies up here
9837s i don't think so
9840s nice
9842s we got the the grand middle lake
9846s more working product progress water
9849s very working progress extremely so
9852s don't look at my water there's actually
9853s a biome here now mm-hmm yeah
9856s wild actually it's very cozy kind of got
9859s that oasis vibe
9860s that we have yeah like a savannah this
9863s is
9864s slowly getting tropical all right blow
9866s it up
9867s grab the cluster grenade and just
9869s go ham all right
9871s we are going uh we are going to uh so
9875s place a bunch of clusters and like
9877s detonate them yes all right sorry marie
9880s i'm not destroying my work
9884s i'm destroying yours
9887s this is an hr strike it's like i'm
9890s setting it up too or like
9892s yeah
9893s just kidding it's only
9896s catharsis
9897s oh hello
9899s birds it's the uh
9903s fly fly do you have it do they have a
9905s name
9906s it's simon who made those oh the the the
9909s birds um
9911s it's confusing yes because i think yes i
9913s think simon calls them birds
9916s but there are non-flying birds in the
9918s game too and it's not yeah
9919s yeah we have birds and non-flying birds
9921s yeah i mean don't ask what the what all
9924s the creatures and everything is called
9925s in the engine
9926s oh yeah yeah they have very easy oh no
9929s different this is this is it y'all you
9931s have a chainsaw
9932s oh no i do oh what the
9935s what's up i hope you have fuel
9937s uh i don't know i can't see
9940s are you yeah yeah
9945s can you change all this tree
9946s yeah it should be
9948s where it's going what if i do this yeah
9949s what's up with the
9951s no no we're okay you know what i know a
9953s way out
9955s it requires a sacrifice but it's pretty
9957s cool i'm pretty sure if you use a
9958s regular noblesk uh
9962s but then
9963s what happens to the others i've played
9964s what the hell is going on with the
9965s rendering yeah yeah
9967s [Music]
9968s i don't have a regular one you don't
9969s have a regular one
9971s can you use that try using a if you
9973s place a pulse on the tree
9976s will it push you out
9978s yeah it's really strange i've never seen
9979s them before yeah no me neither no whoa
9982s it's like
9984s oh it detonated everything
9986s i think i think dude
9989s is just invincible no no the settings
9991s are correct i know they are correct in
9993s engines something else is up i think
9994s it's because we're playing clients
9996s yeah well this is the very end of
9999s everything the world is out
10002s this is what happens when i destroy my
10004s own work you just shouldn't absolutely
10006s i actually kind of deleted the the game
10010s you're welcome
10011s you know i should maybe i should just
10012s switch to qa instead
10015s [Laughter]
10019s oh oh
10021s wait if it's fine
10022s i'm not sure if like the server crashed
10024s or if there's something else uh
10028s well it's still happening so
10031s it's amazing
10033s beautiful
10035s truly
10036s that
10037s that work of marie is just rebelled
10039s against you yeah i think i think this is
10041s revenge yeah yeah that's amazing
10044s so yeah totally uh
10046s there's a point why we're releasing as
10048s an experimental today okay
10051s this is what you can expect
10053s we're also playing on clients so like
10054s that also
10055s yeah yeah yeah i mean
10058s oh rescue is coming
10061s yeah because we won't be able to do
10062s anything i don't know is it just another
10064s pioneer with more noblest
10068s that's
10072s so art
10074s how about that art huh
10075s it looks great though like the
10077s world if you don't look at the water
10080s yeah it's obviously still work in
10082s progress but it looks so good when the
10083s water's in though oh yeah i think that's
10085s like the
10086s really the thing that's missing yeah
10089s and hopefully with that come the oceans
10092s around the map so yeah that would be
10094s nice oh yeah yeah exactly the world
10096s perimeter is something that's going to
10097s be
10098s fixed sometime soon too
10100s this is going to make everything look
10102s nicer because there's also those like
10103s edges between like where the waterfalls
10105s start exactly there's there's a lot of
10107s like unclean things there
10109s um if you guys are curious what the
10110s water will look like there is a video
10113s from like it's if you search on youtube
10115s there's a uh
10117s i think it's a dev vlog with ben
10119s yeah is this rescue oh hello oh well
10123s yeah there's a dude hello
10125s and he showed off some waterfalls there
10127s yeah
10128s yes oh my god oh
10132s oh sneaky hell yeah thank you thank you
10135s nice
10140s very nice nice okay that's a bummer it
10142s appears like on uh i think it's a
10144s client-side issue actually yeah it seems
10146s it seems like we're not allowed to blow
10148s anything up as a client
10149s so
10151s i don't know that other pioneers seem
10153s too much
10154s but it so so one thing
10156s if you could do that again though place
10158s down like a bunch of clusters in like uh
10160s just in a row because it looks so cool
10162s when it comes when they go on
10164s yeah exactly it's like fireworks
10167s so the clusters are really good i've
10169s i've i tested this myself but clusters
10171s are really good for like clearing debris
10173s usually
10174s um
10176s because they like span out a bit more i
10178s think nukes actually might still be the
10180s better
10182s i think they have a
10183s big bigger radius i think
10185s yeah uh there are but yeah i like the
10188s clusters also more yeah
10190s yeah oh speaking of water though this
10193s this water texture is pretty good yeah
10195s at this point this is one of the new
10196s ones
10197s but it's also functionality in water and
10199s stuff that we're still working on yeah
10201s yeah and like transitions between water
10203s types et cetera
10205s yes so go to the corner and just look
10207s over the fire because i don't know how
10208s much the loading has changed uh
10211s so it might still not
10213s yeah
10214s it's it's it's not punished uh finished
10216s as far as i know
10218s uh
10219s and i'm still working on some some small
10222s things that will have an effect
10224s on on the view basically you can see the
10226s arch now you you weren't able to do that
10228s when i played last time
10231s i had the big one it's like you're on
10232s the edge off the tile right now so it
10234s doesn't uh like the arch tile didn't
10237s load in the lotting before
10239s we unholstered because you can do that
10241s now
10245s yeah there's some uh
10248s pretty
10255s yeah i saw a question there uh the world
10258s is not going to be expanded beyond the
10260s perimeter just saying
10261s no we don't have time to do something
10263s like that the map is already huge for a
10265s team this size oh there's the marker we
10267s placed before
10273s sparkles
10275s so like how finished is this uh
10277s the the plateau you're on right now
10279s super finished okay done we're done i
10281s hope
10283s so
10284s there's still a bunch of work left on
10285s the canyon side right
10287s um mostly there's like some like really
10290s small foliage that we're still working
10291s on projecting on the cliffs and stuff
10293s there's a tool for that that's still in
10294s progress
10296s uh and uh there's some iv still missing
10298s from the cliffs that we're going to be
10300s adding
10301s later yeah but a lot of a lot of the the
10303s cliffs still have iv like you can see
10305s one in the distance there
10307s that has yeah you mentioned this was a
10309s pain in the ass to add iv is a nightmare
10313s i think you wouldn't think so but it's a
10314s nightmare
10316s uh it takes a lot of time to add so that
10318s one is taking a little bit longer than
10320s expected and it will be like grass type
10323s foliage projected onto the cliffs later
10325s as well
10326s uh that isn't there yet
10329s but uh other other than that it's
10333s look it's the marker this looks a lot
10335s more finalized than yeah last time i was
10337s here other than that it's done
10339s and the water has been edited as well uh
10341s compared to the last stream yeah there's
10344s a lot more stuff going on there badgers
10346s bunch of grabbers we're going we're
10348s going okay
10350s get the nukes ready
10351s oh and spit holy this is a
10354s smurger's board of
10355s targets for our dukes
10360s oh no
10361s ui is fine it's it's fine
10364s no problems
10365s oh here we go
10367s see how far we can throw it
10371s pretty good it's pretty good
10372s nice nice throw get him get him
10382s all right
10385s hell yeah
10387s it's so dark
10389s you know this is the smoke this is the
10392s planet
10393s they're just gone oh oh oh oh oh
10396s it's alive
10400s what'd that eat for breakfast
10402s probably other pioneers yeah
10407s is it just like bugged out on the server
10409s right now where like you you can't
10410s damage anything possibly
10414s you do get radiation level though
10432s hi still pretty cool yeah oh there it is
10434s didn't i
10437s see what happens here is that gas noble
10439s is because it's intended to be like uh
10441s sort of the turn so like when you blow
10443s it up and proximity oh i got it that's
10445s nice
10447s it makes them run away
10450s get him
10453s i have no reticules so i'm just guessing
10456s oh oh there it is
10458s we have it back
10462s what what the it just teleported oh and
10465s it's you see the shadow it's it's fine
10467s this is kind of why i wanted to have
10469s clients on the stream because like
10471s like this is so funny
10473s everything is possible meanwhile my boss
10476s is like you shouldn't deal with a game
10477s like this
10479s like this it's like oh no bad impression
10481s no this isn't life right yeah yeah we'll
10484s we'll fix this in posts yeah don't worry
10486s about it cool
10487s well it can get only better let's let's
10489s okay let's see if we can tease someone
10492s uh yes
10494s somebody used to come out
10497s possible there's okay
10499s sometimes the animation doesn't like
10500s this is homing
10502s i think you can still kill them while so
10504s we changed so that you can you can kill
10505s them even though they're close now
10508s so you can just shoot the hatchery if
10509s you want to
10510s it's foaming ammo so who knows where
10512s it's going does this help me no this
10514s isn't know me
10515s that one
10518s you killed it
10520s that one there we go
10522s all right
10523s oh
10524s oh oh
10526s what's attacking you
10528s ghosts
10529s that one's already danced that one you
10530s got with the new for sure
10532s let the dog go shoot it
10534s is it home on the lizard logo does it
10536s know friend from foe
10538s that's a good question though
10540s maybe she nuked it
10541s just one little bullet just one little
10542s nuke there's two though
10545s do you i don't think you do you have a
10546s pale berry
10548s are there's two
10552s wait
10552s oh did you kill another one
10554s no it's not this oh hannah
10561s can't believe you're doing this
10571s [Music]
10593s all right what a great stream huh
10596s super good
10600s nothing spawn
10601s chad just nothing happened just ignore
10605s yeah
10606s that's fine it's like
10609s nothing special going on here
10612s yeah uh is there anything else that i
10614s haven't brought up that we that we uh
10616s that you guys want to talk about for the
10617s update um
10620s i mean we talked about the spire coast
10623s mm-hmm
10624s there is also swansea the area
10626s yeah i feel like swamp got like a few
10628s more new
10630s ish yes yeah more new assets on that one
10633s compared to uh
10635s like spider coast actually yeah like
10636s that one got more new stuff yeah we
10638s wanted to make it look way more like
10641s sickly and
10643s kind of dead yeah yeah trump really
10646s really had had a lot more change a lot
10648s more figuring out along the way i think
10650s yeah like because more concepting more
10652s yes
10654s like
10655s and and seeing how much do you have to
10656s change existing assets because with
10658s spire coast i mean we have a
10660s fair amount of corals and tropical
10663s plants to play around with but swamp uh
10666s i mean the the old version of the swamp
10668s i mean the for example the water that
10670s was one of the biggest changes the water
10671s was crystal clear somehow
10674s yeah and there was this like sort of red
10676s duckweed on it and it looked really bad
10678s so we actually made it like look muddy
10681s and stuff like that and
10683s just feel much more like a swamp yeah
10686s and then we also have the the stretch of
10689s land that is close to the to the ocean
10692s um that one is actually much more salt
10694s marsh inspired so that that like we have
10696s different types of swamp uh marsh
10700s landscape
10702s yeah and we went through some iterations
10704s with the atmosphere for it and like the
10706s color
10708s palette
10709s uh that took some well you tried a bunch
10712s of tries there was one i think one that
10714s we we had for a while where it was toxic
10716s green and you could you couldn't see
10718s which part was gas and which part was oh
10720s yeah normal fog
10721s maybe not maybe we shouldn't do that
10724s yeah so but there's a little bit of an
10726s element now where like there's a bit of
10727s red towards yeah on green
10729s yeah more yellow maybe yeah it was a bit
10732s tricky to balance because obviously red
10734s and green are opposite but um
10737s i think i think we managed to do a
10739s pretty good job for that see if we can
10740s pull up the uh teaser videos because i
10743s think i think the the the
10747s the swamp has like this one like during
10748s daytime got that cool blend
10751s yeah
10752s and it looks almost like it's kind of
10755s like a suffocatingly foggy
10758s kind of like it's really warm and moist
10760s there yeah humid yeah like definitely oh
10763s yeah don't use the word moist
10766s it's a prohibited word
10770s there some people find it unpleasant
10773s yeah
10774s and yeah during the
10776s like lighting and atmosphere stage uh we
10779s did like encourage simon to go full out
10782s with like a bit more creepy creepy
10784s colors stuff like that yeah yeah so this
10787s i think it's the one before this yeah
10789s and the the ghostly at night thing was
10792s definitely already kind of there but
10793s it's so much more refined yeah yeah yeah
10796s yeah
10797s so yeah we went for a bit more of an
10799s alien color palette because we felt it
10802s it it made it the area feel a little bit
10804s like
10805s uncomfortable like when you have some
10807s clashing colors
10809s yeah and what we have often in the game
10811s is like some blue plants and somehow red
10814s plants and green grass and those are all
10817s colors that usually don't play well
10818s together so we had to try using the
10821s light and the atmosphere to blend them
10823s all together and also tweaking existing
10825s materials
10826s it worked fine along the way but it it
10830s obviously would have been easier to
10831s start off from complete scratch with
10833s completely new assets but of course we
10835s we wanted to work with most mostly the
10837s assets we had yeah so i mean a lot of
10840s assets are are used and some assets are
10843s like uh tweaked so like the dead trees
10845s that you see like there were we used
10847s like green trees where we removed the
10848s leaves and added some moss stuff like
10850s that yeah yeah those were made based on
10853s like the trees that exist and i just
10854s made them look dead
10856s i killed them
10858s um
10859s yeah and like pillows
10861s yeah they're rip willows
10863s i mean i
10864s they're still in my heart you know and i
10866s have an idea for them but who knows
10869s they might never come back no they might
10871s have a comeback
10872s they never were in my heart i'm going to
10875s yeah same shot i'm going to say i love
10877s willows
10878s well in real life obviously
10882s but not the willows we used to have no
10884s nothing they've been they actually went
10886s through so many iterations that we could
10887s never land on something anybody like
10889s everybody was happy with there was
10891s always somebody upset and it was like he
10893s could never i could never figure it out
10896s they're cursed yeah but yeah essentially
10899s the swamps idea was to be opposite of
10902s the starting areas that are a bit more
10903s welcoming a bit more building friendly
10907s and the swamp is kind of like more
10908s creepy more unpleasant yeah yeah and
10911s more like a challenge for the players to
10914s to explore yeah as a at the the point
10917s that players usually want to go into the
10918s swamp they will have equipment that they
10920s can at least deal with some of it yeah
10922s and if not they should probably leave
10923s and get it
10925s get get the nukes yeah yeah yeah yeah i
10928s think exactly
10930s yes i'm a bit bummed out that you didn't
10931s get the get to destroy
10933s the entire spark
10935s i mean you guys will have that chance
10938s yeah and i mean i i always have the
10940s power you know i could just destroy the
10942s whole world if i wanted to just take the
10943s entire tile and just believe just
10945s knowing i could does a lot for me
10948s it's yeah and then we don't version
10950s control anymore
10952s there's no way to get it back
10954s yeah
10955s there's there's a hole where the map is
10957s yes yes there is it's the old spy coast
10959s it's back so
10962s no factories have been broken so
10966s this is oh we're at five minutes left
10969s until uh
10971s yeah
10973s so uh super close
10975s um
10977s there's probably a little
10979s so so i'm just gonna really quickly like
10981s go through
10983s what's gonna happen in five minutes
10985s so in five minutes we're we're gonna hit
10987s the button the big old button to push
10989s the build live it's gonna live on
10990s experimental if you guys don't know how
10993s to get experimental is on steam you
10995s right click the game hit properties and
10996s then you go to the betas tab that's in
10999s the menu will open up and then you can
11001s opt into the experimental version make
11003s sure to back up your save files before
11004s you do this
11005s uh because we're using the same
11007s directory for save files so uh you know
11009s you'll be using the same save file so if
11011s something happens on experimental and it
11013s overrides your save file or if steam
11014s does something or epic for that matter
11017s uh do something funky with cloud saved
11019s you know anything can happen so make
11021s sure to back up your save files and on
11023s epic it should be like a separate game
11026s one important thing is that cloud save
11028s did not work on the experimental version
11029s on the epic version so
11032s take note of that
11033s so if you're playing
11035s on
11036s epic
11037s and you switch back to ea it's possible
11039s that like the
11041s ea version will be like hey
11042s you're playing an old say file i'm gonna
11044s cloud sync it and then your
11046s your progress and experimental might be
11047s gone so
11049s always back up your save files
11051s um
11052s back every exact nature got me covered
11054s so um
11056s and yeah this is an experimental launch
11058s as you may have noticed during the
11059s stream uh you know there are there are
11061s some bugs here and there we are going to
11064s fix
11065s those things we are kind of releasing
11068s this update a bit earlier because we
11070s just felt like we needed to release it
11072s so i don't think we would have released
11074s this if like in the past before we start
11076s working the way we do now
11078s um
11079s because
11080s yeah we we kind of just need to move
11082s forward and reach one point at one point
11084s and we keep moving the goal post sort of
11086s when we keep packaging them the way we
11088s do
11089s so we're just gonna we're just gonna go
11090s for it and release updates at the state
11092s if it is and
11094s like the next couple of weeks we'll
11095s probably be patching a lot and adding
11098s new things while we're working on them
11099s uh like and goes fast like last
11103s week the build was in a very different
11104s state yeah uh we actually we were
11107s originally supposed to
11109s publish the bill last week
11111s but we decided to add one more week
11112s because there were a few things missing
11114s in the
11115s in the ma'am
11116s uh we felt like it would be awkward to
11118s release updates and you couldn't unlock
11120s any weapons and stuff like that so we
11122s decided to up it in and now there's only
11124s two minutes left
11127s for before the good times rule um and if
11130s you're expecting like a huge patch nose
11133s video i'm sorry to say there's no
11135s patchiness video
11136s for this release there's gonna be one
11139s for hopefully i mean we don't know yet
11142s uh and there's no launch trailer either
11144s because yeah this this update kind of
11147s came from nowhere so we're just gonna
11150s sit in the corner in the dark and just
11151s be happy
11153s i mean we showed you all the goodies
11155s before and the videos yeah it's not it
11158s wouldn't be a big surprise anymore so uh
11161s yeah but once we drop it on ea we'll
11163s probably do something uh something with
11165s it
11166s uh some fancy something fancy
11169s just uh time is is against time is a
11172s river or something i don't know time's a
11174s soup yeah i've had enough time to make a
11176s pesticide is what i'm trying to say
11180s so yeah one minute left i can't believe
11182s it
11183s uh
11184s you get stoked you guys nervous
11187s i'm
11187s uh no because i'm not worried about bugs
11190s because we know it's buggy
11194s well we'll think about that at least we
11195s have a reputation to uphold oh this is
11198s this is yeah it's an experimental
11200s release and this time the experimental
11203s disclaimer is even bigger it's like the
11206s whole packaging is essentially just
11207s saying experimental watch out
11209s do not open
11211s but uh yeah i i i still think it's it's
11214s really enjoyable and i mean like before
11217s it's going to be fixed during
11218s experimental so
11220s yeah at least it's pretty yeah
11224s yes
11225s pretty over functional just how i like
11227s my people
11229s i kind of want to reveal the uh
11232s the new key art
11234s i don't know about the time i have this
11236s is this is out of the blue completely oh
11240s so i don't know if i'll time in 43
11242s seconds to
11244s find it
11244s you can do it i believe in you
11246s let's see here it's under you should be
11249s somewhere in the closet it should be
11250s fine
11252s because it is pretty i love the key
11254s right
11264s um
11273s one big variation of it
11277s oh boy
11278s oh my god six seconds five seconds
11280s oh no no no too late too late too late
11283s it wasn't fast enough oh
11294s so there you go
11296s it should be pushed like it doesn't
11299s update automatically i think you still
11301s need to sometimes you need to restart
11303s steam and epic
11304s um
11306s a little bit anti-climatic but uh yeah
11312s so uh
11313s yeah refresh steam restarts demon epic
11316s and um
11318s it should pop up
11320s moist release there you go yeah
11323s that's appropriate because i mean moist
11324s and dutch means the most beautiful so it
11326s is a very much oh
11328s okay well
11330s so jokes on you
11333s so here you go guys
11336s update six
11340s it's out
11341s hopefully beautiful
11343s yes yes
11346s the the the drama of this is i mean i i
11349s felt this i felt this way when i was
11351s playing just now so you know can't
11353s confirm
11354s it's very relatable yes and you're at
11357s the pretty expensive nuke nobody's
11359s already yeah
11361s yeah yeah
11363s all right all right i'm going to kick
11365s you guys off because that's sure right
11366s no need for some kick games yeah there's
11368s no violence yeah hr reports all around
11371s can't kick us out because we're just
11372s leaving
11373s yeah too late we left
11376s i cannot wait speaking of i do need my
11378s shirt no
11380s it's merch now no no no i mean if you
11382s want a different game company to be here
11385s oh fair enough for enough
11387s all right what a day huh um so yeah
11390s unfortunately no no trailer anything
11391s like that guys because yeah we didn't
11393s have time we're uh
11395s it is a smaller update i know that a lot
11397s of people are like you guys keep saying
11399s it's a small road update but this is a
11400s huge update but this is a smaller update
11402s for us
11403s um
11405s in comparison to everything else updates
11407s shut up
11408s update seven no
11410s um
11411s one thing i wanted to
11413s really quickly
11414s mention some people have asked about the
11416s the lizardogo um this is this is merch
11419s you can buy um this is still like you
11423s can pre-order this
11424s um you got this big bad bad boy over
11428s there you also have the small one in the
11429s background these are made by dave's uh
11432s heroic replicas his uh we always make
11434s the joke with the state of dave
11437s um
11439s but uh what's it doing here
11448s it's hard doing everything here
11456s um
11458s is it out oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
11461s yeah exactly so listen uh let
11463s me grab that link
11466s ah stop moving here i can't post it on
11469s steam because for some reason i'm not
11471s logged in
11472s but uh people on steam um
11475s if you go to that's
11478s l-i-s-z-a-r-d
11481s d-o-g-g-o
11483s uh lizzie doggo is one z two g's
11486s and um
11488s that's where you can find all the info
11490s and there's a little little bit of an
11491s update i haven't
11493s this came in like kind of last second so
11495s i haven't like fully prepared everything
11498s um
