about 1 month
ago -
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Hello hello everyone ! Happy Thursday, ready for a hot hot hotfix on this cold day! If the answer is yes sweet, if the answer is no well too bad. Check it out! ->
- Fixed the issue where phones would spam "New Message Received" notification on quest start.
- Fixed the issue where the First person camera would clip through player body during urinate animation.
- Fixed incorrect descriptions for rafts and hatch door crafting recipes.
- Fixed the issue where some purchased vehicles would spawn in without an alternator.
- Fixed the issue where shooting with an Improvised rifle in third person would make the character twitch.
- Fixed the issue where the quest cycle would not reset properly.
- Fixed the issue where players that were in push vehicle action would not be visible to other players in some cases.
- Fixed multiple running animations with items in hand.
- Fixed the issue where you could not reload a weapon while driving, if you have another weapon in inventory.
- Fixed the issue where the horde scream would not be heard even though it should by server settings.
- Fixed multiple wrong grip animations.
- Fixed the issue where moving a chest inside flag area would fill multiple BB element slots in the limit.
- Fixed the issue where weapons would sometimes replicate to other players when it should not.
- Fixed the issue where turrets would not target players wearing puppet suits.
- Fixed the issue where turret indicator light would not work.
- Fixed puppet spawn location on multiple POIs.
- Fixed the issue where some dev commands were available when they shouldn't.
- Fixed the issue where shotguns would not have muzzle flashes.
- Fixed the issue where abandoned bunker generator room door could not be closed if opened by NPCs.
- Fixed the issue where holding a throw animation would raise STR stat.
- Fixed the issue where under certain lighting the player hair would glow.
- Fixed the issue where Basic turrets could not be filled with shotgun shells.
- Fixed the issue where SCAR L could not be zeroed past 400m.
- Database optimizations.
- Fixed the issue where headlamps light would illuminate the wrong way.
- Multiple animation fixes.
- Executing soft wipe, will now wipe quest progress as well.
- MAC 10 can now be used in the driver seat.
- Reduced the chance of horde activation by puppet scream.
- Introduced new type of quests.
- You can no longer place BB target elements on other BB target elements.
- Increased Quest time limit across the board.
- Adjusted explosive arrow damage to sentries and dropships.
- RIS quad vehicle spawned in with admin command no longer spawns with medium storage rack on it.
- Traders will now show the quantity of items in stock.
- Turrets loaded with multiple types of ammo will now fire the ammo from the first loaded towards last loaded round.
- Server setting QUESTS -> BLOCK PURCHASE OF REQUIRED ITEMS is now off by default.
- Adjusted movement speed when holding a bow in hands.
- Added new server setting:
[Features] Subcategory "BASE BUILDING"
scum.AllowFloorPlacementOnHalfAndLowWalls=0 - This setting allows or disallows placement of floors on half and low walls.
scum.AllowWallPlacementOnHalfAndLowWalls=1 - This setting allows or disallows placement of wall placement on half and low walls.