over 3 years
ago -
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Tales of Arise, the critically acclaimed new entry in the Tales of franchise is launching today! ⚔️
The game puts players in the shoes of Alphen and Shionne, as they are uniting in their fight to free Dahna from the ruling of Rena.
During their journey, they will meet a colourful cast, Rinwell, Law, Kisara and Dohalim, that will join their cause.
A free demo of the game is also available from now on PC! Not only will you get a basic battle tutorial, but also experience all the fun of Tales of Arise, including camping, cooking, and skits, as well as sub-quests and battles against the mighty Gigant!
The game puts players in the shoes of Alphen and Shionne, as they are uniting in their fight to free Dahna from the ruling of Rena.
During their journey, they will meet a colourful cast, Rinwell, Law, Kisara and Dohalim, that will join their cause.
A free demo of the game is also available from now on PC! Not only will you get a basic battle tutorial, but also experience all the fun of Tales of Arise, including camping, cooking, and skits, as well as sub-quests and battles against the mighty Gigant!