27 days
ago -
Direct link
350s | honk honk sky kids we are here we are |
355s | back and I think things are under |
358s | control I think think |
362s | maybe I don't know I don't know what |
364s | happened you guys and I know I say that |
366s | a lot I don't know what happened but |
368s | this time I I I promise I I have no idea |
371s | what happened it it was too much it was |
374s | too much I'm sorry guys I'm sorry but |
378s | hopefully you guys are doing |
380s | okay everybody doing okay in the chat |
382s | hello Tik Tok hello YouTube Hello twitch |
387s | welcome welcome welcome and I am happy |
389s | to be here with you guys first things |
392s | first before we explain what we going to |
394s | do oh Sheik uh says hi to you oh hi hi |
398s | following smile says honk honk honk honk |
401s | right back at you honk honk right back |
403s | at you in fact let's do another honk |
405s | honk to everybody hello Tik Tock ad Dow |
408s | hongk Hong Hong hey Peggy happy happy |
412s | birthday Nora that's not a hong Hong hey |
414s | Peggy but that's okay can you guys hear |
416s | me okay is the music too loud |
421s | because if it is I apologize but before |
425s | we do anything you guys know the drill |
427s | follow us across all social medias we |
429s | are everywhere well almost everywhere |
432s | but working on getting |
435s | everywhere wait another crash hopefully |
437s | not think seems okay on my side so |
441s | hopefully you guys are doing okay as |
443s | well but I took a look on OBS just in |
446s | case just in case but yeah follow us |
448s | everywhere you guys and if you you are |
450s | not on Discord Discord is the place to |
453s | be for you guys to get to meet other sky |
456s | kids find groups find people who to |
458s | carry you around very very very |
460s | difficult things uh waren wire honk honk |
463s | I'm having stream issues and so am I |
465s | buddy so am I but we will overcome it |
468s | together we will overcome it together |
472s | and before we forget anybody celebrating |
475s | their birthdays because this is the time |
477s | where we celebrate your life as you guys |
479s | know know I love celebrating with you |
483s | guys you guys are important to me and I |
485s | would love to celebrate your birthdays |
489s | happy birthday Sky Kids please do |
492s | remember you are important your life is |
495s | important you are important to me to us |
499s | to all sky kids who you have shared your |
502s | light with and you guys have no idea |
506s | how how how true this is right hey I'm |
510s | about to say something very serious and |
512s | here I am wearing this hat there you go |
516s | but I have me I have met people in Sky |
519s | who really touched me it was really you |
523s | know we were able to share about life in |
527s | fact I was sharing with people uh i m in |
530s | Sky about my dream of working at TGC and |
534s | guess what months later I am a crab |
538s | streaming on online where my computer |
541s | allows oh and to tell you guys I told |
544s | you I was going to tell you what |
546s | happened what happened you guys so right |
549s | now we are streaming to Twitch we are |
552s | streaming to YouTube and we are |
553s | streaming on Tik Tok I went rogue and |
557s | went above and beyond what everybody |
560s | told me and I said you know what let me |
562s | stream on Instagram too why not they |
565s | they deserve some crab love but you know |
569s | eh computer said no no no Instagram |
573s | stream so but we are back I'm happy that |
575s | you guys came back all 85 of you on Tik |
578s | Tok all several of you guys the other |
582s | Tik Tok and YouTube uh I don't know how |
584s | many of you guys are watching us right |
586s | now but I appreciate you guys here I |
588s | appreciate you guys here all |
590s | right what is the next collab it's me |
593s | you guys are about to see me in game how |
596s | is that for a |
597s | collab brtk |
601s | sk9 you guys this is what we're going to |
604s | do okay I am going because I was sharing |
608s | all of this with you guys right about |
611s | how I've met some really interesting and |
614s | really important people in sky and I I |
619s | want to have the opportunity to talk to |
621s | you right that's what humans of sky is |
624s | about is talking to you and I want to |
628s | know a little bit of the the person |
630s | behind the Sky Kid mask you know the |
633s | person who who wraps themselves around |
635s | the caves and fly around the Realms uh |
638s | but there are some ground rules okay |
640s | some ground rules here is uh I will not |
643s | ask your real name or personal |
645s | information we will keep that strictly |
648s | within sky and how you like to be called |
650s | in Sky oh people want to see some tea |
654s | plushies oh stop I I want to have your |
656s | plushies to hug and cherish and back to |
660s | the rules I'm sorry you guys my uh |
662s | because of the computer crash my ADHD is |
665s | a little bit through the roof and I |
668s | might be a little bit over energetic I |
