Original Post — Direct link
I would like to make 3 suggestions here because I found people complaining a lot about ranked games due to 5 player matchmaking when played alone and the point system limitation and the last one will describe under point 3

1.The suggestion is to introduce 2 different ranking modes, namely the separation of the ranking mode into:


- SOLO / DUO Ranking Game
- SQUAD Ranking Game


Ranking Game SQUAD - the mode can only be activated if you have a squad of 3, 4 or 5 people.


2.The suggestion is to limit the points of difference mmr from 1000 to 500 to limit player boosting.


3.Suggestion to divide ranked games into levels

That is on :

50+ to 100 | 101 - 200 | 201+ to infinity

This would limit the number of cheaters for the people they play without cheating.
almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Some of your ideas are really good. We take note about them.


about 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by Rawley.
I hope someone will read it from Ubisoft @UbiShoreman
Yes! I am here! Hello!

So I do like the idea of this, if everyone is squadded up and running in a full stack. I suppose my counter-question here is as to how this would work in partial groups? Say that, as opposed to one full 5-man stack, this is split between a 3 and 2 man squad? Do you think this would create some frustrations if one of the Squads is less prepared or unwilling ot play with a player of lower MMR that is only here because they're paired with a higher level player?

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4 days ago - Gomez