about 1 year ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hey everyone my name is Jason I'm a
3s community manager at coffee stain
5s Studios and you've seen the thumbnail
6s and title and I think we've given you
8s know we've probably given it away at
9s this point but that's right in update 8
11s we are moving satisfactory from Unreal
14s Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5. how
17s exciting yay
24s dance around a little bit uh on live
26s streams when people ask these questions
27s uh and it was we're really glad to be
30s able to talk about this video now
31s because it was getting to the point on
33s streams where it was like well we say
35s we're not sure if we're doing it or not
36s which was technically true but then it
38s got to a point where we're like we're
40s kind of sure
41s but we can't we can't leak it okay so
44s we're getting this video out of the way
45s and now we can just talk openly about it
47s um but yeah no we were uh investigating
50s this for quite some time and we weren't
51s sure for the longest time if we were
52s going to be committing to this change or
54s not but hey this video is here so Unreal
56s Engine 5 is coming for satisfactory so
58s yeah this uses likely very exciting to
60s hear and for a good reason as you'll see
62s throughout this video as we as we talk
65s about it it is exciting but there is a
67s couple of housekeeping things that you
69s need to know before we go on the first
71s thing that I want to do is set
72s expectations off the bat uh when we
76s release update 8 on experimental it will
78s be really really experimental okay so
80s we're transitioning uh you know from on
83s religion forward to like a major upgrade
85s to the next major version of the the
87s engine which will be Unreal Engine 5.1.1
89s and so with that there's gonna be some
91s Growing Pains so you know if
93s experimental was experimental before at
96s launch it's gonna be really really
98s experimental okay and of course like
100s what our hope is that like when we you
102s know think things seem fine to us
104s internally but we suspect that when we
106s put it out to you guys and there's going
107s to be
108s bajillion people playing the game you
111s guys will come across any issues that
113s were missed and so please please give us
116s feedback uh on the QA site
118s questions.satisfactorygame.com and we're
120s going to use that feedback to make sure
121s we can plug all the holes in our Engine
123s 5 and make sure that the game returns to
125s to be really really stable right now
127s things seem fine okay there's no reason
129s why we feel confident that we can put it
131s out there otherwise we wouldn't do it
133s right but like
135s past experience has taught us that when
138s it goes out to everyone else any issue
141s that can happen will happen and then
142s we'll hear about it and and there's no
144s test no amount of testing in-house we
145s can do that can that can really protect
148s us against that okay so uh just setting
151s expectations it should be fine
153s but there's a there's a risk that things
155s will be uh up and down the second thing
157s I want to talk about is and if you're
158s going to give Unreal Engine 5 a go on
160s experimental when update 8 launches
161s please back up your saves uh I don't
164s have any reason that I don't know Legend
167s 5 will break your saves but whenever we
169s make these changes it's really important
170s that you back up your saves because if
172s something happens where uh your Hardware
175s is not compatible with 105 or if there's
178s just some bug in our code and that stops
180s you from playing and
181s um or or you know it gives you crashes
183s later but you've already saved over your
185s saved files then you may not be able to
187s downgrade back to the Early Access
188s version which will be running on 104 and
191s you really don't want to play those kind
192s of games okay so make sure you back up
193s your save file before this happens just
196s just as a safety precaution okay now we
199s do have a lot that we're going to talk
200s about today so I'm going to actually add
201s at the end of the video like a tldr or a
204s TLD DW I suppose in this case a section
207s at the end of the video so if you don't
209s want all of these details if you want to
210s know like what does this mean what just
212s what does it mean what happens what are
214s the cliff notes
215s um this should be we should have
217s timeline uh chapters again but if you're
219s interested in all the details keep
220s watching and we'll we'll work through it
222s all together now I'm going to break this
224s video down into two major sections the
226s first section is going to be I'm going
227s to talk about the new features that come
229s with on 105 uh that we're going to be
232s implementing also the ones that we're
233s not going to be implementing and then
235s the second part of this video will be
237s more about like well what are the
238s implications of this what does it mean
240s for stability what does it mean for
241s performance DirectX 11 what about mods
244s dedicated servers Etc what is that what
246s is what does that mean for all these
248s other things okay so those are the two
250s sections that we're going to kind of
251s talk about things so first of all let's
253s get into the new features so the three
255s big features that like are kind of like
257s uh on everyone's Consciousness when we
260s think of Unreal Engine 5 especially like
261s Gamers as well like not game developers
263s but Gamers as well is things like Lumen
265s nanite or VSM which is the virtual
267s Shadow Maps so like these are the things
270s that when people think of Unreal Engine
271s 5 that this is what you get with it and
274s and it's going to make everything so
275s much better okay so let's talk about
276s what are they first of all the first
278s thing is Lumen so what is Lumen Lumen is
280s a global illumination system in Unreal
282s Engine 5 and it based in global
284s illumination is kind of what it sounds
286s like it's a bit confusing but it's
288s basically the system that calculates
289s like how lights bounces bounce around
292s the world and all that kind of stuff and
293s how and how it calculates Reflections
295s and things like that that's what global
298s Jesus that's what Global illumination
300s means in in this context okay and so
