5 months
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | I've always been a fan of clouds in in |
5s | real life and I have been taking lots of |
8s | pictures of clouds as a hobby something |
10s | like this is very interesting to me |
12s | because it's it's a little bit |
14s | non-realistic but somehow my brain says |
17s | this is possible this was one of the the |
19s | crazier phase of concept where we |
21s | thought what if the world above Cloud |
24s | had the deep sea theme clouds were |
26s | forming to look like coral reefs this is |
29s | the beginning of how we considered |
32s | Forest I do want levels where you get to |
35s | be inside clouds more when you're out in |
38s | the sky you tend to fly by yourself we |
41s | ended up relying more on the ground |
43s | because ground is where people get |
45s | together but it will be nice if we can |
47s | introduce more levels that are in the |
49s | cloud but still um encouraging people to |
52s | be together |