9 days
ago -
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Hello everyone, happy Thursday! Cold days are coming to a close so let's warm up some more with a hotfix, check it out! ->

- Fixed the issue where repair, plant and defuse interactions were not available while on ladders, making hatch doors OP from below.
- Fixed the issue where if looking at Questbook when quests expire, player would have non interactable expired quests.
- Fixed the issue where ending vehicle service on a car jack would crash the server.
- Possible fix for a rare server crash relating wheelbarrows.
- Fixed the issue where refilling turrets with multiple ammo types would sometime crash the server.
- Fixed the issue where puppets would not attack players in big rafts.
- Potential fix for a rare client crash when interacting with gardens.
- Fixed the issue where players exiting vehicles could sometimes cause a server crash.
- Fixed the issue where a rare server crash could occur when refueling vehicles.

- Removed the Holiday menu screen (and you thought Mariah Carey would overstay her welcome).
- Improved puppet attack tracking.
- Settings applied inside overlapped custom zones in server settings now prioritize the smallest zone.
- Improved puppet movement around stairs and elevated positions.
- Adjusted protection level of all helmets.
- Puppets will now react accordingly when taking damage from flame throwers.
- Reduced EMP effect radius.
- Nerfed N9 bayonet damage.
- Lowered max running speed of skinny and normal puppets.
- Optimized server loading time and network load for some BB elements.+