302s Lumen is a new system for that which
303s provides
305s better uh lighting and Reflections and
307s things like that nanite is another
309s technology that's with Unreal Engine 5
310s that is a different kind of rendering
312s method that is that doesn't follow the
314s conventional method of how we render uh
317s whole meshes in video games or how we
319s render in video games which is typically
320s how we would take a whole mesh and we
322s would actually render the entire mesh um
324s you wouldn't see it all obviously
325s because some things will block things
326s but like we'd be working with the whole
328s mesh which is the conventional way of
329s doing it if I really simplify things but
332s what nanite will do is instead it only
334s renders and like works with the relevant
336s clusters of a model in the viewport and
338s so this is like basically just means
340s that
341s there's huge performance gains if you
342s can use that I I suppose because you we
344s don't have to work with a whole mesh and
346s render the whole mesh we just have to
348s render the parts that are relevant okay
350s that's what nanite does VSM or virtual
352s Shadow Maps what VSM does is
354s um basically just a memory efficient
355s Shadow drawing technique allowing higher
358s res shadows and allowing for more
360s post-processing more post-processing
362s shadow effects which can be you know
365s great for things like art direction and
366s you know just look better in general
367s right which of these are we using and
369s which are we not do we get any of these
371s that's great that we know what these are
372s but do we do we get them first of all
375s VSM virtual Shadow Maps no we're not
377s using them uh so epic had deemed VSM to
380s be Beta And so uh that you know the fact
384s that the the technology is in beta in
387s combination of not having time to really
389s look into things means that it actually
391s that means VSM actually felt quite low
393s on the priority list and so we will not
395s be having DSM in satisfactory for update
397s 8. it's not impossible that we won't
399s have it in the future you know we we
401s might but um we're not we're not
404s committing to anything okay
405s um that's just yeah no VSM for update
407s that's all that matters as for Nano will
409s we have nanite yes we will we're going
411s to be trying to have nanite on rocks and
413s cliffs for update eight uh pending any
416s issues that we may run into uh between
418s now the time of recording and and the
420s upcoming weeks and we will try to have
423s no night on Factory elements as well uh
425s but that may or may not come with update
427s eight like if it comes it might come
429s later uh but it also may not come at all
431s all right it all depends on on how
433s things work out but that's that's the
434s intention we have when it comes to
436s nanite in satisfactory uh as for Lumen
438s uh so this is a bit different okay so we
441s will have lumen in satisfactory for
444s update eight okay but we are not going
446s to support it officially uh we're gonna
449s offer the option to people to opt into
451s Lumen if they want to try it and if they
453s have the hardware to support it but what
455s what we mean by not officially
457s supporting it is that like development
458s wise we're not going to have time to
461s flesh out the entire world to be
463s properly lit with Lumen to the way that
467s we want it to be and also prepare the
470s world to be lit without the Lumen okay
472s so we can't that that's that's kind of
475s the bottleneck there we don't really
476s have time to properly light both and
480s make them both in in accordance to like
482s our visual style that we want and our
485s art Direction and how we want things to
486s look okay so so we're not gonna craft
489s the world with lumen in mind but we will
492s give you the option to turn Lumen on or
493s off and you can use it if you want to
496s use it okay so that's what we're going
498s to be be doing the video setting will be
500s called GI or Global Illumination in the
502s video settings in the game next thing
504s that I want to talk about with this
505s Unreal Engine 5 upgrade is there's a new
508s system called the world partition system
510s okay and so there's a question here will
513s we be using the world petition system
514s and the answer is yes we will and it
517s makes sense to okay so World petition
518s system is something that helps with how
520s levels stream in and are really good for
522s open World Games satisfactory is an open
524s world game and so we have investigated
527s looked into it and we're going to be
528s using it so currently in the the version
530s of satisfactory that you all are playing
531s right now
532s um uh in Unreal Engine 4. the map has
535s been split up in a seven by six grid I
538s believe of tiles right and the map is
540s really big and so a 7x6 grid of tiles
543s means those tiles are massive they're
545s absolutely massive and you all know as
547s as players of the game that when you
549s approach uh the bounds of a tile there's
551s a small hitch and we have to load in the
553s entire next tile
555s um so that yeah so that you can move
558s through that tile right now this is
560s really inefficient because if you think
563s about it we're actually loading in a
565s whole bunch of assets that aren't
567s actually relevant to you right so when
569s you walk up to a tile and you're at the
571s front of a tile we're loading literally
573s everything including the stuff at the
575s far side of the tile that you can't even
577s see or interact with like that's
579s irrelevant to you right so this is fair
580s really inefficient we're loading so many
582s assets that don't matter to you at that
584s point we're doing it all in one go and
587s so there's a hitch and this also means
589s that without our workflow the way that
591s that worked before was that all of those
592s assets that we put down the the actors
594s right that we put down in the world on
596s those tiles they were tied to the tile
598s right so if the tire if we ever wanted
601s to render those things trigger them
603s anything we had to load the entire tile
605s and there was no way to work with those
607s actors independent of the tile however
610s now with the world petition system in
612s under Legend 5 we've moved away from the
