about 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link
Originally posted by Gnommi: I think the main Problem was, that i played Co-Op with a mate and it was kinda buggy when he hit dinos and I killed them. Did it Solo and there wasn´t a Problem
Was your friend shooting at the time?

If you find any new bugs or need some help, please contact us to report bugs at https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360017249719-Report-a-bug
about 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link
Originally posted by Gnommi: Well, I can´t really tell but it was weird. In solo I just killed my 6 Dinos (and after that 8 for the quest after), but in Co-Op Mode I often got only 4-5, although I killed way more. Same happend for my mate, we had to try over an hour in Co-Op Mode to complete it for him. Seemed like the ones the other one hit, didn´t count for the mission

Thank you. This has been sent to the development team for further investigation.

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