4 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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624s honk honk sky kids and welcome to
627s another djc stream my name is is Tio and
630s I am very very happy to be here with you
633s guys how is everybody doing today twitch
636s YouTube Tik Tok how is everybody doing
639s first and foremost how is the Audio
641s Level I spent some time trying to make
644s this work for you guys is it better than
647s usual because if not well we'll go
650s without but I'll try to fix it live I
653s just need you guys to let me know I know
655s that YouTube sometimes gets a little bit
657s too low Tik Tok sometimes is a little
659s bit too high and you know that's what we
661s get when we try to multi stream I
665s suppose uh yeah
668s yeah what is low
671s microphone I can try to increase my
674s microphone levels just a little bit but
676s here's the catch guys I when I get
678s excited I scream I don't I don't speak
681s so it can get a little bit too much but
684s okay let's let's try to work that out
687s hopefully you guys are going to get a
688s little bit of a better Fe now and let me
691s be sure that my music is also playing
694s and that you guys can hear it all right
696s you guys very happy to be here first and
699s foremost remember follow us across all
702s of our social medias we are in pretty
704s much all of them including Discord
706s Discord is the place to be for the
708s recent news for everything that is
710s happening just between us and the world
713s I guess but just between us I try to
715s share stuff a little bit ahead of time
717s on Discord as just you know core players
720s they they are there they are talking
721s they are hanging out they're giving
723s feedback and pretending to laugh at my
726s Shenanigans especially during uh
729s traveling Spirits
731s days so yeah yeah make sure to be
734s following us and as usual as usual folks
739s if you are celebrating your birthday
741s happy birthday be sure that you are
744s loved be sure that you are important be
746s sure that you are here because your life
750s matters to everybody around you don't
753s let anybody convince you otherwise your
755s life is important and thank you so much
758s for sharing it with us on this live
761s stream other than that thank you for
763s being with us anybody celebrating their
765s birthdays anybody celebrating their
767s birthdays because I want to try to call
768s out names Tik Tok any birthdays going
771s on Pella Naja luia thank you for joining
777s us thank you for joining us let me tell
779s some folks here on Twitch and YouTube
781s too
783s uh Viva plus Brazil hello no English
786s that's okay I am from Brazil too so you
789s know hi
791s hola Phantom bugo Lily Paris welcome
795s welcome welcome everybody but before we
798s get started as you guys know this will
800s be a days of sunlight stream very chill
804s very relaxing I hope you guys get to
806s find us uh my guest and I at the
809s elevated elevated clearing so you can
812s spend some time enjoying the sunlights
814s enjoying the water enjoying the sand and
817s with no further Ado you guys please give
822s us a lot of hype a lot of emojis a lot
824s of candles to my very dear good friend
828s styfi styfi thank you for joining us how
831s are you doing sty hell hello I'm great
834s I'm so so happy to be here it's been a
836s while since I've been able to say hi to
837s friends on a stream so
840s it's been a while I'm very happy to have
842s you yeah when when stalif said yes I'll
845s be on stream I gasped I was like now I
848s have to plan something I wasn't
850s expecting that so thank you
852s st hello everyone I see so many like
855s friends and friendly acquaintances in
857s chat too here on Twitch so hello y'all
859s it's so that's awesome and you have
861s plenty of Skype TRS now right like
863s you've been in the company for what like
865s five years now almost uh close to it
869s yeah yeah I think I'm at like 4 and a
870s half right now so wait when did you join
873s was it
875s 2020 yeah yeah early
878s 2020 my goodness what a progress right
881s like where we were before and where sky
883s is now even in terms of community and
885s everything that we've been doing right
887s from Sky assemblies which you led
889s graciously to to skyfest right how how
893s does it feel St you were a fan of the
895s game right why don't you tell you tell
898s people in chat about your story story
899s with did you see a little bit real quick
901s yeah of course so um I started playing
904s the game right when it launched um so
906s back in
907s 2019 uh I honestly I started playing it
910s because I kept getting um Reddit ads for
913s it and when I went to the subreddit
914s there was so many people talking about
915s how beautiful it was so I was like okay
917s I'll have to give this a try um I got
919s really involved on Discord uh with the
921s community I still have a bunch of
923s friends like in the beta testing
924s Community there as well on my like
926s personal account and uh one day a TGC