614s actors on the tiles being tied to the
616s tile to becoming just like a a file per
618s actor thing so the actors are actually
620s independent of tiles and they're
622s actually if anything they're just tied
623s to like the location in the world that
625s they are and so like when we're
626s developing the game every actor on the
628s map has a file in the file system and
631s and and and so we can sort of this gives
633s us more sort of flexibility in how we we
635s work and do things however that won't be
636s the case for you guys when the game gets
638s cooked and built uh everything will will
640s be
641s cook down to what it needs to be right
642s now what this means is if those actors
645s aren't tied to the tile anymore and that
647s instead they're tied to a location it
649s means that we have a much more flexible
650s system now to actually break up the map
654s into smaller tiles uh chunks and we can
657s experiment with those tile chunks and we
659s can quickly and easily decide well what
662s what tile size and and tile chunks you
666s know setup is most efficient for
668s satisfactory uh before this was
671s virtually impossible because to change a
673s tile size we have to rework a whole
675s bunch of stuff and move assets on all
677s this we have to manually do that and
679s then test whether or not it works or not
681s and then if it doesn't we would have to
683s like do all of it again and then test if
685s it works now we can just very quickly by
687s changing some parameters affect how big
690s the tile size is it doesn't affect the
692s actors that are out on the map and we
694s can just more quickly tune our tiling
697s system and World streaming system to be
699s what's most effective for status Factory
701s another thing that helps us with is
704s previously whenever we wanted to make
706s any changes to any part of the world we
708s would have to check out an entire tile
710s change those actors and then submit
712s those tiles which meant large chunks of
715s the map couldn't be worked on
716s simultaneously and they run into issues
719s there was like a lot of like we need to
720s like roll back fixes or merge things
722s there's people on different branches it
724s was it was a complete Nightmare and this
726s gets rid of all of that for us so this
727s helps us so much in development and the
730s result will be a much smoother uh
732s experience for you guys we believe and
734s so how do these tweaks kind of work and
736s how would this Tech sort of work so like
739s if we if we can find a sweet spot when
741s it comes to tile size it means that we
744s can find a way to stream in only the
746s stuff that's relevant to you uh wherever
748s you are on the map which means we will
750s stream in parts of the map more often
752s but it'll be less data so the
754s expectation or the intention is that
756s there will be no hitches or smaller
759s hitches hopefully no hitches
761s um since less data needs to be loaded in
763s if we finally tune what loads in and
766s when and if we're really careful with
768s the way we do our loading our level of
770s details with models and things like that
771s our our goal that we're striving for is
774s potentially to have the whole world
775s landscape visible if you're like really
777s high up and looking down as opposed to
779s just these big tiles that are missing if
781s you get rid of the fog and it means we
783s can maybe even lighting the fog so that
785s you can allow you to see further and
786s things like that so so this feature is
789s huge and will make a huge impact on the
790s player experience it'll help us a bunch
792s with development
793s um oh and it might even it might even
795s fix um there was like a performance
796s issue that some people had where if they
798s happen to build their Factories near the
800s edges of tiles this would just create
802s certain situations where
804s um basically things would would hitch
805s and stutter more often and would be very
808s sort of inefficient and this sort of
810s does away with that issue as well so and
812s there was no way for people to know if
813s they were nearer edge of a tile or not
815s so this feature is honestly uh quite a
817s godsend for us and for satisfactory and
819s I think I think everyone is going to
821s benefit so much from it that's this is
822s the thing that I'm most excited about
824s personally the next major feature that's
825s coming with Unreal Engine 5 that we're
827s taking when we are taking advantage of
828s is TSR or temporal super resolution
832s um and so TSR is basically just an
834s upscaling algorithm to make lower
836s resolutions appear crisp at higher
838s resolutions with generally little to no
841s loss of quality but this means major
843s perform games games because you're
845s rendering at you're rendering less
847s pixels at a smaller resolution but then
849s you get to still like experience the
851s higher quality that you wanted initially
852s and this is very similar to nvidia's
854s dlss and amd's Fidelity FX it's the same
858s kind of thing there will be a setting in
860s the game to choose what percentage you
861s wish to downscale downscale your
863s resolution to so you can find hopefully
865s you'll have a lot of control there to
867s find what works best for your system if
869s you have a good GPU we recommend to use
871s this since I think it's because like a
873s lot of our game is CPU bounded so if you
876s can offload more stuff towards the GPU
878s then you're just going to get more bang
879s for your buck and and maybe even
882s relax your CPU a little bit uh but if
885s your GPU can't handle this kind of thing
887s then it's better to not use TSR it's
890s probably not going to help you okay
891s we're also adding right this isn't TSR
894s but we're also adding FXAA which is fast
897s approximate anti-aliasing which is a
899s cheaper anti-aliasing alternative for
901s people who are running on Lower spec
903s machines this is in addition to temporal
906s anti-aliasing which is what we currently
908s have in the game so you still have the
911s the regular anti-aliasing that you all
913s have been using you will hopefully be
915s able to have TSR as well if you can use
917s it and if you have lower spec machines
919s you can also try FXAA which will
922s hopefully give you better performance as
923s well the next big feature that's coming
925s with Unreal Engine 5 is going to be
