over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

You have to have this folder Documents/My Games/They are Billions with some files inside like ZXLog file. If you don't have this folder with these files means that your installation is not fine and there is something blocking a proper installation. Because of that the game is not being launched.

Check better your antivirus blacklist or your windows firewall.

Let us know how is going please.

over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Hi again

Have you checked if your Windows user has administrator privileges?

Try to launch the gog installer as administrator.

over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Bad Captain Madman: I have the same problem as OP (also origin). Getting the same error in Event Viewer. There is no folder in Documents/My Games/. I've tried running Origin as admin, game exe as admin, disabling AV during installation and launch, whitelisting installation folder and game exe in AV. There are no events in my AV suggesting it has interfered with installation or launch. Tried reinstalling redistributables.

Any further suggestions? You say the lack of a folder in Documents/My Games/ means the installation was unsuccessful. Is there a way to monitor installation to see where it goes wrong?

If there is not that folder in that path the game is being blocked when the installation happens. So there must be something blocking it. Check if you have any kind of real time scanner from your AV.

over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Do you use Radeon Software?

over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Bad Captain Madman:
Originally posted by Gomez: Hi,

Do you use Radeon Software?


I do, and disabling it worked. Thanks!

Really good to know it!!

Enjoy the game!

Best regards
over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
HI again

@Bad Captain Madman

Could you give us the exatly name of the software of Radeon that was making the problem? If you can also tell us the version of it would be great.

Thanks in advance.


Recent They Are Billions Posts

4 days ago - Gomez