931s one of the CMS asked me if I happened to
933s be looking for a job and so of course
935s immediately I was like well now I am yes
939s um and it just kind of all fell into
941s place from there so now I work at TGC
944s I'm also a huge fan of the game I came
945s from the community and I'm really happy
947s to be able to work on the community team
949s um because obviously those things are
950s really important to me and something I
951s care a lot about uh and you are the
955s community right you you you work with
957s the community but you are the community
959s it's that it's that old saying of from
961s us by us kind of thing so so I I'm sure
965s it's it's awesome to be here and chat
968s again I know you guys have done it
969s already but if you haven't yet YouTube
971s twitch and Tik Tok put hearts and
973s candles just Spam make a wall of Hearts
976s candles and kisses to show your love to
979s stellify as I will
983s too thank you sty thank you for being
985s here with us and we will be playing B of
990s sunlight right and that has been a
995s lot that has been a lot of changes from
1000s days of sunlight right like I think in
1003s 2020 we had days of summer lights which
1008s it's not quite the same but it has Sumer
1011s and lights in in the in the title so I
1013s will consider that as such do you
1015s remember that yeah yeah there's like an
1017s evolution there I think they're all
1019s connected you know we we try things out
1021s we see how they work we maybe develop
1024s them a little bit more so yeah
1025s absolutely oh we have a friend actually
1027s saying hi stream on in game so Hi friend
1031s thank you for being with us and they are
1032s just chilling on that on that floater
1034s which is awesome you guys speaking of
1036s days of summer light 2020 it was the
1039s first summer event that we had here at
1042s TGC do you guys remember one of the
1045s things that came along with it do you
1047s remember sty some of the things that
1049s came along with it they came along with
1051s sunlight oh my gosh there's been Sumer
1053s lights 2020 what was introduced a little
1056s quiz here let's see the core players on
1058s Tik Tok twitch and YouTube yeah I'm
1061s gonna wait for chat a little bit before
1062s I before I say anything any ideas chat
1066s if you get it right you will come and
1069s find Popsicles with
1074s us oh is no Zora didn't the lantern come
1078s along yes indeed the lantern was one of
1080s them what was the second I'll give you a
1082s hintch is one of the things that you
1084s guys used is he one of the things that
1086s people used the mostly people use that
1088s quite a lot yeah yeah I will say it's
1090s one of it's one of the most used most
1092s used things in the game would be would
1094s be my guess yeah yeah Katy cat on Twitch
1097s bunny accessory not quite yet umbrella
1099s not quite yet we're talking
1101s 2020 yeah before umbrella the year
1104s before right one year before the year
1107s before yep yep yeah all right you guys I
1110s will show you message
1112s boats message boats that's when we
1115s introduced it in fact if you guys go
1118s back to to the blog uh we do have a
1122s little bit of a concept ARS uh of the of
1124s the message boat to guys in sizing and
1127s and showing how you would look like with
1129s the kid it's it's pretty neat uh sty is
1133s message vote something that you put on
1134s your on your gaming is that something
1136s that you check out is that something
1138s that you send out to other folks yeah I
1141s don't post them a whole lot but I really
1143s enjoy reading them whenever I see one
1145s from a friend um I always kind of like I
1147s run around really fast so I kind of like
1149s skirt and then go back and like find it
1151s again and read and leave a little heart
1154s um I really love them and it's
1156s interesting like when you were talking
1157s about this before how they were
1158s introduced during this days love event
1160s because they feel like they've always
1161s been there for me when you first was
1163s like gosh really they haven't just like
1165s been there from the beginning right it's
1167s something that is so engraved in what
1169s sky is the idea of sharing a little bit
1172s of yourself and sharing some love
1173s through messages that you know I me too
1176s as I Was preparing for this stream I'm
1177s like wait a second cool cool yeah yeah
1181s in fact sty that was one of the things
1183s that we did in Brazil for the sky
1185s assemblies in Brazil that was really
1186s neat everybody coming in was given a
1189s message boat to write a wholesome and
1191s War message right to whoever and they
1194s gave it back to us and then at the end
1197s everybody walking out received a little
1199s message boat so a loving message from
1201s somebody who they may not even know or
1204s just have refriended but everybody came
1205s back with a message vat of loving
1208s messages and that's all from Days of
1210s summerlight 2020 you guys but you know
1214s what as the summer sets and Rises so
1218s does days of sunlight setting in 2020