926s Vehicles updates physics updates you
928s guys Unreal Engine 5 deprecated the
930s previous physics module that we used for
932s physics in satisfactory
935s um in Unreal Engine 4 but instead we're
938s now using the chaos physics system which
940s should be much much better the entire
942s vehicle physics system has been remade
944s which means when you jump in game and
946s you use these vehicles things may feel
948s different okay but they should still be
951s fine this should still be good but the
954s the vehicles may may feel a little
956s different now we think they feel better
958s um but you know at the end of the day
959s it's up to you guys you can always give
960s us your feedback whether you like them
962s or not I know that like you know when
963s people get like changed sometimes they
964s don't like to change right away if you
966s don't like it right away maybe give it a
969s little bit just give it a little bit
970s alright give it a chance and see if you
971s still don't like it if you don't like it
972s let us know in the QA site okay but do
974s give it a chance okay now this update
976s should not impact uh Automation and
978s self-driving because when you're the way
981s that the game works right now with
982s vehicles is that if you're really far
983s away from them actually their physics
986s turn off and they just kind of spline
987s move along the spline and just kind of
989s float uh between the waypoints so this
991s shouldn't make a difference to that it
993s may make a difference if you're close to
995s them you may notice if you're constantly
997s close to certain vehicles and with the
999s physics change and then the re-tuning of
1001s the vehicles that if they can't complete
1003s certain parts then they may be more
1005s inefficient and you may need to
1007s re-record some paths this really should
1008s make much of an impact when it comes to
1011s Automation and self-driving one other
1013s issue that has been highly highly
1015s reported on the QA side is that the
1017s vehicles bounce and stuff on foundations
1019s well I'm happy to report that with this
1021s change that the vehicles now Drive
1022s buttery smooth according to our
1024s programmers on foundations but there are
1028s some sloped foundations that still have
1030s some weird janky issues but those are
1032s not issues with the vehicles it may be
1035s issues with the collisions of those uh
1037s foundations this may or may not be
1039s addressed for update 8 but generally
1041s speaking they should perform better on
1044s foundations now we have also noticed a
1047s bit of a difference when it comes to
1048s random physics bugs like where things
1049s send you off flying into space but we
1052s still think that like game TM physics
1054s where weird happens is probably
1057s still in the game but we do think that
1059s there has been a big Improvement but you
1061s guys let us know let us know okay as I
1063s mentioned before vehicles have actually
1064s been tuned a little bit right so things
1067s have changed quite well I said a little
1068s bit I think they've changed maybe quite
1070s a lot so there's been changes to top
1073s speed and handling on the vehicles
1074s trucks now feel less bouncy than before
1077s they feel more heavy and they've got
1079s more mass which I know is something that
1081s people have actually given us a lot of
1082s feedback and and didn't like before
1085s explora feels a little bit more zippier
1087s now and has a bit more of a tendency to
1089s oversteer so maybe a little harder to
1091s control but if you can get used to it
1093s you're better off
1095s um the sugar cube is a little bit more
1096s stable and a bit faster we believe and
1099s the factory cart is now less prone to
1101s flipping over I think it has its Center
1103s of Mass is like a little lower now but
1105s it still handles poorly on everything
1107s but foundations that is a design choice
1109s on our part we want it to work well on
1112s foundations and not well anywhere else
1113s okay so that is staying as it is okay
1116s the handbraking system which is a space
1118s bar by default on keyboard has been
1121s improved uh now before it was all
1123s previously faked with like four uh fake
1125s forces on the vehicle but now we
1127s actually simulate a handbrake so that
1129s should be a little bit better you may
1130s have known that
1132s um previously there was like air control
1133s on the vehicles now this is not
1134s something that we saw a lot of people
1136s really making use of or taking advantage
1138s of but you could do like sick backflips
1140s and like 360 pop shove its you know off
1142s a park bench whatever that's a joke that
1144s only one person one person understands
1147s that joke why did I say it anyway you
1150s could do cool stick stuff with air
1151s control before but no one's really using
1152s it and so actually that's been removed
1153s if you don't like that if you want air
1155s control back let us know but for now
1157s it's been removed okay Vehicles also
1159s have new sounds you guys okay this has
1161s nothing to do with physics but when uh
1163s driving them when you drive the vehicles
1164s there will now be sounds per wheel so as
1167s the wheels you know not all the wheels
1170s Spin and are under the same conditions
1171s as each other and so the sound should
1173s reflect that and overall it should just
1175s sound a little bit more natural The
1176s Sounds will also better match the actual
1178s engine of the vehicle as well uh when
1180s not driving Vehicles so Vehicles like
1182s automated driving around or a friend is
1184s driving a vehicle and you know you're
1185s watching them we still use simpler
1188s sounds in those cases for optimization
1189s purposes one thing to mention here is
1191s that these physics changes do not impact
1193s trains at all one other new feature
1195s that's coming with Unreal Engine 5 is
1197s the enhanced input system the enhanced
1199s input system is just another kind of
1201s input system I don't actually know too
1202s much about the details of it but from
1204s what I understand it's easier for us to
1205s work with so development wise when we're
1207s creating new features there's like this
1209s contact system now with input so that
1211s like we can Define certain inputs
1213s depending on the context so for example
