about 1 month
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Hello everyone, happy Monday! We are back with a new Dev update! Check it out!

It is good to be back! First of all we wish you all a wonderful 2025 year! We are back in the office in full strength now and ready to hit it again. As we already stated, this year is our year to finally release SCUM from Early Access into full release. So we are now full steam ahead, all hands on deck, no mountain too high, no valley to low and all other Instagram quotes you can think of here.
So you can expect us to be more and more active again, with more and more interesting stuff from us. And we will need you as well as your feedback will be one of the key elements on the path to 1.0 as it has always been. So see you in the forums, chats and everywhere else and let us sprint together to the finish line.
Next week back to the regular dev updates, so do not worry.

It is good to be back! First of all we wish you all a wonderful 2025 year! We are back in the office in full strength now and ready to hit it again. As we already stated, this year is our year to finally release SCUM from Early Access into full release. So we are now full steam ahead, all hands on deck, no mountain too high, no valley to low and all other Instagram quotes you can think of here.
So you can expect us to be more and more active again, with more and more interesting stuff from us. And we will need you as well as your feedback will be one of the key elements on the path to 1.0 as it has always been. So see you in the forums, chats and everywhere else and let us sprint together to the finish line.
Next week back to the regular dev updates, so do not worry.