1222s and rising in 2021 bringing something
1226s special which people have said in chat
1227s what is it chat Tik Tok twitch
1230s YouTube what was introduced in
1234s 2021 it was said in the chat and styly
1237s said the they the year before
1242s so anybody in
1244s chat because if nobody says anything I
1248s will share that with
1251s you like we should have a drum
1254s roll the parasol parasol the yellow umbr
1259s um sure Yellow Umbrella that's how I
1261s call it too in fact the reason why I'm
1263s saying fasol is because this is official
1265s so we kind of want to keep it with the
1266s words that it was launched but as a
1268s player I too call it a parasol and more
1271s than that right remember the days of
1272s sunlight was in the old
1275s home with the the sand castles and
1278s everything uh these two images here
1281s styly actually show a lot of the things
1283s that were introduced then uh remember
1285s that people could uh burn seashells to
1288s collect some light during those days uh
1292s we had the spells for the summer ball so
1293s people could play ball at the beach uh
1296s the summer hats uh I think we had that
1299s seashell hairpin
1302s too yeah yes I I just someone just came
1305s and put a tin over us while we're
1306s napping in the game it was really cute
1310s what what was what was your favorite
1312s thing in 2021 days of sunlight
1315s St um I really love when we get uh
1320s changes when we got changes to the the
1322s home space so like the sand castle being
1324s added would probably be my favorite like
1325s news new Cosmetics are always wonderful
1327s too but I think um adding things like
1329s the sand castle or in other events they
1331s have their own sort of like
1332s environmental changes uh it just creates
1335s the The Vibes you know it just it
1338s creates a whole different environment
1340s and um it made it feel very like I don't
1343s know for sure nostalgic and like good
1345s memories from when you were a kid if you
1347s ever like got to go on vacation to the
1348s beach or like hang outwhere and if I'm
1352s can't speak if I'm not wrong I think we
1354s also introduced some beach props in
1356s 20121 I'm not too sure if it was 2021 or
1359s 2022 but we had like the beach chair and
1361s stuff so yeah just want to say hi to
1364s volcano chip it's my first days of
1366s sunlight and I absolutely love it well
1368s welcome uh I'm glad that you're enjoying
1371s it my my dear partner is also playing
1374s days of sunlight and having a blast and
1377s she was running around around running
1379s around running around and I'm like what
1381s are you doing and she says I'm running
1383s and I'm like why and she goes cuz that's
1384s all I know how to do but I really enjoy
1386s it so bless your heart bless your heart
1390s my dear all right you guys days of
1394s sunlight
1395s 2021 Fades into the night steadly
1399s bringing room for days of sunlight
1405s 2022 any hints any ideas chat what
1409s happened in 2022 do you guys remember
1413s that one of the biggest things that
1415s happened was I was I joined the team so
1418s TI happen to you not during days of
1420s sunlight sure during season of
1422s performance but I was here and we're
1423s gonna have uh a few shenanigans that I
1426s want to share with you guys that we
1427s played but just real quick styly any
1430s memories anything that you want to say
1432s about days of sunlight in
1436s 2022 o um
1441s I'm trying to remember like I'm say like
1443s what what is time all my years running
1444s together 2022
1447s specifically all right hold that thought
1449s let's watch a little video together so
1452s us and people can remember of that uh
1456s amazing summer
1460s [Music]
1486s there you go you guys I uh sunglasses
1490s sunglasses appeared uh it's also the new
1492s area right the elevated clearing as Sago
1496s would so awesomely say I would say the
1499s beach but sure elevated clearing was
1502s introduced uh fishing I think was
1505s introduced too there was so much that
1507s happened that year iel like they really
1509s like took it a step up right those
1512s sunlights were awesome those uh those
1514s Shades they were incredible yeah but one
1517s thing of the jellies yeah thank you for
1521s mentioning the jellies thank you for
1522s mentioning the jellies because as I said
1524s I brought a little bit of Tio Millennial
1527s Hummer to to to sky during those days
1531s and since baby jellies were introduced I
1534s could not help but baby
1538s jellies okay that's stuck in your head
1541s for the rest of the day you're welcome
1542s guys that that's what you got for
1544s joining us on stream what else happened
1547s when I was on in the social media team I
1550s tried playing games because what is
1552s summer if not hanging out and playing
1553s games with folks right so that said
1557s let's play a little game here here with
1559s the chat and with Stelly
1562s chat what is
1564s this sunlights bring Shadows right can
1568s you guys recognize these Shadows twitch
1570s Tik Tok What are you guys looking at