1215s one key might do something while you're
1217s working walking around but the same key
1219s might do something if you're in a
1220s vehicle or if you have a jet pack
1221s equipped or something like that and what
1223s this means for you guys is that we
1225s actually have some input bugs in the
1226s game and this should iron out those
1228s input bugs one example is I think if you
1230s hold space while holding while in a
1232s hover pack or something or jetpack and
1234s then you open up a menu and you let go
1236s of space that space persists and you
1238s keep flying you know things like that
1240s will uh will will hopefully be ironed
1242s out and it may also result in
1244s potentially more granular key binding
1246s options uh for you guys for for the
1248s player as well so some benefits there
1250s with the input system one other uh I
1252s think new feature that has come to an
1254s engine 5 is like the meta sounds feature
1257s or something for audio all right it's
1258s another like audio feature I just want
1260s to let you guys know we're not making
1261s use of this we currently use wise for
1264s our audio authoring stuff and we're
1267s continuing to to just use wise for that
1270s okay so those are the new features that
1272s have come and we've talked about what
1273s we're going to be using them we're not
1275s going to be using so what is the what is
1277s the implication of this over various
1279s things in the game so let's go through
1281s certain topics that might be of interest
1282s to you guys the first question that
1284s people might ask is are there going to
1285s be performance increases is the game
1287s going to run better now this is uh this
1289s sort of depends uh on how you sort of
1292s Define things because you could say well
1294s if I got 60 FPS before and the game I if
1297s I turn on extra things and it looks
1299s better and it still runs at 60fps it's
1301s like you're not necessarily getting more
1302s performance but then you're getting more
1304s quality right so it all depends on how
1306s you sort of like weigh this kind of
1307s stuff up but basically we think that
1309s nanite will reduce CPU overhead as the
1313s occlusion is partially done on the GPU
1314s so people who were CPM before maybe you
1317s will get
1318s um uh performance improvements better
1320s fps uh there will hopefully be gains
1323s when it comes to anti-aliasing because
1325s there's FXAA for lower respect machines
1327s now which should be more performant than
1329s the temporal
1331s um anti-aliasing that was in the game
1333s before so that's an option for people
1334s with lower specs but also for people who
1336s have beefier gpus you may be able to
1338s take advantage of TSR if we do get that
1340s in
1341s um and and get maybe more frames and
1344s better quality uh through that okay so
1346s you might get some gains there now one
1348s other thing to sort of consider here is
1349s what performance gains do we have now
1352s and what performance games will we have
1354s in the future uh now that we're
1356s switching to 105. and the thing is if
1358s we're talking about now at the time of
1360s recording what we've actually what we've
1362s actually observed observed is that the
1364s performance is actually the same or
1366s Worse okay so right now on our high spec
1370s machine when we profile that we're
1371s actually at a one millisecond loss but
1374s the thing is all of this is without the
1376s tweaks that we now have at our disposal
1379s to do okay we have these tweaks that we
1381s can now do and we haven't done them yet
1383s and so we think that anything can change
1385s between now and update a launch maybe
1386s things will improve between then
1388s um experimental launch maybe things will
1391s improve from experimental to Early
1392s Access and then maybe things will
1393s improve again be beyond that as we take
1396s full advantage of the engine okay so
1399s right now I don't think you should I I
1402s think it would be unfair and unwise and
1404s unreasonable for us to say hey
1405s everything's gonna be better now but
1407s your mileage may vary maybe it will be
1409s better for you maybe it'll be a little
1411s worse for you if it isn't good let us
1413s know let us know what's happening what
1415s kind of drops you got go to the QA site
1417s let the team know otherwise they can't
1419s help you otherwise they can't fix these
1420s things okay so let us know we really
1422s intend to work with you guys through the
1424s experimental period to make sure we can
1425s iron out as much as we can next question
1428s on people's minds will probably be
1429s stability is it going to be more stable
1431s now in Unreal Engine 5 or is it going to
1433s be stable at all really on launch right
1436s now at the time of recording uh we're
1437s hoping that at the pace that we're at uh
1439s things should be stable for the
1441s experimental release our game code is
1444s largely the same it's just mostly the
1445s engine that has changed but you never
1447s know that's still a big change and there
1449s might be issues but it is entirely
1451s possible that there are some Unreal
1452s Engine 5 related issues that we were
1454s unable to catch in-house and or without
1457s external QA testing agency we have that
1460s as well and that like there's just no
1462s replacement for putting the game out
1464s there out in the wild with you guys to
1466s see what you guys catch okay so uh so
1469s far we think it's fine uh like I was
1471s talking about before but we never know
1473s what's going to happen when we give it
1474s to you know hundreds of thousands of
1475s people so uh yeah and so the areas that
1479s we anticipate that might have some
1480s stability issues would be areas that
1482s have been reworked for example Vehicles
1483s that's a contender but if you do run
1486s into uh issues with stability uh during
1491s the experimental period the old version
1493s of the game on on Legend 4 version of
1495s the game will still be on Early Access
1496s so remember to back up your saves test
1499s out the game make sure it's stable for
1501s you before committing to your save files
1504s um and if it doesn't work out switch
1506s back to Early Access and and load your
1508s backed up saves okay another question
1510s that some people might have like a
1511s another implication of this change could
