over 4 years
ago -
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Hey Noobah, I haven't seen this one before. From my own experience the controller (I'm using an Xbox One controller) connects automatically when you start using it.
If that's not the case for you, please add a ticket here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrmhZujgXhUNGpz_nvhiI-BPzIwfntvks8U-thfZVolcQv5Q/viewform
You can add your information there and we'll be able to get back to you with an answer when one is available :)
If that's not the case for you, please add a ticket here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrmhZujgXhUNGpz_nvhiI-BPzIwfntvks8U-thfZVolcQv5Q/viewform
You can add your information there and we'll be able to get back to you with an answer when one is available :)