1572s YouTube what are you guys looking at in
1576s the shadow game and I think sty we had
1579s like uh five Shadow games and they were
1582s always growing in difficulty this was
1585s like level three and then level five was
1588s actually pretty hard
1591s sky kids I see sky kids sty is that what
1594s it
1596s is I think so you can always recognize
1598s the like cute little hairstyles I feel
1600s like in in silhouette so let the sun
1603s shine in and reveal inde did you guys
1606s you guys got it correctly and we did all
1608s of that and during days of sunlight 2022
1611s we also had a summer diary I wish I
1613s could have found everything to share
1614s with you guys but it was pretty much a
1616s Sky Kid writing on their diary about
1619s enjoying days of sunlight it was
1621s adorable I loved doing
1624s it and then
1628s 2023 right such a big year for Sky it
1631s was I think it was Aurora enor I think
1634s uh there was a world record lost
1636s somewhere in there uh in stellify waking
1640s up stellify waking up at 4 in the
1643s morning to play sky with ttis and
1645s auroraa herself that was pretty cool
1649s but that was a piece of days of sunlight
1651s you guys that
1653s was
1655s teased it was
1657s teased
1659s during uh the Aurora Encore do you guys
1663s remember what that
1667s was do you remember s just say yes or no
1670s you don't have to say what it is you
1671s remember what it was it was like trying
1672s not to give it away I was watching chat
1673s I was like do this she's like biting her
1675s nails I'm going to say it I'm going to
1676s say it all right guys oh I see people
1680s thinking 4 in the morning too early you
1683s you tell sty was it too
1685s early um oh a little bit I'm kind of a
1689s night owl so I'll stay up that late as
1691s long as I don't have to wake up early
1694s I'm I'm happy so so that there you go
1697s guys that that's uh wisdom being shared
1699s with you guys if you have to wake up at
1701s 4: in the morning no sleep just just
1703s take it please get sleep please have
1706s healthy healthy sleep habits yes yes
1709s don't do what I do y'all with that with
1711s that said why don't we watch the trailer
1713s for days of sunlight 2023 and we can
1715s remember everything that happened during
1717s days of sunight in 2023
1724s [Music]
1738s [Music]
1748s surf boards bringing the red into the
1752s Realms surf boards you guys remember we
1754s te that and it was really cool uh yes
1758s sty what what's your favorite thing to
1759s do during days of sunlights we just
1761s pretty much reviewed everything but 2024
1763s which we're gonna play together so far
1766s on all of these Memory Lanes that we
1768s just swam through what what is your
1771s favorite
1772s thing um I really feel like it's just
1775s kind of taking the the relaxing
1779s environment and enjoying that a lot
1780s because usually by the time this event
1782s comes around like you know we most the
1785s way through like the year went halfway
1787s through a little bit more than halfway
1788s through the year things have been really
1790s busy it's nice to just kind of use it as
1793s a way to relax and take a break and just
1795s go a little bit a little bit more slowly
1798s for for a few minutes you know yeah
1800s indeed indeed one thing in 2023 that I
1804s think was introduced I'm not too sure
1806s now because it took too much research
1808s and time I didn't have to bring up but I
1812s believe that event currency was also
1813s introduced was it not with the
1816s Popsicles you know I thought so I do
1818s think it's one of the first times but I
1820s think the very first currency may have
1823s been the cupcakes for an anniversary
1825s event oh you are absolutely right it was
1829s the anniversary event in the same year
1831s though right yeah I'm pretty sure it's
1834s still like a pretty recent recent change
1837s so um so yeah like days of sunlight was
1840s was fairly early on for that too oh no
1842s you what you know what people on Twitch
1844s uh Sage ardor and Suki P MN is saying
1848s days of colors with the
1851s bubbles there we go so yeah guys well
1855s popsicles were introduced let's put it
1857s that way not event currenc see Popsicles
1860s what a refreshing thing to have during
1863s days of sunlight with that said sty I
1868s think it's time I think it's time for us
1871s you and I oh the tents we were on top of
1874s the T area I forgot to mention the tents
1877s the tents was a really cool Edition was
1879s like camping days almost
1881s right yeah yeah I love
1884s um people always like requested more
1887s options for like decorating things and
1889s customizing things and just being able
1891s to like set up scenes and like do silly
1894s stuff in the world so having tents and
1897s other props has been um a real Joy like
1899s when we first hopped into the game
1901s earlier there was someone uh with their
1903s umbrella and they were napping
1904s underneath it and then you know whoever
1906s it was came by and dropped this tent on
1907s us while while our little were napping