670s | apologize if I am so let me try to |
672s | Mellow down a little bit um yes ground |
676s | rules right no personal information |
679s | which doesn't mean that I don't want to |
681s | know of your real dreams right it |
683s | doesn't mean that I don't want to know |
686s | uh about your real memories and things |
690s | that make you happy and things that have |
692s | marked your life with that said let me |
696s | share with you guys real quick the rules |
699s | I'm going to walk around the the Realms |
700s | and I'm going to try to find people but |
702s | if you are willing to participate please |
705s | post the name you want to be known or be |
708s | called within the stream in a friend |
710s | code you know if I don't find anybody |
712s | maybe I will go around and and |
716s | uh you know befriend you and maybe we |
719s | can hang out a little |
723s | bit hello spiders hello hello |
727s | hello what's the next TS Sky |
731s | God that information I do know but I |
733s | will hold it dear to my heart but trust |
738s | me when time comes you guys will know |
740s | you guys will know no no need to rush |
742s | things we are all patient people we are |
745s | all very patient people all right guys |
747s | let's go to the game play and I'll be |
749s | with you guys in like two seconds it's |
751s | going to be real |
755s | quick okay do you guys understand the |
759s | rules what's my favorite season that's a |
761s | really good question uh Miss nurin 22 uh |
765s | I have to say season of Aurora was |
768s | something amazing it really was amazing |
770s | with that |
772s | said season of the lero prince was |
775s | probably the one |
777s | that that made me say okay TJC goes |
781s | again TJC goes right back to |
785s | it all right Anna the Hedgehog Anna the |
788s | Hedgehog wants to become friends so let |
791s | me see if I am able to get you real |
794s | quick Anna just give me one |
798s | second uh let's see here |
810s | I am typing and I typee really slowly |
812s | with this little Nubs that Sky creators |
814s | made me they are too far apart so I have |
817s | to go like one by one really slowly but |
822s | Anna I got you hopefully I get to see |
824s | you in the game and we can chat for a |
826s | little |
827s | bit but if other people would like to |
829s | join just remember put your the name you |
831s | want to be known as live here and send |
835s | me your code |
842s | [Music] |
850s | all right Anna we are |
851s | friends we are friends should I go to |
854s | you or you're going to come to |
857s | me let me see if I can find you here in |
860s | my huge list of friends let's |
865s | see let's see |
869s | Anna I I I I am oh here you go Anna oh |
873s | thank you you already lit that light |
875s | that's |
876s | cool oh you're already with me |
880s | a wait you're not with me oh there you |
884s | go ah come here come |
887s | here come |
895s | here give me a high five Anna |
898s | [Music] |
901s | all right you guys so I would love to |
904s | introduce you to |
906s | Anna hi Anna |
909s | yes let high five boom and let's |
914s | cheat hi oh you guys everybody everybody |
919s | types in chat okay please we forgive you |
923s | to for your typos because there will be |
926s | quite a lot Orchid hi hi thank you for |
929s | saying hi to you uh please forgive me |
932s | for the typos many will happen so bear |
935s | with me all |
936s | right |
938s | and nice to meet |
942s | you say |
945s | hi to |
946s | [Music] |
953s | stream that's honestly the thing that I |
956s | like the most about Sky you guys is just |
957s | going around and talking two people it's |
961s | it's it's a |
962s | blast yeah you can put a code in the |
964s | live chat but I'm going to talk to Anna |
967s | first so hold hold your codes until |
972s | later nice to meet you too I'm so happy |
975s | you're here with me |
981s | Anna I'm so happy to meet |
987s | you hello every everyone Anna says okay |
991s | Anna take |
993s | me to your |
997s | favorite |
999s | place in |
1004s | [Music] |
1007s | Sky by the way chat where is your |
1010s | favorite place in |
1011s | Sky I really Sort of hope that you guys |
1014s | will you know take me there I think very |
1018s | few things tell |
1019s | so much about Sky Kid |
1022s | than their favorite place in |
1027s | Sky golden Wast Lads no don't take me to |
1030s | Golden was oh Anna no did we Ser server |
1033s | split ah Anna please come |
1037s | [Music] |
1039s | back let's see if Anna went to a |
1042s | different please |
1045s | [Music] |
1052s | [Music] |
1054s | there you |
1056s | are all |
1058s | right favor |
1064s | [Music] |
1067s | please while at |
1075s | it what is your favorite |
1081s | food oh we're here |
1086s | nice very nice yes jellyfish Cove is is |
1089s | beautiful wait uh in the meanwhile let's |
1092s | I'm sorry Anna Let me just collect this |
1093s | light because you know it's just hanging |
1096s | here swim swim swim swim |
1098s | swim this is your new favorite |
1102s | place very |
1104s | nice it is really chill |