1514s be whether or not this affects Hardware
1515s requirements and uh I can say uh for
1519s sure that we will be upping our minimum
1521s spec for the game one of the reasons
1523s we're upping the minimum spec is that uh
1526s first of all the minimum spec GPU that
1529s we had listed there's no longer driver
1531s support for that uh for that lowest spec
1534s GPU anymore so that's one reason you
1537s know Nvidia doesn't even support that
1538s GPU anymore so we're not we don't want
1540s to support that GPU anymore
1542s um the other reason is that the current
1543s low spec GPU was unreasonably low in the
1547s opinions of the team
1549s um the GTX 770 is a 10 year old card and
1552s the only reason we went with it was not
1553s for any reasonable or educated reason it
1556s was like we just kind of had it we just
1558s had it in the office so like this will
1560s be on minimum we'll just shoot for this
1562s um but now that we're putting a little
1563s bit more thought into it we think that
1564s supporting that card or anything around
1567s that is unreasonably low and we don't
1569s want to shoot for that anymore now I do
1571s have some preliminary new minimum specs
1574s preliminary minimum spec is going to be
1576s the GTX 1650 uh four core CPU eight
1580s gigabytes of RAM and sort of an SSD now
1584s this is kind of a weird requirement
1585s because technically speaking the game
1587s will probably run on a regular hard
1589s drive and not an SSD and I guess that's
1591s what minimum means so like I guess I a
1593s regular hard drive would still work but
1596s the thing is nanite greatly relies on
1599s write speed okay and so an SSD super
1602s recommended also by epic so we need to
1606s do a little bit more testing on this
1607s before we can be certain but at this
1609s stage we think that running on an SSD
1611s might be required but yeah anyway these
1613s are the specs that we have for now
1614s anything is subject subject to change
1616s you can let us know what you think about
1618s these specs in the comments below are
1619s they bananas who knows okay let us know
1621s this brings us to the next point is
1623s DirectX 11 still supported uh yes
1626s DirectX 11 will we will still support
1628s DirectX 11 but DirectX 11 does not
1630s support nanite okay and so Unreal Engine
1632s 5 has a fallback system for this so
1635s hopefully we can make use of that and
1636s continue to support DirectX 11 but we'll
1639s see but the intention is that we will
1641s but our minimum spec GPU supports
1644s DirectX 12. and so we consider director
1646s 12 to be more stable than DirectX 11. we
1648s know of certain issues that DirectX 11
1650s has that we cannot solve and so we
1652s recommend that if your GPU supports
1655s DirectX 12 you should use DirectX 12.
1658s that is actually the default in the game
1660s now as well and if there's any there's
1662s there's little to no reason not to use
1664s DirectX 12 at this point but if there
1665s are any bugs or any issues or any reason
1668s you can't use DirectX 12 then we
1670s recommend you trying Vulcan
1672s and then if that doesn't work try uh
1674s DirectX 11 as a lost Resort also make
1677s sure your drivers are up to date before
1678s you start switching them because it
1679s could be that if DirectX 12 isn't
1681s working well for you you don't have and
1683s you don't have today drivers that can
1685s make a big difference okay so make sure
1686s you get the latest drivers one other
1688s thing to mention whenever we talk about
1690s this stuff is that if you mess with your
1693s graphics renderer in the game menu and
1697s you select one that your Hardware does
1699s not support and the game crashes and
1701s that saves it means the game will crash
1703s every time you open and you can no
1705s longer open the game and you can no
1707s longer change those settings back to
1709s something that does work again some
1711s people have run into that issue before
1712s now what you can do is you can delete
1715s your game user settings dot ini file and
1719s that will delete your settings uh and
1722s restore them back to default the next
1723s time you open the game that'll send it
1725s back to DirectX 12. that file is located
1727s uh around it's in the config folder kind
1730s of by your save files I'll leave its
1732s file path in the description down below
1734s but another method that you can use is
1736s to use launch options to force a
1738s specific uh Graphics renderer so you
1741s don't have to revert all your settings
1743s back to default that's probably the
1744s better option uh now that can be a
1746s little complicated for some people if
1748s you don't know how to do it so I'm going
1749s to leave the information in the
1750s description for that as well so that you
1753s can
1754s um
1755s so that you can use launch options to
1757s force a graphics renderer go back in the
1759s game change the settings and then you
1760s can get rid of the launch option
1762s afterwards okay the next thing people
1763s will probably be asking is what about
1765s the build limit has has Unreal Engine 5
1768s fixed the build limit
1770s um so for those of you who don't know
1771s there's actually a limit to how many you
1773s objects you can have in the game in
1775s Unreal Engine Okay this limitation is
1777s not imposed by us it's it's just kind of
1779s hard coded into the engine unfortunately
1781s and now what a u-object is is it's not
1784s what you and I think of an object in
1786s satisfactory is a uobject is an object
1788s that's under the hood of the engine and
1792s it's it means an unreal object Unreal
1794s Engine object and that does not rep
1796s necessarily represent one object in game
1798s so for example a Constructor can be is
1801s one object that we know of right but it
1803s can be made up of multiple unreal
1805s objects you objects for example they
1808s could be the Constructor mesh itself
1809s that could be the animated arms that
1811s could be another your object the input
1812s and outputs could be new um other
1814s uobjects the ladders on the sides could
1816s be more um could be you objects as well
1818s so so a Constructor is made up of many
1820s EU objects um and things like
1822s foundations are as well they're even
1824s even a foundation is not just one
1826s uobject uh or historically has not been
