about 2 years
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hi I'm Samantha Curtis I'm a designer at |
2s | that game company previously I feel the |
4s | roles of community manager now I instead |
7s | of collecting feedback on what we create |
9s | I actually help create it from the |
11s | ground up |
13s | I kind of came to TGC with not a lot of |
16s | experience but a lot of energy to learn |
18s | what needed to be done on the fly in |
20s | order to make myself as useful as |
22s | possible having that freedom to grow as |
25s | a community manager and then also have |
28s | questions that I was asking about the |
29s | design eventually led to me being a |
31s | designer on the team I always want to |
33s | know why that motivates me for |
35s | everything if I understand why I can |
37s | better look at it from a perspective |
39s | that's not my own and empathize with |
41s | that now being a designer I look at |
43s | things from that perspective but at the |
46s | back of my mind I've always got the the |
48s | heart and soul of the community and a |
50s | good calibrated guess on how our players |
53s | are going to treat something that we |
54s | present to them prior to joining the |
56s | games industry I did anything from being |
58s | a bank teller to what some people will |
61s | know as a loan officer or a credit |
62s | analyst that wasn't just numbers and |
66s | payments it was humans struggling |
70s | I want to do good because I think |
72s | putting good into the world is so |
74s | important being at TGC gives me an |
75s | opportunity to do that through video |
77s | games my love is is deepest for a sky |
80s | because I love that human interaction |
82s | and connection on a wider scale bring |
85s | that good and that kindness and that |
86s | warmth back into everything that I do |
89s | that's valued and respected here and |
92s | that's amazing |
94s | [Music] |