over 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Hello guys!

Just a pair of tips about how a forum works

- When you enter in the forum, check how many section it has and how these sections work.

- Post your idea, report or comment in the proper part made specfically for it.

If you follow these 2 simple rules you can make the forum clearer and more usefull.

Bug reporting forum --->> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/2/ ¿Do you think something can be a bug? This is your place.

Suggestions and ideas --->> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/4/ You know that something is just a feature but you really don't like it or maybe this feature can be improved? This is your place.

By the way we take this...

Originally posted by wsc150: There are 2 things I think that make it so annoying:

1) it happens about every 1min 20 seconds
2) if you pause the game as the train is on the map it continously plays its sound while paused

... like a suggestion to change.

Thanks for your undertanding.


over 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Messiah of Melons: Condesending how a forum works post aside. The thread is specificly asking if anyone else is annoyed by the train. Not suggesting a change

Sorry, i undertand by the title that is a complain and for that i think is better other place for the thread. You also can comment in those forums.


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5 days ago - Gomez