1910s and like it's just so cute to me um I
1913s love seeing those things happen just
1915s organically naturally just happening
1917s right yeah yeah that that's honestly the
1920s biggest Bey about sky in my opinion and
1923s since we have a tent you guys and I am
1925s uh an anime nerd I will recommend you
1927s guys laid back Camp because that reminds
1930s me a lot of days of sunlight it's just
1932s about having a good time with your
1933s friends and hanging out so all right I
1937s see mestrom here I see Ashton and I see
1940s sty you guys follow me follow
1944s me to the days of sunlight area let's go
1948s [Music]
1950s woohoo sty have you collected your your
1953s stuff today I have not oh I guess it's
1957s time to to search a little bit sometimes
1961s it's easy sometimes it's a little bit
1963s harder to be honest especially for my
1965s old old Uncle eyes but let's see if we
1970s are able to find it sty I'm Gonna Hold
1971s Your Hand wait a second wait wait wait
1974s wait wait wait wait what is
1975s this you guys
1980s it's like looking in a mirror it's a
1982s crab with
1983s glasses it's
1985s me I'm looking to myself hi little Tio
1989s that's me when you grow up and grow a
1991s beard welcome welcome to this world oh
1994s that's so cute you know what sty let me
1996s hold your hand so you can guide me and I
1998s can keep an eye in chat
2003s boom because this is about finding those
2006s popsicles let's see if sty oh no now y
2009s are
2010s all says a mini too indeed indeed it
2016s is there we go L lot in Sky says L good
2021s to see to is just as broke as as with
2023s candles my dude that that's be or do
2025s that excuse me but that's because I make
2028s friends man I I I you know I I like
2031s having emotes and having the ability
2034s to you know interact with
2037s people all right ah there's one there
2039s there's one in the
2041s jelly here we go woohoo did I catch that
2045s one too the button I think so well it's
2049s still showing there but what what is a
2052s ah there's a hand there meaning there is
2054s one right here let's
2057s collect woohoo am I collecting I don't
2061s think I'm collecting let me hold oh
2062s there you go I had to let go you guys
2064s because you know what popsicles are
2066s something too to to share so it has to
2070s be lose okay I found you sty let me let
2072s me get this one as
2075s well wooo all
2078s right what else I think event currency
2080s is so cute like I'm glad it changes from
2082s event to event to like stay with the
2085s different them I know and it keeps with
2087s them right yeah all right how many have
2089s you have you collected so far remember
2092s there are six right four randomly around
2095s the area and two that we have to do
2097s activities
2099s Ste Don't Run Away where are you oh
2101s you're Fly oh there we go wait is that
2104s one up here there's one right over
2109s here oh wait yeah there is one here I
2112s did get a better Vantage Point wait a
2114s second old guys wait a second too tired
2117s I I need I need a I need a
2121s drink did you ever like a lemonade stand
2123s as a kid refreshing No in fact where
2127s that's that's one of my big frustrations
2130s within the US is that when I came here I
2132s was already 17 right and I wasn't able
2134s to have my own Lemonade Stand but I was
2137s able to have one in my neighborhood with
2139s the kids and stuff but you know what uh
2142s I think inflation hit really hard they
2144s they were charging like three bucks for
2146s the lemonade and you know I gave them
2148s five expecting change and guess what
2150s change never came they just said Thank
2155s you those kids are hey I I cannot judge
2158s somebody for for hustling that hard I
2161s cannot all right you guys I think I'm
2164s still missing uh popsicles St where are
2168s you
2169s okay all right have you found them all I
2172s found four oh you found four okay so now
2176s we have to collect two with
2178s activities what do you want to do do you
2180s want to do you want to play
2182s tag do you want to fish
2189s um let's fish cuz they're right here all
2193s right got first super like clumsy flyer
2196s and runner in this game so tag will be
2199s I'll be a disadvantage what did I get
2202s trash people are polluting this Pond how
2205s dare
2206s they not the pond not the pond no you
2211s know what guys while sty is fishing let
2214s me know if you collect some light I will
2217s play tag with this big
2220s buffoon with his big Shades so funny oh
2224s a baby jelly bab
2227s jelly they're following me thank
2231s you what a sneak love jelly and the
2234s Skyrock loves the jellies too so you
2236s know they have to be awesome right yeah
2240s right come back
2243s here come back here he's so sneaky I I
2247s love chasing them around
2251s hey
2253s woohoo got you chat how are you guys
2256s enjoying days of
2259s sunlight come back
2263s here too
2265s fast too
2267s spiritual got
2270s you there's so many sunglasses
2272s everywhere it's just like a giant Tio
2274s party I feel