11500s but there's there's some fun new stuff
11501s uh going on there
11503s and there's been some update if you are
11505s this is part of like if you guys
11506s remember from hey burke do you wanna
11508s scoot in sure yeah go for it hey are you
11511s done with all the stuff that you're
11512s yeah nice for a moment if nothing bad
11515s happens so this is burke everybody uh
11518s oh
11519s oh yeah i'll i'll be mean though and
11522s i'll be on my phone wow
11524s checking in yeah so burke is uh one of
11526s our producers who has uh been working
11530s behind the scenes doing some stuff
11532s uh just pushed no you didn't push the
11535s build
11536s but you did push the patch notes live
11538s yes yeah the reddit and steampunk yeah
11542s so let's check out the patch notes uh
11546s am i still in the scene no cool
11548s um
11550s yeah it's a reddit one actually because
11552s i think i think i think it's a bit
11553s easier to read the reddit one
11556s uh do you know if it's pinned has
11557s anybody pinned it uh no i doubt it okay
11561s maybe someone someone who's moderating
11564s our reddits maybe can
11566s pin stick it that's the word here we go
11568s patch notes
11572s where'd you get the image nice nice nice
11574s uh
11576s so yeah patchiness is in wow i can't
11578s read this
11579s this this
11580s this is patch notes for ants
11582s um
11584s i don't think there's anything in there
11586s there's probably like a bunch of bug
11587s fixes here maybe that i haven't brought
11589s up one thing i forgot to mention
11590s that's new as well is uh when you pick
11593s up footage now you there's like a
11594s feature now where you can like
11595s automatically pick up footage yeah if
11597s you hold button i think we want to tweak
11598s a little bit maybe that the speed of
11600s pickups uh yeah it's kind of slow right
11603s now might be slower than the
11605s and then the fastest mashing possible
11608s but it's it's i guess it's more like for
11609s people that may have like because
11610s there's a bunch of folks that have
11612s reached out to us with like um
11615s they have like
11616s disabilities or
11617s you know some it's really straining for
11619s them um this is now also an option that
11621s we've been wanted to have for a while
11623s but we just
11624s there's always so many things to get
11625s around to like it's it's uh i think
11627s that's one thing that maybe not a lot of
11628s people realize like even a lot of people
11630s would be like why don't you fix this
11631s small thing that
11633s this has been a bug in your game since
11635s forever and it's so so small like why
11637s haven't you fixed it and it's just like
11639s it's a lot to do there's a lot to do in
11641s this getting around to it and you really
11643s want to get around to a lot of these
11644s things but um
11646s it's just uh so much i forgot to
11648s add your name tag
11651s that's what i was going to do
11652s get there
11654s yes so how are you feeling brooke um
11655s pretty good pretty good
11657s i mean there's uh
11659s stefan
11660s you want to join i forgot to back up my
11662s save so i wonder what i was saying you
11664s son of a i told you god damn it
11667s did you lose it oh just kidding
11671s damn it
11673s yeah
11678s actually can you can you give an update
11679s on the
11680s heroic rapid yeah yeah uh somewhat uh
11683s and don't quote me on everything but uh
11685s he's been working out a lot on uh
11687s shipping costs right so
11690s i think orders over 60 dollars
11693s can get a worldwide shipping for 25
11697s and you get to do some update on your
11699s order and we also have some sticker
11702s sheets
11704s that you can add as well
11707s to your order uh
11709s so
11710s lots of maybes and uh
11712s kinda but uh
11714s it's uh
11716s getting better all the time right uh i
11719s can get the info here if you want some
11721s yeah so
11722s google we're all three three people on
11724s our phones right now
11725s just always gotta keep an eye down see
11727s what's going on yeah
11728s um
11730s because i think he's starting shipping
11734s some of the the lizard argos or
11736s something like that or when was that was
11737s it march yeah and was okay so
11740s the short of it is orders over sixty
11742s dollars get discounted shipping rates
11744s and the free sticker sets cool
11747s but this info is on right yeah
11750s or it will be okay like how to do it uh
11753s so you can
11754s update your order if you have if it
11756s hasn't been shipped yet you can
11758s uh probably get into this as well yeah
11761s so sorry dave you didn't get like the
11762s full uh good uh nice presentation here
11765s about this stuff but just so you guys
11766s know there's there's movement on that
11768s front uh so uh yeah
11771s uh i think i have no i don't have
11772s anymore
11776s yeah so the flat rate is 15 usd for
11780s shipping in u.s canada
11782s and the 25 the usd for uh worldwide
11786s so that's i think a lot better than what
11788s the previous situation with right with
11790s the uh especially like the big lizard
11792s logo and the
11793s like these
11794s here isn't it
11796s yeah
11798s nice
11799s yeah
11800s so again guys if if the game
11803s isn't showing up in your uh
11807s pla thing
11808s platform thingy your uh
11811s launcher is what i was looking for uh
11813s remember that this is an experimental
11814s release so it won't show up in the
11816s regular game so you need to switch to
11817s the experimental branch on steam you do
11819s that by right-clicking the game hitting
11820s properties and then you go to the betas
11822s tab and you opt into the experimental
11824s in the drop down list and on epic it
11826s should be like its own game so it should
11828s be like satisfactory experimental make
11830s sure to back up your saves which is
11831s stefan failed to do and if you haven't
11834s done that then contact snoot because he
11836s can help you get yourself no
11838s no that's not how it works don't
11841s don't wrote me this it's giving me more
11843s work yeah i can't believe this
11846s um
11848s and uh yeah if it's not showing up even
11850s though i like even though you switch
11852s mental uh you can refresh like steam and
11855s epic like restart the the launcher
11857s completely and it should pop up uh and
11860s if it doesn't then give it a second
11862s sometimes uh it takes a little bit for
11865s them to roll it out this is this isn't
11867s like once we hit the button it's not
11868s like it just instantly pops up for
11870s everyone it takes it rolls out
11872s essentially
11873s um
11874s so but i've seen some people helped us
11877s i've seen some people uh mention that
11879s that they're getting it
11881s uh and it should be out now
11883s so
11885s yeah um i didn't mention this but uh
11888s maybe you can give me the latest info
11890s there might so remember how we mentioned
11892s that we weren't gonna do linear uh
11894s change like linear overclocking for this
11896s update uh it's possible if you get the
11899s very first build that you'll get a
11900s preview of what that would have been
11903s um because did we manage to get swap out
11906s that build or yeah okay we did swap it
11908s out okay so we
11909s ignore what i just said yeah it's a
11910s great story though yeah
11912s uh we we've tested it like in turn a
11914s little bit and we it's it like mark
11916s mentioned before it's easy to like swap
11918s it and turn it on and off uh so uh and
11921s then like yesterday or two days ago or
11923s something like that
11924s somebody in our staging group mentioned
11926s like hey is it supposed to be linear i
11928s thought you said no linear
11930s and then mark was like oh yeah so that
11932s back
11932s and then yeah our builds are kind of
11934s like tight
11935s we we made a release candidate uh
11938s was it yesterday or was it yeah
11940s yesterday oh we've been making uh we've
11941s been making different ones basically
11944s but yeah we had our last one yesterday
11946s before lunch and it was still in there
11948s um and then we got it in
11952s fixed it after lunch but that one didn't
11955s get through yet so we liked a few
11957s hiccups yeah it's really like okay i
11958s guess
11959s build times like how long does it take
11961s to press a button until we get something
11963s out on
11964s two hours something
11966s like two hours yeah is that from
11968s starting the build to like uploading it
11970s to siemens epic or is that just make
11972s just the build itself no yeah it's um to
11975s upload it although it's like a bit
11976s longer than like it's like two and a
11978s half or something uh
11979s it can't be um
11982s yeah it's way longer than it used to be
11984s but that's kind of a normal thing with
11986s projects as they progress so this
11988s factory has been going on for so many
11989s years so the project has grown in size
11991s as well and the things that need to be
11992s handled and built
11994s and i mean yeah doing it in in that
11996s time frame
11997s it's still like everything you do
11999s everything you add needs to be tested
12000s and checked and everything can affect
12003s everything so it really isn't just
12006s do something and
12007s and wait two hours wait while flip it
12009s like it works
12011s yeah
12012s cause uh if anything it's gonna be
12014s tested now yeah yeah uh if you're
12017s looking for the save file location
12018s that's in the local app data local
12020s updater factory game saved are we gonna
12023s fix that
12024s same i should have finished that
12025s thought local app data factory game
12027s saved save games saved and then that's
12030s in those folders
12032s yes uh you know how like the games fall
12034s factory game everywhere in the uh
12036s structure like that is a pain in the ass
12038s to change yeah
12040s that's why it's still there yeah
12044s yeah it's factory i remember like a a
12047s pet peeve with someone
12049s made a goat sim folder when with the
12051s goat simulator and that just stuck since
12055s every everywhere like to have that
12056s abbreviation
12057s go to
12059s but it's never yeah
12061s basically can't change yeah
12064s we're we're deep in the water now update
12066s success is it live is it live is it here
12068s it should be live um yes
12072s restart uh steam and epic and uh
12075s hopefully it should pop up and remember
12077s you need to switch to the experimental
12078s branch because this is an experimental
12080s release i'm gonna go get us some food
12082s but uh nice oh yeah yeah we're gonna
12085s have uh we're gonna be wrapping up
12087s pretty soon because uh
12090s we are uh there's a bunch of stuff i
12092s need to do
12093s that i haven't done yet
12095s um and
12097s uh we probably uh want to hang out and
12100s check some people playing the game and
12102s people streaming the game i recommend
12104s checking out a bunch of twitch channels
12105s and youtube channels right now uh seeing
12107s what's in because like you know this is
12109s an experimental release maybe you guys
12110s want to stay on like wait until it's
12112s stable enough because this is gonna be
12114s this is gonna be a buggy version of the
12116s game like yeah if you thought it was
12118s boogie before like yeah this is for some
12120s of the features the earliest basically
12122s are the most
12124s experimental that we've brought them out
12126s uh in general yeah so that's gonna be
12129s interesting
12130s um
12132s yeah
12133s uh be uh keeping an eye on discord and
12136s on the ua side and everything yeah
12138s tonight to see how that's going how does
12141s one backup save files so you go to the
12143s save file directory which is like in uh
12146s local app data
12147s factory games save games saved and
12150s that's where you have your folder
12151s structures you just copy them somewhere
12153s or you can do like a thing where you
12154s archive make a copy and archive them uh
12157s set them up or something like that like
12158s there's a bunch of ways like it's up to
12160s you uh just make sure you have a copy on
12161s them uh if you need to replace them yeah
12164s and you can just switch them back in
12165s there
12167s later yeah and don't trust cloud sync is
12170s all i'm gonna say because uh steam and
12172s epics cloud sync have
12175s i've gotten a lot of messages from
12176s people where cloud save did something
12178s funky outside of the game and they just
12180s wipe their folder sometimes and just
12183s yeah it's uh
12185s that's how it's free
12186s yeah be safe exactly
12190s um
12193s yeah is there anything else in the
12194s password so you want to go over anything
12196s [Music]
12198s first i'm looking at them too so
12202s yeah
12202s yeah yeah so we have like all the area
12205s changes in there of course um i'm not
12207s sure if we've talked about the
12208s atmosphere changes
12211s the one thing i wish we would have
12212s showcased more in the stream was like
12214s the rain stuff
12215s uh
12216s and if you're curious about the rain
12218s stuff there we are gonna add later down
12219s the line so you can like toggle the rain
12221s or i don't even mention we might do
12223s something gameplay related with that
12224s yeah who knows yeah sounds pretty cool
12227s uh i'm curious about the quality of life
12229s stuff because these are typically the
12230s things where i don't realize this until
12232s it's live
12234s uh but it's probably a bunch of ui stuff
12235s right the
12236s we didn't showcase the
12239s the
12239s [Music]
12241s the little menu thing the menu yeah the
12244s to-do list and stuff like that oh yeah
12247s you can do that now if you open um god
12258s [Music]
12261s so there's a couple of ways you can
12262s access not from that apparently no no
12263s not from this game anymore wait you can
12268s menu or something like that yeah yeah
12269s this one's pretty easy so you can add
12271s like little to-do lists for yourself so
12272s you can be like and this is multiplayers
12274s you can add like so like
12276s you guys know
12278s just like that yeah
12282s we smell
12287s there we go um which will show if you're
12289s playing online that will show up for
12290s everyone and then you have like private
12292s notes
12293s shower later and then you can also do a
12295s little bit of like a formatting here so
12296s you can do like a checklist and stuff
12298s like that
12299s so we've got the checklist down there
12303s which keyboard is this
12305s it's swedish yeah do you have a swedish
12307s keyboard when you it worked yeah yeah
12308s okay now this video should work
12328s yeah and then uh that will show up here
12331s in like the
12332s in the court like in there i don't know
12334s if you guys can see it
12335s in the corner there so you can make like
12337s little uh to-do lists for other people
12339s i've seen some people use science which
12340s i think is also a pretty cool idea where
12342s yeah you put us in the hub and you can
12343s like stuff like that
12344s um
12346s so yes very neat
12348s um nothing else cool here
12351s yeah i mentioned i mentioned before you
12353s cannot copy and paste sign settings you
12355s can also do that for machines
12357s so like if you have the can you move
12359s around here
12361s this is still bugged out it's
12365s maybe i can showcase real quick so like
12366s if you have a constructor
12368s um
12370s and you make it set it to screws
12373s and then you build another constructor
12377s you can just go like
12378s oops oh it's so hard when you're doing
12380s it from this side
12381s just
12382s ah copy
12384s paste small places if you want
12387s no
12388s no
12389s because then i have to move the
12390s things yeah
12391s so you can copy and paste
12394s in between buildings now much more
12395s easily
12397s uh which i think is pretty neat yeah
12400s that was probably like
12401s not a remnant but like something we
12403s wanted to do when we introduced that
12404s feature i think we just didn't have time
12405s to get around to it yeah and it's coming
12407s now
12408s yes i'm sure if we talked about the
12409s player health
12410s yeah we didn't so it now generates over
12413s the entire player health
12415s um
12417s quick fixes only two bug pixels huh yeah
12420s nothing else got fixed yep yep as usual
12422s it's like more more things than those um
12424s we do a lot like in between that
12426s we don't necessarily keep like super
12429s close track off if they're small things
12431s uh
12431s that just end up getting out
12434s so yeah there will be fixed there will
12436s be new box but there are fixers yeah
12438s there'll be new bugs there'll be new bug
12440s fixes there will be bugs that we fix
12442s maybe later yes uh yeah we've got some
12444s known issues as well like uh on this one
12447s already that if if it's in the known
12449s issues then we're already working on uh
12451s seeing if we can fix that um
12454s so yeah uh if you have something that is
12456s happening to you while you're playing an
12457s experimental and you find unknown issues
12459s then we're already looking at how to
12462s fix it up too yeah
12465s as usual
12467s yes and this week and which is a good
12470s segue to if you do find any issues and
12473s you want to report them you can go to
12474s our question site
12478s i have a command for it on the twitch
12480s side
12482s can i ask questions there's not you you
12484s sure can yeah well
12487s it's kind of funny because you can't
12488s really ask questions
12490s like you can ask questions maybe someone
12492s else and community can answer and be
12493s like fix it but it's mostly for like
12495s tracking like feature requests uh bug
12497s issues that you guys have um
12500s some discussion that goes into you know
12502s if you want to change something or like
12504s there's a couple of threads on like the
12505s overclocking thing that people have
12506s posted their opinions and you can upload
12509s stuff which i think is the most
12511s powerful thing for you guys really to
12513s make your like voices heard is uploading
12515s different tickets that you think like
12516s this is a major thing and i think
12520s like the biggest most
12522s uploaded like thing
12524s oh my god yeah we're gonna we're gonna
12527s get some of those
12528s out of the way with this update as well
12530s yeah um so yeah look at that
12533s so like uh one of the most upgraded
12536s things oh wait
12538s weather changes wait oh this isn't a
12539s different one show me the uh all time
12543s time i mean it's three thousand not
12545s books
12546s i don't recognize that one
12548s is that a new one
12551s it's it's more than golf
12553s huh this is upsetting to me
12556s yes people
12557s care more about weather comes before
12559s golf no
12560s garbage the one i was gonna say
12562s was the uh
12564s the
12567s well holster yeah holds us up there uh
12570s let's pull body slots probably multiple
12571s body slots that was what i was thinking
12572s of where is it have we already marked
12573s that one maybe maybe we have because we
12576s need to go here
12579s is this yeah that one and yeah right
12581s that's it yeah cool well it doesn't
12583s ignore it it's like differentiates now
12585s yeah yeah yeah we actually had this in
12587s the past like we've switched what we're
12589s doing with those whether we're showing
12590s them or not showing them they want
12592s resource notes that are tapped yeah
12594s when you scan for them with the resource
12595s scanner
12597s and either way people were like oh no
12599s but now i was using that to navigate to
12601s it or other way around so now we're just
12603s showing
12604s whether they tapped or not from the
12606s get-go
12607s so yeah pretty sweet
12609s um
12611s where's the where's the multibodies last
12613s one i mean it should be all like
12617s okay
12618s we apparently made a mistake no
12620s when we uh implemented that
12623s only
12624s only blade runners again yeah and
12626s quickly
12627s quick swap to the jet pack gas masks
12629s don't work in vehicles do we get around
12630s to fix that i don't think so we are
12632s looking into that one though i'm pretty
12634s sure yeah i i mean like the that one
12636s that one is like a system issue that is
12640s uh
12640s deeper than it suggests yeah um
12644s which happens sometimes uh so
12646s yeah
12648s it will work at some point yeah
12652s uh
12653s multiple water slices is gone well you
12655s deleted it no website probably yeah but
12657s uh it's a really good site for us to
12659s keep track like that that is really
12660s where we funnel in all the feedback
12662s really so like it's it's fine if you
12663s guys want to talk about stuff on our
12665s discord you know post on our steam
12666s forums and whatnot because you know it's
12668s a great place for you guys to discuss
12669s stuff
12670s uh it's also a great place for
12672s information to be shared within the
12674s community about stuff that we've said uh
12676s which i'm super happy to see that i
12678s don't have to like jump into often to
12680s like uh clarify stuff because i think
12682s our community is really good at
12683s uh conveying sort of
12685s what we've said and and what is the
12687s state of things um so i'm really really
12690s stoked about that um but that like the
12692s main well we do read these things it's
12694s not like we ignore them or anything like
12695s that but the question sites have like
12697s the bigger
12699s uh things stay right like yeah um
12702s we re we read everywhere uh like discord
12705s reddit and the russian side but it's
12706s really where
12707s these things
12709s linger and stay and people can still add
12711s to that um
12713s yeah as opposed to discord where
12715s everything's just uh going on somewhere
12717s [Music]
12718s somebody made a good point i should have
12720s posted the the patch notes
12722s in oh yeah damn
12724s i'm still so pissed me i
12726s can't log into steam
12733s too much effort
12734s log in no no just don't
12737s it's two hours and yeah real bummer
12739s but uh yeah um i should probably
12742s sticky this too while we're here or
12744s maybe somebody did
12746s um
12748s i think i think uh we're gonna wrap it
12751s up
12752s uh
12753s do you have anything else you wanna add
12754s burke before we close out get
12758s final words maybe you guys
12760s nah we probably can't really do a qa
12763s uh
12764s i was thinking about it but there's a
12766s bunch of stuff i need to do yeah too so
12768s no um
12772s still stuck in update five that's over
12773s but give it give it give it some time um
12775s this thing takes some time to roll out
12777s sometimes for some people
12779s and uh
12780s just keeps refreshing
12782s exactly that's the only thing to do we
12784s flipped it live uh
12786s so that like after that
12789s our hands are
12791s we're done yeah we can't we can't make
12793s it faster yeah unless
12795s unless there's some like fortnite stuff
12797s happening where
12798s they their servers go down and they just
12801s break everything else
12802s yeah
12803s it's it's always like when something big
12805s happens in fortnight like all games that
12807s use like eos the epic online service and
12809s stuff like that they all think
12811s of
12812s no it's getting better though but uh
12814s this is funny
12815s um
12817s so yeah i think uh
12819s good times have been had by all uh i've
12822s certainly had a lot of fun yeah pretty
12824s chill i wish we
12825s i wish yeah we should have more time
12827s prepared for this but uh i think it was
12829s pretty chill hopefully you guys liked it
12831s um it's it's a lot of work that goes
12833s into this james just setting it up and
12835s uh since uh jace is on a break it's uh
12838s it's just been me she's a little old me
12840s so we had to make two um
12844s but yeah i'll i'll be seeing you guys
12846s soon anyways on on twitch and youtube
12848s and whatnot remember we always stream on
12850s tuesdays at 4 pm cst which is around
12853s this time uh we usually have like our
12856s streams usually start in
12857s [Music]
12858s like an hour and a half before and then
12861s we usually run another half hour uh
12863s where we get a chance to talk to you
12865s guys it's on twitch mostly
12866s so check that out and uh
12869s yeah we do community highlights and we
12871s talk about the game and we'll probably
12872s talk a lot about what's going on state
12873s of development-wise uh because it's like
12875s the easiest way to get information out
12877s for us is just go live and talk about
12879s what's going on
12880s um and there's probably gonna be a lot
12883s of things happening now because now
12885s we're more knee-deep in development
12887s while we're pushing these updates
12889s uh there's gonna be a lot to talk about
12890s the coming weeks yeah so so really stay
12892s tuned to our social states like our
12894s twitter facebook you know discord
12896s whatever um we'll keep you guys so much
12899s much as we can in the loop because we
12900s are
12901s kind of in this together in a way
12903s um releasing the update
12905s and uh
12907s yeah
12908s stay tuned for more more things to come
12911s so thank you so much everyone for tuning
12913s in today
12915s and uh looking forward to see what you
12916s guys make in update six and all the
12918s funny uh funny bugs you're gonna run
12919s into hell yeah
12923s keep them coming we'll pick something
12924s that's for sure so thanks everyone for
12926s tuning in and uh
12928s don't forget to floss before you brush
12929s your teeth
12930s bye
12941s [Music]
12948s [Music]
12950s uh
12952s [Music]
12961s [Music]
12975s do
12978s [Music]
12981s so
12984s [Music]
12994s [Music]
13002s do
13010s [Music]
13012s do
13024s so
13026s [Music]
13033s [Music]
13042s you
over 1 year ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

635s [Music]
653s [Music]
695s [Music]
701s [Music]
714s [Music]
720s [Music]
733s [Applause]
733s [Music]