1110s | toos or |
1112s | tacos |
1121s | toos why do you |
1124s | like jellyfish gr so much |
1146s | and there you go you guys we will always |
1148s | start with something easy but we will we |
1152s | will go to |
1154s | to deeper questions soon so get ready |
1158s | purple is my favorite color cool |
1164s | so what about purple |
1169s | is so fascinating to |
1174s | [Music] |
1180s | you and it's peaceful here yeah it |
1182s | really is peaceful but I'll tell you I |
1184s | saw some people here in chat saying that |
1186s | their favorite place is wastelands and I |
1189s | I I want to say you guys that I love you |
1194s | [Music] |
1196s | but CAU hi to what are doing we are |
1199s | playing humans of sky where I'm going to |
1202s | go and meet several of you here in chat |
1205s | so we can talk a little bit and each |
1207s | other we can get to know each other in |
1209s | the chat get can get to know each |
1216s | other and the stiping so let's just be |
1221s | patient ah I have another question why |
1225s | you |
1226s | type Anna |
1232s | it used to be a rare caller and that's |
1234s | cool ah yeah it is |
1238s | cool |
1241s | nice I can |
1243s | tell you |
1247s | enjoy rare |
1251s | things |
1252s | so |
1255s | who is a rare person |
1259s | in your |
1262s | life you'd love to bring |
1274s | here uh Yoshi I do have the days of |
1277s | style jeans I I they fit me really well |
1280s | you know they they they make my hips |
1281s | look skinny uh if you look at me down |
1284s | here I am just a ball I'm a circle so |
1288s | I'll I'll take my chances on something |
1289s | that makes me a little |
1291s | skinnier sorry for taking so long to |
1293s | type I play on the switch say less I |
1297s | know it's |
1301s | difficult don't |
1307s | worries but |
1309s | yeah what rare |
1312s | person would you |
1314s | like to bring |
1316s | here and watch this |
1322s | Stars oh she she mentioned my boyfriend |
1325s | we live far away and I allow to meet him |
1327s | here oh I'm sorry to hear |
1338s | that so if you could send one |
1345s | message to him |
1349s | right |
1350s | now why would it |
1355s | be we are in an open |
1360s | space so |
1363s | yeah at the top of your |
1371s | lungs in chat can I ask you guys to put |
1374s | a heart to Anna you guys saw it she she |
1377s | misses her boyfriend they they live far |
1379s | away or they live away from one another |
1382s | and they would like to bring their |
1384s | boyfriend here so they could spend some |
1386s | time looking at the stars |
1388s | together yeah put some hearts that's so |
1390s | that's so cozy that's so cute that's |
1393s | super |
1400s | cute let's see now Anna is going to |
1403s | share a message to her boyfriend who's |
1405s | away what do you guys think they're |
1407s | going to say I'm I'm sure it's going to |
1409s | be something cute I'm sure it's going to |
1411s | be something |
1416s | beautiful all right guys I got Anna from |
1419s | YouTube so next I'm gonna get somebody |
1422s | from either twitch or Tik Tok just to be |
1425s | fair so remember put your |
1427s | name and and a code and the first one |
1431s | that I see after I talk to Anna uh I'm |
1434s | going to talk |
1436s | to I just want to wait and give give |
1439s | Anna the time to spell what she wants to |
1441s | scream at the top of her lungs to her |
1453s | boyfriend yeah jellfish go is something |
1455s | to see is it not look how beautiful it |
1457s | is you |
1459s | guys wouldn't you love to be in a place |
1461s | like this I do it's it's really it's |
1465s | really nice it really is nice |
1471s | I do love |
1474s | it be patient with Anna you guys please |
1477s | be patient with Anna they are on switch |
1479s | and we all know that switch can be |
1485s | complicated I would love for you to be |
1487s | here so you can sleep and snuggle Under |
1489s | the Stars a that's cute Anna give me a |
1495s | hug thank you so much for sharing with |
1497s | us |
1506s | [Music] |
1527s | I'm going to |
1529s | go talk to somebody |
1532s | [Music] |
1536s | else thank |
1538s | you all right chat time has come I'm |
1542s | going to to look I'm going to look at |
1543s | the first one that I see between twitch |
1545s | or Tik Tok I will hang out with let's |
1549s | see oh I see nuding nuding from Tik Tok |
1551s | nuding from no sorry noing from twitch |
1554s | Tik Tok you will be next okay I promise |
1556s | you'll be next we will not go any where |
1559s | until we talk to at least one of you |
1563s | guys around here but we have plenty of |
1565s | time I I'll try to make up some time too |
1568s | uh due to |
1569s | the the issue that we had |
1573s | earlier right oh wait let me let me go |
1576s | back to me just so I can do this |
1584s | [Music] |
1601s | I'm here you guys I'm here I'm just |
1602s | typing it takes a lot to focus |
1607s | on wait a second that didn't work nurin |
1624s | nin that didn't work your code didn't |
1627s | work |
1628s | nurin I'm sorry I'll give you 25 seconds |
1632s | to send |
