about 2 months ago - thatgamecompany - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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620s honk honk honk sky kids hello everybody
624s how are oh how is how is everybody doing
628s sorry English not can I
630s today how's everybody doing I am happy
634s to be here yet another week yeah I know
637s I know I know it's been uh not very long
639s since we have returned with let me just
642s be sure that you guys can hear some
643s music I want to hear music
645s too we are we have returned two weekly
649s streams Des Skai silos hello and welcome
652s Ste your Zelda representing Lex derp
656s saying honk honk chameleon Brad little
658s light siren hanging out with us but
661s let's not forget our friends over here
663s on Tik Tok hello Tik Tok Natasha k no AB
667s englist it's okay uh tamos that's that's
672s I learned a little bit more Spanish just
673s so I could speak to you today let's see
676s who else it's sugar Sunny spiders on Tik
679s Tok everybody sending new likes Oh Our
682s Guest will be happy because we already
684s have like 3,000 likes on Tik Tok and
686s that's exciting all right you guys
689s before we we we hop into the details you
692s guys know the drill follow us on all the
694s social medias we are everywhere because
697s everybody should be receiving the the
700s good news of Sky everybody is entitled
704s and are able to connect to make friends
707s to feel special and to feel loved and so
710s are you you are loved and you are
714s special thank you so much for being here
715s with you guys and don't forget join us
719s on on Discord our Skype cord is the
722s place to be for you to make new
724s connections make friends and you already
726s know you have something infamiliar
727s everybody on our Discord loves sky and
730s also to get you know the most recent
732s news it's a really good place for you to
734s share your feedback about the new season
736s about up andc coming events is a good
739s place for you to report any issues that
741s you find live we are always there we
743s always have somebody with eyes open on
746s Discord so it's the best way but if not
748s you guys are welcome on Instagram Tik
751s Tok X Twitter whatever kids call it
754s these days I don't even know uh that one
757s platform as well as Facebook before we
760s move forward I want to celebrate your
763s life you guys if you are celebrating
766s your birthday this week or the last week
768s or next week I just want to say that you
771s guys are special Feel Love don't let
773s nobody tell you otherwise and I know I
776s know sometimes we we spent some lonely
780s birthdays and you know it happens or or
782s somebody who you really love is not able
785s to to be there to celebrate your life
787s but just know that you know here in Sky
792s we at TGC really we speak about you guys
795s every single day and we are so proud to
799s have the best community in gaming and
802s you are part of it and you are special
804s and you are
806s loved so have any of you guys are any of
809s you guys guys celebrating your birthday
810s this
812s week zuyu Uncle Tio the server error
815s again we know we know we are already
816s investigating we put a known issues out
819s uh so apologies guys uh let's just get
822s the elephant out of the room but we are
825s we have people working on that right now
827s actually have a group of people
828s investigating and trying to get things
830s better for you guys as soon as we can
834s and okay guys little preface I am not
837s ready for this Our Guest is certainly
839s ready for this but our guest is one of
843s the most inspiring game designers I have
846s ever met uh during skyfest we were able
849s to hang out and to talk uh for a longer
853s period of time and and we shared
854s experiences about playing games and what
856s games mean to us and what games are
859s meant to be and what djc is trying to do
863s uh and it was a blast out of being a
866s extremely talented game designer n
869s origin is just one of the best kindest
873s human beings I have ever ever met and I
877s cannot wait to introduce him to you guys
881s but before we do remember look at the
884s title of the chat it's somewhere in here
886s somewhere up there on Tik Tok I I don't
888s know but this will be a chat about
891s season of Radiance and if you guys are
894s not excited or are maybe haven't had a
899s chance of fully exploring the season
901s just yet let's take a quick look at the
903s trailer I hope you guys like it
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965s Nick O A John welcome I'm so happy to
970s have you here and you are live my friend
972s and thank you so much for this season
975s has been incredible so far how are you
978s doing uh I'm good I'm a little nervous
981s to talk to everyone um yeah I'm like
985s reading the chat everybody's so uh you
989s know you know everybody's everybody in
991s the side Community is so great so I'm a
993s little nervous um but I am looking
995s forward to talking to everybody and you
997s know I'm just grateful to be able to be
999s a part of this awesome adventure with
1001s you all that's awesome and just wait
1004s you're soon going to see in chat a a
1007s wave a blast of colorful hearts you guys
1010s in chat please make sure to make Nick
1012s feel welcome and just put out all the
1015s colorful hearts that you guys can it
1017s doesn't matter the color blue yellow red
1019s green purple black or white just be sure
1022s to send your love uh Tik Tok is already
1025s sending you Nick about 10,000 likes to
1028s welcome you to this
1030s stream the power of social media uh
1035s Nick thank you for season of Radiance
1037s people are really really happy and
1039s excited about that uh can you give us a
1042s quick introduction to the season of
1044s Radiance and what makes it unique
1046s compared to previous seasons in sky
1049s yeah so there's a lot of things that I
1052s think make season of radians unique
1054s compared to other ones so um you know we
1056s have the die Workshop so that's a new
1058s fun exciting thing that I'm sure a lot
1061s of people have already begun
1062s experimenting with um so with the die
1065s Workshop comes the ability to dye um you
1068s know parts of your outfit which has been
1071s requested for a really long time and um
1074s also something that I personally wanted
1076s because I I've been wearing the same
1078s thing for a very long time time I don't
1080s know if others can relate but I've been
1081s wearing this thing for a long time um
1084s and I love it so much but I also want to
1086s kind of like invest more in it so that