2276s like can imagine I could have like a a
2280s birthday party with everybody wearing
2281s Shades just a to fan club over here it's
2284s amazing oh there you go my final
2289s activity
2290s popsicle
2293s collect and now I can collect hey you
2295s sneaky jelly come here boom collect
2298s it Mom I think you made a a Shar spaces
2302s here didn't you I'm pretty sure I keep
2304s seeing your Shar spaces
2306s here let's take a look look at what we
2308s have
2310s here ooh a little fishing area how
2319s cool yeah I I guess yours expired indeed
2321s ma ma says that he made one but it may
2324s have expired shame because it it was a
2326s fun one it was a fun one to hang out
2330s let's see what we have
2332s here you see you guys living the life of
2336s a Sky Kid by the fire by the
2341s water just chilling what do you have to
2344s St oh I was checking out the shared
2346s space too so I can see
2349s it you know what I really enjoy the
2352s surfboard but it's so difficult to come
2355s out of it I keep surfing around I'm like
2357s get out ah there you go you see those
2361s balls here give you light if we get to
2363s burn them but I'm not going to burn them
2365s under water will I let me just come down
2369s here and people in chat are you guys
2372s able to play the game and watch because
2375s if you are why don't you come hang out
2376s it will be lovely to have oh got that
2379s fish it would be lovely to have a full
2380s server of people enjoying the elevated
2384s clearing here with Stelly and
2387s I I love how this area feels so alive
2390s now because you have like all the
2391s spirits hanging out and you have all the
2393s different like little activities to do
2396s um you know like the lore of Sky there
2398s was obviously a civilization here it's
2400s where all the spirits came from so like
2402s kind of making things feel more alive
2404s and populated is really neat to me sty
2407s since I have you here I have a difficult
2409s question to you oh but but before that
2412s let me slide down because you know who
2414s doesn't like to SL
2417s woohoo let's go let's go let's go
2422s woohoo what is your favorite days of
2425s event in sky
2428s oh I know um oh that is a hard question
2432s you weren you weren't kidding
2436s um oh my
2439s gosh probably days of Mischief but like
2443s it's a really tough call because I also
2446s really love um days of color and days of
2449s Bloom
2451s uhhuh so like Mischief is sort of a of a
2454s given right like everybody just loves
2456s mischief
2458s like all the pranks that we can play and
2460s stuff yeah it's really fun I remember
2462s carving a pumpkin during uh days of
2464s Mischief I think was 2022 yeah it was a
2467s fun one that said I I think my favorite
2470s one
2471s is I really really like days of
2475s Fortune that one is really good too yeah
2478s it's the best music in Sky to me with
2480s the drums
2485s [Music]
2488s I feel like a lot of people get really
2489s hyped up by the music in that one like
2490s specifically it's good
2493s yeah all right guys enough talking it's
2496s time to chill let me hop on this oh wait
2500s on this floaty hey there you go because
2504s that's how you enjoy you guys we oh no
2507s come back sit down don't stal IFI don't
2510s run over me hey I I'm calling your
2514s parents I'm calling your parents what is
2516s this
2519s Chad what is your favorite days of
2524s event I'm seeing Oh we have a few for
2527s like the days of feast days of color
2530s days of Bloom over in twitch chat days
2532s of Bloom I'll tell you something it's
2534s something else I I I really do enjoy it
2536s uh when we when we were able to
2540s transform into a butterfly remember when
2542s we were just starting to use the
2543s festival Tech it was a blast
2547s loved it I loved it I'm pretty sure in
2551s another life I was a
2553s butterfly I can I can see that you know
2556s what one day I was on a road trip and
2558s during summer very similar to days of
2560s sum light actually and my partner why we
2564s and I my partner why and why and I went
2568s to a butterfly zoo and it was so
2571s wholesome like there were hundreds of
2574s butterflies in a specific area right and
2577s they just come and like land on you land
2579s on your head on your nose it was really
2582s really fun super
2584s cute that is really cute I love places
2587s like that it's so like there's something
2589s about it that's just so
2592s magical folks where are you Chad I'm
2595s here waiting for you guys wo wait
2598s woo that was a big dive Ashton I made a
2603s big dive and Ashton is just at the
2605s bottom of the pond what are you doing
2607s Ashton
2611s by the way guys a lot of these folks
2612s here that you that you see with names is
2615s because of a series that that we've done
2617s once uh here on stream called the humans
2619s of sky and uh yeah I was just
2622s befriending a bunch of people and
2624s talking about them and who they are and
2626s you know it's just meeting people making
2628s friends in real life but in game and on
2630s stream and for sky so it was very very