1641s | again 25 seconds 10 11 12 13 |
1650s | 14 15 16 |
1654s | 17 |
1656s | 18 |
1658s | 19 20 if nuring doesn't get it I'll get |
1660s | somebody from Tik Tok 21 |
1664s | 22 22 and a half 22 and three quarters |
1669s | you guys what comes after three |
1672s | quarters 22 and |
1676s | 56 I I don't know uh uh where I am again |
1680s | I just lost it is it 24 24 25 nurin I I |
1684s | will talk to you in a second okay uh let |
1687s | me try get to get somebody from Tik Tok |
1689s | I see you I see you uh vaa I see you |
1693s | wait wait wait wait all |
1703s | right whoops hold on |
1724s | all right I got you |
1727s | vaa at least I think I did let's go back |
1730s | to the |
1737s | game let's go |
1739s | home so I can try to hang out with my |
1742s | friend |
1744s | vaa vaa if you see me please come to |
1753s | me and this here |
1769s | vaa come to |
1771s | me I couldn't find you I couldn't find |
1775s | you hi |
1780s | y why not V vaa says he can't or they |
1784s | can't |
1788s | no I'm going to wave over so when you |
1791s | when you can uh I I'll be ready uh nurin |
1794s | I see you on Twitch hurry up nurin hurry |
1797s | up |
1813s | my name my name is |
1818s | Tio what is your name nin I guess your |
1820s | name is |
1826s | nin oh thank you ah that is that is |
1830s | being the solution to our problems since |
1833s | 19 uh |
1835s | 92 is that right that is |
1838s | 92 |
1840s | 82 something like |
1843s | that all right guys I I I tried new I |
1846s | tried vaa I'm gonna try somebody else |
1847s | now somebody from Tik Tok oh rain I rain |
1852s | are we not friends I I'm pretty sure I |
1853s | had a a rain as a friend hold on |
1857s | oops e |
1893s | all right |
1894s | rain let's hang go hey guys I would love |
1898s | to introduce you to my friend |
1900s | rain uh they are awesome they they love |
1903s | watching TGC live |
1907s | streams uh I'm just having a hard time |
1909s | finding your rain please come to ah |
1911s | there you are |
1923s | ah there you |
1925s | are come here rain come here look at you |
1930s | you look so pretty look at that you |
1934s | guys rain you look so pretty give me a |
1937s | high five for being so |
1941s | cute doesn't rain looks fabulous you |
1946s | guys I think so |
1953s | all |
1956s | right oh hold on let |
1961s | me |
1963s | hi |
1964s | [Music] |
1966s | rain say hi to chat |
1980s | hello chat oh rain is saying hello to |
1982s | you |
1984s | guys |
1988s | R do you want to talk |
1992s | here or somewhere |
2004s | else you can't take me to your nest |
2009s | or your favorite |
2015s | place by the way do you guys have your |
2017s | nest so good to go because I think it |
2020s | would be really nice if we can go to to |
2022s | your guys's nests |
2030s | [Music] |
2042s | [Music] |
2047s | no |
2049s | rain I want to go to your nest not to |
2051s | mine am I going to |
2054s | mine sorry guys again my my fat little |
2060s | [Music] |
2061s | snubs there you go |
2064s | [Music] |
2072s | whoa you |
2074s | guys look at this Nest how |
2083s | cozy T |
2090s | wow wow |
2101s | beautiful rain let's |
2106s | cheat what is your favorite |
2111s | thing about |
2122s | Sky oh look at us just |
2124s | kicking just hanging out just just two |
2127s | sky kids chilling hanging out spending |
2131s | some time together yeah that's |
2134s | fun meeting new people definitely |
2137s | awesome that's a great |
2139s | answer great |
2142s | answer so do you make friendships easily |
2169s | do you guys in chat make friends |
2177s | easily sometimes I have many friends |
2179s | from across the world that's |
2183s | awesome how |
2186s | about in real life |
2191s | life I know sky can be a safe |
2198s | haven but do you enjoy meeting |
2204s | people face to |
2215s | face oh a few uh IRL friends that got |
2218s | into Sky isn't it awesome when you're |
2220s | actually able to merge the Two Worlds I |
2222s | swear like one of my favorite memories |
2225s | from last year was when my partner and I |
2227s | were playing days of summer together and |
2231s | days of sunlight sure yeah yeah flip the |
2234s | crab for saying it |
2237s | wrong but yeah it's it's uh it was my |
2241s | best memory it's just hanging out with |
2242s | with |
2243s | her in days of sunlight it was awesome |
2248s | what is the most |
2255s | important aspect of |
2260s | friendship the real question is you guys |
2263s | to you what is the most important thing |
2266s | about friendships let me know chat I |
2268s | want to read some from you guys while |
2270s | rain is |
2274s | typing pumpkin I try so hard to get my |
2276s | friends to play sky but I always fail uh |
2279s | at the downloading screen it's okay |
2281s | those that will come will come and you |
2284s | will be meaningful don't worry about it |
2286s | uh trust trust is the most meaningful |
2289s | thing about |
2292s | friendships and how long does it take to |
2297s | build |
2301s | trust it's |
2303s | easy when we know people for a long time |
2311s | but how can you |
2314s | tell friendships |