1088s was anyway um kind of we'll talk we'll
1092s talk about this later but yeah so
1093s there's the do stuff um there's a whole
1096s bunch of new gameplay as well I think
1097s this is the first time in a long time
1099s where we've actually added new gameplay
1101s that will happen all throughout the
1103s world um it'll just kind of slowly
1106s unfold as the season goes on um
1109s so yeah season of Radiance brings with
1112s it new ways to play the game new ways to
1114s express yourself and um uh whole bunch
1117s of stuff to look forward to if you
1119s haven't already tried it uh would give
1122s it a try right now um the first Quest
1125s and seas season of Radiance is available
1127s and um I think it's only going to get
1129s better so I hope you enjoy more callers
1132s the better you gets right uh people are
1134s already saying here in chat that they
1135s can all wait for the black dy I think we
1137s have some uh potential goth sky kids
1140s ready to to get into those darker moods
1144s uh you mentioned Nick that uh we pretty
1148s much heard a lot of requests from the
1150s community to be able to die their
1152s outfits uh was that the inspiration for
1154s the tee of the Season what was the the
1157s the one inspiration that carried you to
1160s push the season
1161s forward yeah so I actually um so
1165s personally you know I like I said I had
1167s the same outfit that I wore for a long
1169s time and I wanted to kind of elevate it
1170s a little bit wanted to further customize
1172s it and I felt like that was something
1174s that we should have been able to do um
1177s and again we heard from players as well
1179s that this was something that they were
1181s looking for um so that was one of the
1184s big things that uh one of the big
1186s motivations the other big motivation as
1188s well was um people who've been playing
1190s Sky especially for a long time are were
1194s telling us that they were hoping to find
1197s kind of new
1199s uh different ways to engage with the
1201s world if they want it and so we were
1203s trying to to kind of do multiple things
1206s at the same time there and um I think
1209s that we did it um we wanted to add that
1212s new layer without also disturbing what
1214s was originally there you know that can
1215s be really uh I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna
1218s speak very plainly with
1220s everybody from game designer to you know
1223s people playing the game it can be really
1225s difficult to balance a whole bunch of
1226s stuff when you have something that's
1228s really good like let's say you got a
1229s good chocolate cake everybody's like oh
1231s man you know what be great with that
1232s chocolate cake is like some banana or
1234s some strawberry or some vanilla
1237s everybody has their own idea and they're
1239s all probably really good but you know to
1242s make that chocolate cake work as it is
1245s on its own and then add something onto
1247s it is very difficult um but we wanted to
1250s do that because I think it's been about
1252s time and um hopefully we did a good job
1255s you all will let us know how we did um
1258s so there were a lot of motiv a those
1259s were some of the main ones I love Nick
1262s how you you are able to put out like
1264s very difficult game designing Concepts
1267s in something that is so digestible uh
1270s and you guys if you are familiarized
1272s with ni's face it's because you probably
1274s watched his videos uh during skyfest in
1277s the cinema and also through the the
1279s running course the explanation course
1281s that we did through the art the history
1283s of Sky gallery or or Art Gallery but
1287s yeah yeah I love how you able to
1289s pinpoint difficult Concept in such a
1291s simple manner it's it's really cool uh I
1294s have here on the screen a bunch of
1297s spirits that
1299s our players are probably very familiar
1302s with especially our veterans and
1303s hardcore players right so how does
1305s season of Radiance really fit into the
1308s larger Narrative of Sky it's it's so
1310s cool to be able to see these Spirits
1312s coming back right like I I think it's
1314s the first time that we were able to have
1315s a callback of old Spirits like this
1319s yeah so um a couple things there one was
1324s for a really long time in Sky we've done
1326s this thing where we kind of expand
1328s outward and I think that's really good
1330s um because it allows us to kind of carve
1332s new territory so to speak and um try
1334s things out that we haven't before that's
1336s really awesome um the other thing though
1339s that can happen when you do that so much
1341s is that it can you can create like a
1343s really shallow pool right it becomes
1345s really wide but it's not that deep and
1347s so we were looking when we were first
1349s starting this whole process you know
1351s like if we want to make some of the
1355s spirits in sky
1358s feel you know more developed you know
1361s like actual complex uh people like like
1365s ourselves um that we can relate to and
1368s empathize with more where where might we
1370s start um and so we were looking at kind
1372s of our our wonderful Ensemble of spirits
1376s that we have in the game and some of our
1378s earlier spirits are realizing like oh
1380s man we really didn't do much back then
1382s to let people in on you know what was
1385s going
1386s on back then it was very simple it was
1389s like you know here's some spirits and
1392s here they are in the world and that's it
1395s you know we don't we didn't have nearly
1396s as much as we did now so you know we
1399s thought this was a good opportunity to
1402s uh you know look like with almost like
1405s with like with a magnifying glass like
1406s we have this whole ensemble of spirits
1408s this whole P of characters in this
1410s wonderful world that we're exploring
1412s together and then just take a look at a
1413s few of them and be like you know what
1415s are their lives like a little bit more
1418s what what are their uh desires um and so
1421s that's kind of how we uh how we got to
1423s where we got with these Spirits so um
1426s hopefully you know veteran players who
1428s are able to experience meeting these
1429s Spirits for the first time will also um
1432s you know get some joy out of learning a
1434s little bit more about them and I love
1436s that we're doing this right because at
1437s the end of the day we we have so many
1439s seasons and we get attached to these
1441s Spirits right we spent so long we spent
1443s like months with these spirits and and
1446s being able to see them again and
1447s interact with them in a different way is