754s good morning everybody welcome it's a
756s really early stream today so i guess it
758s is good morning but welcome everybody to
760s the
761s uh not the weekly dev stream because we
763s don't really do this
764s every every week but welcome to the uh
767s the release stream i guess we're we're
770s going to be hanging out we're going to
772s be waiting for the countdown which we
774s have right over there you can almost
775s touch it it's so nice um for the uh
780s release of update six on early access
782s branch good times will be had by all yay
785s okay uh we were releasing a bit earlier
787s today uh we usually reset around like
790s five or six or something like that and
791s today we're gonna be releasing at four
793s our time it's gonna be super early for
795s all the us peeps
796s um
798s so so yeah good times will be had by all
800s uh i was thinking
801s wait wait i screwed it up i was
804s thinking we were gonna start the the
806s stream i messed it up chat don't worry
807s about it i think we're gonna start the
808s stream with like a little bit of
809s community highlights but uh jace is on
811s break at the moment i guess it's a
812s little bit sad because you got the sign
814s that's just gone um so we're just gonna
816s have to kind of try and do community
817s highlights without chase
820s oh yeah come here highlights let's go
821s baby let's go my body's ready are you
823s ready i'm ready let's go oh boy i want
826s to see what the community is doing the
828s community what's tell me
830s tell me about the community where did
831s you show up from holy hello
834s everybody random jace appeared he's
835s super effective
840s uh no i would not i would never miss a
842s community highlight segment uh i live
844s for it it's it's my it's my
847s it's my air yeah you know
849s how you doing
850s i'm sorry i was hoping you'd be like
854s so slip slipped all right i had a udon
857s for breakfast what udon wow
861s fancy yeah i know i just you know it was
863s good
863s i've done the uh i did the uh
866s round because yesterday i had brooklyn
868s and today i had oriental oh yeah and i
870s had all the the food i wanted the
872s standard
873s just those two places yeah yeah all
875s right all right
876s brooklyn burgers are wait the indian
878s place
879s yeah the indian place is good too
880s actually that's true that's true i
881s forgot about i always forgot about that
883s place that's good um anyways so we're
885s going to spend the rest of the evening
887s talking about food in craft
889s yeah welcome to the community highlights
890s we're going to talk about the community
892s all right in the crafty food community
895s no hello for us today actually there
897s might be and i need to be hopefully i'm
899s not on the stream when they call
901s um we'll find out yeah it is what it is
905s out of here well i gave you that's
907s a gift it's the gift that i gave you why
909s would you throw it away like that i like
910s it all right good here we go creamy
913s highlights oh boy oh boy oh boy first
916s step is from what's your alibi what is
918s your alibi yeah what is your alibaba
920s where are you nine to the fifth
922s um it does kinda look like we're
924s underwater that's true this could be
925s like this like atlantis uh factory
927s building or something
929s um oh yeah quick jay stall i do
932s find this here here look look look look
934s snitch check this out look look i can't
936s check it out because you still look here
937s read that while i stall great so i know
940s what it is okay great um
943s great submission but yeah i i do i dig
945s it i love the the
947s whole red and blue reflections situation
950s also i don't know like what creates
951s those
952s crazy looking
953s uh reflections at the top there
956s what is that i think that's uh
959s i think they're like because because all
960s the reflections on the game are screen
961s spaced screen space based so i just i
964s think they're trying to do some kind of
966s reflection reflecting off the ground
968s reflection maybe or is it reflecting off
970s the maybe from the lights i don't know
972s yeah it's really nice
973s because i don't think you can do like
975s second pass
976s reflection on screen space so it's like
978s you can't true yeah yeah yeah yeah
979s that's true and reflected with that
981s energy anyway
983s uh the attitude yeah um cool and then
986s like the other buildings there what are
987s they they i can never tell the
989s difference between them are they
990s smelters
991s are they smelting limestone i think
992s they're foundations they're foundries
993s yeah okay because i think this is a
995s steel uh where are my notes
998s come on show up where are your notes uh
1000s yeah this is steel foundry like set up
1002s so i'm pretty sure they're founders
1004s um
1005s i always get confused between them and
1007s the uh smelters because one foundry's
1009s like originally like an mk2 smelter yeah
1011s founders were originally like mark ii
1013s smell smelters yeah yeah yeah
1016s or that's what they were called and
1017s before that there was like there was a
1018s smelter building yeah it was a smelter
1020s with two inputs and it was supposed to
1022s be just faster and then it was just
1024s confusing i guess yeah yeah what the
1025s discussion there was but
1027s yeah but it's very nice but i don't know
1030s what it is with that makes it looks like
1031s it's underwater
1033s i mean the fact that like everything's
1034s blue might
1036s i don't know about you uh yeah that's a
1038s strong association with me and uh water
1041s the color blue uh i'm a bit you know i'm
1043s i'm i'm random like that's no
1045s hard bargain sir yeah i like it i liked
1047s it all right this is our star food or
1050s star fool
1053s um there's a bunch more by the way where
1055s this is from this is from reddit so if
1057s you want to check out some of these
1059s submissions or see more about them you
1060s can totally plan it's in the sky by the
1062s way
1063s oh my god yeah
1065s it's so funny i don't know if you've
1066s seen that but on the reddit there's been
1067s a bunch of discussion around like how
1070s how the solar system works now because
1072s we changed how this guy oh yeah like is
1074s rendered and like how
1076s that's a gas giant you can't have
1077s another planet like how how big is that
1080s planet behind the gates not not to our
1082s puny human brains we cannot we we did
1084s not evolve to comprehend this kind of
1086s stuff you know we can only look at our
1087s own you know souls yeah we don't have
1089s telescopes i can see beyond it um you
1092s know
1093s this is uh this is more than we can
1094s comprehend really truly yeah yeah for
1097s sure but we clearly have other people
1098s here at coffee stand who can comprehend
1100s it which is why it's there this is this
1102s is the action you know how like in
1103s interstellar where they had uh they did
1105s like a realistic rendering of like a
1107s black hole and that was the first time
1108s they were able to do that because it
1110s cost so much money to like do the
1111s rendering and now they could spend it on
1113s the movie that's exactly what this is
1115s here we've had huge uh budgets from nasa
1119s to uh
1121s to recalculate how uh
1123s these kind of and valheim sales um
1130s valham and nasa those are our biggest
1132s contributor to this uh this amazing
1134s contribution
1149s the power rangers
1150s from last street yeah yeah it was really
1152s good oh yeah and then there was like
1153s another cool like logo with text the
1154s stream before i think yeah uh yeah very
1157s cool i love this i i
1159s you know this is no i would not live
1160s here but i would like to uh visit here i
1162s like to go on business trips here
1165s you know they're like hey you need to go
1166s to star's innovative industry uh you
1169s know the factory location
1171s uh and give a talk on how community
1173s management is really important and i'd
1175s go there and i'd do it
1177s if you pay me the business yeah yeah you
1179s just gotta pay the the
1181s ship the rocket that'll send me there i
1182s like what they're doing with pillars
1184s on top of the building on the right hand
1185s side might be beams actually yeah yeah
1187s yeah
1188s the nice little detail there next up is
1191s from star for again oh this might be a
1194s separate uh yeah this is a different
1196s angle of the same thing yeah this place
1198s is really good really cool like way to
1201s use the
1202s the window thingy because i think swoosh
1204s is up yeah that's really great actually
1206s i've seen people do that before but i've
1208s never seen it like in this way yeah like
1210s this like because we've yeah we've seen
1211s like the the stripy stuff where they
1212s leave a hole
1213s in the buildings yeah you can see the
1215s like the windows but i haven't seen them
1217s swoop swoop up like that before
1219s personally and it's so clever because
1220s it's like there's also that the edges
1222s with the window meets the the corner
1224s yeah it just creates that loop
1226s nice
1227s real clever real clever yeah super super
1229s nice yes
1230s uh next up is from
1232s the nonchalant non-challenge
1235s so
1236s look at we talked about the sky
1238s very very beautiful are we looking at
1240s the sky again here is that what we're
1241s looking at
1242s this is such a like
1244s someone's like taking a snap of
1246s something
1248s and they're out of nowhere just like a
1249s skunk just shows up like
1251s isn't there like a meme for this it's
1252s almost like the perfectly cut screams
1254s kind of me yeah
1255s i could hear this picture i can hear it
1258s it's the same kind of energy where
1259s people take you know in the new wind
1261s waker remake they're fighting ganon and
1263s they're taking selfies oh yeah come here
1270s pictures you can hear exactly here
1272s so i love this so much um it's also so
1275s funny with the fov because the hog's
1277s mouth is so wide it looks like a
1279s different creature yeah
1282s so yeah we'll be right back
1286s to be continued yeah oh yeah
1290s next is from uh
1291s oh our
1293s our best arbitation arbitation rotation
1296s yeah
1297s really cool uh
1298s setup for the it's like a bi-directional
1302s uh hyper tube
1306s so i guess they i don't know if they're
1307s shooting like you're doing the thing
1308s where they're making a cannon out of it
1310s or if it's just like to speed up the
1312s hype yeah yeah just so they can get
1313s quicker travel in general yeah that
1315s makes sense yeah i know that there are
1317s some lines some hypertube lines that i
1319s take on my map which are just painfully
1321s slow
1322s uh because you know you get a slow start
1323s and you're going uphill yeah yeah yeah
1325s exactly
1326s yeah yeah because sometimes you do need
1328s to like do a
1329s yeah like a fall or something yeah so
1331s you get some somewhat of a decent speed
1334s this is definitely a better way to do it
1336s i think
1337s um
1338s next from wizardship
1340s um
1341s so
1342s it's kind of funny you know how like we
1344s always see people make like factories
1346s that make the parts that
1348s like the factory building is the part
1350s that produces they're making it here's a
1351s little bit like of a twist on that
1353s because it's not actually making nuclear
1355s nobelists it's making power
1357s so this is the power plants
1359s okay yeah so they've debated us we
1361s thought we got jabez we got yeah oh
1364s we've been bamboozled yeah this is
1366s massive by the way holy hell
1369s it's uh look at that you can see the
1370s planet behind it because that's what
1372s scale it's bigger than the planet the
1373s planet is next to it you can't tell from
1375s this
1376s yeah because the planet is this big yeah
1378s and the thing is this big so it's at
1380s least three times the size
1382s that's crazy
1384s it's crazy um so yeah this is a nuclear
1387s power plant produce 300 000 megawatts of
1390s power
1391s and i always say why would you need that
1393s much power but then people always say no
1395s you you you you need that so they say so
1398s they say has anyone do you have anything
1400s that shows i don't know if you're
1402s leaning too no it's like okay i don't
1404s know i was like i was like this is a
1405s segue into a crazy power like
1408s like this is a setup yeah i'm not ready
1410s for this
1411s i'm like should i be building on this
1412s sir yeah yeah yeah no no it's uh okay
1416s yeah no it's just a it's just a big old
1418s yeah no power plant it's true it's true
1420s though like every time i think that i've
1421s built enough power and i'm like i'm good
1423s forever it's like it's not true yeah you
1425s need more i guess so
1427s next from alex 88 fr
1430s more work
1432s i raised my glass to you
1434s uh
1435s it's another swedish meme i gotta show
1436s you later okay um
1439s actually i'll tell you right now this
1441s sure
1442s i mean i'm i'm here for whatever we got
1444s time to spare it's like a swedish uh
1446s radio show okay where they used to like
1448s call random one of the most famous
1450s ones is they called one pizza place and
1452s they started ordering something and then
1454s they called a separate pizza place and
1455s then they hooked them up together oh
1457s yeah so they started like back like feed
1459s ordering from each other so like
1461s pepperoni blah blah oh yeah pepperoni oh
1462s you want pepperoni oh okay another
1464s pepperoni like oh yes is that good
1467s so
1468s 15 minutes 50 no it's 50 minutes here
1471s like okay so wait and then go back and
1472s forth yeah right bringing there's
1474s another one where he's like doing an
1475s english like he calls someone up hey
1477s baby uh can you rescue me the dooka duke
1480s and the floppy guard and they got it and
1482s they
1482s was like what the are you talking
1484s about intentionally using made-up
1485s english yeah
1487s all right right and then he's like isn't
1488s this 5520442 yeah well this is bang on
1491s target pal we gotta take the brook and
1493s the shuka troop
1495s just keeps going
1496s um
1498s i don't remember what the
1499s segway to that was
1501s when did they say the reason he's like
1503s at the end of he's like i
1504s raised my hat for you sir okay have a
1506s good day
1507s gave a cup all right bye and then i was
1509s like what the
1511s right uh anyways alex makes really cool
1514s cities ask
1515s kind of scotland i'm kind of amazed that
1517s he's say file is still working
1519s oh why
1520s like
1521s or maybe it's not you know we we don't
1523s know yeah that's true we don't know we
1525s only see if they're here or not but uh
1527s but i don't know we've heard stories of
1529s people with crazy um save files that are
1532s from before the game was out yeah still
1534s working today yeah uh josh from let's
1535s give it out
1537s let's game it gout
1539s let's give it out
1541s is an example of that
1543s uh but this is also another one example
1545s of one of these building um pictures
1546s where it's like oh there's all these
1547s like really cool stuff in the foreground
1550s and then you've got the massive nuke in
1551s the background
1553s yeah this is this is a thing i think
1556s this whole save file is kind of like
1557s that because it's it's i think it's the
1560s same say file i yeah i don't know and if
1562s it is the same save file i have no idea
1564s how his pc runs it yeah
1566s we get massive massive bills from this
1568s guy all the time yeah
1570s maybe maybe
1572s let's game with gout
1574s that's that's what i thought you said
1579s it's like a spin-up channel yeah
1582s next event's from vault b80
1585s nice looking i like bailey design yeah
1588s yeah i dig it um i gotta say i'm super
1590s proud of this sometime
1592s [Laughter]
1596s very good very good yeah it was very
1599s good yeah mm-hmm i see what you did
1601s there
1601s [Music]
1603s yeah i was up all night yeah
1606s working on that this hit you at 4am
1608s surely yeah yeah yeah golden hour see me
1611s like with blood blood eyes i'm like oh
1613s my god just the thumbnail the subtle
1615s just not working
1616s what am i working
1619s i got a phone call in the middle of the
1620s night from he's just like it just works
1623s chase
1624s it just works and i'm like what
1626s i'll tell you tomorrow
1629s okay
1630s um so this is making iron plates uh 2400
1634s per minute to be precise damn uh it
1636s looks like it's copper though but maybe
1637s it's not it could just be the color of
1640s it yeah it's probably because this is
1641s northern forest like the colors are way
1642s more saturated in the northern forests
1644s uh in the experimental version
1647s so i mean it says iron works why would
1649s they with iron plates on it why would
1651s they be feeding copper i mean that's
1652s crazy that's true that's true that would
1653s be that would be that would be out of
1656s this world that would be crazy next time
1657s it's from strycox oh it's gary yeah
1660s classic i like how the pioneer over
1662s there is taking a like an instagram
1664s photo of gary
1667s um i just uh so somebody posted this
1670s this is my friend visiting my game and
1671s they brought me a pet what a weird
1673s looking dog
1674s um so yeah play with your friends it's
1676s fun i think yeah i think especially if
1679s their name is gary yeah gary has salad
1681s so gary's happy all right that's good
1684s this is how you get rid of biofuel or
1686s biomass in our game yeah i feed it to
1688s the slugs feed it to those lugs this is
1690s such a cute picture though just like
1691s even the whole like walkway and stuff in
1693s the in the woods yeah person taking a
1695s picture it looks very like candid too
1698s yeah yeah it really caught you yeah
1700s doing that wholesome like some irl
1702s stuff yeah yeah for sure i dig it
1705s next miss from strycox again
1708s um
1709s this is uh
1711s oh some alien happening
1714s it's like a hologram it's a big machine
1716s that has like a hologram of a planet in
1718s between
1719s in the middle kind of yeah that's what
1720s it kind of looks like to me
1722s so so drago drago's
1724s writes i have no idea what i'm doing
1727s but i'm trying to make it look good
1729s it looks great so yeah it looks cool i
1731s don't know if there's anything happening
1732s or anything be produced or if the idea
1734s is to get anything produced here or if
1735s it's just like a cool art piece or yeah
1737s but i think i mean i think it is an art
1739s piece but it looks cool it looks cool
1741s night sky also the night sky right now
1743s yeah yeah
1744s yeah yeah man
1746s oh my god that's one of the things with
1747s update 6 that um when i played satisfied
1750s i uh i jumped in i played some
1752s satisfaction a couple weeks back and
1753s that was the first thing that i noticed
1754s because i had
1755s i've been played in a while uh so like
1758s that was the first time i i saw the um
1760s the stars and stuff blew my mind yeah it
1762s was super impressive awesome uh i didn't
1765s know we were gonna do that thing with
1766s the galaxy and the planets and so i
1768s had the same kind of reaction or like
1769s just booted up the in the editor one day
1771s and it's like what the
1772s yeah this looks different yeah
1775s but it was the same thing when we added
1776s the atmosphere like the sky and stuff
1777s like if you're playing on early access
1779s right now it's going to be such a
1780s difference when like the new atmosphere
1782s kicks in and like the sky and all that
1783s stuff all the metric clouds baby yeah
1787s super cool
1789s uh next up is from
1790s mr dr funk monk
1794s great name yeah
1795s mr doctor mr doctor all right that's mr
1798s doctor to you oh right my mistakes sorry
1800s sorry sorry sir um
1803s yeah it's a really cool like tropical
1804s city here in the spire coast this gives
1806s me um
1809s i don't know i don't know this is maybe
1811s it's kind of weird but it kind of gives
1812s me like gta vice city vibes for some
1814s reason i don't know yeah that's kind of
1816s weird so it reminds me of just cause i
1817s guess oh that's better yeah it reminds
1820s me of like one of the yeah that's better
1822s yeah
1823s because there's like one city that's
1825s just like on a little tiny island i
1827s think i think there's like a bunch of
1828s like islands right or something yeah
1829s yeah yeah with like skyscrapers i got to
1831s play just calls again yeah it's so fun
1832s to do yeah yeah yeah i need to play the
1835s fourth one people keep telling me it's
1836s not good but i feel like
1838s it's just close
1839s the point of the game is just to have
1840s fun i'm sure you can have fun i wonder
1843s if people like now the story wasn't that
1845s good and just like what story i didn't
1847s know but i didn't think anyone
1849s didn't play the game for the story do
1851s you i don't know i mean i didn't the
1853s story was fine but the game was so fun
1854s the story in two is so good because it's
1857s got uh he's not dead
1860s and the guy
1861s i mean yeah that's the only thing i
1863s remember i just all i remember was that
1866s it felt like a parody of action movies
1868s which i think is the point yeah exactly
1870s and so it nailed that yeah i think yeah
1873s so remake of just cause in satisfactory
1875s uh um someone will probably mod that
1877s yeah we need we need uh the grappling
1878s hook to swing around yeah
1881s that would be pretty cool that would be
1882s really good no no game is worse by
1883s adding a grappling hook right he's gonna
1885s say yeah i'm just gonna say
1886s uh next one pokemon red with the
1888s graphics yeah dude it's still work it
1890s was still worth it yeah yeah so shady
1892s says hi hello hi hello um we're really
1895s cool like this is a train like inspired
1898s thing yeah
1899s um i saw i saw like an optical illusion
1902s the other day where i don't think maybe
1904s they'll work for this this type but
1905s there was an optical illusion with like
1907s a similar building in real life where
1908s people were like walking down a spiral
1911s like that and it looked like it's
1912s spiraling but it's the people moving
1914s oh do you know what i mean yeah i think
1916s i do but i haven't seen it yeah i kind
1917s of i kind of hope that works like if you
1920s build like conveyor belts in a loop like
1922s that oh yeah yeah yeah maybe that would
1924s work yeah true
1925s but this is really rad this is like
1926s another take on the the good old train
1929s elevator when are we adding the train
1931s hyper tube
1932s the terrain hyper tube just sucks up a
1934s train because it is highly requested
1936s that we add like some kind of some kind
1937s of elevator yeah yeah i mean i think i
1940s think it makes sense yeah i think it
1941s makes sense
1942s train lifts would be sick i think yeah
1944s but then then we would lose these though
1946s right like that's what happened with the
1947s conveyor belts like undeniably conveyor
1950s lips are absolutely the right thing to
1951s add to the game for sure but we did lose
1953s something it came at a cost yes for sure
1955s came at a cost for sure
1957s uh
1958s speaking of costs next up is from xero i
1961s don't know what the segway was but cost
1962s zero all right
1964s oh
1964s there you are yep i'm so clever in
1966s heights
1968s this this looks like a yeah it's like a
1970s rocket ship tower yeah uh it looks like
1972s you know what it looks like this looks
1974s like it could be like a fast food joint
1976s or something it's like come get your
1978s burgers from iron rockets
1980s rocket burgers you know those like where
1982s where the the waiters are like on roller
1984s blades yeah something like that like a
1986s diet like crazy diner or something yeah
1988s that's so true yeah yeah yeah yeah so
1990s this is all vanilla cola yes yeah yeah
1993s yeah yeah yeah holy yeah no no no
1996s shade
1998s shade's saying what we're all thinking
2000s but let's not okay uh
2002s i mean it has a flared base yeah yes um
2005s uh so this is all vanilla i saw there's
2007s a video on this by the way from xero
2009s where
2010s work zero where they uh
2012s talk about how they did this uh and they
2015s they
2015s it's like it's it's it's such a this the
2018s story of how they made this is so much
2020s how like i play this game because like
2022s they started with the exterior and they
2023s did this thing because it's all pillars
2025s that they're like angling and stuff like
2027s that and then basing them and then
2029s they're like oh this looks cool and they
2030s tried building a factory inside and like
2031s oh there's not a lot of room
2033s yeah true
2035s um so they had to space it out but they
2036s did manage to fit some really cool like
2038s that's pretty cool yeah so cool stuff
2040s here um so so maybe they they didn't get
2043s like the insane like production lines
2045s that they were hoping for yeah it still
2046s looks really cool and like it definitely
2047s has like a mark
2049s and it's definitely another case of like
2050s what's going on in the background though
2052s yeah i know this is another for sure
2054s like what is that back there that's
2055s crazy there's a clock on that thing as
2057s well yeah looks crazy also um like a
2060s children's playground next to this
2061s building would not look out of place i
2063s feel like
2064s that's so true yeah like all the kids
2065s are like going through all the pipes and
2066s stuff and jumping around the ball pit or
2068s something
2070s yeah even manage to get the manta in the
2071s shot oh nice nice that's not easy and
2073s they look like massive like solar panels
2075s on the building at the back and on this
2076s thing they almost yeah i guess they're
2078s just windows but they uh they're
2079s probably just gloss but it kind of makes
2081s me definitely give me the solar panel
2083s vibes yeah
2084s so very cool nice i'm liking this a lot
2086s yeah uh next one is from
2089s 28 28.