2319s | formed and trust this |
2330s | game uh Ray laser Kitty friendships are |
2333s | important so you have someone to support |
2335s | you and you support them back I agree |
2337s | that's |
2338s | 100% what uh friendship is all about I |
2342s | totally |
2352s | agree oh I have a question to rain it's |
2354s | probably going to be my second to last |
2356s | question to rain and a question to you |
2359s | too chat do you need to be blood to be |
2364s | family |
2369s | well the the first question you guys it |
2371s | was uh when do you know that trust is |
2373s | gained right and Rain says when I know |
2375s | that I can't count on them like if they |
2377s | done something to help me through a |
2378s | tough |
2379s | time yeah that's reasonable that's very |
2389s | reasonable H not to be booed to be |
2393s | blood again boo no ah |
2399s | there you go blood you little |
2402s | [Music] |
2409s | snobs it's found family I agree Chris |
2412s | Summers I agree in fact I don't I don't |
2415s | think that blood that's me personally I |
2417s | don't think that blood has anything to |
2419s | do with it you can have amazing amazing |
2423s | uh friends who are not blood and you can |
2425s | have some blood that is not as close as |
2427s | some of your your friends right it's all |
2429s | about connection it's all about |
2430s | friendship and that's all about what sky |
2432s | is all about really is that |
2434s | connection family can be |
2440s | anyone last question to rain so my |
2444s | co-workers are family to me a how cute |
2446s | so if you |
2448s | were to share a |
2451s | tip about how to make |
2456s | friends to a sh |
2459s | person what would it |
2468s | be last question to rain you guys I'm |
2471s | gonna try to get somebody now |
2474s | from uh |
2475s | twitch and I want to give the the chance |
2478s | to nurin uh just |
2480s | because nin if you are around uh you |
2483s | still have your chance please come back |
2485s | with a new code and I will do that but |
2488s | the next person is going to be from |
2490s | twitch we did one YouTube and one Tik |
2500s | Tok did you see T tus I have cookies and |
2503s | how come I was not offered one may I |
2506s | know what kind of friendship is this |
2509s | when cookies are not given what kind of |
2512s | friendship is this |
2520s | don't you guys just miss and love the |
2522s | time that you would go to your friend's |
2523s | house and just do nothing together |
2527s | there's very few things that I love more |
2529s | than doing nothing together with my |
2530s | friends as a shy person myself just be |
2533s | you and you will be able to find people |
2536s | who share similar interests as you you |
2538s | just have to be willing to step outside |
2540s | your comfort |
2542s | zone but you can do |
2545s | it you guys I know it's scary the world |
2549s | the world is a scary place right and I |
2551s | know a lot of us uh WEA because life |
2555s | right because of History uh feel a |
2558s | little bit more distrustful uh I get |
2561s | that and and we choose not to open up |
2564s | but I promise you when you find your |
2567s | tribe when you find people who G your |
2569s | weird and is okay with it and they are |
2572s | willing to share their weird with you uh |
2575s | that's a friend you stick to and if |
2577s | you're guys are okay just sitting silent |
2581s | next to one another that's okay uh as |
2585s | long as it's a safe place for both of |
2586s | you guys yes thank you to you thank you |
2591s | rain Say by to |
2596s | chat while I get somebody else twitch I |
2599s | need somebody from twitch very quick |
2601s | look to see if nuring said something |
2603s | back to us if nuring has not which I am |
2607s | not seeing thing I will get somebody |
2610s | else here on the |
2615s | chat oh we have a moth how cute okay |
2619s | let's let's try the moth and Rain says |
2621s | bye chat have a wonderful day and night |
2623s | everyone thank you thank you so much and |
2626s | let me get up ah my back my old crap |
2629s | back hurts but it was a a very |
2631s | comfortable couch indeed it was a very |
2633s | comfortable couch okay let's do uh Hy |
2638s | oh that's not the name that's the code |
2639s | okay let's do that |
2647s | [Music] |
2658s | [Music] |
2665s | [Music] |
2669s | oh thank you rain yes let's give a hug |
2671s | and then I'm going to go hang out with |
2673s | hamy you guys can you guys please put |
2675s | out a candle Emoji to our friend |
2683s | moth all right let's go hang out with |
2688s | hamy a moth has just started playing |
2691s | recently bring new to Sky how exciting |
2701s | how exciting okay let's see if hamy is |
2703s | here yes ham is here okay let's go to |
2707s | them they're look pretty they're looking |
2709s | pretty good for a moth I'll tell you my |
2712s | moth kid had nothing but one |
2721s | hair hi |
2724s | Hy oh no I'm wearning out of candles you |
2726s | guys |
2740s | you |
2741s | look super cute for a |
2753s | month |
2756s | hey what what brought you to |