1450s is really magical it's touching right
1452s and I love how we bringing back like the
1454s spirits to the Daily quests just to get
1456s to know them a little bit better but
1457s having a full season uh dedicated to
1461s these uh old folks if you will is is
1464s really rewarding right I I I think our
1468s chat our fans and players really
1470s appreciate it Chad how do you guys like
1471s finding those season those Spirits again
1474s let us know here real quick so we can
1477s maybe you know get myself happy at least
1480s but definitely get Nick to smile here in
1482s our stream and if you just join you guys
1485s this is a chat about season of Radiance
1488s with senior designer Nick oh who's also
1492s the lead designer for this season and we
1494s will be flashing you guys some concept
1496s Arts uh right now we are showing let me
1500s get back to this and let's see here real
1509s quickly just give me one second here we
1512s go right now we are showing the plants
1515s and how was Nick I know we didn't
1516s discuss about this before but uh the
1519s idea of using these plants uh in a
1522s different way we already have the dark
1524s plants that we have to burn the darkness
1525s out of right but was was it interesting
1529s or was it difficult to bring these new
1530s plants to to the
1532s season yeah so we we actually spent so
1535s much time during our our concepting
1537s period focusing on you know how would
1542s how would we get this uh colored light
1545s from the world a lot of
1549s um to put it plainly a lot of games
1552s where you are obtaining resources from
1554s the world you do so in kind of a
1556s destructive manner it's like extractive
1559s like oh there's a tree and then you cut
1560s the tree down or like there's something
1563s in the ground and you dig the ground up
1564s and it you know there's this image that
1567s I add in of like a huge excavator like
1572s covered in like hole and just you know
1575s going to town digging away at the Earth
1577s and just scarring it up and that's
1579s really not what we wanted uh
1584s acquiring uh colored light to be like
1586s and so we were trying to understand you
1590s know a way that the colored light could
1593s exist in the world and have it respect
1597s both this kind of light and dark uh
1601s Duality that exists in Sky you know we
1603s there's this like there's this ecosystem
1605s where everything is kind of um
1608s everything has its own Niche right and
1610s so looking at all of that and saying
1612s well if the player is going to engage
1614s with this world to obtain something how
1618s might they engage with it without doing
1620s so in a real kind of extractive kind of
1622s way um and so the plants kind of uh
1627s conceptually at least evolved from that
1629s point and I think we got them to a place
1632s that that I'm happy with because you
1634s know it's again like with the spirits
1637s about digging deeper into something some
1639s of our earliest concept art for Sky if
1642s you look at it actually had this kind of
1644s Vine like Darkness wrapping and
1646s encroaching on everything I think we
1648s particular had some um some concept
1651s early on about some of the Bells in
1653s daylight Prairie and so we wanted to dig
1657s deeper into uh kind of the nature and
1661s the evolution of these dark plants kind
1664s of fulfill some of our earlier uh
1666s Ambitions with what we wanted those to
1668s be like um while at the same time
1670s creating something that was not
1672s extractive in the world um and so that's
1675s awesome so like ideas are never thrown
1678s out right like an idea that you have you
1680s just put that on a little drawer and
1682s when time comes you can just bring it
1683s right back up and and make it better
1685s than you even conceptualized it before
1687s right totally totally uh Nick there is a
1691s question here from Tik Tok Moone Sky
1693s says why can't some clothes be died but
1697s maybe we can address that question too
1699s but it brings me to another Point uh
1701s what were some of the biggest technical
1703s challenges that we had to go through
1705s when uh creating uh this season
1709s yeah so thank you for the question um
1713s the the technical challenge one I'll
1715s happy to answer and also the you know
1716s why can't I just die everything so uh
1719s obviously we all want to express
1721s ourselves that was really important the
1723s other thing that um we wanted to ensure
1726s that we did was protected the visual
1728s Integrity of this wonderful world that
1732s um we're all we all love being a part of
1735s because of its beauty right um uh one of
1739s the problems that we had when we've kind
1741s of introduced something that didn't have
1744s these um intentionalities built into it
1747s for example if if there were folks
1749s around here when we first implemented um
1752s message boats or shared memories and and
1755s that sort of thing if we're if we we're
1757s not very careful about it a lot of times
1758s these kinds of things can result in this
1762s like inco like like disorganization or
1765s lack of cohesion in the world so that's
1767s something we wanted to preserve and we
1768s also wanted to preserve like the
1770s Integrity of a lot of these these things
1772s that that we've created and so we spent
1774s a lot of time this is actually probably
1776s the thing we spent the most time on with
1777s it was like the dark plants and the
1780s diability of these different clothes and
1781s how that might manifest to make sure
1783s that we honored you know what the
1785s original um pieces were like because we
1788s have sentimental value to those as well
1790s and also they're beautiful on their own
1793s um while at the same time having this
1795s die ability aspect as far as the
1798s technical challenges you know we're
1801s having a whole bunch of things this time
1803s the dark plants that appear in the world
1806s um are on a kind of rotation where
1809s they're not they're not always in the
1810s same place all the time we had really
1813s done something like this before so that
1815s was something we tried needed to work
1816s out and was very difficult likewise you
1819s know how do we organize this huge
1822s backlog of items that we can potentially
1825s be dyed and and where they might be dyed
1827s and how can we do so in a way that will
1830s both look good and uh play well those
1834s were all really hard technical
1835s challenges and we were lucky with this
1837s season um a lot of folks on the team you
1840s know are awesome Engineers um front end
1843s backend on the UI side everybody worked
