almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Mr. Mass: I just got an ultrawide monitor and I thought I would be able to see more of the map at once. But apparently I can't zoom out as much as before. I see the units in a bigger size than I was able in the previous monitor. And my new monitor is not bigger vertically, only horizontally so obviously it's not about the size of the new monitor.


Please, check if you suffer the same issue in the Test Branch.

Tell us the result please.

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Mr. Mass: Hi Gomez. I don't know what is the Test Branch. Are you talking about maps from the map editor?

I still have my old monitor as a secondary screen. So I took some screenshots for comparison:


How @cellanj said, you can change your game to the Test Branch that contains a more updated version of the game.

Check there please.

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Please, try a new map and tell us.

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Gomez: Hello,

Please, try a new map and tell us.



I will bring the information to the Dev Team to they study the issue and fix it if necessary.

Thanks for your information.

over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Mr. Mass: This information bellow is copied from a thread of another game. But can't this or something similar be implemented in They Are Billions?

Dear devs, in a post one of you stated that his wife is playing fine on a 21:9 monitor.

Did she never mention to him that 1/3 of her screen is cut off vertically?

Proper usage of 21:9 @UE4 is Hor+ , which actually increases view left and right. You guys implemented it with Vert-, which cuts off top and bottom of the screen, basically cropping the game and giving players a "zoomed in too close" feeling while cutting of their periphal view.

UE4 supports Hor+, so pls fix it?

Info taken.

Thanks a lots.


Recent They Are Billions Posts

4 days ago - Gomez