2763s | Sky to Soy to Sky and what made you |
2777s | stay that's |
2783s | enough my ex well I guess it's a good |
2786s | thing about an accent |
2788s | bringing you to |
2791s | Sky positive |
2794s | things your laugh made me laugh I'm |
2797s | sorry I didn't mean to sound |
2798s | condescending the lovely Community it's |
2800s | lovely |
2808s | indeed what is the best thing in |
2814s | sky that you can't find in the real |
2824s | world |
2831s | Sky what is it |
2834s | chat what is the one thing in sky that |
2838s | you cannot find in the real world |
2848s | not the soy fous figment yeah I |
2853s | know well maybe it's soy in Spanish |
2858s | soyo okay oh that's a good question to |
2862s | be able to fly out say |
2866s | fair if you |
2868s | could fly anywhere in the |
2875s | world where would you go to |
2900s | true flying yeah flying is a a beautiful |
2905s | thing and to be honest when you play sky |
2908s | for the first time and and you go |
2909s | through the cloud uh Hall Cloud Hall is |
2913s | that is that what it is the cloud tunnel |
2915s | in Prairie H it warmed up my heart so |
2919s | much you guys it really did it really |
2925s | did wait I should be looking beautiful |
2927s | for this |
2930s | right oh that's a good question I love |
2932s | to travel I would say Korea back to |
2936s | Japan and other places |
2938s | so what's in Japan that you like so |
2952s | much and don't say skyfest skyfest was |
2956s | last year feels like five years ago but |
2961s | it was just last year |
2966s | [Music] |
2969s | oh your majesty says uh to meet my |
2972s | daughter in real life oh I hope you guys |
2974s | get to meet soon the food but I'm also a |
2978s | big wee B cosplayer nice |
2983s | so what about |
2986s | cosplaying entertains |
2991s | you is it the |
2994s | ability of being somebody |
3002s | else I love cosplays you guys uh in fact |
3005s | I'm cosplaying as a gentleman now but |
3007s | I'm going to remove that but you know I |
3010s | I I don't think I would cosplay I I I |
3013s | don't feel very |
3015s | comfortable not being myself you know |
3018s | what I'm saying uh but but it fascinates |
3021s | me it fascinates me how people can |
3023s | switch personalities to to the character |
3026s | that they are playing you |
3030s | know ning you don't have to say |
3040s | [Music] |
3052s | sorry I always like that dressing up |
3055s | started as a as a young young age plus I |
3059s | have been told I look younger than I am |
3061s | so I kind of ran with |
3069s | it can you |
3072s | share |
3075s | oops a |
3081s | dream you have |
3087s | [Music] |
3110s | is he normal for people to just drop CES |
3112s | in chat this is a special stream Jade we |
3115s | we we are getting to know our friends we |
3117s | are getting to know the humans behind |
3118s | the Sky Kid mask to become a famous |
3121s | singer or a |
3127s | vtuber what does it take for you to make |
3132s | it come |
3134s | true chat I would like to ask a favor I |
3138s | would |
3139s | like uh waterfall of positivity to hamy |
3145s | I want everybody to let them know that |
3147s | that they can be anything that they want |
3148s | to be can you guys do that for me can |
3151s | you guys please just share your love and |
3154s | show what this community is about and |
3156s | support the dream of |
3173s | Hemi do you guys have any questions to |
3176s | Hy before we wrap this up I'm gonna do |
3179s | one more person you |
3185s | guys Chad is ring for |
3188s | you they |
3190s | believe you can do |
3196s | it you have to |
3200s | believe because right |
3204s | now you have |
3208s | hundreds of |
3210s | people cheering you |
3218s | on you got this hamy you can be anything |
3221s | you want to be as long as you believe in |
3222s | yourself and not care about others |
3225s | think thank you thank you guys chase |
3228s | your dreams and make it a reality that's |
3230s | what this community is all about thank |
3232s | you guys for doing |
3235s | this and hey me says I will do it for |
3238s | everyone yay |
3242s | teamwork thanks for sharing your |
3248s | dream with us |
3277s | welcome to |
3281s | Sky say bye to |
3287s | [Music] |
3291s | chat bye-bye chat |
3298s | all right Chad one more person I'm |
3301s | closing my eyes I'm closing my little |
3303s | eyes and I'm shaking my pom poms until I |
3307s | see the first code remember it has to be |
3308s | the name you want to be called as and |
3311s | the code I'm going to open my eyes and |
3313s | the first name and code that I see I |
3316s | will be inviting to interview one two |
3319s | three |
3320s | go you guys don't believe it I saw nurin |
3323s | I saw nurin I saw nurin you guys okay |
3326s | nurin is made to |
3328s | be it's made to be that's how cool is |
3333s | that how cool is that okay let's do this |
3349s | [Music] |
3356s | okay did I work again |
3366s | uren no no it didn't work |
3369s | again ah feels |
3378s | bad feels bad feels bad all right again |
3382s | closing my eyes rolling rolling to |