1828s we'll get to that but one thing that I
1830s want to make super clear is that this
1832s issue uh affects very very few people
1835s like I'm gonna pull a number out of my
1837s butt and say like it doesn't even
1838s concern 99 of players
1840s um I don't know if that number's right
1841s but it affects like very very very few
1844s people but it affects some people okay
1846s unfortunately Unreal Engine 5 will not
1848s resolve this build limit issue that
1850s we've previously have and in fact there
1852s is no change with that issue uh in
1855s update eight however
1857s uh on the plus side there has been a
1860s change recently to this issue uh which
1862s I'm not even sure if we talked about but
1864s we should have we should have talked
1866s about it
1867s um actually in update seven the previous
1869s update there was actually
1872s um a change that was made by us which
1875s went a long way to addressing this build
1876s limit issue and we did that with
1878s something called abstract instances
1880s which greatly reduces the number of view
1882s objects that are on the map so for
1884s example a single Foundation before would
1886s have been made up of three uobjects the
1888s actor itself the root component and the
1890s proxy mesh but now but as of update
1892s seven with these abstract instances they
1895s can just be one Foundation as one of you
1897s object all right and so you can see how
1899s huge of an impact that can have with
1901s regards to the object limit in the game
1902s it allows so that update allows you all
1905s to build more it doesn't move the object
1907s limit that allows you to build more and
1909s still say within the object limit it
1911s also improved Save times load times and
1914s uh improved like memory memory reduction
1916s as well we also have have some other
1918s ideas of what we can do to continue to
1922s further improve the situation with the
1923s object limit but nothing is set in stone
1925s for that regarding that and nothing more
1927s will be done for it in update eight okay
1929s so that's the status of the object limit
1931s next thing you might be wondering is
1933s well what's going to happen with mods
1934s are mods gonna work with Unreal Engine 5
1936s uh no shot there's no way so like
1937s whenever we updated engine versions
1939s before that would break mods for this
1941s update update 8 is a major update for
1943s the game major upgrade with the engine
1946s as well there's no chance mods are going
1948s to work right now they will not work for
1950s experimental launch now the thing is
1952s that uh mods and mod support is not
1954s something that is handled by us it is
1956s unofficial we do not officially support
1958s mods but it is handled by our community
1960s and they've done an incredible job
1962s creating amazing tools for modding and
1965s there's a plethora of mods out there
1967s and as always this happens every single
1970s time mods break after major launches
1973s um and then it's up to those mod
1975s creators in the modern Community to make
1976s the changes necessary to support the
1979s game again and then those mods come back
1981s online again we anticipate a longer
1983s downtime for mods because of this
1985s upgrade but I'm sure the money Community
1987s will do the best they can to get them
1988s back online as soon as possible if you
1991s run into any crashes that if you look at
1993s the stack trace the the information that
1995s pops up on the crash reporter when the
1997s game crashes if you look at that and you
1999s see like names of mods and stuff in
2002s there it's likely the crash is likely
2005s because of the mod you used and and that
2007s is likely what will happen to many
2009s people who use mods when you try to open
2010s the game uh on experimental
2013s um when update 8 launches if that is the
2016s case the best thing to do is not reach
2018s out to us because what we will tell you
2020s is you need to go and talk to the mod
2023s Creator or the modding Community or
2025s uninstall the mods completely right
2027s clean them out using the mod loader
2029s uninstall using the mod loader uh or the
2031s mod manager mod manager rather
2034s um and those are just the things you can
2036s do because we can't actually help you
2037s with those things all right so if you
2040s run into mod related crashes go and
2042s speak to the money Community or the mod
2043s developer some people might be wondering
2045s with a big update like this has has
2046s there been any changes to Dedicated
2048s servers
2050s um or will under 195 break the servers
2053s who knows what what's the deal there so
2055s dedicated servers will remain functional
2057s there will be an experimental branch of
2058s the dedicated servers and they will be
2060s running Unreal Engine 5 dedicated
2062s servers okay
2063s um and you thought that the you thought
2065s that the dedicated servers they've been
2067s experimental this whole time and you
2069s thought they were experimental before
2070s yeah they're going to be they're going
2072s to be really experimental now okay it is
2074s likely that the dedicated servers will
2075s be less stable than they were before and
2078s I understand that a lot of people were
2079s frustrated at the stability and lack of
2081s updates that dedicated servers were
2082s getting before and this is gonna suck to
2084s hear because this is a uh this is a
2086s downwards trajectory right like things
2088s are getting worse for the dedicated
2089s servers so I can understand frustration
2092s uh and annoyance at that for sure but I
2096s just want to reiterate we've said this
2097s before in the past dedicated service
2099s will get more love they will get more
2101s work done to them we have planned to
2103s improve features for them on top of
2105s ironing out any issues as well so there
2108s will be updates dedicated service I'm
2110s sorry that they're not coming for this
2112s one and I'm sorry that things might get
2113s a little worse than I could service now
2115s but
2116s mark my words we plan on fixing them
2119s okay so uh yeah you might be wondering
2121s what version of Unreal Engine 5 we're
2123s going to be upgrading to it's going to
2124s be Unreal Engine 5.1.1 I think I did
2127s mention that earlier but just putting
2129s putting it out there you might be
2131s wondering why did we decide to do this
