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My partner and i both love coop games, my best online gamer friend and his partner also like coop games. We play allot of games together BUT we dont play three player games simply because one of us has to sit in the party chat twiddling their thumbs waiting for their turn to play.

Time and time again we stop playing coop games simply because of the limited three player annoyance developers have this strange affinity for. We hardly play destiny anymore because there is no point in playing it if we cant all play together and i know im not the only one with this issue, unless you're single maybe but even then im sure you have a bestie and they have their besties and or partners. You know from the look of second extinction there could easily be four players dropping as there is clearly room for a fourth pod on that ship and gameplay would be allot more fun if you had to split up in teams of two to complete some objectives but nope... its three player and has no added gameplay mechanics other than dash and run because you cant do that type of thing in a survival shooter with down mechanics as one person will almost always die if alone. Im ranting at this point so ill stop but bugga me its a shame four people wont play it simply because we cant play it together. Hopefully in the future developers making coop games will see what type of people play coop games and why they continue to play them. (Monster hunter for example)

Sorry for ranting but i had to get this off my chest, this is not directed only at second extinction, its been like this for years for many coop games and im just sick of it.

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over 4 years ago - /u/anaispalm - Direct link

Sounds like you have to find a gamer friend who’s single to play with ;).

I’m kidding. I understand where you’re coming from. Early in development the team was trying out different setups and landed on 3 player co-op being the ultimate for this game, and like you said that’s what we’ve been working on making a great experience. We will however listen to the community’s wishes and feedback and if enough people want 4-player we will look into what’s possible. Thank you for sharing your feedback!

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