3385s | update the first name I see I will get |
3387s | name and code go Phantom you got it |
3397s | Phantom you got it Phantom all right |
3399s | let's go |
3419s | all |
3429s | right |
3436s | why let's look for |
3439s | phantom phantom you're not |
3444s | online Phantom is not on you guys what |
3447s | should I |
3448s | do I do what chat |
3464s | says Phantom if you are in chat come and |
3467s | talk to |
3469s | me I am the one spinning woohoo woohoo |
3474s | woohoo |
3477s | all right let's see if Phantom is |
3479s | online no not yet not yet okay two more |
3484s | seconds for Phantom otherwise well not |
3487s | you let's be real another 20 seconds for |
3488s | Phantom and then I'll get somebody else |
3493s | okay go to the home space yeah let's try |
3495s | home |
3505s | space hey hey I'm tired of these pom |
3507s | pumps my my little SNS |
3510s | hurt okay let's take a look again for |
3512s | phantom phantom is not |
3516s | online Phantom says I am |
3518s | online Do You See Me online Phantom come |
3521s | come come to T come |
3531s | to it's a bug too no not a life bug |
3540s | oh feels bad you guys |
3543s | okay final try final try closing my eyes |
3547s | in six seven wait it was supposed to be |
3551s | a countdown six 5 4 3 two one go okay |
3564s | T hi |
3567s | oh via oh Phantom is here Phantom is |
3570s | [Music] |
3581s | here you know what Phantom I'm so happy |
3584s | that you're here that I'm going to |
3586s | unlock level two hug with |
3590s | you this is special this is very |
3595s | special look at your hair you look like |
3597s | a a Super |
3602s | Saiyan a super what you |
3605s | saying I'm so |
3610s | silly Phantom accept my candle for |
3617s | hug I I'm very sorry I was trying to get |
3619s | a c to stop flickering it's okay but |
3622s | come give me a big hug |
3631s | oh |
3632s | nice all |
3637s | right do you have a place you'd like to |
3643s | share with the chat |
3661s | I think Sanctuary all right |
3664s | so find a way and when we get there we |
3668s | will do our second interview by the way |
3671s | guys how how do you guys like this |
3672s | stream do you guys like |
3674s | it because we can do more of this |
3676s | nothing nothing stops us we are sky kids |
3679s | we are free to connect with others as |
3681s | much as we want |
3688s | right we are free to hang out and just |
3691s | be |
3702s | ourselves oh yeah I bought I bought uh |
3704s | some days of love |
3707s | stuff that's why I have the red light |
3714s | thing I have the crazy outfit is it's |
3717s | the most normal one woohoo let's be |
3720s | again |
3724s | Phantom you know what uh Phantom is |
3727s | taking me to Sanctuary right and I |
3728s | remember when I started playing |
3730s | Sky |
3732s | I I had |
3734s | somebody who just held my hand it's the |
3737s | the old moth story right somebody held |
3739s | your hand and took you somewhere and |
3741s | they took me to sanctuary and I remember |
3744s | just being mesmerized it was like the |
3747s | most beautiful flight |
3750s | ever and I told them so I told them so I |
3753s | said thank you for this this is |
3760s | amazing that was Meo it might have been |
3764s | it really |
3773s | might the first place of Veteran br me |
3776s | ah |
3780s | likewise and how cool is that that the |
3783s | moment we get to Sanctuary we are |
3784s | listening to guyses and |
3786s | glies Serendipity you guys |
3797s | Serendipity what about Sanctuary is cool |
3800s | to |
3802s | you just a good memory |
3836s | it's one of the most peaceful places in |
3838s | the |
3842s | Realms do you |
3846s | rather come |
3849s | here by |
3851s | yourself or with |
3857s | others what about you guys in chat do |
3860s | you guys prefer going to your favorite |
3861s | place in Sky by yourself or bringing |
3863s | other people here |
3873s | he always puts a smile on my face oh |
3875s | thank you you you just made me smile a |
3879s | thank you thank you for |
3881s | sharing I tend to fly solo so it's not |
3884s | often I get a chance to join friends |
3890s | here nice table in my face I know you |
3894s | guys uh okay let let's come a little bit |
3897s | to the side Phantom Let's uh see |
3907s | here |
3910s | Phantom in real |
3914s | life where is your favorite |
3920s | place to |
3922s | bring people you love |
3928s | or if you could choose a place |
3957s | if you guys could go anywhere in the |
3959s | world |
3960s | anywhere where would it |
3963s | be if you could bring me anywhere in the |
3967s | world why would you bring me you |
3969s | guys and don't do not say geyser do not |
3973s | say geyser I will cry if you say geyser |
3989s | difficult to answer cuz I'm not very |
3991s | social I want to bring them maybe to |
3994s | local nature preserve |
3999s | nice |
4001s | so what do you enjoy doing |
4005s | most when you are by |
4012s | yourself I want to respect |
4025s | Solitude as much of an indoors person as |
4028s | I am always love the nature preserved |
4031s | nearby I know it feels different it |
4033s | really does feel different when you're |