2132s change is it a lot of work why did we
2134s decide to do that and the answer is
2135s because we're masochists all right we're
2138s game developers all right we hate
2139s ourselves uh no but the real reason is
2141s that like um this is future proofing we
2144s believe we think it's necessary at some
2145s point to do it and so we might as well
2147s just do it now if we don't do it now we
2148s have to do it later but if we do it now
2149s then we can get it over and done with
2151s and iron things out with you guys in the
2154s meantime okay so it's probably better to
2155s just do it now there's other features
2157s that are you know super worth it like
2158s the chaos physics system uh Lumen
2161s um we think there's going to be
2162s long-term performance gains also the
2164s world petitioning system is just such a
2165s massive gain like why wouldn't we want
2167s that right that was a huge deciding
2169s factor you might be wondering how long
2171s did it take it's taking about four or
2172s five months but initially it wasn't it
2174s was only just a handful of key people
2176s who are working on it and investigating
2178s it but then when we got to the point
2179s where we were like yes we definitely
2180s want this then more people got on board
2182s and we and then we committed to it and
2185s we made it happen Okay but in total took
2187s about four or five months do we think
2189s it's worth it uh short term it depends
2191s who you ask actually some people say yes
2193s some people say ow no no Make It Stop ow
2197s some people say owies
2200s for example a notable one that you guys
2203s kind of saw the effects of was a few
2205s weeks back we had to delay one of our
2208s teasers because snoot was trying to take
2210s in-game footage that's what he was
2212s dealing with
2222s he was trying to take in-game footage
2224s for the teaser trailer and the Shadows
2228s were being a pain and then he fixed that
2231s and then it was just crashing Non-Stop
2232s and we had other people help him and it
2234s was a complete nightmare uh and then the
2237s teaser had to get delayed and so in
2238s those cases does it feel like it's worth
2240s it no it feels awful but long term we
2244s truly do believe that this is the right
2245s move uh yeah long term it will really
2248s pay off and so there may be growing
2250s pains there have been growing pains for
2251s us internally and there may be growing
2254s pains for you guys on the experimental
2256s launch of update eight and we'll sort of
2258s just see what we can do from that point
2259s on but we think in the end right at the
2261s end of the day right it's going to make
2263s for a better game and that is what is uh
2265s most important we feel all right so
2266s that's pretty much all I wanted to talk
2268s about but as promised I'm going to just
2269s give a tldr because this video has been
2271s massive absolutely massive okay and so
2274s let's just do a quick tldr of what this
2278s means for satisfactory and what you guys
2280s can expect so first of all we anticipate
2282s growing pains from the launch of update
2285s 8 on the experimental version of the
2286s game and then we'll we don't know what
2288s that like ironing out process will be
2289s like but we do expect that and this also
2291s includes dedicated servers we do however
2294s believe that this will improve things
2295s greatly in the long run we do believe it
2297s is worth it there are also a slew of new
2299s features that come with Unreal Engine 5
2301s that we can take advantage of so we
2302s believe that that is absolutely worth it
2304s and for example
2305s um there's going to be better vehicle
2307s physics with the chaos engine there's
2308s going to be more efficient world map
2310s streaming with a world petition system
2312s that's going to be better lighting with
2314s Lumen for those of you who can take
2316s advantage of lumen there's going to be
2318s better key binding uh for the player and
2320s less input bugs when it comes to that we
2323s also think that it's gonna just gonna be
2324s better Fidelity in general when it comes
2326s to utilizing nanite where possible so
2328s yeah a whole bunch of new features
2330s um coming with Unreal Engine 5 that we
2332s can take advantage of in in
2334s um satisfactory overall we expect
2336s similar or slightly worse performance at
2339s the launch of update 8 experimental for
2341s some folks but we do expect that after
2344s some tweet tweaks with uh Community
2347s feedback that uh we're actually quite
2349s confident that performance will improve
2350s Over time however other new features
2352s like nanite and anti-aliasing options
2355s like TSR and FXAA will hopefully be able
2358s to be utilized by you guys and so that
2360s you get more bang for your buck when
2362s when it comes to Performance and and
2364s hopefully it will mitigate some of your
2365s performance issues if you have them so
2367s we'll see how that goes and finally we
2370s think that mods will for sure break at
2372s the experimental launch of update 8. it
2374s is up to the morning Community to make
2376s the changes they need to their tools and
2378s to mods to support the new versions of
2380s the game moving forward if you run into
2382s the run into any mod related crashes
2384s these are not uh things that we can
2386s solve you will have to go to the mining
2387s Community or the mod developers
2388s themselves
2390s get an update on what's going on there
2392s okay so that's the situation with mods
2394s and that's the tldr that's that's all of
2396s it in a nutshell if you want any more
2397s information about specifics about what I
2399s just said and you fast forwarded to here
2400s go back and watch the whole video okay
2402s but in any case thank you so much for
2404s hanging out with me if you made it to
2405s the end congratulations I hope you're
2407s excited I hope everything goes as smooth
2409s as possible with this launch but uh
2412s these are bold and brave steps and I
2415s think it's going to be worth it in the
2416s end so thank you so much for watching
2417s this video I hope you enjoyed it if you
2419s did leave a like thanks Jace helps a lot
2421s in the comments and I will catch you all
2423s next time have a lovely weekend and take
2425s care bye everyone
2433s all right now we're done holy holy holy
2436s holy cow holy
2439s holy cow what a video