1846s really really hard um and I'm really
1848s proud of what they worked on hopefully
1850s you are as well even if you're not I
1853s would love to hear your
1855s feedback and I love that you're bringing
1858s up the whole team Nick because to make a
1860s season like that it's not just a
1862s designer coming up with ideas and
1864s putting everything down there is a team
1865s around it right and this time around we
1867s did have uh new mechanics as you said
1870s right with the Dy and uh
1873s needing to teach people a new mechanic
1876s especially in a game like Sky we're
1877s going to six years it's not as simple
1880s it's not as easy uh we we have a new
1883s area we have the workshop and finding
1885s the perfect place for that Workshop is
1888s is also challenging right so how how did
1892s the team together approach the additions
1895s of these
1896s things that's a that's a really good
1898s question so like why the workshop and
1900s why there so
1903s um one of the things when we did you
1906s know Revival was we had this this hope
1909s for these workshops that were
1912s implemented and that we would expand
1913s upon them and they would feel kind of
1916s like a vibrant place that you would
1918s desire to go to and a lot of us
1921s realizing like we actually don't go
1923s there that often we don't utilize them
1925s because we just go to the closets you
1927s know and there are so many closets
1929s around the world that's that's totally
1931s fine um and that's just a preferable way
1933s but what we felt like was we had all of
1936s this really
1937s wonderful stuff here that we kind of all
1941s wanted to to be a part of want ourselves
1944s to be immersed in but just wasn't
1946s practical um and after a lot of
1948s massaging I think what we've ended up
1950s with is hopefully a utilization of those
1952s existing workshops that kind of elevates
1956s them and makes them uh you know useful
1960s and because ultimately you're not going
1961s to use something unless it's useful and
1964s I also think that that wound up
1966s humanizing the whole di process as well
1969s we had some early versions where we
1970s talked
1972s like oh when it comes to dying how how
1976s would that process go and it can be very
1978s easy to make that feel very um like
1981s impersonal or transactional like oh you
1983s just like put that on the table and then
1985s you pick that up off the shelf and then
1987s you're good to go you know there's no
1989s like like hands involved and we really
1991s wanted to make it feel like dying was
1994s the result of of
1997s interpersonal uh actions that are
1999s happening you know um and having it be
2002s situated alongside all the other
2004s workshops helps with that feeling
2006s because you're not just there with like
2008s one other Spirit or maybe no other
2010s Spirits there's actually a whole bunch
2012s around you and everybody's playing a
2013s part and so um hopefully you know this
2016s little area this space around the die
2018s Workshop can really feel vibrant and
2020s Alive um that was our hope and it really
2023s does I'm already seen fan art of people
2026s having actions within the workshop it's
2028s always refreshing right to to have a new
2030s area to go to uh Nick earlier in our
2033s conversation you did mention that you
2035s know about the inspiration and wanting
2038s change and that's something that the
2039s community has been requested for so long
2042s but were there any specific player
2045s feedback uh or Community contributions
2047s alog together that influence the
2049s development of the
2050s [Music]
2051s season um well I mean one thing is
2055s um fan art is I'm a huge fan of fan art
2060s um and a lot of the times when we make
2062s something somebody will um share
2065s something and it inspires me in a way
2068s that I hadn't understand I hadn't
2069s understood before um you know somebody
2071s might see something and and you know
2073s people always say like oh I wish this
2075s looked like this or I wish this looked
2077s that way or whatever um I think were it
2080s not for you know our wonderful Community
2083s artists sharing their ideas and
2085s Ambitions for how things could be um we
2089s might have created a a dying you know
2092s process but maybe not something that um
2096s was so nuanced um it's difficult for me
2099s to like think of uh
2106s specific is really there's so much
2108s influence that has happened I find
2110s between the patch that we have now and
2111s in the coming patches that there will
2113s also be like tun adjustments and that
2114s sort of thing to um you know how things
2117s are presented and all of that that uh
2119s comes from you know feedback from folks
2121s of our community so hopefully that you
2124s know pays off it does for you for
2127s everyone it certainly does I mean just
2130s just look at all the beautiful things
2131s that people are already doing right like
2133s I I think there's nothing more
2135s reassuring to a designer like yourself
2138s as to see people getting the work that
2140s you and your team have put so much focus
2142s into and and making it their own right
2146s like when we have the the sky toober for
2150s example that is just like a month
2151s dedicated to people creating and
2154s building upon what you guys have built
2156s it has to feel rewarding right so I I
2158s definitely believe that you were able to
2161s achieve what you are aiming for with
2163s this um thank you go ahead go ahead I
2167s just said I hope so oh no no so no so uh
2173s one thing too Nick and you can also
2177s build up a little bit this upcoming
2178s question in not just to the season but
2181s as a game designer in general right but
2185s sky has always been a place about
2189s self-expression right at the end of the
2191s day all we try to do is find different
2194s ways that people can express themselves
2197s that they can be themselves or they can
2199s be whatever they want to portray to the
2200s world right that that's what expression
2202s is uh how does this season enhance the
2205s way players can express themselves and
2208s in a seg way a big question as a game
2211s designer to game like
2213s Sky how how much self-expression is in
2216s the back of your mind as you start
2218s creating in
2219s season oh completely I mean I think when
2224s you the reason that we play games I
2227s think is not just because we want to
2230s receive something that was made by
2233s somebody else and then just kind of
2235s receive it we want to like interact with
2237s it there's there's this feedback loop
2239s that happens between us and the the the
