over 4 years
ago -
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We are collecting information about crashes. If you can't resolve your problem, then please refer to the support article https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load.
If you don't find a solution there, please follow step 5 and contact us.
Regarding contracts, could you please specify which one(s) you're having a problem with and what's going wrong? Please be as specific as possible with that, because it helps the dev team. We're investigating them internally right now and plan to fix some, but we may of missed something.
Thanks in advance.
We are collecting information about crashes. If you can't resolve your problem, then please refer to the support article https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load.
If you don't find a solution there, please follow step 5 and contact us.
Regarding contracts, could you please specify which one(s) you're having a problem with and what's going wrong? Please be as specific as possible with that, because it helps the dev team. We're investigating them internally right now and plan to fix some, but we may of missed something.
Thanks in advance.