@MrMetallicFreak Hi! Our discord is our community's base of operations and the perfect place to share your feedback. You can join in here http://discord.gg/secondextinction 🦖
@moparsmind You can find previous and coming Patch Notes on our website http://secondextinctiongame.com under "News". We also share them in a tweet here when new ones are released.
@dimi6666xb Hehe, yes! We definitely recommend you squad up to a full team of 3. But if you really want to try it solo Expedition Mode is a good place to start and Rosy is a crowd favorite when trying out solo.
If you visited our website, you've seen these before!
Some amazing character spotlights for this Wallpaper Friday, enjoy! We hope you have a fulfilling weekend before returning to Earth to kill more Dinos🦖
#ReclaimEarth #SecondExtinction #Wallpaper http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FSFHyrMXMAAd06u.jpg