2243s world that has been created for us and
2245s so the richness of that feedback that
2248s back and forth is a big uh result of
2252s your ability to express yourself you
2254s know if the game lets you move in a
2256s certain way or lets you um you know
2259s Adorn yourself with clothing a certain
2261s way that you would like um that helps
2263s you feel that helps that feedback loop
2265s become all the more Rich um and one of
2268s the things that we were hoping to do as
2270s well was um not only allow you the
2273s flexibility to customize you know how
2276s you looked but also give you kind of
2278s layers to that so um the dying system as
2281s it currently works there's um you can if
2283s you just want let's say put red um into
2287s a certain area on one of your items
2289s let's say your cape um but you can also
2292s if you want have that like second layer
2294s of uh tuning by adding another like tint
2298s color on top of that so if I have red
2300s and then I have a little bit of yellow
2301s you know I can tint it a little bit on
2303s more on the yellowish side or if I
2305s wanted red and then tint it red maybe I
2307s can have that be a deep red so that way
2309s it isn't just like you know here are the
2312s four different things that you can do
2314s and you just have that no there's
2316s there's some flexibility and you really
2318s get to choose what it is that you want I
2321s love the analogy that you used earlier
2323s in our stream right it was uh about
2325s about the flavors of cake right because
2327s I can like chocolate you can like
2328s chocolate but I like mint on my
2330s chocolate you like milk chocolate
2332s somebody else likes you know dark
2334s chocolate with with fruit right dry
2337s fruit so that's the Nuance of of
2340s self-expression that the season brings I
2342s think it's just being very open for
2346s people to really
2347s be who they want to be or to portray
2350s represent themselves in whichever way
2352s that they would like to do uh before we
2354s move on Nick uh chat any questions is
2357s there anything that you'd like to ask
2360s about season of Radiance to Nick about
2363s game developing for Sky really this is a
2365s really good opportunity and I want to
2367s open the floor or to any of you guys
2370s here in the meanwhile thank you so much
2372s Ash for sharing with us some of this
2374s beautiful beautiful uh concept art I I
2378s highly highly appreciate you sending
2380s that to us and yeah yeah everybody loves
2384s some concept art and we do too we do too
2389s all right Nick as people start uh
2391s collecting their questions to you uh can
2393s you share some insights in the new
2395s cosmetic emotes or items will introduced
2398s for the season what like personally what
2400s is your favorite cosmetic so far for
2403s example yeah I'm honestly I think not
2406s just because you know it's it's the
2408s season and we worked on it but I think
2410s the I think the Cosmetics this season
2411s are like s tier I think there's a lot of
2413s really really good ones um I really like
2416s the pleated pants because um I sew and
2420s I've been meaning to make myself a pair
2422s of pleated pants and they were going to
2424s be kind of more formfitting but now I
2426s think I might try to make myself a pair
2427s of those kind of baggier plated pants
2429s because they look so awesome um I love
2433s the uh mask that the radiance guys
2435s Radiance guide wears um I think that's
2438s like one of my favorite masks in the
2439s entire game um and uh the cartwheel is
2443s an amazing
2445s amazing uh emote like so I like I said I
2448s think so much of what we made was
2451s excellent excellent but those are the
2452s ones that I I like like a lot that's
2455s awesome uh there is uh a quick question
2458s here which I could have read it out loud
2461s but things moved uh outside and you know
2464s it disappeared on your own character
2467s Nick what was the very first thing that
2469s you chose to die with the season uh
2471s launch and people are asking mine too I
2474s just uh did my regular Cape uh which is
2478s I believe it's the cape from Little
2481s Prince Li T pins and I just kind of I
2483s think that's the one I need to go back
2485s and check but I I was going for like a a
2489s cular a dracular sort of Cape so it's
2491s all black and then I just put like a red
2494s in the back and a little bit of yellow
2497s just to get like that orange flake and
2500s it it's great it's great how about you
2507s Nick yeah so like I said I'm wearing
2509s this time um and I I really I really
2513s like the um the the green cape which is
2515s the one that I normally wear um and so
2517s I'm actually wait I'm actually like like
2520s saving up my die so that I can die the
2522s inside um so anyway that's that that's
2525s that's what I'm that's what I'm holding
2526s out for right
2527s now sounds good another question now
2530s from echo on YouTube and feel free to
2533s say if we if we haven't thought about
2536s this yet I mean it's it's still time to
2537s come but they're saying uh they're
2539s asking would die be part of days of
2541s color it feels like a great opportunity
2544s and it does it does sounds like a good
2546s opportunity yeah I mean we wanted to
2549s make the inclusion of everything that
2553s came with season of Radiance not just
2554s something that worked like once and then
2556s we wouldn't touch again so yeah we've
2558s also talked about Dy in days of color as
2561s well um really I think the best thing
2565s for uh everybody would be for us to be
2568s able to use the things that we've
2570s created and like I said kind of make
2571s them richer and kind of connect them
2574s together so that's that's that's what
2576s our hope is moving forward
2578s oh here's a a good question from steal
2580s your Zelda on Twitch uh was this season
2584s intentionally planned for a long time I
2586s noticed that there's butterflies above
2588s the shop and and a Darkness plant behind
2591s the Aviary I've been playing since the
2592s end of Revival so I'm curious if had
2594s been in development for a long time or
2596s for as long as that yeah so what's funny
2599s is sometimes things are planned in a
2601s really long time and then sometimes you
2604s lay seeds for things that later on
2608s you may come to and then find like a
2610s beautiful tree um with some fruit on it
2612s for you so a lot of these uh things for
2615s example the um the the pots with the
2618s butterflies that are on top of the die
2621s Workshop um that's an example of one of
2623s those things that was a seed that we