2091s a little gamer how many hours you got in
2094s the game doggo yeah
2096s if it's not over 500 you're not a real
2098s not a real gamer
2101s well it's just gaming jogger so they've
2102s got at least 500 oh yeah for sure uh uh
2105s no just kidding uh but yo all the merch
2107s by the way yeah the keychain there got
2109s the
2110s um cup is that another big slug or
2113s something on the what is that on the
2114s left
2115s the mic no no which one is it the yellow
2118s one yeah yes that's the that's that one
2120s yellow
2121s you can tell there you can have big ones
2123s no it's just very close to the camera oh
2125s it's another like
2126s situation here right it's on the chair i
2128s see i think okay uh but you can tell
2130s these guys oh i understand it's on the
2131s back rest yeah this is this is from the
2133s earl so this is an early kickstarter too
2135s i just noticed because they got the
2136s green slug the green slug
2138s there's only a limited amount i think
2139s they're also numbered uh i think there's
2141s not like uh
2144s so save that yeah
2146s for sure uh if you guys are curious
2148s about where this stuff is from it's from
2151s the
2153s one of our partners
2155s look
2155s oh uh
2159s um
2161s and you started off as a kickstarter
2163s and if you were part of the early like
2166s tear early
2168s what's the word they have the early bird
2170s earthy bird thingy or whatever it is
2172s yeah backer that was worth like for
2174s uh oh my god they've got the keychain
2176s they got everything
2177s i just noticed yeah they have everything
2179s yeah they have a keychain yeah they've
2180s got the cup they've got slugs they got
2181s the nuclear they got paddleberry
2183s i've got it all gotta collect them all
2184s yeah
2185s i love that doggo's got the satisfactory
2187s calculator on the left if you guys don't
2189s know what satisfactory calculator is
2190s because there might be some people who
2192s don't don't know about it i don't know
2193s uh satisfactory hyphen
2196s has um
2197s a bunch of like really cool tools that
2199s you can use including like uh stuff to
2202s um
2203s uh
2204s like an interactive map where you can
2205s see all the things that are on the map
2207s you can load your save into it to see
2208s all your buildings in there you could
2210s also even like manipulate your save if
2211s you need to as well through it there's
2213s like a lot of like really great tools um
2216s uh on that so then you can also like
2218s edit your save file yeah and stuff like
2220s that yeah um
2223s yes indeed very cool
2226s uh let's see here
2227s next is from
2230s metal
2233s you might want to read in that one jace
2234s you want me to i can't i can't i don't
2236s have this metal nut sack i don't have my
2237s glasses on right now yeah i drove my
2239s glasses oh my god no wait it says
2241s snoot sack
2245s sutnac
2246s whole way to kojima's office i get it i
2248s get the reference because they had a
2250s crazy thing at the consumer productions
2252s where they had this weird white hallway
2253s right yeah and they had like their uh
2255s the stat their
2257s movies and stuff yeah
2258s yeah no i think it didn't no it was just
2261s it was super clean and plain because i
2263s think he said that like i want every
2265s morning they come in and they're like
2266s clea like their their minds are
2269s clean or flashy and i'm sure a bright
2271s white hallway would do that oh yeah
2272s it'll definitely wake you up
2275s yeah i guess i guess so or make you mad
2277s yeah uh they moved office though so i
2279s don't think they have that unfortunately
2280s but it's it's a call back to the yeah
2282s yeah good old days did uh did they
2284s did they reference that like is that was
2286s that an intentional thing that they that
2287s metal nuts
2289s or no it's just the first thing that
2290s popped into my head yeah yeah okay
2292s that's a nice little hole it's a nice
2293s little hallway it's a really cool way to
2294s use the uh
2296s the
2297s they're not flood lights they're
2299s headlights or maybe it's just this the
2301s lights i don't remember i haven't really
2302s used it i can't remember what their
2303s names no
2304s um but it's really cool like they use
2306s these uh i'm sure how they snap it
2308s because they're using the
2310s the
2314s the slanted roofs that's what it's
2316s looking for
2317s and then uh using the um i'm not sure
2320s how you snap it if you can snap it to
2321s the roofs or if you have to like make
2322s some kind of mediator oh and then build
2324s the roofs afterwards yeah exactly make
2326s it look like they're on there yeah
2327s because you can't angle the the
2329s lights uh in some fashion
2331s uh i'm not sure how you do it don't have
2333s a lot of experience building them
2335s i'm not too sure
2337s they're so they're so expensive
2339s yeah the cost because because i built so
2341s big factories that i definitely need the
2343s frame rate yeah uh next up is for
2345s belindus whoa look at that bright green
2347s sludge leaking out the side there yum oh
2350s boy that's a lot of water extractors by
2352s the way that is a lot of water
2353s extractors uh
2355s so
2357s nuclear rod and nuclear waste buildings
2359s so they're storing their wastes
2362s i feel like are they storing it in there
2364s maybe i think so
2366s you don't see the full like uh inside
2369s the nuclear rods thing you can see some
2370s buildings right right it looks like like
2372s maybe they actually do stuff in there i
2374s think maybe they're running everything
2375s underneath the platform maybe or but
2378s there's water there i don't know yeah
2379s i'm not sure how they do it but um
2383s this is good i love that they got one i
2385s think that is one water tower at the
2387s left there you see like the the just
2389s the thing just oh it goes straight up
2391s and then there's one extractor right
2392s next to it yeah yeah i have a feeling
2394s that's a water tower
2396s just uh just a hunch could be it could
2398s be um
2400s yeah i'm curious as to like what the
2402s ratio between people that are building
2406s using when they're building nuclear then
2408s whether they're sinking like the going
2411s through the whole production chain of
2412s making
2412s uh the other rods
2414s that i totally you know what i'm talking
2416s about sorry
2417s i just blanked back to hitting the
2419s cardboard at you
2420s sorry i completely checked out can we
2424s say that again sorry
2426s just like
2427s from jason's perspective
2433s i was in cardboard yeah
2436s now i blanked that what was i talking
2438s about uh the ratio between like who are
2440s actually storing the waste and who are
2442s actually making the plutonium fuel rods
2444s uh and sinking them well we can we can
2446s ask them they're here uh one in chat if
2449s you reuse the waste to make the
2450s plutonium or uh two if you just store it
2453s you should just have three just
2456s three if you haven't got there yet yeah
2458s definitely three for me so a lot of
2460s people reusing so far
2463s on twitch
2464s we have a three on youtube oh yeah we
2466s don't have um
2467s oh i should i forgot to check that if
2469s the closed captions are working because
2471s uh you couldn't get closed captions to
2473s work
2474s okay on youtube unless you had it in
2476s normal mode which means it's like 30
2477s seconds delay
2479s right super annoying so from what i can
2481s see
2482s either people
2484s haven't
2485s for the most part either people haven't
2486s done nuclear yet or when they do they
2489s repurpose it
2491s interesting yeah
2492s it's kind of good to know there's a few
2494s people who don't those few people who
2496s just store it
2497s maybe they just start because they
2498s haven't got there yet or maybe they just
2499s don't care
2501s that's definitely mean in a nutshell
2503s don't give a
2506s cool hopefully that enabled it um
2509s yeah
2510s what were the options again one was you
2512s repurpose your nuclear into plutonium uh
2516s two
2517s is you just store it or three is that
2519s you haven't got to nuclear but i think
2521s we got a pretty good sample size here
2523s yeah i would say i could write a paper
2524s on this
2527s i could i just i just don't want to chat
2529s as a reference
2530s yeah yeah yeah that'll be citation we're
2533s gonna need to twitch in youtube chat
2534s yeah we're gonna need like all of you to
2536s sign a
2538s release model release yeah yeah yeah
2540s yeah
2541s so that we can use you in this test the
2543s sample group yeah or whatever
2545s we need a yeah
2547s control group exact oh wait who's the
2549s control group then
2552s wait you're getting control no who cares
2553s what the science
2555s gives a you know what we just let's
2557s just use opinions whatever yeah yeah
2559s anecdotal yeah
2561s i feel like anecdotal evidence evidence
2563s is in the word obviously it's the same
2564s thing yeah it's exactly the same thing
2566s it's just like yeah it's just like a
2568s reskin that's all
2570s uh white onac looks like my spine
2573s oh actually true
2576s like yo there's literally people people
2578s always joke that when you get to 30 then
2580s your body starts cracking and making a
2581s weird sound don't even get rid of it
2582s it's like actually true no it's so true
2584s like like if i dare to like rotate my
2587s body that way
2588s oh my god my back screams in pain yeah
2591s there's definitely cases where like
2593s sometimes you wake up and you're like
2594s what happened to you you're like i slept
2596s weird or something i don't know what
2597s happened i was just i slept i just slept
2600s i slept nor oh weird no i slept normally
2603s and i'm in pain yeah i remember one time
2605s because when i go to bed i usually wear
2606s headphones oh yeah uh because i listen
2608s to stuff when i go to bed and then one
2610s time i remember waking up and the
2611s headphones like slipped down and landed
2613s underneath my back and then slept on
2614s them or something and i had like this
2616s one like part here in my back which is
2619s like hurting like crazy
2620s and that was exactly where they were
2622s when i woke up and that lasted for a
2624s week
2625s when you accidentally miss your ears and
2628s instead put your headphones in your back
2630s yeah yeah crazy crazy i had a weird
2632s nightmare where i was like no okay yeah
2634s yeah yeah
2636s put it put it behind me the uh the
2638s building on the left is kind of cool
2639s though yeah yeah it's got like the um
2642s like the uh frame pillar kind of vibe to
2644s it but obviously they're not frame
2646s pillars they're uh there's glass and
2647s stuff or are they i mean they're
2649s definitely glass between but they're
2650s massive these things are this is massive
2652s oh sorry you said frame pillar yeah yeah
2654s yeah yeah yeah so i thought you meant
2655s like failure pillar pillow no no they're
2657s they're pillars yeah no they're
2660s super cool i like these when people are
2661s adding like little details uh because
2663s you know the original intent with update
2665s five was really that we didn't want
2666s people to keep building like boxes yeah
2668s that was the people stopped building
2670s boxes and i i think we yeah we actually
2672s achieved or the people who do build with
2674s boxes it's like really awesome brutal
2676s stuff yeah yeah for sure all right time
2678s to hold hold your horses oh this one um
2681s so this is from available cry
2684s and it's it's a it's a fitting name
2685s because this they had to abandon the
2687s safewall because it was running too slow
2688s oh really super sad yeah um
2691s i'm not sure if you play this on early
2693s access or an experimental maybe maybe
2695s the frame rate is better than an
2696s experimental
2697s um
2699s but yeah there's a shin or building
2703s god it's so true now you say it i didn't
2704s know anything about that
2706s i didn't see that until you mentioned it
2709s um
2710s that is uh super cool a super cool city
2712s i
2714s i i don't think anybody realizes unless
2716s you built a city like this how much time
2718s and effort it is to do this
2720s uh and
2722s concrete this
2724s yeah they must be so much
2726s so like the buildings in the back as
2728s well like like this isn't just a
2729s close-up on the best parts there's like
2731s really good all the way back and
2733s then even up on this
2735s on the cliff yeah there's more back
2737s there too this is crazy yep it's so
2739s impressive
2740s and it's it's almost hard to like
2742s pinpoint like where this is on the map
2744s because there's no
2745s i think that's everywhere i think that
2747s is the the void you see behind us oh
2749s yeah maybe yeah um
2752s grassfield so just because there's so
2754s much stuff here
2756s uh very impressive very impressive i
2758s wonder how i would live there i'm gonna
2760s say it there you go there's so many like
2761s one of the apartment buildings in the
2762s back
2763s i live there oh boy
2765s yeah that's true
2766s it kind of reminds me of cyberpunk
2768s a little yeah yeah
2770s um so yeah this is their 600 hour save
2773s game uh i can't play it anymore because
2775s i only have 10 fps
2776s 10 fps sad times that's a lot more fps
2779s than most people have
2781s that is true some people don't have
2782s computers they have zero this is an
2784s improvement yeah
2786s no i get it that's a bummer yeah it's a
2788s bummer but hopefully in the future maybe
2789s you can boot up the safely again and
2790s maybe it'll load yeah optimize the game
2792s do some more optimizations yeah
2794s for sure
2796s um yeah that's that's that's highlights
2799s nice yes so as we usually do these on
2802s our weekly dev streams if this is your
2803s first time tuning in we we do this every
2805s week on tuesdays
2807s on twitch on twitch uh so if you're a
2809s youtube person you can go check us out
2811s on twitch slash coffee stain
2813s studios devs give us a follow there and
2816s uh stream there every week yes
2818s at 4 pm cst so we street roughly stream
2821s when
2822s we start our stream when the timer
2824s ends yeah so like an hour and a half
2826s from now yeah that's when i start every
2828s tuesday uh so we usually do community
2830s highlights there as well and
2832s the way we find these is we go to the
2834s twitter we
2835s ransack twitter and we go check the
2837s hashtag satisfactoryscreenshots which
2839s was started by jace a while ago yeah a
2842s long time ago years ago for this no it
2845s wasn't for this actually something else
2846s sounds like the screenshots yeah that's
2848s tag i think i think we made it for i had
2851s the idea to do community highlights yeah
2852s but yeah but it wasn't for the stream it
2854s was something else i think it was for us
2855s collecting didn't we do like a trailer
2857s or something
2859s oh true there was one video where we we
2862s shared a bunch of screenshots i think
2864s yeah or and videos as well or yeah
2866s youtube videos yeah i can't remember but
2868s we've been doing this for quite a while
2869s we've been trying to uh showcase the
2871s community for a very long time uh and
2872s you can also use the screenshot flare on
2873s reddit as well yeah um it's also like
2876s even if you don't want to submit stuff
2877s you can uh peruse
2880s uh if you will the screenshot flare on
2882s reddit and you get a lot of good images
2884s there i would say there's probably more
2885s images on reddit than there are
2887s on the hashtag on twitter i think so you
2890s know we have a very active reddit
2892s community yeah yeah super super just
2894s passed over 200 000
2896s 200 000 pioneers yeah on the wow that's
2898s actually we actually got
2900s yeah it's crazy we actually got a couple
2901s of because we just passed 200k on on
2903s reddit we also got 100k on twitter
2905s yeah we did get 100k yeah which was also
2907s signing so and uh youtube has been doing
2910s really well as well i think we're like
2911s 270 or something 80 or something
2913s that's bizarre so much support it's
2915s crazy yeah super humbling yeah super
2918s crazy and like i i have trouble putting
2920s that in perspective like personally
2921s because those numbers are just too big
2923s and i just like i'm just like i'm just
2925s i'm just working i'm just making a video
2926s oh yeah whatever you know i don't think
2927s i tried to think about it too much but
2929s then they're like then they're like
2931s other creators that i consider to be
2932s like massive or whatever right and and i
2935s really like them and i go watch them and
2936s i'm like hey we kind of have
2939s the same numbers and i see them as this
2941s big like great influential creator
2943s person and then i'm like you know maybe
2944s i need to
2946s understand what we're doing is that you
2948s know actually we get so much support
2950s like it's actually really but i wonder
2951s if you ever like really yeah i don't
2953s know part of me also doesn't want to
2954s really think about it too much i just
2956s kind of want to just keep hanging out
2958s and just keep making stuff and
2959s i don't really want to think about it
2960s too much because i remember one of the
2962s first like one of the first games i made
2964s we made like a mobile game was
2965s downloaded by like 40k people wow uh and
2968s we were sitting in like a like in a
2971s studio or another studio a stadium yeah
2973s and my friend or my co-worker was like
2975s i mean it's pretty much the same amount
2976s of people here that yeah
2978s i was like
2979s uh no
2980s that's not how that works yeah
2982s um so it is wild 276 can you two that's
2985s crazy that's actually crazy that is
2986s crazy it's so crazy that we would get we
2988s have this many i it feels like yesterday
2991s when we had 100k we just passed that
2993s yeah and i was losing my mind yeah yeah
2996s i remember
2997s yeah so cool no it's been quite a
2999s journey it's been a really good one it's
3001s been
3002s super fun honestly the satisfactory
3004s community has been
3006s so fun to like work alongside with to
3008s entertain to interact with it's been
3011s really really great uh and
3013s i've said it before a million times but
3015s this is not something to be taken for
3016s granted within
3018s the gaming community at large uh i think
3021s what we have it in the satisfactory
3022s community is like definitely top tier
3024s yeah it's it's
3026s one of if not the best communities out
3028s there um so thank you everyone for being
3030s amazing
3032s uh making our lives
3034s easy like making our jobs easy making
3036s our jobs like it's not even just like
3038s that it becomes easier
3040s compared to others who have a hard time
3042s doing the job that we do you know you
3044s make it easy for us but then it allows
3045s us to do more yeah that's right we can
3047s we can just do better things together as
3049s a community yeah because everyone is
3051s just
3052s so cool yeah
3053s um thanks everyone
3054s and if anything it's it's nice that we
3056s can do like the amount of like inside
3059s jokes
3060s yeah i know it's so good i don't know
3062s it's not it's really nice yeah it's it's
3064s very rarely i see other communities that
3065s yeah for a cheap we're enablers exactly
3069s the best kind of enablers thanks sarah
3071s thanks everyone oh yeah all the hearts
3073s coming out thanks everybody appreciate
3075s it uh
3076s all right do we have a no okay yeah
3079s all right i'm hinting at that because
3080s often we also i showcase uh
3084s a content creator every week as well but
3085s sometimes we don't have time to put that
3087s together so uh none this week but if you
3089s do come join us on the tuesday uh
3091s devstreams that we do every week we try
3092s and uh showcase the content creator as
3094s well um yeah but i will uh
3098s uh
3100s pass on the like tip i got which was if
3102s you're on twitch or if you're on youtube
3104s like check the recommended uh like if
3106s you go to the satisfactory but
3107s specifically on twitch though but you go
3109s to the satisfactory uh category and then
3111s you click on like instead of going like
3113s highest to lowest views you go to
3115s recommended and it will like pick
3118s someone that will probably fit your like
3121s watching history or something like that
3123s right right they tailor it to what they
3124s think you want to see uh and give those
3126s people a shot cause like i've legit
3128s found people that i find like super
3130s funny to watch and i've never seen them
3131s before and i feel like i should have
3132s seen them before right yeah yeah it is
3135s crazy and like i mean so it's great that
3137s twitch now has that feature i don't know
3139s if they had it all this time but also
3141s even if you don't use that uh you know
3143s twitch always like sorts by who's being
3145s viewed the most right do consider
3147s scrolling down a bit and checking out
3149s some others because there's a lot of
3150s like really really good people who are
3152s really entertaining streamers who are um
3155s not really getting the viewership they
3156s deserve really like really and you would
3158s probably enjoy yourself if you if you
3159s hung out on their stream so do do
3161s sometimes check out the smaller folk and
3162s help them out a lot of the really big
3164s satisfactory content creators now were
3167s all really tiny before like
3169s quite quite small and they weren't
3171s really seeing anything and like
3172s so it's it's not all about who has the
3174s most views right there's like a lot of
3175s people are really good everybody's got
3177s the most laughs yeah so yeah yeah check
3180s people out for sure
3181s all right all right am i uh is this the
3184s occurrence
3185s yeah i mean you have to say the line i
3186s mean not really oh actually we're
3188s actually perfectly on time
3190s they don't call me jace perfectly on
3191s time violence
3193s that's what they paid me the big bucks
3195s for hell yeah
3196s no uh yeah this is the awkward moment
3197s where i leave because my job is done and
3199s uh it's kind of like yeah so uh other
3202s stuff yeah jace wanna wanna get out of
3204s here jace you wanna
3205s you can sit in the corner and just be
3207s awkward because like people won't see
3208s you but i'll see you and they'll be
3209s awkward for me but not for that i'll
3211s just keep making eye contact yeah yeah
3213s like shake my head at random things
3215s and then you're gonna be like uh um
3218s yeah yeah yeah
3222s all right well thanks for having me
3223s buddy thanks everybody for everything
3224s and i hope you enjoy uh update six um
3227s when it comes out on early access in
3229s just an hour and a bit uh and
3232s anything else it come it brings with it
3234s okay so bye everybody yeah thanks jason
3237s thanks community helps a lot thanks nerd
3239s helps a lot i'm taking my cups i'm out
3241s of here what the
3243s unbelievable can't believe this
3247s all right gang we still got a solid hour
3249s and 13 minutes to to
