Don't forget to finish all of Pre-Season 4's seasonal contracts, so you're ready to take on the contracts of Pre-Season 2! You've got two days! ✌️
@hybryd0 Hi! Please send in your crash reports here: so support can have a look at why it's crashing for you. We're looking into the issues of fps drops and crashes that appear when there are too many dinos on the screen. We'll push a fix as soon as we have one.
@Snake52489347 Hi! Did he lose internet connection or crash? If he crashed please ask him to send in his crash report here: so we can have a look at why he's crashing.
@ProMidoz @grhu0601 @Xbox @XboxGamePass Hi! Support gets back to everyone, and if you haven't received an email saying the ticket has been closed, it's still being looked at. You'll receive an answer as soon as they have one for you.
@wreck_it_ryan Yes, you will have the entirety of Pre-Season 4 to complete the contracts. Pre-Season 2's contracts follow Pre-Season 4's contracts, so you have to complete Pre-Season 4's if you want to do Pre-Season 2's.
@wreck_it_ryan Pre-Season 2's contracts are added to the game to let Xbox players get a chance at completing them, and for Steam/PC players to get another shot at them, since their window was cut short last time they were available.
ICYMI: On May 27th, Pre-Season 2’s contract will become available, both for Xbox players who’ll get their first shot at them and for Steam players who had their window cut short last time they were available. Read more about it here
@13Jads13 Have you created a ticket for this? If not please do so here: so the team can have a look why you're having this issue.
Aaah, the Steam Daily Deal is already halfway over!
Don't forget that Second Extinction is 60% off right now, if you've been thinking of getting on board or getting a friend to join the action, this is the perfect time to do it!