about 4 years
ago -
Direct link
Please take a look at our support guide regarding crashes and the game not launching - https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load
If you need one on one help, we're happy to help. If there's anything new the community finds as to why the game may not be working, please just contact us. We'll update the troubleshooting guide as need be.
Please take a look at our support guide regarding crashes and the game not launching - https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load
If you need one on one help, we're happy to help. If there's anything new the community finds as to why the game may not be working, please just contact us. We'll update the troubleshooting guide as need be.