3251s spare until we we had heading to the the
3254s old
3256s um
3257s release of update six
3259s super exciting um
3262s we're gonna have we have our producer
3264s burke on in a second i just wanted to
3266s spend a little bit time to talk about uh
3274s some of the stuff that's been going on a
3275s little bit of a state of dev uh
3284s for for the game at such because i
3286s haven't really had time for that because
3288s we've had to uh
3291s prepare for this the stream and the
3294s the all the stuff man it got really
3295s dirty when jason showed up we're
3297s like cardboard boxes and um
3300s how's dave been doing exactly how's dave
3302s doing
3303s so there's a lot of stuff going on right
3304s now um if you've been with us in
3307s experimental you probably know a lot of
3309s stuff that we're showcasing today
3311s and talking about today because i mean
3313s you are on experimental you've seen most
3316s of the things that are been going on on
3318s the development branch sort of
3319s satisfactory and if you don't know what
3321s this is
3322s uh when we're developing the game we
3324s have like a public kind of test realm
3327s sort of is i think the term a lot of
3329s companies use
3330s um where we have like the sort of
3332s leading edge development of the game and
3334s then we test that with community and
3336s they try it out and they've you know
3338s it's it's a branch that has a couple of
3340s bugs that we're ironing out while we're
3342s fixing other things and a bunch of crash
3343s issues and we also do a little bit of
3345s balancing and yada yada introduce new
3348s things new goodies so like playing on
3350s that experimental branch you get access
3351s to stuff earlier with the cost of like
3353s it maybe not being as stable as much
3355s whereas on early access things will be
3357s much more stable um
3360s and
3361s like a little bit more set in stone as
3362s to like what the direction of we're
3363s going in so sometimes when people played
3365s on the experimental branch you know
3366s sometimes say false may have been like
3369s we we intended to do one thing and they
3370s didn't work and then people had to like
3372s rebuild and stuff like that um so uh
3375s that's what we've been doing up until
3376s now and we released a patch on
3378s experimental last week which is gonna be
3381s almost the last patch before
3383s um well it is the last patch because the
3385s the next one is coming out in one hour
3387s but uh one issue that people i don't
3389s know if we clarify this but one issue
3391s that people have been having on the
3392s experimental branch is that the map
3394s markers were broken uh this was a known
3397s issue for us actually we actually fixed
3398s this before we pushed it out on our on
3400s the experimental branch but we wanted to
3403s uh we wanted to get the state of like
3405s the crashes
3406s and crash fixes out uh and that was more
3408s important than us to like because when
3410s we found that issue we already made the
3411s bill and we were ready to push it out
3414s and we were like
3416s it's another day we'll lose if we want
3418s to like delay that build just because
3420s map markets don't work and we know that
3422s it's fixed and stuff like that
3424s um
3425s so that's that was fixed before the
3426s patch went out and i don't know why we
3428s didn't include it as like a known issue
3429s and like explain that in the patch notes
3431s i guess i guess our producers just want
3432s to be funny or something i don't know um
3435s so so that's been fixed like that's that
3437s was fixed before then so don't worry
3439s about that the the most important thing
3441s with that build was that we wanted to
3442s sort of just get a gauge sort of the the
3446s stability
3447s of the build in terms of how people were
3449s crashing or not because there were a
3450s couple of issues that people were having
3452s that were
3453s like a bigger issue than than um
3457s than
3458s what
3459s we had when that patch went out
3461s so we kind of saw that and we're happy
3462s about that uh which was a good like mark
3464s stone for for uh a little bit let's go
3467s on early access
3469s and another thing that i also want to
3470s really quick mention is that uh i
3473s mentioned in already post about how
3475s there is
3477s there's more like uh build pieces coming
3479s in the game there's uh a couple of that
3481s we didn't
3482s really plan for
3484s what the you doing
3485s what are you doing
3491s no no no he left
3493s people can't hear you by the way
3495s yeah no people can't hear you um
3497s one of our producers like
3499s trying to like sneak into the stream
3501s here do you want to say hi
3503s okay
3505s say hi here's uzu one of our
3508s one of our producers for satisfactory
3510s hey where's the camera it's over there
3512s the one who didn't put in the known
3514s issue i i broke the map yeah well i
3517s didn't break it but uh i didn't i didn't
3520s fix it yeah it didn't be there well you
3521s didn't tell anybody about that that was
3522s that was the main issue it wasn't
3524s usually wasn't that we didn't fix it the
3525s issue wouldn't say that it was a known
3527s issue yeah i mean so people were
3528s confused for a couple of days yeah to
3530s explain more more on that we had two
3532s very scary crashes
3533s uh
3534s with uh no call stack so we
3538s we couldn't really see what the problem
3539s was and we fixed them internally they
3542s weren't happening
3543s and it was much more important to know
3545s that they were fixed for real rather
3547s than delay it a day
3550s for the
3551s maps markers to also work it was a small
3554s sacrifice
3556s but a good sacrifice yeah yeah yeah yeah
3558s but they they they should be fixed uh
3561s for this one i like that you say they
3563s should be fixed when i just spent like
3564s no they were fixed before we confirmed
3566s the fix man yeah i mean it is confirmed
3568s but you never know yeah you can never
3569s trust keyway
3577s i've only seen like the only interaction
3579s high with them as i read their tickets
3581s and they seem pretty yeah it's pretty
3583s good i have no complaints yeah cool all
3586s right get the out of here what are
3587s you doing are you just i just came to
3588s steal some stuff yeah what do you
3591s do you want the mug no no no this is my
3594s dude there's like a thousand mugs out
3596s there what are you talking what do you
3597s need to come in here from the golden one
3599s no there's there's plenty of golden ones
3601s outside as well okay
3602s you gotta need a specific wow look at
3604s this fancy hat like no i gotta
3605s have a golden one it needs to be special
3611s um
3613s so yeah
3615s what was i talking about you
3616s derailed the stream completely for me um
3622s all right anyways i can't i can't
3623s remember what i was talking
3625s about
3626s still a fleshy no no no no no never do
3628s that
3630s um
3631s so yeah we we have a patch coming no we
3633s have we have the update coming out in an
3635s hour or so we're releasing a bit earlier
3637s today because we wanted to give
3639s ourselves a little bit more time if
3641s there are any other issues
3643s uh in the updates that we haven't seen
3646s before so you know you never know
3647s because
3648s you know development is still ongoing
3651s um
3654s and uh
3655s yeah
3659s need a moment all right burke needs a
3661s moment okay i'll give you a moment break
3663s i'll delay even more
3665s um
3667s actually you want to do that i'm going
3668s to open this thing how you all doing in
3670s chat are you all doing how many are here
3673s i'm i won't i i'm curious because
3675s we usually don't stream this early
3678s uh that's a couple there's a few
3681s there's a couple of yeah
3684s [Music]
3694s cool
3695s an hour and count it's almost there one
3697s hour and six minutes time to stall this
3699s whole stream is just a big old stall
3702s um
3704s super exciting the one but the the one
3705s thing that people haven't seen though is
3707s the trailer that i've been working on
3709s along with some of the people here at
3711s coffee stain it's going to be super cool
3713s i'm really looking forward to this this
3714s trailer was like kind of last second
3716s because we were we weren't going to do
3717s each other for this one actually
3718s originally but then for a couple of
3720s reasons i'll probably explain after we
3722s show it uh we we moved things around in
3724s the schedule and then we ended up making
3726s a trailer anyways
3728s um
3729s and that's what i'm doing it's kind of
3730s cool to see people saying like i didn't
3732s realize the update was so soon
3734s because we have been sort of i mean
3737s the thing with this like
3739s round of like development update 6 is a
3741s minor update right because it's a much
3742s smaller update
3744s because we've been doing sort of
3745s development of
3747s the regular game at the same time
3750s so you know while we've been working on
3752s the general like update 6 related stuff
3755s we've also been working on other things
3756s because usually how it goes is when
3759s in between updates we always look at
3760s like okay so if we plan to have an
3762s accepted in roughly like whatever time
3765s it is i can't remember uh
3767s it it always varies so there's not a
3769s time frame or anything like that but
3770s roughly like if we're gonna make an
3772s update uh
3774s how much like what can we do in the
3775s timeframe we have until that update and
3777s this time around we said no let's focus
3780s on on leaving early access and finishing
3782s the game
3784s and reaching 1.0 so that's more
3785s important than you know
3787s thinking about like the next update and
3789s the next update and accepted because
3790s we're constantly moving the goal posts
3792s and
3793s we're constantly like
3796s it feels like we're
3798s moving like yeah what what we think the
3800s end game would be like
3802s um
3804s and this time around we decided okay
3806s we're not going to do that anymore we're
3807s going to take
3808s production design decision or production
3810s is production decisions that will better
3812s benefit the game as a whole rather than
3814s like the next update and that's kind of
3816s why like this update has been a little
3818s bit smaller than previous ones because a
3820s lot of stuff that we planned for we
3822s didn't have time to finish for update
3824s six even the stuff we were gonna do for
3826s update six we didn't have time to finish
3828s um
3829s specifically the creature stuff which
3831s took a bit longer than we anticipated i
3833s mean we anticipated things would take
3835s longer than they should have but it took
3837s even longer than we thought
3839s [Music]
3841s so so that's what we've been working on
3843s but we've also been working a lot of
3844s stuff that you guys haven't seen yet and
3846s um and things that we're really excited
3849s about some things probably you probably
3851s won't see until we leave early access
3853s like the 1.0 release but there's
3855s probably a couple of things that we'll
3856s we'll show you later down the line
3858s satellite development it is development
3860s for sure
3863s um
3864s [Music]
3865s new so new creatures are in the update
3867s there's a couple of changes to the
3869s creatures that we wanted to make but we
3871s didn't have time to do
3873s um and uh
3875s hey what's up
3876s yeah
3877s yeah you can sit down
3879s um speaking of creatures here's a
3881s creature
3883s it's a lovely creature you gotta come
3884s very close to the mic by the way so
3886s we're gonna we're gonna hubble huddle
3888s you hold in um
3891s so this is burke this is one of our
3892s producers and i'm gonna add your name
3894s tag to the thing i do man yes
3898s pretty good pretty good you know the the
3900s usual everything's ready
3902s so now it's just excruciatingly waiting
3904s for whatever
3905s we missed but how much is on fire
3910s you tell me yeah
3913s i mean
3916s i feel like we've had it more on fire
3921s by a big stretch before there's always a
3923s few things but uh
3925s yeah feeling less
3927s feeling like it's less
3929s feels kind of weird because you always
3931s expect
3932s more to be wrong yeah yeah wild
3935s um
3936s that's dope no
3939s um
3940s let me know the volume is okay by the
3942s way gang because sometimes this mic
3943s doesn't it's it's like very
3946s it's very directional so you have to
3948s like
3948s perfectly poke it
3950s um so yeah burke is one of our producers
3952s here we have many producers now you just
3954s saw oozo who's also a producer used to
3956s be a key map cube manager i guess it's
3958s like qe manager handler too because he's
3960s managing a lot of the qa stuff as well
3963s uh it was also the one managing like
3966s actually pushing the build live and
3968s stuff like that you've probably seen
3970s both of these people's uh
3972s patch notes
3973s when we post on our discord and our
3975s reddit and stuff like that
3976s um
3978s and uh
3980s yeah that's i guess that is that is your
3982s job
3984s what else do you do that people don't
3985s see people don't see
3987s um
3988s lots of planning uh that never sees the
3991s light of well day outside of this office
3994s so uh
3996s what are like our updates that we
3997s haven't planned yet um
4000s what are we doing like
4002s next basically while we're still working
4004s on this
4005s uh usually takes some time uh it gets
4007s scrapped a lot so this is why you guys
4009s never see it uh
4011s our timelines are never correct yeah so
4013s at some point we got rid of
4016s telling details until we are sure about
4018s it yeah
4019s um yeah
4021s it's honestly a lot to say syncing up
4022s with all the departments so we have like
4024s art programming and design that we
4026s usually split it into right
4028s all the features that we're currently
4029s working on because we can work on
4031s everything that you guys see in an
4032s update usually at the same time but we
4034s like split it out
4036s with the amount of people that we
4037s actually have available
4038s wrap something up to a certain degree
4040s move to the next thing so yeah
4042s that is actually a problem that
4044s most people even game dev canada don't
4046s realize where like when we're working
4048s like not everyone can work on the same
4050s thing at the same time
4051s so like when you have art people working
4053s on on one thing they can't be like at
4055s the
4056s stage that we're in right now it's
4057s mostly like programmers working on like
4059s the updates stuff but then
4061s art folks i mean their job has been done
4064s for a while
4065s so like they have to move on to
4066s something else or
4067s work on something different or whatever
4069s and it's a it's a huge puzzle to like
4070s make sure that everyone is working on
4072s something and then like we're being as
4074s efficient as possible and sometimes it's
4076s tricky too because like sometimes you
4077s need programmers to be part of the
4079s process of when you're designing
4080s something because like you don't know
4082s like is this difficult to make or can we
4083s actually do this thing
4085s yeah so it's it is a hassle yeah and
4088s then we have also other things behind
4090s the scenes that are like maybe not for
4091s this update maybe not for any specific
4093s update when we do an engine upgrade or
4094s something like that so sometimes we have
4096s updates where not even our entire
4097s programmer team has worked on it that's
4099s like an example yeah um
4103s time yeah progress programs for us we're
4106s hitting we're under an hour now before
4107s it reaches early access so so um
4111s so one thing i actually kind of wanted
4112s to mention uh we're going to be checking
4114s out we're going to be going through the
4115s patch notes uh which i think i have here
4117s somewhere
4119s where's the uh we're gonna be checking
4121s out the patch notes and talking about
4123s all the things that we're gonna be
4124s adding into this update if this is your
4125s first time tuning in you haven't seen
4126s anything from update six like this is
4128s pretty good we're gonna be a pretty good
4130s wrap up of like
4132s what we're gonna see where'd you post it
4133s here right
4135s uh uh no
4137s probably maybe yeah definitely there
4139s yeah okay here it is
4141s uh make sure it doesn't open yeah cool
4144s oh my god i got logged out are
4146s you kidding me
4150s just the usual dance whenever we need to
4153s look at it it always happens live like
4154s what is this
4156s it also happens in our meeting rooms
4158s very often
4160s no i can't remember my password
4163s yeah under pressure now
4165s oh is that gonna get a text or
4169s always you two out kids yeah yeah yep
4172s double authentication really important
4174s keeps your safe
4175s i'm getting hacked right right now
4178s [Music]
4179s someone in youtube chat is hacking me
4181s right now i swear i swear
4183s it's always the youtube chat isn't it
4185s no no they're fine
4188s i'm kidding yeah we're gonna be throwing
4190s going through some of the patch notes uh
4191s this will go live in an hour roughly um
4194s is this the final version too i think it
4196s is right
4197s or did you okay yeah um
4200s we're gonna go through the patch notes
4202s and talk about uh what went into this
4204s update essentially and uh maybe maybe
4206s we'll swap you out with mark two later
4208s down the line yeah um because some some
4210s things might be more interesting to hear
4212s from mark the the our game director uh
4214s but i think you're in the in the know
4216s for most things so like uh let's let's
4217s start with the world yeah um we've
4220s introduced a big old biome aspire coast
4225s uh brand new actually brand new which
4227s was like a little bit of a love child
4228s for hannah who is our world designer
4230s um who i don't know was was she the one
4233s who instigated the the development of
4236s that biome or was there like what was
4238s the
4239s do you know
4241s i don't remember probably was it like uh
4245s because like when do we know we have
4246s enough biomes like
4248s yeah i mean we we knew that we wanted
4250s something there for a recently long time
4252s and it became the spire crow
4253s specifically um
4257s i'm not sure anymore but i'm very sure
4260s that hannah had a major hand in it uh
4262s as she had in uh actually getting it
4264s done as well yeah but um we've had oil
4267s there for a really long time yeah uh we
4268s always knew that we needed an oil
4270s location around there for like the map
4272s balance in general that has been
4274s that has been known for a very long time
4275s it was very bare bones like there was
4277s nothing else there so yeah that's kind
4280s of how we find out if we need something
4283s do we need another biome do we want
4284s something special so that's a good point
4286s actually because there are oil notes in
4288s the sparkles they used to be as well
4290s they've moved around so if you if you i
4292s mean we've tried to communicate this
4294s very early on that if you have
4296s everything in the spire coast like you
4297s have to move it out or like you don't
4299s have to because things will still kind
4300s of work but
4302s stuff will clip into your your factories
4304s and if you want to like change anything
4306s you need to like be able to clip into
4308s the it's a mess so if you're
4310s if you're on early access today and you
4312s haven't moved your factories out of the
4314s spire coast
4315s uh you're gonna have to go to like
4317s either using a save editor like the
4319s satisfactory calculator site that jace
4321s mentioned before
4322s or just bite the bullet and be like all
4325s right guess this is my life now no no
4327s unplug the ethernet cable right now and
4329s fix it and then plug it back in and you
4331s won't get yeah you gotta know how it
4332s works you get
4334s 55 minutes you can do it you can
4337s definitely do it
4338s um
4340s so so we've moved the oil notes around
4342s uh and
4343s they're not in the same position but
4344s they're still like the same nodes so
4346s like
4347s you're if you hooked anything up to your
4348s nodes they will still function
4350s as soon as you remove the miners uh they
4352s will need to hook back up
4354s uh in the future we're planning to add a
4356s little bit of a better diversity of
4358s nodes there i think
4359s yeah yeah so
4361s generally uh many areas
4363s um
4365s have gotten passes for resources so you
4367s you can build other things there too
4369s so there's standard resources such as i
4372s think like iron and copper that are like
4374s more available in general uh and in
4377s smaller quantities around
4379s what i think we think of as outpost
4381s locations
4382s so that you can create small factories
4386s there to support things that you might
4387s need or
4388s just pull it in for like a bigger
4392s video construction somewhere else and
4393s that
4394s as far as i know hasn't happened yet
4396s there um
4398s so yeah that'll probably happen in the
4399s future same as like just a general
4400s gameplay pass yeah uh slugs
4404s creatures are there any selection i
4405s don't think we had time to put this legs
4407s in right no i don't think so yeah
4409s uh soon
4411s soon yes um and then also like going
4415s from the spire coast there's like
4416s there's been this wall this wall of
4418s shame uh on the side of dune desert
4421s that's also like been part of the
4422s sparkle center that has also been
4424s revamped and there's no like a like a
4427s little oasis at the top and
4429s more water extractors can be put there
4431s there's currently a bug in
4433s on dedicated servers where if you place
4435s some water extractors there they can
4437s produce they're not actually producing
4439s waste but i think they're they're ui
4440s breaks or something like that
4442s uh and that's something that we're gonna
4443s look into soon-ish i think
4445s um
4446s just so you guys are aware of that um
4449s but yeah that clean up a bunch of the
4450s dune desert cliff wall and the plateau
4452s that's up there the plateau has been
4454s very like you could tell that that was
4456s working program for a long time because
4458s it was just like a flat surface yeah and
4460s then hannah saw someone building she was
4462s like
4463s maybe don't
4464s maybe don't do that
4466s yes but now we wrapped up everything up
4468s there in terms of like foliage and where
4470s the cliffs go and everything so
4472s significantly more safe to build there
4473s from this update on
4475s we really wanted to get that in and we
4477s did
4477s and then if we jump on the other side of
4479s the map to
4480s from from the northern part of the map
4482s to the east
4484s north south east northeast
4487s kind of east inside uh the swamp
4489s it's also gotten a little bit of a
4490s facelift uh because the swamp hasn't had
4493s like the swamp didn't get like the big
4495s like landscape changes that the