2625s planted a long time ago and then when we
2627s were doing Radiance we were like oh wait
2629s here's a jumping off point this is where
2631s we can kind of begin to tap into stuff
2634s and expand off from likewise um there
2637s was at one point if you're in the beta
2639s you might remember there was an enormous
2641s dark plant in that kind of Cloud area um
2645s that is currently behind uh the shop and
2648s that was just like a an expressive
2651s experiment to see how we might kind of
2654s push the boundary a little bit and um so
2657s like both of those seeds did wind up
2660s becoming these trees that became like a
2663s core part of this to like make this
2666s analogy even like more strange this part
2669s of like Radiance this Radiance landscape
2671s that we're that we're a part of so um
2675s yeah it's both about like planning for
2677s the future yes but then also
2679s anticipating things that you might not
2680s know maybe there's going to be more time
2682s in the future maybe something will
2684s change that allows you to do things that
2687s you couldn't do before that's just the
2688s nature of not just game development but
2690s also you know creative work in general
2693s uh painter will collect uh different
2696s kinds of paints maybe they only need a
2697s little bit of that green paint right now
2699s but maybe they'll decide they're going
2701s to you know paint an enormous Prairie or
2705s like a single leaf up close and cover
2706s the whole canvas in green that paint
2709s that they bought a long time ago now
2711s suddenly comes in handy that's kind of
2712s how I think of the the concepts and
2714s designs that that's a great idea and to
2717s be honest I think the same work with
2718s collectors because every time I want to
2720s pick a new manga my my wife says do you
2722s need another manga are you gonna read
2724s this no no but it's good to have it if I
2726s have time I'll get it you know so
2728s perfect uh zuyu Can I taste the D please
2731s don't uh let's let's be safe here but
2733s I'm sure it tastes great but please
2735s don't let's let's not go there uh let's
2738s see if there are any other questions if
2741s not we shall continue Nick we spoke
2745s about self-expression right which is one
2748s of the main elements of Sky really but
2751s uh another
2753s main steeple uh of the game is to
2757s Empower players to connect and create
2760s stories together how do you think season
2762s of Radiance empowers the the staple of
2767s Skype yeah so one thing that I felt very
2771s strongly on our team felt very strongly
2773s on
2775s was when we add to this chocolate cake
2778s right that we do so in a way that helps
2781s people appreciate what has kind of been
2783s there all along um we
2786s wanted we wanted ourselves when we
2788s played the game to experience it and be
2791s like oh man here's here's a location I
2794s normally just completely ignore this um
2796s but today for some reason now this is
2798s special and because of that spontaneity
2802s then that means that I can share a
2804s moment with somebody else you know maybe
2806s I'm holding hands with them maybe it's a
2808s stranger but there's a wonderful um
2813s reliability to the things that don't
2815s change right like the location of
2818s candles that we know are always going to
2819s be there that's such a core part of um
2822s kind of you know doing candle runs and
2824s just what it means to play sky that's
2826s wonderful but to add on top of that
2828s stable bed some sort of spontaneity in
2832s like moments for uh unpredictable
2836s moments between players um The Hope was
2840s that this world can can feel more alive
2843s and that we'll actually be spending time
2844s in places that we might not have never
2846s spent time before
2847s um so hopefully that is a kind of uh
2853s fertile ground for some of these uh you
2856s know
2858s interpersonal uh experiences to happen
2861s that that that's the Hope awesome uh an
2863s interesting question here from frost
2865s Nova and then I promise Nick we will go
2866s back to to our own questions uh we have
2869s to finish this by five o'clock you guys
2871s so we will uh try to keep things
2873s concised but I think it it's pretty much
2875s on what we discussed in the past about
2877s about teamwork alog together but what
2879s goes about creating the storyline in
2881s tandem with the Arts the outfits in the
2884s setting yeah so we had a uh kind of uh
2889s we had one representative at least one
2892s from every disciplin that was going to
2893s be working on this and we kind of made a
2896s group and we were like all right we're
2898s Team Radiance let's try to you know
2902s unravel what Radiance will eventually
2905s become how do we Define all of this
2906s stuff and I think the nice thing about
2908s that is excuse me the nice thing about
2911s that is when you have so many different
2913s people that come from so many different
2914s backgrounds and experiences everybody is
2917s talking about something that others
2919s might not necessarily have seen but is
2921s equally important and so we were able to
2924s do that and I think um what happens in
2927s those early stages is you have a lot of
2929s really good ideas you know it's like oh
2930s we could do this oh yeah we can do that
2932s we can also do this other thing and um
2934s you kind of don't want to let any of
2937s them go because they could all be
2938s wonderful successful things on their own
2940s the challenge comes from finding like
2943s like understanding each one of these
2945s things a little bit even more like oh
2946s let me turn it over what's on this side
2948s is there something else over here what
2950s if I hold it up you know until you
2952s eventually see a connection between that
2955s thing that you like so much and this
2956s other thing that you also like so much
2958s and then they can come together and
2960s merge um I think we had a small group of
2966s uh
2968s multidisciplinary uh like people that
2970s represent all different aspects of of
2973s life and Sky life and that sort of thing
2974s and I think we were able to find that
2977s kind of Harmony and Union between the
2979s things that I mentioned so far with the
2981s stories with the plants the mechanics
2984s the desire to diee stuff the spirits the
2987s shop um so and we were all we were all
2990s pretty stoked on it that's awes too
2993s that's awesome thank you uh and I
2996s another question about SC we we spoke
2998s about self-expression we spoke about
3001s making connections uh but sky and I
3004s think that's really the Pinnacle of
3007s anything that TGC does which is trying
