almost 2 years ago - Splitgate - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s i'm gonna focus on that transition over
8s towards the next one unfortunately that
9s was the priority for t1 they've already
11s moved the large majority of their
12s players onto it here they're gonna be
13s ready for it however swooty and apollo
15s just shutting down pretty much the
16s entirety of the roster as they try to
18s set up defensively
20s i feel to make the impact at the moment
22s as moist is doing a much better job at
23s hyper focusing on any individual point
26s yeah i think really what lg is just
28s doing is that map traversal and the
30s prioritization of certain hills because
32s they're not necessarily outslaying moist
34s at any point in this but that was their
35s downfall
37s they just need to find a better way to
39s kind of reset themselves and more
40s importantly interrupt the flow state
42s that ssg always seems to get themselves
44s into here good start to things for
46s example at the moment it's divisions
47s going huge as he gets the kaleidoscope
50s rolling for ssh
53s good job for the time being of slowing a
54s united down making them work just a
56s little bit harder to hold some of these
58s hits charmander gonna rock it he's got
60s so many players already already up to
62s the triple kill it'll make it a
63s kaleidoscope as he wipes out the
64s entirety of t1's roster
68s this one patient because those two kills
70s are gold here for t1 to try to extend
72s that lead out and keep the united
74s chasing
75s able to find two okay the bogo coming
78s through the triple now and make that a
81s kaleidoscope for jalen manning
84s beautifully done from jalen there he
85s gets the full squad wipe out against e
87s united
103s you