over 4 years ago - Anaïs - Direct link
Originally posted by ChrisGames: So, one of my friends has this problem.
I tried Team Viewing his pc but no fixes, i tried updating everything, now im making him updating to Windows 10 2004, he has 1903 right now.

Obviously he does have a decent pc which he can play many games, L4D2, Earthfall, Dead Island etc.
The only thing he haven't has min req. is the graphic card, which is a GT 740m.
i7 4700, 12 gb ram and the pc is a laptop.
I thought it could be Vulkan, but his pc supports it, so it isn't.

Now, i've seen many peoples having issues with this, and also myself have many different issues.
I don't think is only because his gpu isn't the newest and the most powerful one is the problem with the game crash as i have an i9, 32 gb ram and an rx 5700.

I can start the game, but often it does crash at launch, same error as my friend or another one.
SteamApps()->BisSubscribed failed, Steam account does not have access to title 1024380"

I don't wanna say something i don't know, but at this point was much better to just delay the game instead of pushing it so hard in EA.

Im actually asking for a fix, even a temporary one, waiting for a patch to be released.
Please, help me and fix this thing.
Sorry to hear you're having problems with crashes. Please go through these steps: https://support.secondextinctiongame.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016921920-Game-is-crashing-or-won-t-load (it has recently been updated) if they don't help you out please collect the files from the crash report and send to us, the guide will tell you how. Thank you.
When it comes to your friend I suggest he does the same, not meeting the minimum requirements opens up for new possible issues, but hopefully, the updating and following the steps can help him too.

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