over 3 years
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This new content offers two additional difficulty levels, special battles with new enemies and the opportunity to earn weapons as well as a special collaboration with Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris.
Tales of Arise will now be playable with the “very easy” mode, the easiest mode of the game, dedicated for players willing to focus on the story, the exploration and the character development of the game. The second new mode will be the “unknown”, offering the hardest challenge for players. The new content will be automatically available when the latest patch is installed.
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is partnering with Tales of Arise to create a collaboration pack that includes Kirito and Asuna outfits for Shionne, Alphen and Law. There will also be a Trainee fight against the characters Kirito and Asuna which will allow players to earn new weapons and a new mystic arte for Alphen.
Tales of Arise will now be playable with the “very easy” mode, the easiest mode of the game, dedicated for players willing to focus on the story, the exploration and the character development of the game. The second new mode will be the “unknown”, offering the hardest challenge for players. The new content will be automatically available when the latest patch is installed.
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris is partnering with Tales of Arise to create a collaboration pack that includes Kirito and Asuna outfits for Shionne, Alphen and Law. There will also be a Trainee fight against the characters Kirito and Asuna which will allow players to earn new weapons and a new mystic arte for Alphen.