3010s to evoke a deep emotional uh connection
3015s to
3017s to to the experience right an emotional
3020s experience if you will how does season
3023s of Radiance aim to touch players
3026s emotionally
3028s yeah I think as the season kind of
3030s continues to unfold hopefully that uh
3034s the that season's charm will begin to
3036s become uh kind of more obvious and
3038s apparent uh we can be touched by so many
3041s different things sometimes it can be a
3043s very like a a heavy burden that weighs
3047s on our heart that makes us think
3049s sometimes it can be a very simple Moment
3052s Like a fleeting exchange between us and
3055s a random stranger but we were hoping
3057s Hing to do with Radiance was um capture
3061s the the the joy of color like uh you
3066s know if you remember being you know a
3068s little kid and then just seeing a box of
3070s of crayons or something and being like
3072s Oh my gosh like there's so many
3073s opportunities you know and then you
3075s create something and then somebody else
3077s sees that and goes wow that's amazing
3078s that thing you created here's the thing
3080s I created and then you're like wow
3082s that's amazing like nobody loses
3084s anything in the situation where
3087s you elevate each other and help each
3090s other uh achieve the things that you
3092s both want to achieve so the story
3095s particularly between the spirits in
3098s season of Radiance I think is a
3101s endearing hope hopefully hopefully an
3104s endearing story about you know uh the
3108s joy of being joyful for each other um
3112s and uh all just empowering each other to
3116s express ourselves that those are really
3119s the the key things that we were hoping
3121s to to hit on with this season and
3123s hopefully you know as the season goes on
3125s that'll felt more beautiful and W
3128s without any spoilers okay without any
3130s spoilers but you know the direction that
3131s the season is going to go uh what
3135s moments or maybe aspects is a better way
3138s to put it of this season are you most
3141s excited for players to experience like
3143s you cannot wait for this to happen so
3145s people can actually can't I I don't just
3148s want to say this to be like oh you
3150s should play season of radians but I
3152s actually think the last Quest um is a
3155s very very me memorable one um so I will
3159s just leave it at that and I hope you can
3161s stick around uh to uh be a part of it
3164s because uh I really I really do like
3166s that one there you go you guys stick
3169s stick to the end stick to the end
3171s something promising is coming chat get
3174s excited get excited
3177s [Music]
3178s um yeah I I I think we we were
3182s addressing every single element of sky
3186s right
3187s self-expression uh connectivity or or or
3190s being able to connect with others as
3191s well as having an emotional experience
3194s as being the the tripod that holds Sky
3198s together
3199s uh how
3203s does the theme of Radiance
3208s uh allows uh reflects in the values of
3211s sky in the sky Community alog
3214s together yeah I mean um so normally
3218s coming up with a season name actually
3219s takes a long time normally we'll know
3222s the things that we're trying to do and
3225s uh kind of what story we want to tell
3226s but then a name is actually something
3228s that comes late because it's hard to
3230s find something that
3232s encapsulates all the things that we want
3233s to tell but I mean Radiance well uh uh
3238s Ash our awesome concept artist um
3242s mentioned it and everybody was like oh
3244s man that's the one right there because
3247s like because as I mentioned you know the
3249s the joy uh the um the there's there's
3254s like a confidence that you have when you
3258s wear something that makes you feel good
3260s um I know for me I I actually I don't I
3263s generally don't feel good in the clothes
3265s that I wear all the time but every once
3266s in a while I'll wear something and I
3270s kind of like walk a little different it
3271s makes me feel good and
3274s um that's kind of how Radiance I'm
3278s hoping uh winds up being for for folks
3281s in Sky a kind of celebration of your own
3285s self-expression and kind of uh
3289s confidence and happiness and that and
3290s then also um being happy for other
3294s people you know it can be so easy a lot
3296s of the time to look at somebody else and
3299s think oh man you know they're like this
3302s and I wish I was like that or I have
3304s this thing and they don't so it's it's
3306s more tough for me and because I I think
3308s that way all the time and you know try
3310s to like you know tell
3312s myself uh I to remind myself actually
3315s that I don't need to
3318s necessarily evaluate and judge myself
3321s based on the accomplishments alleged
3325s accomplishments of those those around me
3327s that I can do something that I care
3330s about and that is there's Wonder there's
3333s there's Beauty in doing that very thing
3336s and I actually should be proud and
3338s excited for the people around me for
3339s doing for following their heart so um
3343s it's a bit of a tangent but that's
3344s awesome like where we're coming from
3346s here Nick a as you were developing uh
3350s this thought uh kitsu on our chat says
3353s yes I love my friend sharing their newly
3355s dyed outfits so it it's part of the
3359s sharable experience that we were just
3360s saying right they are happy for other
3363s people being happy with what they were
3365s able to come out with and that's really
3366s cool uh wolf of Harmony also shares uh
3370s I'm sure a lot of us have been running
3371s the same candle uh candle route so I
3375s love having more incentive to explore
3377s more of the Realms and go out of the
3379s beaten path I love it so yeah yeah
3383s really really cool uh feedback live here
3386s for you Nick and I hope it's uh
3389s certainly
3391s appreciated uh it it's totally
3393s appreciated sorry I'll let you no no no
3396s no no it's your man what what what I was
3399s going to say I'm glad that um you're
3401s feeling that way about the candle
3402s running um I think I you know there's
3405s there's so many chat I'm like trying to
3406s read the chat but there's so many
3408s wonderful questions and comments I'm not
3410s ignoring I'm like there's so much going
3412s on but there was some people who
3414s mentioned like oh are you worried also
3417s about like the the grind aspect of it
3420s and it was really important and I
3422s mentioned this because it relates to
3424s this candle running thing that we're
3426s talking about right now um it was
