over 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link

Please refer to the troubleshooting guide as to how to deal with crashes here: https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load.

If nothing helps, then please refer to step 5 and contact us.
over 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link
Originally posted by zerrierslizer0:
Originally posted by Drennon: Hello,

Please refer to the troubleshooting guide as to how to deal with crashes here: https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load.

If nothing helps, then please refer to step 5 and contact us.

i've just read through all of the trubleshoot's on the page you linked and i would send a crash report without hesitation IF i had one. the game doesnt create one for me and i have no idea why. as i mentioned in the main post, the crash reporting popup after game crash also crashes when i hit "send report" or whatever it said. i have looked through the files time and time again after posting as well as before to find the crash dump files, but nada. there is nothing. and it kinda scares me tbh. i'll keep from playing the game for a little while and try and cold restart my PC. clean reboot it for a more stable performance so that it may give results either without crashing or atleast give me a crash report. i'll check back when i have found something or if nothing else works. thank you for your time.

Please follow step 5 on the troubleshooting doc. You should be able to save the files and send them to me via a new support request.

I'm always available to help.
over 4 years ago - Drennon - Direct link
Originally posted by zerrierslizer0: i've just read through all of the trubleshoot's on the page you linked and i would send a crash report without hesitation IF i had one. the game doesnt create one for me and i have no idea why. as i mentioned in the main post, the crash reporting popup after game crash also crashes when i hit "send report" or whatever it said. i have looked through the files time and time again after posting as well as before to find the crash dump files, but nada. there is nothing. and it kinda scares me tbh. i'll keep from playing the game for a little while and try and cold restart my PC. clean reboot it for a more stable performance so that it may give results either without crashing or atleast give me a crash report. i'll check back when i have found something or if nothing else works. thank you for your time.

Please follow step 5 on the troubleshooting doc. You should be able to save the files and send them to me via a new support request.

I'm always available to help. [/quote]

no files are being saved in the folders or anywhere else. something isnt right. i have also checked integrity of the game files and something is missing each and every time. and it's not 1 or 2 files either. it's multiple. first time it was missing 7 files, which it re-downloaded. after that it was 23 and then 55 after that again. i think there might be a problem with the download on it's own. somehow the files are being corrupted whilst downloading. can you perhaps check the server from which the game is downloaded from? check if there are any instabilitys or maybe corrupt files? i would do it myself but i legally can't. and i don't want to get in trouble for checking for a possible mistake just because i think there might be one. so i'll have to ask, which i just did. hope we can fix this somehow. i'll lend a hand if i can. thank you for you'r time. appreciate it a lot.

Edit: it wouldnt let me quote the other comment correctly. sorry if it is a bit confusing. [/quote]

It would be much easier to help you troubleshoot this specific issue via support, as it seems to be isolated to your installation.

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