2635s cool I got dragged to the bottom of the
2636s ocean
2638s no and I think we had a a hug Aton do
2642s you guys remember that that we had to
2644s hug several people
2646s and
2648s uh yeah and and getting prizes on the
2651s way so I was able to befriend a bunch of
2653s people too although folks that I that I
2655s met there uh during the Hugon you were
2658s just named something silly and
2660s completely random okay Aston let's do
2662s this together one two three go woo
2668s oh I just see you guys go flying over
2670s there the Huger Thon was really like I
2672s love that one that's probably one of my
2673s favorite streams to this day oh really
2676s yay yeah yeah we should do another one
2679s together that would be fun maybe we
2681s should do Aug a Hugon with you
2683s Sly and we can go on a chase on on on
2686s finding people to hug but maybe since we
2689s were able to get 30 people in 30 minutes
2693s maybe we can try to increase the
2694s challenge and put like 45 people within
2696s 30 minutes
2698s could see who can get the most hugs oh
2700s within a time frame yeah that would be
2703s cool that would be
2705s cool that would be very cool actually I
2708s I'll try to to see if we're able to do
2710s that and if we are maybe even bring some
2713s possible giveaways because trust me 45
2717s people in 30 minutes that is a
2719s challenge and it was a lot of fun cuz
2721s people are just like hopping off Ser
2723s very like get me get me get me chat was
2726s like organized they were really like
2729s they were really going for it and
2730s helping out yeah but yeah guys we we
2733s just really wanted to join you today uh
2736s for some chill
2737s times uh with days of
2740s sunlight and with uh special news you
2743s guys uh we will be extending days of
2747s sunlight for a little bit and you'll
2749s hear that here first these are official
2752s yes indeed it is we will be posting that
2755s within the next hour or so on our social
2757s media vide uh just because of meetings
2759s and such but yes days of sunlight will
2762s go all the way to September 12th at 11
2767s 2359 PDT UTC minus 7 I have that by
2771s heart because I have to write that every
2773s time that we have to put dates so yeah
2776s it's a a additional opportunity to enjoy
2779s days of sunlight and your friends just
2781s like stal and I are wait stal I saw you
2784s flying is that you st I I was rescuing
2787s the Teo crab it got SED on the table
2791s thank you thank you bless your heart
2793s because clearly I'm not taking care of
2795s myself nor of TI the crab but I'm glad
2799s hey come back
2801s here you silly crab you're upside down I
2805s told you guys not to honk near it poor
2808s thing I know it's poor little friendly
2811s crab just trying to relax I but you know
2814s what maybe maybe they're just chilling
2816s maybe they're just like you know lying
2818s down on the sand enjoying and people are
2820s actually picking him
2821s up foro I'm gonna lie here on my Floy
2825s again and let's see if any of you guys
2826s try to pick me
2828s [Music]
2832s up stly dust me to this guy one two
2837s three I don't think
2839s I can woo just did there we go there we
2843s go I have Chey problems in water like
2846s you can't you end
2850s walking trapped a little bit Tik Tok
2853s twitch YouTube do you guys have chibi
2855s water
2858s problems More Jamie with the summer camp
2861s band I could but honestly two reasons
2864s why I won't one I'm not that great but I
2867s would anyways but two my audio uh is not
2870s working I have too many audio sources
2872s coming out and I wasn't able to find a
2874s way of doing uh you know uh putting the
2879s game audio out for you guys that's why
2880s I'm playing some uh Evergreen Sky music
2885s although maybe I should be playing that
2886s low fight that we had did you guys watch
2888s that that low fi stream that we
2890s had we had that on Twitch YouTube and
2893s Tik Tok actually but I had a blast that
2895s that was so chill did did you watch that
2898s that stream
2899s sty I didn't get to watch that one
2901s because I had a meeting um during the
2902s stream
2904s but it was a blast was a blast I heard
2909s really good things oh really nice guys
2912s that those are the times that I wish I
2914s was a producer so I could just low fight
2916s this Sky music and play it for you guys
2918s I will do that daily if I had the talent
2921s but alas my talent is lying on the
2924s floaty that I do really well that I do
2927s really well look absolute Pro wait where
2929s where is the floaty oh here it is check
2931s this out you guys look at at the Finesse
2934s look at the charm look look at
2937s oh another Flo just popped up you see
2939s you guys it's it's so much talent that
2942s when I lay down another one just pops
2945s up to admire the levels of chill guyses
2948s and gullies indeed uh Rees no sorry I
2952s completely mispronounced your name
2954s rishes indeed guys as and glies one hour
2958s Wi-Fi it's on our YouTube so if you guys
2960s ever miss that and want to relax chill