4497s spartacoes got but the swamp definitely
4499s got like a huge
4501s change in its look and like the foliage
4503s there and
4504s the atmosphere as well
4506s it's a lot more grim now it's very like
4509s it looks like um from eldon ring the the
4512s red uh what's it called
4514s uh the the
4516s the rot place god damn it
4519s uh
4521s it's pretty nasty by the way it's pretty
4522s nasty and it's it's really nice
4525s um it's really cool
4529s caleb thank you i was waiting for chat
4531s to catch up there we go kayla is the one
4533s i'm thinking of there's like certain
4535s parts of the day where it's just like
4537s super red and when i made the teaser
4539s trailer for
4540s the swamp that was a lot of fun because
4542s it was so easy because everything just
4543s looked super good
4544s just change the time of day and you're
4546s like whoa this is a completely new
4547s environment holy that's super cool
4549s um
4551s and uh yeah speaking of like
4553s the environ like the atmosphere we have
4555s revamped the atmosphere system we've
4556s added rain to satisfactory mm-hmm um it
4559s has no effect other than it's
4562s it's not cosmetic yeah exactly
4565s [Music]
4566s something that a lot of people requested
4567s uh
4568s having some rain and now we also have
4570s thunder i think or like at least the
4572s sound of thunder in the game do we do
4574s yeah i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure
4577s pretty sure i get like scared not that
4578s you are like
4579s yeah i mean somebody might have snacked
4581s it in uh
4582s snuck that in
4583s i've seen people talk about online at
4585s least yeah not then definitely i think
4587s that's a good example though because
4588s like this game is so big there's so many
4589s people working on it it's hard to keep
4591s track of everything people make fun of
4592s me because i don't know everything about
4593s the game but like there's a lot of stuff
4595s going on right yup and sometimes we even
4598s miss things in the patch notes where
4599s people have snuck in like features here
4601s and there
4602s uh just because if there's so many
4603s people working on this game and
4605s people have somewhat of like a you know
4609s kind of big say in like what we do and
4611s how we do things so people have that
4613s freedom to you know sneak in easter eggs
4616s or or expand on things that they've made
4618s originally with stuff that like they can
4619s do in a limited amount of time so yeah
4622s it happens so the atmospheric system has
4624s changed quite significantly and we've
4626s also added like as you saw in the
4628s community highlights like the the
4630s planets or previously the moons or maybe
4633s not
4635s it's unclear celestial celestial objects
4639s celestial
4641s bodies but yeah yeah yeah i think yep um
4645s have changed and uh
4647s [Music]
4649s it's a lot of love went into that
4651s uh oh no okay thunder was not added
4654s apparently
4655s ah scratch that
4657s maybe i don't know where it's i don't
4658s know why i saw that though i feel like i
4660s did see that somewhere maybe some maybe
4663s some biomes have uh
4665s something that would be mistaken for it
4666s or something in their sound yeah maybe
4668s or it was a yeah or it was a different
4669s sound that people thought anyways uh so
4671s so ignore that um i'm just making
4674s up apparently
4675s or maybe it's
4676s community trolling me are no oh
4678s they added they added flying beavers
4681s inside the factory i'm like whoa we had
4682s to blind beavers i gotta tell everyone
4685s and then they're like
4687s gotcha um
4689s so yeah improve improve atmosphere we
4691s improved the night visuals as well that
4692s was something like if you were playing
4695s on early access you can tell that the
4697s sky is 40 000 times better like holy
4699s it's it we used we used to get so
4701s many complaints about how the sky was so
4703s gray when we made update five and we
4705s already knew at that point that we were
4707s gonna revamp the sky at that point um so
4710s people were complaining like oh it's so
4712s gray and there's no color in the sky and
4713s we're like just just wait okay so we've
4716s changed the atmosphere system we've got
4717s volumetric clouds and stuff like that
4719s now
4721s and
4723s the lighting and the fog has been pretty
4724s much like tweaked everywhere on the map
4726s there's still some tweaking left to do
4728s i'm pretty sure um
4730s between some areas i think one of the
4732s the biggest issues is like in between
4735s like the transition between areas
4738s uh that's that's always tricky to get
4739s right and that's something that we're
4741s constantly working on but yeah there's
4743s there's more stuff coming so this is
4744s usually a good point to plug the qa side
4747s oh yeah
4749s if you are seeing stuff like that where
4750s you're like this doesn't look right make
4752s sure to go to our keyway site
4756s and
4757s either upvote search on the site and see
4759s if you can find a similar ticket or if
4761s not then just make a ticket and say like
4763s hey the
4764s this area looks weird is that
4766s intentional
4767s it really helps when a bunch of more
4769s like several people find an issue like
4770s that um
4772s helps us pinpoint it fix it because
4774s it's manually done for like the whole
4776s world yeah the transition errors are
4778s really difficult uh sometimes it can
4780s take a lot of time to find yeah i
4782s also want to point out on the topic of
4784s the qa site really quickly the keyword
4787s side there's so many people posting the
4788s q site so it's not it's it's kind of
4790s impossible for us to respond to
4791s everything and like give states on all
4793s the tickets and stuff like that we do
4795s read everything
4796s uh
4797s for sure so like don't don't be
4799s discouraged i know that i've seen some
4800s people like are you actually checking
4801s the q a site we are checking the qrs it
4803s just don't we don't have the ability to
4805s to respond to everyone um and just
4808s because the sheer amount of people
4809s posting there um
4812s so please please be aware of that we are
4813s reading everything in the qa site and we
4815s are using it as like a backlog too when
4816s we're going through stuff so like when
4818s we do get to the time where we're doing
4820s changes to
4821s whatever like something then we'll load
4823s up all those keyword tickets they're
4824s like oh these are talking about this
4826s this this this and then we go through
4828s them and check it and check and see what
4829s we feel about them if their feedback
4831s things you know like change how the
4833s i can't think of a good example think
4835s change how the trees look or whatever
4837s and we'll we'll be like now the trees
4839s look awesome what are you talking about
4840s but here's a ticket with 800 votes on it
4843s maybe people care a lot about the trees
4844s or whatever maybe we'll do for instance
4846s what
4847s like for instance with the
4849s what are they called the the the
4851s nightshades the
4852s the nightshade no no no the the weeping
4855s willows oh yeah yeah yeah 40 000 people
4857s want us to keep the whipping willows
4859s maybe we'll consider maybe we won't i
4861s don't know
4862s i mean some like
4865s just like golf some suggestions are just
4866s bad
4867s [Laughter]
4871s wow
4872s so harsh no love for the weeping willows
4874s save the willows hashtag save the world
4876s i think the willows are way more
4878s debatable honestly
4878s [Music]
4880s no golf is definitely another question
4881s we make a video about that we're not
4882s getting golf
4886s so yeah
4887s um
4889s cool that's that's most of the world
4890s stuff uh let's talk a little bit about
4892s the
4893s while we're on the topic of the map we
4895s can talk a little bit about the ui stuff
4896s that we've done too yeah because we
4898s changed i don't think we highly we
4899s didn't highlight this at all in the
4900s trailer unfortunately but um there's a
4903s bunch of changes of the ui and the map
4905s that you use in the game you unlock the
4906s map much earlier you get in the first
4908s tier now or maybe do you get in the
4910s tutorial no you don't get into the
4911s tutorial get in the first one tier one
4913s yeah tier one um
4916s so you unlocked the map much earlier and
4918s we improved how the
4920s um
4921s or even sister i could have read it
4924s uh we've changed how the beacons work in
4926s the game so beacons are going to be gone
4928s beacons be gone uh beacons are gonna be
4930s disappearing from the game because we
4932s felt that they were a bit like they were
4933s cool and they were like they had a huge
4935s like immersive feel to them but they
4937s were a bit cumbersome to use and
4938s especially when you place one b and you
4940s ran like the other side of the map you
4941s couldn't like alter it anymore and stuff
4944s like that uh so we wanted to improve
4946s sort of the the the process of using
4949s beacons but also sort of how you use
4950s beacons when you're exploring stuff so
4952s like instead of
4954s so so when you're exploring stuff you
4956s now have that system where you can place
4957s markers in the world so there's two type
4959s of markers there's the like tag what are
4962s they called the just
4964s stamps yeah markers and stamps
4966s so the stamps are more for like
4968s in in the environment stamping out like
4970s there's here's a thing like a maybe a
4973s slug or like here's a rock that's
4975s interesting or maybe something for the
4976s future or whatever you can mark it out i
4978s use them for uh whenever i clear
4981s crash sites i add like a little stamp to
4984s show that this is done i don't need to
4986s go here anymore and
4988s if i do need to go back to the crash
4989s site i'm like oh i need something
4991s here then i use a marker uh so i place a
4993s marker and i type in the market like
4995s this crash site needs blah
4997s blah okay 10 block per minute um so i
5001s know that like when i go back to the
5003s base i'm like oh i should bring black
5004s powder or something like that next time
5005s because i need to use it on the crash
5007s site
5007s yeah and also just discreetly say we
5010s said beacons
5011s won't be a thing anymore like they used
5013s to be all the ones that you've placed
5014s will be converted to map markers yes
5016s automatically so you don't lose what
5019s you've placed before so long as you
5020s haven't placed more than what is the
5021s limit 250 markers though
5024s i think they actually do get converted
5026s though but we have a limit of how many
5028s beacons or markers you can place
5030s uh in the map and
5032s i don't know if we've settled on that
5033s number i don't think we've seen
5036s it's still up for debate whether that
5038s number is set in stone
5039s i think
5040s last time i spoke to k2 about it but um
5043s but yeah that would be converted uh and
5045s if you do place a beacon like because
5047s here's here's the here's a conundrum or
5049s whatever beacons aren't completely gone
5051s for the game yet because you can still
5052s craft beacons because beacons are still
5054s part of some recipes i think they're
5056s mostly part of all recipes i think we
5058s ditched all the cases where you use
5059s beacons in
5061s regular part
5062s recipes but there are still
5065s beacons part of alt recipes specifically
5067s the one for
5069s one of the fuel uranium uranium fuel
5071s rods units yeah
5074s still uses beacons uh we haven't removed
5076s that yet because uh we need to do sort
5079s of a second pass on
5081s recipes and that also will affect
5084s factories a lot more
5085s than i think we wanted for this update
5088s uh this update was supposed to be like
5089s an add-on more so than like
5091s you know change to
5093s yeah the factory the factory balance and
5095s stuff like that we do one thing at a
5097s time bro
5098s um
5101s so so yeah changed how the beacons will
5103s work they'll be gone in the future so
5105s like there's no point in crafting
5106s beacons essentially anymore uh if you
5108s already are making beacons for that
5110s recipe they'll still work in this update
5112s but uh we'll see what happens in the
5113s future uh
5115s i think the
5116s factory recipes will definitely change
5117s to be changes like the ammunition
5119s once yeah that's for sure
5122s flight
5123s what's in update 6 right like
5125s all the different ammunition types and
5126s stuff like that yeah so that just
5128s changed yeah definitely
5130s uh and we'll get to that when talking
5131s about ammunition so yeah a lot of
5133s different a lot of change in how the
5135s markers work in the game uh there's also
5137s you can highlight stuff and and there's
5139s a bunch of systems along that there's
5140s more inference in the in the patch notes
5142s you need to run
5144s no no no no no no getting funny
5145s people are sending you memes
5147s yeah people just like distracting me i
5149s need to kind of keep on top of if
5151s anything does happen where i need to run
5153s so uh so busy yeah i'm so important
5157s um
5158s so let's talk about creatures yeah
5160s creatures so we changed sort of the how
5163s the ai system works we've done a
5164s complete revamp of the entire ai system
5167s uh and i think this is like the part
5168s where we were hoping we would get
5170s further uh not specifically with the ai
5172s system i think more so with like the
5173s implementation and usage in use case of
5176s the ai system for creatures um because
5178s ai is diffic it's tricky it's like hard
5181s to design even if you have a system in
5183s place it's hard to design i actually did
5185s used to do a lot of uh ai behavior
5188s programming before
5189s and like you get a certain point where
5191s you're just testing and trying out and
5193s going back and forth and it's really
5194s hard to like know
5195s whether you nailed something
5197s with behaviors
5200s so so most of the creatures are getting
5202s a revamp of like how they behave in the
5203s future i think we want them to to also
5207s have like more variety in how they act
5209s on the map right now we sort of just
5211s moved over the system to this new one so
5213s they still behave sort of similarly
5214s there's a bit of different there's a
5216s couple of changes to some of the
5217s creatures
5218s in how they attack you and stuff like
5220s that
5220s uh
5221s but yeah for the most part the ai system
5223s the navigation and the spawning have
5224s been overhauled
5226s um
5227s so
5228s so yes there's also we've added so they
5230s have um
5232s audio like or audio behavioral so like
5235s when they
5236s the creatures will listen in on you now
5238s so they can hear you yeah
5240s perception is now both yes seeing and
5242s hearing yeah um
5245s which is funny when it's funny when we
5247s use the cheat menu in our production
5249s build where we have enemies ignore you
5252s but they still listen for you so like
5253s sometimes you'll just like see your hog
5255s that's like there was something here and
5257s then like wait it's over here now and it
5259s just keeps following you because they
5260s can't see you classic must have been the
5262s winds yeah yeah yeah yeah it's so funny
5266s they also have like a condition where
5267s they they try to flee so uh we'll get to
5270s that when we talk about a bit more of
5272s the weapons but for instance if you
5273s throw like a gas grenade instead of
5275s trying to charge you like some of the
5276s enemies will try to like run away from
5277s you instead because they feel
5279s overwhelmed or something
5281s or if they reach i think it's when they
5282s get hurt enough or something like that
5284s if they realize like this is a winning
5286s fight then they try to just escape
5287s instead
5289s uh so that's pretty cool
5290s um so we changed the visuals for some of
5292s the creatures which specifically for the
5294s spitters we have a
5296s variety of spitters now we have like the
5298s desert spitter we have the aquatic
5299s spitter we have the forest
5301s spitters which are both green and red
5303s depending on where you encounter them uh
5306s wasn't there one more maybe i'm making
5308s one up
5309s no those are the maybe i'll think of
5310s four because it's like green and red
5312s force but yeah yeah so this is a
5314s variation too and and as before we have
5316s an alpha and like a regular type of
5319s spitter uh this is the same thing for
5321s the hogs as well there's an alpha hog
5322s and there's like a
5324s the regular beta
5327s we gotta add the sigma hog um
5330s so so
5331s and right now i think all like the
5334s spitters and all the hogs in the
5335s environment have sort of the same hp and
5337s the sort of same behavior patterns and
5339s stuff like that in the future we want
5341s them to have more variety to them so
5342s like if you're
5344s in a more um
5346s what we consider like end game area on
5348s the map or whatever then creatures will
5350s be more difficult to kill and they'll
5352s have like a different behavior stuff
5353s like that uh whereas in the the
5355s beginning part of the game they're
5357s supposed to be easier and stuff like
5358s that so that will change later down the
5360s line we didn't have time to finish that
5361s for update six
5364s that's coming too i think one of the
5365s bigger changes is the crab hatcheries
5367s yeah
5368s they now uh
5371s spawn crabs but don't explode when they
5373s do yeah
5374s so we've made the
5375s flying crabs uh significantly easier to
5378s deal with
5379s um get the down one hit now yep
5382s but the spawner will keep on spawning
5384s new waves in certain intervals until you
5387s destroy the spawner
5390s which like some people like oh they're
5392s much easier to kill now but also they're
5394s more annoying if you don't have the
5395s tools to take care of them you
5397s definitely need to like i think i think
5398s they're harder early game but end game
5400s they're easier because you have like the
5402s better tool for it especially have like
5403s the
5404s different noblest that we have um
5407s it's an interesting tool there's also
5409s we'll mention that later but there's
5410s also another tool you can use on them
5412s that we haven't
5413s shown yet oh wow oh wow there's actually
5416s one more thing coming i forgot to say
5417s that there's one thing we haven't
5418s revealed yet some people have maybe
5420s guessed what it is
5422s because of
5424s unintentional
5427s uh tips from us but uh no spoilers we'll
5430s get to that later
5433s um or rather you'll see in a second yeah
5436s yeah uh let's see here stinger changes
5441s yeah what are the stingers
5444s oh the yeah
5448s i always play rather acnophobia more
5449s don't say i forget that the stingers are
5451s essentially better yeah they are
5454s much more ferocious now i think i think
5456s mark was very pleased when he talked
5458s about the changes of the stingers
5460s because now they jump and
5462s yeah yeah so
5463s the leap attack has been made more
5465s reliable
5467s for them in general
5469s yeah yeah let's make those worse this is
5471s why we can't have nice things
5474s just give mark them yeah and the small
5475s ones are like they're way more
5477s aggressive now they hit way more lightly
5479s but also
5481s they deal less damage so uh yeah
5485s so more creepiness factor
5487s but they're less like
5488s lethal
5490s yeah small ones in particular it is it
5491s is i i'm saying this now by the way
5493s tally i think it's good to know this
5495s before you encounter them because if you
5496s encounter them and you don't know that
5497s they can jump and like way more the way
5499s that they do now
5501s i've been so surprised like when i have
5503s the jet pack on i'm like huh you can't
5505s get me and then like it actually does
5506s get you so um
5508s be careful about that
5510s uh avoid the swamp
5512s yeah they leap very high
5515s spoiler alert
5517s um
5519s and uh
5520s [Music]
5521s did we actually do this
5524s i think we did
5526s if you can see what it says uh yeah no
5528s no i i think we did yeah talk about it
5530s because i don't know what it actually
5530s entails then i mean basically we
5533s made the drops for the different
5536s creature types uh look different from
5538s each other
5540s oh yeah no i did see that that's true
5542s yeah one thing i haven't talked about
5543s here too is we changed sort of the
5546s when you're collecting
5547s um stuff from from the
5550s the drops that the creatures leaving now
5553s uh they're all unique yeah like you
5554s mentioned and they all
5556s feed into the sort of the same
5558s production line or the recipe line so
5560s you can make uh protein
5562s meat out of them is it yeah yeah it's
5565s alien protein alien protein yeah and
5567s then out of that you can make
5569s uh alien
5571s something it's a dna capsule dna capsule
5574s yeah yeah
5576s and we don't really need to i i don't
5577s know too much about like because there
5579s is some thought into like because right
5580s now you can convert that into biomass if
5582s you want to so if you another an
5584s additional way to collect biomass is to
5586s just go and kill a bunch of creatures
5588s and then we'll convert them into uh into
5590s alien protein and stuff like that yeah
5592s there are other intentions for those
5595s like
5596s parts that won't be in for update six
5598s they're coming later down the line i
5599s think
5600s i don't know if this for 1.0 or if it's
5602s or for something else or some ultras or
5604s something but mark had something in plan
5606s in mind or maybe he changed his mind i
5608s don't know who knows uh we'll find out
5609s can only ask mark
5611s yes
5612s um doesn't tell anybody else no
5615s and then we also added a bunch of odd
5616s indicators and stuff like that so now it
5618s says like
5619s creatures are near or something like
5621s that yeah uh some people actually
5623s requested it would possibly turn that
5625s off because apparently it
5628s ruins it for some people with uh
5631s what's it called the immersion or the no
5633s auditory like uh the the the thing that
5636s shows up it's like blocking something
5638s else or something i can't remember what
5639s the the directional yeah yeah yeah yeah
5642s exactly there's there's there's a ticket
5644s for that on the q site though i think if
5646s we
5646s look into it but we are aware of that at
5648s least
5650s um that's the map
5652s that's the stuff
5654s uh i mean we can talk about the
5655s equipment um because we are closing in
5657s on how much time is left 32 33 minutes
5662s oh boy oh boy i can't believe it so yeah
5665s equipment i think this is the biggest
5666s like change in terms of content yeah
5670s i'd say
5671s because we've added a bunch of equipment
5673s uh and the idea with all the equipment
5675s changes wasn't to make it so that you
5677s know you'll be more powerful i mean you
5679s are
5680s more powerful
5682s i love her
5685s wait you seen this oh it's in
