about 3 years ago - Drennon - Direct link
Originally posted by ThatOneGuy: So does that mean that keys can not be rebound? Or that they can only be rebound once? I want to know if people who have used the key rebinding feature in the game (stated to be added to the game in a previous patch) have had issues with parts of the interface that still use (IE Hardcoded) the default inputs instead of the user defined inputs.

In Generation Zero (a game that uses the same engine by the same developer) the bicycle still uses the default WASD controls no matter which keys a user defines for movement controls in the games key rebinding settings. There are also several other parts of the UI that have hard coded keys that do not respect user defined key rebinds.

If you're experiencing such issues in Generation Zero, please send us a bug report in via support. You can do so at - https://support.generationzero.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016041773-How-to-report-a-game-bug-

If you're experiencing issues in Second Extinction, you can send us a bug report at - https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360017249719-Report-a-bug

We need individual bug reports for each game to pass onto the separate teams. I'll happily take the request though, personally, and report the bugs myself.