2963s fall asleep that is a really good
2966s opportunity with that said you guys we
2968s are almost running out of time I'm gonna
2970s collect these lights here thank you Eko
2972s for making these here for us and sty
2976s thank you for joining me in this memory
2979s lane of days of sunlight I I hope you
2981s enjoyed it being somebody who pretty
2983s much saw the progress of summer events
2985s in Sky uh I hope that was you know dear
2989s to your heart yeah yeah I always love
2992s kind of like a walk down memory lane um
2994s so much has changed over the years like
2997s within the company within the game
2999s itself I saw um I saw a replay of the
3003s season of gratitude like uh you know
3006s closing scene when all the spirits say
3009s bye and leave and like compared to what
3012s we have now like it's just so different
3015s um we've come so so so far in the stuff
3017s that we're able to do with players and
3019s for players and um it always makes me
3022s very like
3023s nostalgic um yeah so thank you for for
3027s hosting this no not at all please accept
3029s this scandle as as a sign of friendship
3033s and and thank you for joining me today
3036s and now we are able to
3039s do a level two hug how how close is that
3043s a you see thank you stal thank you so
3046s much for being here with me thank you
3048s guys for joining uh ma Ashton all Echo
3052s all of the other folks who are here with
3054s me uh in the at clearing thank you for
3059s joining us and styly I think that's a
3062s pretty good opportunity for you to say
3065s anything you want to say to the
3066s community say your goodbye say your
3068s appreciation uh name some of the folks
3070s that you know that are here and
3072s representing the stellify crowd hash
3075s stellify if you are part of the stellify
3076s crowd you guys staly the floor is yours
3080s the microphone is yours say what you
3081s have to say oh my gosh so many names in
3083s chat um yeah thank you all so much for
3085s joining us today let's see Muse mirian
3088s figgy Ivy Lost Girl Sage uh MAV bugo
3094s groovy I'm like watching chat go by I'm
3097s like I know there are more people um y
3099s y'all are amazing thank you so much it
3101s was wonderful to see you and to hang out
3103s on stream with you for our chill Little
3106s D event I I hope I hope you were able to
3109s relax a little bit in this uh 40
3111s something minutes that we spent together
3113s uh that's what this is all about right
3116s it's about having time hanging out with
3117s your friends and having a relaxing time
3120s and sty I would have you know you are
3123s one of the sweetest people I have ever
3124s met and it's a pleasure to call you a
3126s coworker but more than anything it's a
3128s pleasure to call you a friend dude you
3130s guys when I was a player and Stelly was
3133s already working for Sky because she has
3135s been working for Sky since the elders
3138s took over the Realms I I think that was
3141s an anniversary that you guys made a sky
3143s video of several faces saying hi and I
3146s saw you right and when I joined TGC one
3150s practice that we have you guys is that
3151s when we have somebody new join we have
3153s small talks five to 10 minutes hanging
3155s out just so people can kind of meet
3157s other folks and sty was on mine so it
3160s was the first face that I recognized at
3163s TGC and it was one of the first people
3165s that I've met here at TGC and sty it's
3169s been a pleasure you are a sweetheart
3171s thank you so much for sharing your light
3173s with me and with the entire Community uh
3177s yeah just wave your goodbyes as I go to
3179s my goodbyes with folks in chat bye
3183s [Music]
3187s everyone here we go you guys thank you
3189s so much for joining again it was a
3190s really relaxing stream uh we are
3193s planning something really cool for you
3194s guys next week hopefully it's going to
3196s be something around season of Duets so
3199s keep on tuned it's going to be at 4 pm
3201s next week we're still working stuff if
3203s anything changes I'll let you guys know
3205s uh but other than that thank you for
3207s being with me uh say your goodbyes send
3209s your kisses send your hearts I love you
3212s guys don't forget days of sunlight is
3215s extended for another four days meaning
3217s that it goes all the way to September
3219s 12th so more time to enjoy more time to
3223s relax and kick with your friends with
3225s that said just calling a few names here
3227s mom as always thank you thank you so
3229s much for being here Josh with a penguin
3231s Jos with a penguin my very dear dear
3234s friend thank you for teaching me how to
3236s stream uh much appreciated Lily FIS
3239s volcano chip uh Katie cats thank you for
3241s being here funny on Tik Tok uh Bandit
3245s tree thank you
3247s karsus I love your name catarsis on Tik
3250s Tok thank you for being here thank you
3252s for being awesome you guys are loved and
3254s thank you for sharing your life with me
3257s I'll see you guys soon bye
3262s [Music]
3298s [Music]
3309s [Music]