5686s swedish though
5688s oh yeah oh i love how uh one person
5691s says like no no that's not it not in and
5693s then another's like no that isn't
5698s uh
5699s anyways
5701s what was i talking about uh
5703s equipment yeah
5704s um
5705s yeah we've
5706s the biggest one is the four equipment
5709s slots the thing that we said we probably
5711s wasn't gonna do what we're gonna do
5713s um we sort of backped a little bit on
5716s that or i don't say i wouldn't say we're
5718s back pedaling i think because the thing
5720s i've always said is that we were gonna
5721s evaluate like every option because when
5723s if we when people suggest like hey you
5725s should do it like that because the
5726s bottom slot is such a good example
5728s because like hey it's annoying that i
5730s can't equip these two items at the same
5732s time just add one more body slot uh and
5734s from our point of view it's like yeah
5736s that's one way of doing it but there
5737s might be other ways like to to fix that
5740s problem or to add on top of it so to
5742s speak like maybe it's the equipment that
5744s it's wrong with or something else and
5746s and we don't want to say like
5749s no we'll definitely add on the body slot
5750s because then you guys are expecting that
5752s specific change we'd rather like to take
5754s our time and look into it and be like
5755s okay no but the problem wasn't the body
5757s slot it was something else and we want
5759s to have time to sort of look into that
5760s and evaluate ourselves before we say
5763s like what our intentions are um
5766s another good example is is the mark 5
5768s belt on the
5769s i think i don't think we've decided like
5771s with the miner you know how like
5773s the minor i can output more than what
5775s the mark five belt can do i think we
5777s still i think we sort of decided a
5779s little bit maybe we shouldn't say now
5780s but um
5783s we want to sort of like evaluate like
5784s what is the better option here is it
5786s better to have a mark 6 belt or it's
5787s better what are the what does that mean
5789s etc
5790s so with the equipment stuff we wanted to
5792s like look into that like can we make the
5794s equipment more interesting or
5797s if we add more body slots will that make
5798s sense yeah um and i think we i think we
5801s realized a little bit of both in a way
5804s because we realized that yeah the
5805s cheaper way or the best way product like
5807s the thing the biggest buck bang biggest
5810s bang for a buck is to add another body
5812s slot uh but it does add the problem that
5814s like some combinations like the jet pack
5817s and the blade runners uh
5819s is like early game their bit op
5822s so but the solution for that i think
5824s that we're gonna attempt to do and
5825s correct me for wrong about that is to
5827s sort of see maybe in the future to make
5829s like maybe the jet pack should have like
5831s a mark one or mark two or maybe like
5833s depending on what fuel you use in a jet
5835s pack it'll be more powerful something
5836s like that so you can like unlock the jet
5838s pack earlier but it's like rubbish
5840s but it's still a jet pack that you can
5842s equip and use along with everything else
5845s um
5846s so we balance the equipment in that way
5847s rather than like
5849s trying to do like an overhaul everything
5850s yeah
5851s so everyone kind of win-win for everyone
5853s essentially so we'll see what we do
5855s there i don't know what we actually
5856s intend to do this is just like ideas
5859s that mark has spit it out at me
5861s um so we'll see i mean we've always been
5863s like the short form is like
5866s usually there's real issues with these
5867s things that you guys are uh telling us
5870s about that we're thinking about it's
5871s just always about how do we address it
5873s the best yeah um and it might not be
5875s specifically what's been suggested
5876s sometimes it is 100
5878s and other times we find other solutions
5881s that we think works best for the game
5883s yeah exactly
5884s um so we'll see what happens in the
5886s future
5887s for that
5888s um
5889s so yeah we added more weapon types for
5891s the weapons like i said before it's not
5893s necessarily to make like the weapons
5895s better or like
5897s you know more powerful or whatever i
5899s mean some weapons definitely are more
5900s powerful i'm thinking of the nuke noble
5902s specifically but um but the idea was
5904s really to add varieties of the game like
5905s this isn't gonna be like a shooter game
5907s the intent wasn't that it was gonna be
5909s doom or something like that yeah they're
5910s like cool tools basically yeah that you
5912s can unlock over time
5915s and and like maybe maybe you'll still
5917s revert back to just using like the rebar
5919s gun or maybe you'll just use like the
5921s rifles and in default state um that's
5924s that's i mean it's going to be different
5926s for everyone
5927s i definitely know where i lean like i'm
5930s using the the
5931s the explosive rebar
5933s almost non-stop
5936s when i tried it at so yeah there's a
5937s bunch of new nobles there's a gas nobles
5940s there's a cluster noble list there's a
5941s pulse noble list and there's a nuke
5942s nobolisk uh gas is makes far gas
5946s clusters splits up and creates smaller
5948s ones
5949s cluster one is so cool uh because you
5951s can like throw it up in the sky and you
5953s can explode it and then we'll drip out
5955s like the smaller clusters and hit stuff
5956s it's so much fun to like chase enemies
5958s on the map by doing that
5960s um there's also the pulse nobelist which
5962s is like it creates this pulse when it
5964s explodes so it pushes enemies you can
5965s also push yourself with it which i think
5967s i use that way more for that
5970s use case than like actually
5972s handling the enemies like i use it to do
5974s rocket jumps essentially
5976s and then we have the nuke noble which is
5977s like just a
5979s upgrade to the regular noble list that
5981s just
5983s big bang yep big boom biggest boom with
5985s the drone in the game with the drawback
5987s that it creates like nuclear uh fallouts
5990s for a little bit of time so like if
5991s you're not wearing the uh hazmat suit uh
5994s you can take damage when from the
5996s aftermath of it but then it disappears
5998s from the map so it's not like
6000s persistent in that sense
6001s um
6004s big badaboom for sure
6006s um
6007s there's also a couple of changes that uh
6009s rifle ammo so we have the regular ammo
6011s but we also have the turbo ammo which is
6013s like it builds up speed the more you use
6015s it and you can retain the speed if you
6017s keep like hitting the the
6020s trigger
6021s and there's also a homing rifle ammo
6025s that homes in on enemies
6027s so you don't have to aim anymore and
6029s they're great against the flying crabs
6031s like specifically i don't know if no
6033s they're pretty good against the
6034s hatchery itself too uh because once the
6036s ammo is taking out the crabs then it
6038s will go for the hatcher
6040s uh so it's really good you just aim in
6041s general direction and it'll take care of
6043s it
6045s and then we've got a bunch of new rebars
6046s we get the stun rebar which is great if
6048s you uh
6049s when you hit enemies they'll stun them i
6051s think in some cases they also run away
6052s when they get stunned i don't know if
6053s that's true or not maybe that's just
6054s what i've noticed
6056s uh there's a shadow rebar which is like
6057s a shotgun essentially
6059s um and then the explosive rebar which is
6061s like a grenade launcher essentially
6064s so a rebar that explodes on
6067s uh
6068s on
6069s [Music]
6070s when it detects the corner what's it
6072s called on contact that's the way yeah
6075s um and then we'll skip this
6079s we also oh my god this next feature is
6082s the best
6083s the best so we added whole string
6085s finally uh i forgot about that this is
6087s it's kind of fun to go through these
6089s things because like i
6090s i i play with this now for a bit and
6093s like it's just like yeah it's good i
6094s forgot about that it's in this update
6096s that we added it so yeah we can you can
6098s now holster your equipment yeah uh you
6100s press h by default or h if you're in
6103s australia no wait
6105s no they say h yeah yeah all right all
6107s right
6108s um
6110s and uh yeah it's it's probably the best
6113s best quality of future ever
6116s best thing we've ever made yeah pretty
6117s much ship now i've one of them
6119s day one honestly
6121s um and we overall the hud for the
6123s equipment stuff we've given feedback on
6127s this is a couple of changes to like the
6128s cursor when you're in different fire
6130s modes see they're all different yeah
6132s when you're like switching between
6133s different equipments and stuff like that
6135s it's uh you could only see when the
6137s equipment was out yeah what you were
6139s switching to so now we added some hot
6140s feedback for that too uh so you can more
6143s easily identify oh yeah i'm switching to
6145s my object scanner
6146s or like in combat back to a noble aspect
6148s of rifle yeah and you can like see in
6150s this when you're scroll using the scroll
6152s wheel to change you can see like how far
6153s away the items that you're looking for
6155s you know like oh i need to scroll twice
6157s because that i always forget that when
6159s i've got it equipped
6160s uh we also changed like
6162s some of the ui with like when you're
6164s hovering over so the tooltip that you
6166s get is a bit more detailed now for
6168s equipment
6169s um
6170s and for items in general
6172s um
6174s double clicking equipping inventory
6175s equips it that's pretty cool i didn't
6177s know that
6178s uh yeah crosshairs talked about that
6180s we changed how the chainsaw sound that's
6182s pretty cool i i noticed that i
6184s definitely noticed that
6186s how the chainsaw is a bit better now in
6188s the audio levels and stuff like that
6190s um and there's just there's a bunch of
6193s general audio changes here as well
6194s uh gotta give some love for audio
6197s and
6198s and yeah equipment is now colored after
6201s your default like color scheme so if you
6203s want like a blue rifle
6205s you can have that
6207s but what if you don't want to have a
6208s blue rifle you're screwed
6210s yeah
6212s that's pretty cool
6213s uh
6214s that's almost everything
6216s let's see here there's a bunch of
6218s balancing quality life stuff uh factory
6220s oh yeah radar towers we've got
6222s that yeah so radar towers are also
6224s different now because radar towers now
6226s like show when you place a radar tower
6228s they have more functionality so they
6229s will show
6230s sort of on the map
6231s everything that's going on
6233s uh so you can also see you can see like
6235s how many collectibles are there you can
6237s see
6238s what nodes are in that area so you can
6240s see like and also their purity
6242s um
6244s and uh
6245s yeah and now also you might know from
6247s previously that radar towers built up
6249s how fast they reveal stuff it just now
6252s does it immediately okay right uh so as
6254s soon as you connect power to it it goes
6256s boop this is the part of the map you can
6258s see this now
6259s but the radius has been decreased a bit
6261s um
6263s yeah and they also stopped showing like
6265s this is where your resource notes are or
6267s this is where this is what type of
6269s creatures are in here when they lose
6270s power yeah of course yeah
6273s and yeah i mentioned like you can also
6274s see like how many slugs are in an area
6276s or in within the radius you can see how
6278s many uh what is it
6280s what fauna that spawns in that area so
6282s like if you want to avoid the stingers
6284s then you can put up a radio tower be
6285s like oh there's stingers here and
6286s i'm not gonna go here uh and stuff like
6289s that
6291s um
6293s cool
6294s there might be oh i'm not sure if we
6296s fixed that actually um
6298s if there is a thing that a radar tower
6301s works immediately
6303s if
6304s you load the save if it works
6306s how it's supposed to done
6308s [Music]
6309s if not we'll fix that at some point
6312s no yeah i i think it's fine if there's
6315s any issue with this maybe try just
6316s rebuilding it uh real quick yeah and see
6318s if that fixes anything but uh i think i
6321s think it was fine this is like a really
6322s long time ago this was from experimental
6324s release still a memory that's like june
6327s yeah yep yep it's been a long time this
6328s time a long time uh let's see here
6332s we hope there's a couple of visuals uh i
6335s guess i i mentioned this briefly at the
6337s start but uh one thing we can also
6339s clarify now
6340s is we are going to add a couple of more
6344s buildable pieces
6346s unfortunately we couldn't make it in
6347s today with all this stuff but a little
6350s bit good news actually compared to from
6352s the if you've seen the reddit post that
6353s i posted so i said that we were going to
6355s remove pretty much all of those new
6356s buildables
6358s apparently the half foundations are in
6360s this build yeah yeah so they will work
6362s uh luckily uh there's also slanted walls
6367s more slanted corner wall piece are
6369s coming
6370s there's also roof corner pieces that are
6372s coming those are not in now no no yeah
6376s so they'll come out in like a couple of
6377s weeks or something like that
6379s they were intended to be part of update
6380s 6 but there was a couple of issues where
6384s like if we were to put them out now peop
6386s when people build with them in the state
6388s that they're in once we fix them up um
6391s it will like move around and stuff like
6394s that and you know it's one thing if we
6396s do that on the experimental release
6398s but we feel that if we do that on the
6400s early access branch then it feels like
6402s we're kind of
6403s you know people are expecting a more
6405s stable version of the game and it didn't
6406s feel good doing it there so that's why
6408s we decided to just like pull it from the
6410s build for now and then reintroduce it
6412s once we feel more comfortable fixing
6414s those snapping issues and those like
6416s when you're coloring it and stuff like
6417s that that it doesn't move around yeah
6419s exactly it's always harder as well too
6421s like as soon as we have something in
6423s proper or like in a way like on early
6425s access
6426s uh
6427s with buildings changing anything can
6430s really be uh causing some issues that we
6432s then also want to fix because
6434s otherwise it's really not
6436s good enough for us for the experience
6437s that early access should have
6440s so expect that within like a couple of
6441s weeks like i don't think it will take
6442s that long honestly because it feels like
6444s it sounded like most of the
6446s nooks and crannies have been
6448s investigated and we were even surprised
6450s i guess that we were going to get the
6451s half foundations and today because we
6453s originally didn't think we were gonna do
6454s that yeah um so i mean it's promising so
6458s yeah there's inner and outer corner pipe
6460s extensions coming and there's uh
6463s yeah
6464s more stuff
6466s um
6467s [Music]
6468s let's see oh we had lights of trains
6470s that's that's a highly request i don't
6472s know why i'm seeing so many people
6473s request that
6474s uh but we added lights to trains
6476s apparently that was really
6478s people really wanted that
6480s uh
6480s [Music]
6483s so yeah pog
6487s yep yes
6488s um yeah like little nuggets
6491s build menu is a little bit wider now so
6494s it fits more items at the same time one
6497s more it's like six i think it was five
6498s before
6500s it's crazy yeah
6502s uh signs work a little bit different too
6503s like when you're um
6505s you when you're
6506s making signs you don't have to copy your
6508s pastes like you don't have to go through
6510s into the sign and copy paste you could
6511s copy paste outside the sign now
6513s sign settings also take effect
6514s immediately so you don't have to like
6516s apply
6517s the sign settings which i think is
6518s really nice yeah
6520s um
6522s let's see here
6524s optimized yeah there's a bunch of
6525s optimization too in the game i think
6527s yeah and just something that we can
6529s always say like we generally try to get
6532s some optimizations into every update
6533s there's something that we're always
6534s working on uh
6536s with the game i said it's factory that
6538s is kind of it's a sandbox that opens
6540s it's open-ended
6541s uh this is a core concern of like how
6543s far can we go yeah um
6546s so yeah some of that and we yeah like
6548s you say we always we are for each patch
6551s almost we are optimizing the game in
6553s some way it's like not a it's not a
6554s thing where we can add like a huge
6556s optimization pass to an update there
6558s always is like micro adjustments that we
6560s make and then when you look back you see
6562s like oh the game runs so much
6564s better now that we did before but you
6566s don't see that in every single patch you
6567s just see like small adjustments some
6569s people do see like
6570s there are certain edge cases where
6571s people are built in a certain way we
6572s noticed that like oh it's so much
6574s better now than it was before this patch
6576s uh but i think that's rare and far
6579s between i think most people will not
6581s like notice the difference every time
6583s you optimize they'll just see it you
6584s know it'll just run better but at the
6586s same time while we're optimizing the
6587s game you guys are building more
6590s so like
6591s if you start fresh that's when you'll
6592s see the biggest change
6594s but you you guys are constantly pushing
6596s the limits of the game and we're trying
6597s to constantly also push that but we're
6599s all moving the goalposts at the same
6600s pace so like the game is you know a
6603s little bit of a standoff in that sense
6606s uh one cool thing that we also change
6607s with the ui is we've changed how the
6609s to-do list works oh yeah so the to-do
6611s list has gotten a huge update i think
6612s it's wasn't it earlier i'm going to just
6614s go through up here because
6616s yeah
6617s you talk about detail up there yeah
6622s close yeah almost there to do this
6624s update yeah
6626s so there's a bunch of changes in the
6628s to-do list uh there's there's like a
6629s public and a private
6632s like
6633s section now in the doodles where you can
6634s write like messages so like if you're
6636s playing online they will see the same
6638s message at you so if you want to write
6640s like a little to-do list you can do that
6641s if you want that to be like for everyone
6644s in the play session you can do that if
6645s you wanted to be just for you you can do
6646s that there's a little bit of markup like
6649s logic in there so you can have like
6650s check boxes and
6653s coloring no
6655s we can do i know you can do color
6657s check boxes
6658s maybe font size or like bowlers
6662s maybe maybe you can make it orange
6664s maybe maybe i don't know that would be
6666s on that would be on brand but uh yeah
6669s don't quote us on this no it's a tiny
6671s bit tiny bit of markup uh logic in there
6674s um and uh yeah they're like when you add
6677s stuff to zeus it's also a little bit
6678s different and you can access now on the
6680s right hand side
6681s side of the screen uh anywhere
6685s or anywhere you have the cursor open i
6687s should say
6689s somebody wrote orange and bold options
6691s um
6693s huh so yeah
6695s that's that's a huge chunk of the update
6697s six patch notes that we just went
6698s through all this stuff will be posted in
6700s like
6701s 16 minutes
6703s uh so it'll be available for everyone to
6704s read
6705s and uh
6707s yeah good times will be had by all yeah
6710s anything else oh yeah dude forget about
6712s this pioneer so one change we also did
6714s was that
6715s all your health is now generated uh so
6718s not just like third three first bars
6720s it's like your entire health so you know
6724s i i mean i think the intent is just like
6725s this isn't a survival game this is this
6727s is first and foremost a factory building
6729s game there's a little bit of there's a
6731s dash of exploration in combat right so
6733s you can still die from enemies but you
6735s know
6737s in the long run
6738s uh you know it's supposed to be chill
6740s yeah and it's like it takes a little bit
6742s to fall uh it goes faster until like uh
6745s i think the three uh until the
6749s what it regenerated before it's uh
6751s faster and then up to full it takes a
6753s bit longer a few minutes but yeah it
6755s does generate all the way to full yeah
6760s cool
6762s yeah
6764s that's that's
6765s that's the update
6767s i'm forgetting a few things but i'm also
6768s like kind of we don't need to go through
6770s everything yeah you guys can check it
6771s out in the past knows later yeah for
6774s sure
6775s and see it on when it goes live uh one
6776s thing i want to say real quickly though
6778s is if you were here in the beginning we
6780s talked about how we were thinking of
6783s changing how the overclocking works in
6785s the game and we've decided not to do
6787s that for now uh we have decided to sort
6791s of kind of postpone it slash
6794s think about it a bit more and see what
6795s we do
6796s uh we don't have like we're not we're
6799s not committing to one way or another
6800s right now because we want to look into
6803s ourselves there's also a couple of
6804s things that we're working on right now
6806s where like it will sort of solve
6808s those issues we're overclocking as well
6810s so it might not be as an immediate issue
6812s so we feel like if we do if we did
6814s change how like overclocking work now as
6816s an experiment then we wouldn't really
6818s get good data because later down the
6820s line we have a couple of changes that
6821s would affect that anyways yeah you guys
6824s haven't seen yet um so we felt that like
6826s nah not not for this update uh so we'll
6829s see what we do i think uh
6832s i mean the the problems that we tried to
6833s solve was the fact that it was like hard
6835s to understand how it worked and like
6836s slugs are you know in a sense like not
6839s super usable at certain parts of the
6840s game and we still want to solve those
6842s issues we just want to like look into
6845s all the alternatives that we have and
6846s try and fit them better in what things
6849s we have coming up yeah it's like what we
6851s talked about earlier right there's
6852s different solutions to the same problem
6855s and right now we have
6857s as i said other things in the pipeline
6860s and some other things in mind than what
6862s we originally thought yes for sure
6865s so
6866s looking i'm looking forward to see what
6867s we do there because i actually have no
6868s idea um
6870s but uh yeah
6872s so
6873s that's that's the update in a sense um
