over 3 years ago - Anais - Direct link
What are contracts?
Contracts are optional challenges and objectives you can select and upon completion will grant you various rewards.

When do I get access to contracts?
After reaching level 5 contracts will be made available to you in the contract screen.

Where and how do I select a contract?
Go to the contract screen and open the board tab.
Here you can see the contracts that are available to you and you have the option to activate them. Once activated the contract will move over to the 'Active' tab.

How many contracts can I have active at once?
You can only have three active at a time.

How do I claim rewards?
After returning from a mission you can claim your reward in the 'Active' tab in the contract screen.

How do I unlock new contracts?
Some contracts are a series were completing the first will unlock the next in the series and so on. Series often comes in three. Every 5 levels new contracts will be unlocked.
Contracts can be made available in response to the War Effort

Where can I track progress?
In-game you will get UI notifications as you progress objectives, complete objective and complete the contract.
You can also track your progress in the 'Active' tab in the contract screen.

What if I can't complete a contract?
In the 'Active' tab you can remove the contract and come back to it later.

What rewards will I get from completing contracts?
Contracts can give various rewards from Rare Materials to Weapon Skins and other Cosmetics.

What happens if the timer runs out?
The contract will be regarded as 'failed' and you have to abandon it and re-activate it.

Do you have in-game text or voice chat?
Second Extinction does not currently feature in-built text or voice communications. For the latter, it is recommended that players use the official Second Extinction Discord Server -http://discord.gg/secondextinction
UPDATE: In-game communications is on the Roadmap and is planned to arrive with Pre-Season 6 in September 2021.

How do I communicate with strangers if I am unable to use voice communications?
Players can use the CALLOUT system to select from a series of predefined phrases to draw attention to a number of in-world situations and to show player intent

How do I use the CALLOUT system?
With default keybindings, tapping either middle mouse or right shoulder buttons will trigger a Quick Callout placing an icon in the world for all to see at the player's current aim position accompanied by a voice line from the player's character. When pointing at a specific entity such as an enemy or objective, the Quick Callout adapts and will automatically trigger an appropriate line and icon. Eg. Enemy over here! Ammo Crate here!

What if I want to be more specific?
Holding the Callout input instead of tapping it opens the Callout Menu, where you can choose from a selection of phrases related to common game actions
Use the mouse or right analog stick to select an option and release the Callout input to select it.

What if I want to express myself...THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF DANCE?
You can do that too! From the Callout Menu, pressing E or F cycles between options, including the player's assigned Emotes. New emotes can be won as part of post-mission rewards.
over 3 years ago - Anais - Direct link
Originally posted by Ghostrider: Just picked this game up and I am loving it so far. My main issue is with the lack of any kind of in game communications. Having to utilize discord is not ideal at all. Please Systemic if you see this add in game communications, at least in game text.
This games player base is shrinking and as a game focused on co op play it is imperative that you guys pump out some fixes and some content to keep this game alive.

Hi! Thank you for your feedback! I can ensure you the team is working hard at both fixes and content :) We're looking into in-game communication and will let you know when we have more to share. Until then keep an eye on the roadmap and coming updates to it, to see what's planned to come :)