4035s | surrounded by Nature as some players |
4038s | will say touch some |
4041s | grass but it feels great it feels |
4044s | different |
4052s | why |
4055s | spes you're the |
4061s | [Music] |
4063s | most what inspires you the most you |
4069s | guys tiktock why inspires you the most |
4074s | [Music] |
4090s | [Music] |
4097s | oh I have a good question to to Phantom |
4100s | you guys I have a really good question |
4101s | to Phantom comeing people like you all |
4104s | TGC a despite the incoherent Noise We |
4107s | the player Bas made through |
4110s | you hey I appreciate the the |
4115s | truth and you know what the the noise is |
4118s | we get it you guys you know in fact that |
4121s | there is a |
4122s | saying in in the cave of |
4126s | crabs that is while people are making |
4128s | noise is because they value it you guys |
4131s | just want things to be better you guys |
4133s | just want to have a good experience so |
4135s | we get it don't don't don't need to to |
4137s | apologize for |
4139s | it you guys still do your best to sift |
4142s | through it and give us a wonderful |
4145s | experience that we all can enjoy oh |
4147s | thank |
4148s | [Music] |
4151s | you how do you |
4156s | think you can inspire people |
4165s | and even with how many issues we might |
4167s | run into I like to think we still get a |
4170s | positive experience from it in the end |
4172s | that's true and so do |
4175s | we and so do |
4179s | we how do you think you inspire people |
4183s | Phantom it's hard to say |
4193s | but I know how Phantom already fires me |
4197s | you know and I'll share in a |
4200s | second I'll share in a |
4208s | second just waiting for Phantom to share |
4210s | what he |
4213s | thinks oh thank you for the follow uh C |
4216s | on Tik Tok thank |
4218s | you I just want to be able to bring a |
4220s | little bit of happiness to the people |
4222s | around me even if it's from the |
4224s | sidelines Trust trust me you are already |
4229s | doing |
4232s | that just by how |
4237s | respectful |
4239s | you bring up the |
4244s | difficulties we have |
4247s | had people in |
4250s | chat are |
4252s | saying that |
4253s | it's really nice of you to bring it |
4261s | up I appreciate |
4265s | it you already inspire |
4272s | me |
4274s | to do better to be a better |
4279s | crab to be |
4281s | [Music] |
4283s | able to leave listen to |
4287s | you and your |
4292s | concerns while |
4296s | knowing we are |
4304s | [Music] |
4307s | appreciated a phantom says I see them in |
4310s | chat and I'm already tearing |
4313s | up don't do that to me I'm I'm going to |
4315s | cry |
4319s | too that's the end goal it really is it |
4322s | really |
4324s | is hey you guys chat are you guys |
4327s | inspired by |
4332s | Phantom Kota Aces oh we're here for you |
4335s | Phantom oh oh |
4339s | Phantom just by being here |
4343s | today you all right |
4346s | touched |
4348s | people people's |
4351s | hearts so it doesn't |
4354s | matter if you like being |
4359s | solo people still need your |
4374s | kindness I don't see the Point wasting |
4376s | energy with being so negative even with |
4379s | all the |
4384s | issues thank you |
4385s | to thank you for sharing your heart with |
4393s | us if you'd like to say something to the |
4398s | chat this is the time |
4411s | we have hands down the best community in |
4413s | gaming bottom line bottom |
4417s | line I'm glad I could got a chance he |
4421s | says chat know |
4424s | you hey give me a hug man |
4440s | thank you for being |
4446s | yourself I L meeting you |
4466s | H and daily Quest completed with that |
4468s | said you guys we are coming to the end |
4471s | of this |
4481s | stream I don't even know what to say you |
4484s | guys the ending of this stream was |
4486s | perfect it was |
4489s | perfect it was it |
4492s | was a good time um thank you thank you |
4496s | everybody thank you hammy thank you uh |
4499s | Phantom thank you Anna thank you |
4502s | everybody who uh join us and norin uh |
4506s | nurin please feel free to send me a |
4509s | message on on |
4511s | Discord and say that you are noring |
4514s | because I missed the chance of of |
4517s | talking to you and we tried a few times |
4520s | and I do not want to think uh I don't |
4522s | want you to feel that it was not |
4525s | validated so I would like to FR you in |
4527s | game nin and yeah and get to know you in |
4531s | game with that said Chad thank you so |
4533s | much for being here it's another live |
4536s | stream thank you so much for being with |
4538s | us uh my name is Tio and oh next week |
4542s | you guys our stream is going to be |
4545s | Thursday okay it's going to be on a |
4548s | Thursday so keep in mind we will remind |
4551s | you on social media but with that said |
4554s | let's go back |
4555s | thank you so much for the live stream if |
4558s | that's how the song Went anyways thank |
4561s | you for being here I love you guys my |
4563s | name is Tio and I'll see you later |
4566s | byebye |
4571s | [Music] |