6878s i'm gonna i'm gonna kick you off
6879s actually because i'm gonna
6881s do i dare i yeah what the is my
6883s branding
6884s uh because we got a little bit of wrap
6886s up to talk about before we drop the
6888s trailer you're probably gonna be
6890s somewhere pulling a
6891s lever or something yeah yep that's how
6893s it works we've got a level set up in the
6894s basement we should actually set up like
6896s a
6897s stupid-ass like arduino thing where like
6899s you pull actually have to pull some
6901s something physical
6903s no like just like the lever for like
6905s reddit uh button for steam just like
6907s different things or like one of those uh
6909s you know like twisted pop oh yeah yeah
6911s yeah i was gonna say i was gonna say one
6912s of those buttons was like
6914s push that go live
6917s um so yeah thanks thanks for coming
6919s burke yeah thanks for having me uh
6921s checking going through you all enjoy the
6922s update yes
6924s i'll see you later
6926s cool cool cool
6929s all right we're 12 minutes away
6931s from the release
6933s of update six on experiment on early
6935s access so real quick before you download
6938s the update we'll be streaming a little
6940s bit after uh the update drops as well um
6943s just to go through some of the things
6944s but i just want to really quickly say
6945s right now uh if you haven't updated if
6948s you haven't backed up your save files at
6949s this point please do please backup your
6951s save files if you intend to keep using
6954s the same save file i know some people
6955s said they're going to start over and
6956s update six but i really really want to
6958s recommend uh that people back up your
6959s save files and how do you do backups
6961s it's just like copy and paste the the
6963s save file soon and the save files are
6965s located in your local app data uh if
6967s you're
6969s i think um
6971s they're in your local app data factory
6973s game saved save games that's where all
6975s your save files are
6977s if you're on our discord if you're on a
6978s reddit if you're on steam
6981s uh you can check our steam forums
6983s there's pin posts where the save files
6985s are located
6986s same thing on discord this faq you can
6988s check the the faq and see where the save
6990s files are actually like located
6992s physically in your hard drive they are
6994s physically on your hard drive that's a
6995s problem because uh when you're switching
6998s versus versions between early access and
7000s experimental sometimes like cloud sync
7003s and epic game sync
7005s are like uh this isn't just the latest
7008s version and then they'll revert your
7010s save file that's happened to a lot of
7011s people
7012s and uh and even sometimes you can get
7014s that issue where like it will pop up
7016s like a little window and it tells you
7017s like which staple do you want to use and
7019s it's not clear what it means like even i
7022s get confused when i see it uh and i'm
7024s like is it saved local so so like please
7026s pack up your save files because if if if
7029s the cloud sync rewrites your save file
7032s or something else goes wrong in the
7033s update or whatever and you know your
7034s save file is gone and i've talked to a
7036s lot of people where the safe is just
7038s gone and there's nothing we can do
7039s and it's it's you know it's a it's a
7042s bummer regardless of what the issue is
7044s if if it's like if it's because of us or
7046s it's because of steam or epic or if it's
7048s because of user error like it doesn't
7049s matter whose fault it is it's just a
7051s bummer that it happens and if we can
7053s avoid it then we'd rather avoid it
7055s especially if you spend so much time on
7056s your save files like you spend 600 hours
7058s or whatever on your save file and and
7060s then it's gone that is that is
7062s devastating so so for my sake and for
7064s your sake please back up your save files
7066s and and all you need to do is just copy
7068s and paste the the save folder somewhere
7070s uh the save files shouldn't trademark be
7072s that big so they shouldn't take up too
7074s much space
7075s um
7079s so yeah please please do that super
7080s important ten minutes holy super
7082s exciting
7084s uh gone like jason the wind
7086s so that's the most important thing uh in
7089s i'm just gonna copy and paste this
7092s locally oh come back
7094s stop moving
7096s slinky on uh twitch
7098s got our backs i'm just gonna copy paste
7101s this here too
7105s yeah so that's the that's the directory
7107s to the your your safe pulse so that come
7109s up but i don't mess up when you're back
7111s up your state falls by the way don't
7112s delete yourself when you're doing it uh
7114s just copy and paste them somewhere um
7118s cool
7118s nine minutes
7120s boy
7121s uh
7123s always back up after playing that's
7125s pretty good some people have like
7126s they're using uh version control systems
7128s and stuff like that so that every day
7130s they'll get a backup which is nice i
7131s mean it's a little bit over the top but
7133s uh it's cool there there is a lit we
7136s have tried to make like a a little bit
7138s of a uh
7139s like a backup backup in in the general
7142s game every time the game saves it will
7144s create like a backup if you're manually
7146s saving uh and there's a backup folder
7148s one step out of that folder it's called
7150s like backup save game backups or
7152s something like that that's only a
7154s certain amount of backups though and
7155s it's only when you manually save so
7157s you're using auto say that it doesn't
7158s kick in
7159s um
7161s but that system is uh
7164s it's always the thing where you're
7165s making like redundant systems like the
7166s redundant system can fail too and then
7168s oh you'd make a redundant system for
7169s your redundant system you know it's
7171s always best to make sure manually to
7173s make sure that you know everything is
7175s copy and pasted and
7177s everything is good she
7178s uh so yeah
7180s another really important thing here
7182s eight minutes left
7183s is that if you're not seeing the update
7184s immediately in steam or epic
7187s restart the browser
7188s that helps
7190s and
7191s yeah if you're on the experimental
7192s branch on steam you need to switch back
7194s to the default one
7196s you can probably already do that now
7199s but make sure you're back up to save us
7200s before you do that and uh you should be
7203s gucci
7208s format c then check no no no no no no no
7211s don't do that
7212s be kind be nice
7220s um so yeah cool stuff so also one thing
7222s i want to mention real quick for
7223s dedicated server stuff is that um
7227s one good reminder that experiment like
7229s dedicated server are dedicated servers
7232s are an experimental feature still so
7234s even if update system is like on on
7237s dedicate like for everyone else
7239s dedicated servers are still experimental
7241s and there are a couple of issues there
7243s are a couple of known issues for ex for
7244s dedicated servers for this update uh we
7247s are gonna get a like be we're gonna have
7250s a chance to do a pass on dedicated
7252s servers at some point in the future
7253s hopefully not too far in the future
7255s there's a lot of stuff going on right
7257s now in development
7258s so we have a little bit of hard time
7260s like doing everything at the same time
7263s and we're trying to solve the most
7265s immediate issues for people on dedicated
7267s servers uh but just know that like there
7270s are bugs on dedicated servers like
7271s dedicated servers are experimental even
7274s if you know this update comes out on the
7276s early access branch
7277s uh
7278s so
7279s just know that
7281s there's a couple of known issues one is
7282s that the game uses a lot more ram on
7284s dedicated servers that's known and
7287s that's like an unfortunate side effect
7289s of the changes to the ai and the
7290s navigation system i believe
7292s uh but
7294s i think we're gonna have a chance to
7295s look into that later down the line uh so
7298s yeah dedicated service might require
7300s more ram for now uh there's the water
7302s extractor bug that i mentioned before i
7304s don't think that's fully fixed i think
7306s there's still it's a lingering issue for
7308s some people um
7311s but that is known as well and we're
7312s gonna look into that as soon as we can
7315s uh i think we fixed some of the foliage
7317s issues and some of the crashes we have
7318s on dedicated servers
7320s um
7321s so that's coming too
7324s one thing i forgot to talk about
7326s actually during the patch notes is uh
7328s we're also in in this update we're also
7330s changing some of the telemetry stuff
7331s that we have in the game uh from day one
7333s we've always done the thing where we're
7335s like collecting gameplay data from
7336s players and this is something you can
7338s opt out of uh the telemetry in the game
7341s has always been completely anonymous
7343s so it's only about like
7345s you know
7346s gameplay feedback essentially so nothing
7348s can be traced back to you it can't be
7350s traced back to you as a person or
7351s anything like that
7353s so
7355s and that's and that's something we've
7356s done since day one essentially it's the
7358s same system now we change the system
7360s that we're using for telemetry so we can
7362s get a better understanding about it
7365s when you boot the game it shows like a
7367s little box info box that hopefully
7370s everyone has seen uh that gives you all
7372s that information i just want to like
7373s really quickly
7375s mention that we are making this change
7377s because i know that some people are very
7378s like um
7381s interested in that stuff and like care a
7383s lot about that stuff so you know it's
7385s important to take care of your personal
7387s information if you don't want to send up
7389s gameplay feedback in terms of like you
7391s know
7391s stuff that's happening in the game uh
7394s then you don't have to that's completely
7396s opt-in
7397s uh
7398s what the hell
7400s what are you doing
7401s crashing my stream you're ruining
7403s everything
7405s what are you
7407s doing just sitting in the background
7410s so i got joined by hannah and natalie
7412s they can't hear you because you need to
7413s be
7414s you can be you need to be super close to
7415s the mic to pick up so i i just look like
7417s a maniac would i do this
7420s um
7421s so yeah how you how y'all doing
7424s i'm good you good yeah you can sit on
7426s the couch if you want to i'm too scared
7428s i'm too scared we're four minutes away
7432s you're ruining my beautiful set that
7433s i've decorated
7436s so funny because i placed that doggo
7438s there just so i block out the couch
7440s uh because there is another couch behind
7443s here um that looks weird on camera
7446s i just
7447s last time i had like a huge like banner
7449s in front of him
7451s yeah he's a good boy you're covered by
7453s all we've got from all the friends all
7455s the good boys friends
7456s uh anyway i'm gonna chill behind you and
7458s just you know look at you like that's
7459s right yeah we're just creepily doing the
7461s thing i said told jace before like you
7463s can just sit in the corner look at me
7464s and it'll be awkward and like nobody
7466s will know except me
7469s i can't believe this
7470s all right we're three minutes away from
7472s from the the big release the big release
7475s i already asked if you're excited you
7477s were excited yes yes i can hear you
7478s whispering stop
7480s [Laughter]
7482s okay i'm giving you a call i can't i
7484s can't believe you said that oh my god
7485s it's talking about the y i can't
7487s believe it
7488s yeah get the yeah the dog is this is a
7491s lot bigger than you think here's the
7492s smaller version
7494s the
7495s the the wastes that you can put it's
7497s like magnetized you put it you put all
7499s the stuff where's the other thing
7501s you can make that
7503s i was gonna i was gonna say like you can
7505s make the doggo and the goat
7512s this is not safe for work
7515s this stream got really lewd
7520s wait can you do oh no i can't
7525s we don't get monetized anyway so it's
7526s all good holy it got stuck on the
7527s mic that's pretty cool
7530s oh cool
7531s nice i should have done that from the
7532s start why didn't i think about that
7534s where's the magnet
7536s it's in here somewhere
7538s how much how are we doing two minutes
7539s cool i can't wait for this build where i
7540s can just put this the stream button or
7542s whatever the trailer button
7545s got a trailer button
7547s um
7549s yeah how do we fill the last three
7550s minutes we filled the last three minutes
7551s with lewd glued
7554s goat sim content
7557s for sure
7559s the echo is fine because i'm so close to
7560s the mic they can't hear you like that's
7563s a funny thing because it's so
7564s super directional
7568s this kid can't wait to broadcast
7571s magnus are bad for mice that's actually
7573s kind of true it is true um
7575s you can kiss again i think there's a
7577s magnet in this one too right
7579s no
7580s i want my money back dave if you're
7581s watching i want my money back
7584s all right
7585s i'll put you there
7587s one minute 30 seconds
7589s stable equals experimental no so stable
7592s is the ea branch
7594s uh so it's the default one and if you're
7597s on epic it should show up as like its
7598s own
7599s sort of thing and if you're on like uh
7601s steam you have to switch back to the in
7603s the betas tab
7605s he's creeping
7608s i'm so sad we didn't get to do your
7610s segments
7611s we're gonna do it last next time we have
7613s a really funny segment yeah we have a
7615s really funny segment coming up
7617s uh we'll save it for for then
7620s at some point in the future yeah
7623s something
7624s linus did work his ass off but i
7626s don't know if you saw that we could use
7628s it for update seven okay whatever
7634s [Music]
7638s 44 seconds i can't i can't believe this
7645s jesus
7647s this stream is derailed it's gone down
7649s the at this point
7652s holy 20 30 seconds oh boy i gotta
7654s get ready to push the button where's the
7655s button it's over here
7657s yes we're gonna watch the trailer
7659s that worked so hard on yeah yeah hype
7662s hype hype so cool
7664s and uh yeah reveal some cool things
7668s that's never before seen
7670s so uh yeah you saw in the intro if you
7672s were here for the intro you saw the
7673s t-shirt for it
7674s now we're gonna get the full exclusive
7676s content here we go baby three seconds
7680s here we go
7690s [Applause]
7700s [Music]
7706s [Music]
7711s so
7725s somebody said
7732s oh
7735s [Music]
7754s it's
7770s yay
7771s we made it update six is gonna be out
7774s soonish ish
7777s it always takes like a little bit before
7778s the update actually shows up uh
7781s for everyone but uh we have pushed the
7783s button
7784s so it is uh it is going out everybody
7786s super stoked uh where's the thing here
7789s go away
7791s cool
7792s we survived another stream awesome
7794s amazing amazing oh there's a shorter
7796s stream today uh really stream wise goes
7799s dargo trailer thank you hope you're
7801s stoked for it so
7803s the new hyphen boombox is coming baby
7805s the most like
7807s important feature of update six kind of
7809s leaked it
7810s yeah we leaked it twice
7811s [Laughter]
7813s accidentally but uh but yeah it's it's
7815s uh it's really cool it's uh i'm not
7817s gonna talk too much about it it's it's
7819s an equipment piece that you can get um
7821s you saw in the trailer you can use it
7823s for two turbo base
7825s boosts uh the game
7827s some people noticed on if you've been on
7829s the bread and stuff you noticed that
7830s there were a couple of like tapes
7832s showing up in the world uh
7834s oops
7835s that was deliberate yeah yeah yeah yeah
7836s yeah
7838s i mean i mean uh
7840s people have already dated mine the
7841s boombox is coming but uh but yeah now
7843s it's official the boombox is in update
7845s six we're actually gonna release it for
7846s update five originally i think uh it's
7849s it's funny because okay so here's the
7850s full story behind the trailer that we've
7852s been waiting for so the boombox was
7854s supposed to be update five maybe even
7856s update four actually
7858s was it five yeah
7859s um
7861s so we've always had like the boombox in
7863s mind whenever we've sort of uh
7865s have ideation meetings about trailers
7867s we've always had like the boombox to be
7870s the centerpiece of them all and we've
7872s always been like ah we can't do it
7874s because we're not adding the boombox so
7875s it's always been a bummer for the
7876s trailer group to be like oh we can't
7878s have the boombox and we had so many
7880s ideas that were around the boombox
7882s and then we decided no we're going to
7884s release the boombox enough they text and
7885s it's going to be like an add-on to like
7887s at the end of of updates so i i worked
7890s on a teaser video which was the thing i
7892s showed at the start of the stream i was
7893s wondering what that was yes i've never
7895s seen that before so that was the teaser
7897s video for for the boombox it was
7899s supposed to be i mean it was supposed to
7900s be that whole first segment so like the
7902s pioneer goes into the cave and she finds
7904s the boom box and then she shows it off
7906s to the other pioneer and that was that
7908s was the teaser essentially and
7911s we noticed and then we realized we won't
7913s be able to push the boombox on
7914s experimental so like well then we can't
7917s make a teaser video because yeah
7919s so we took the teaser video that i
7921s worked on and made it into a trailer
7923s instead so that was the whole process of
7925s that
7926s fun fact yeah so that that was uh and we
7928s said that we were gonna make a trailer
7930s for update six but it became a trailer
7932s because we had to
7933s revamp the whole thing
7936s so bonus bonus
7938s so um yeah the move box is now on early
7941s access and experimental they're the same
7944s build
7945s uh at the moment they're in parity um
7949s so
7950s good times will be had by all
7953s glad you like the trailer
7954s um
7955s we actually have one more thing that i'm
7957s gonna talk about i just gotta prep a
7959s little bit uh where is it it's in
7963s here
7967s yeah
7969s oh my god go away
7972s yeah i'm still using the powerpoint that
7974s you gave me for
7976s for 2019 right was it 2019 yeah it was
7980s pre-coded
7982s yeah it's a good like
7984s yeah it's good
7986s it just works it's a good template um
7988s [Music]
7991s yeah
7992s the hell weird
7995s yeah so yeah we're um so what's gonna
7998s happen now
8000s is uh
8002s is this
8004s whoops i didn't switch it actually nope
8006s i'm gonna go back never mind that's just
8008s teasing me
8010s uh
8012s where's the thing it's over here
8014s this is the thing i wanted so what's
8016s happening now so update six is gonna is
8018s coming out now it's rolling out at the
8020s very moment it's updating people are
8021s getting it on steam cool cool if it's
8023s not showing up on steam make sure to hit
8025s the restart steam like the browser like
8027s close the application and everything and
8029s it should uh show up again
8031s uh we're going to be working on update 6
8032s for a little bit more there's a couple
8034s of things with update 6.
8036s uh like i mentioned before this the
8038s snapping issues that we had with the
8039s buildables uh there's probably a couple
8041s of issues that are gonna show up that we
8042s didn't notice in experimental uh so and
8045s the creature stuff is also gonna like
8047s we're gonna keep working on that um but
8049s i'm gonna beat you to the punch okay
8052s and just say real quickly what's
8054s happening after update six is probably
8057s going to be
8060s what question mark
8062s yeah you should question yeah you should
8065s question this question nani
8067s when is eight then
8069s it's just that you can't win um
8072s so yeah we we weren't sure what the plan
8075s was going forward for after update six
8077s we were either gonna just re like
8079s iterating on the update and like change
8082s the stuff but we think they're going to
8083s be in update seven we think there's
8085s going to be some stuff and we might be
8086s able to talk about it very soon actually
8088s because like i mentioned before while
8090s we've been working on um
8093s update 6 we've also been working on
8094s other stuff we've been working on story
8097s for instance stuff so that we aren't
8098s going to see for a while but uh but the
8100s results are working on some cool systems
8102s that we are want to add to the game um
8105s and those are probably going to be part
8107s a of a update seven update seven is
8110s gonna probably be another minor update
8112s uh so just
8114s gauge that real quick but um
8116s yeah it's gonna be a update seven
8118s essentially this is the
8120s grand reveal here so when is update
8122s seven i don't know
8124s my birthday yeah oh really yeah okay
8126s it's determined
8128s nobody probably heard that on streams
8129s it's perfect mike didn't give up what do
8132s you want
8133s yeah sure
8136s the build is broken no no no no this
8137s isn't broken oh god i've been seeing
8139s that a lot of you are uh switching from
8142s experimental to ea you don't have to
8144s right now no you could just stay on
8146s experimental and wait for the update to
8149s download because
8150s from what i've seen on chat like the
8152s numbers of the download size and stuff
8155s some of you are downloading the old
8157s version
8158s so you're gonna have to download the new
8160s one
8161s again so you're
8163s you're doing a double download uh so if
8165s you're an experimental already just stay
8167s there don't switch and the bill will uh
8169s upload normally yeah it's the same build
8172s on on both yeah and experimental unless
8174s you really want to like not stay on
8176s experimental
8178s yeah after
8179s you can confirm that you are on update
8182s six then you can switch between the two
8184s because they'll be the same build yeah
8186s yeah maybe i like downloading stuff
8188s i mean if you liked it i mean you got
8190s swedish internet yeah exactly if you
8192s want to wait longer then go for it yeah
8194s yeah that's that's it for now cool gla
8197s glad you got that out of the way do you
8199s have anything else important you want to
8200s say before we end off
8202s cool
8204s you can like
8205s puppeteer him
8207s and be like
8210s oh it looks so freaky oh god
8216s oh boy all right
8221s wow we're going to close it off on that
8222s huh all right
8225s [Laughter]
8231s i can't i can't deal with this right now
8234s oh my god loading screen so yeah i hope
8236s you guys have fun with the update uh we
8240s will probably see each other very soon
8242s uh while we work on
8244s update six but also in update seven
8246s and um
8249s yeah
8250s take care
8251s everyone
8253s and have fun until next time bye
8301s you