3428s important for all of us to create
3429s something that was like opt in that you
3432s could opt in to do this if you wanted
3435s and if you didn't want to do this thing
3437s that the game wasn't necessarily going
3440s to make you feel like you needed to you
3444s you needed to always like be present
3447s um and so uh and I I'm think I'm hopeful
3451s that we achieved that you know if you
3453s don't want to participate in dying
3455s things you don't have to you can go
3457s about all the wonderful activities that
3458s you normally do in sky and don't need to
3461s engage with dying stuff and um if you
3463s want to D stuff um you can do so at your
3467s heart's content um and we're we're kind
3470s of uh exploring some new territory here
3474s uh when it comes to like you know the
3475s dark plants
3477s changing throughout the day giving you
3479s multiple opportunities to collect die um
3481s as opposed to before where it was just
3483s they might only appear once per day in
3486s one location and then if you miss it
3488s then oh my gosh you've missed everything
3490s for the whole day that's not what we
3492s wanted to create instead wanted to
3494s create a system where you know you have
3496s the opportunity that's available to you
3499s and if you want you can engage with it
3502s and there's nothing going to be chasing
3504s you um and if you don't want to then you
3506s don't need to engage with it and that's
3507s okay too that was our hope um so I'm
3511s hoping that that is
3513s felt awesome and Nick uh almost coming
3517s up to an end of this awesome stream
3519s thank you so much for your time and and
3521s just sharing so much of you as as you do
3524s uh it's really refreshing and exciting
3527s to to hear but is there a message or a
3531s specific feeling uh you hope players
3533s take away from you know their journey
3536s through in the
3538s radius well um so I've talked a lot
3540s about the kind of uh interpersonal
3542s message about feeling comfortable with
3545s yourself and being happy and joyful for
3547s other people when they do things so um I
3551s won't touch on that anymore here even
3553s though that's a huge part of this season
3555s um I'm hoping that the other thing as
3557s well will be to not take for granted the
3559s things that um happen uh around us that
3564s are there all of the time um if you've
3567s ever like been really really really
3569s hungry and then had like a fruit that
3573s You' had tons before and then you have
3575s that fruit and then you go wow kind of
3577s like really have an appreciation for
3579s that um Sky's world I'm is it's kind of
3583s like that it's this great big vast
3584s wonderful place that has so much and uh
3588s we just haven't given ourselves the
3589s opportunity to really appreciate it you
3591s know this there's there's Blades of
3593s grass here on the ground let's say where
3596s I'm standing that might not have been a
3599s place for me to engage in anything
3601s meaning more meaningful or memorable um
3603s hopefully Radiance is like a canvas for
3606s us to paint those uh kind of experiences
3609s and moments on um and again these are
3613s our hopes and Ambitions I hope that you
3615s experience Radiance and they resonate
3617s true with you as well that's awesome
3620s thank you Nick thank you thank you so
3621s much for for your time with us uh now
3624s outside of season of Radiance right what
3627s would you Nick game designer nick uh
3630s human Nick person Nick Sky Kid Nick what
3634s would you like to share with our
3635s community is there any message or
3637s anything that you like to tell people as
3640s they you know leave the stream and and
3642s go play
3645s sky wow um that's a great question um I
3650s will one say thank you so much for
3653s allowing me the opportunity to create
3656s these experiences for you I I'm not just
3660s I'm not just saying it it really is such
3662s an honor to be in the position that I'm
3664s in and uh full disclosure I'm saying
3668s this because I hopefully think that this
3669s will be um helpful to others um I've
3673s been uh struggling with depression for a
3675s very long time um as many other uh
3679s people do and it's been a difficult
3682s journey and at times like this I do feel
3686s grateful for the amount of love and
3690s appreciation there is in the world
3692s around me so even though I have a hard
3694s time feeling it and recognizing it and
3697s acknowledging it being present all of
3699s the time um this is a moment where I am
3707s feeling that connection with everybody
3710s so thank you for helping me with that
3712s and if you are having any sort of um you
3716s know mental health situation um
3719s hopefully you can find some
3722s peaceful um you know Sol some peaceful
3726s solace in uh either this magical world
3730s of sky that we've created or somewhere
3732s else so thank you everyone that was
3734s awesome Chad time to make that rain of
3738s colorful hearts to Nick I told you guys
3739s he's a special one I told you guys Nick
3742s I love you man I love you so much thank
3744s you for for spending your time with us
3747s uh this stream is coming to an end Nick
3749s so just say your final goodbye and we
3752s will wrap up soon it is such an honor
3755s thank you so much everybody you are
3756s wonderful and amazing and I hope that uh
3760s you will allow me to continue to make
3761s experiences for you and may we meet in
3763s sky thank you so
3768s much I told you it was going to be a
3770s special one you guys I told you it was
3772s going to be a special one but as Nick
3774s said I hope uh uh you feel comfortable
3777s in your skin I hope that you feel Solace
3780s uh to whatever hunts and scares you know
3784s the world out there can be difficult and
3787s can be tough and it can hurt but I again
3791s following what Nick just said I do hope
3793s that uh the lots of time or the little
3798s time that you spend in Sky we we hope
3800s that it's worthwhile and and that we
3803s bring joy to your hearts and a smile to
3805s your face and friends to your life
3808s because that's really what matters thank
3811s you so much for being with us guys my
3813s name is Tio I'll see you guys next week
3816s uh people were staying here and I want
3818s to make sure to address that oh but you
3820s guys are having issues we are aware of
3822s the issues and we have people
3823s investigating as we speak uh so just
3826s please bear with us but uh we very much
3829s uh working onest with that said folks
3833s thank you so much for hanging out I'll
3834s see you guys next week bye
3839s [Music]
3853s [Music]
3882s [Music]
3894s [Music]