about 4 years ago - /u/anaispalm - Direct link

Originally posted by Liquidignition

So like, I left shortly after the game was released in EA, has much changed since. I remember the game was Hella repetitive and lacked much depth.

If you check out the bottom of the Roadmap you can see what's been added :)

about 4 years ago - /u/anaispalm - Direct link

Originally posted by Liquidignition

Will do, thanks.

I know this is a bit off topic but are you still updating Generation Zero by any chance. But it straight after I bought Second Extinction cos I love the engine you guys work on.

Cool! Happy you like it!
Yes :) GZ and SE have different teams, in different cities even, so they are not competing for attention from the devs. I don't work on GZ, but I know they have some really cool stuff coming both soon and further down the line. :)

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