almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Do you have any saved game or video with the issue?


almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by LunaRusalka: I'm sorry but I didn't save it. Is it a glitch? It happened after I re-enter the game.

Hi again,

I have been checking towers with units and for me they are working fine, so if it's a glitch i cannot reproduce and because of that i was asking you for the saved game.

I should need more proofs to undertand the bug and fix it.

Thanks in advance.

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by LunaRusalka: My rangers got kill by infected colonists and normal infected. I thought they could hold off early stray infected with a tower so I didn't check on them. When I notice it ,my first defense had fallen. I first thought it might be spitty boys ,but when I get to see who kill my units on tower ,I was surprised. They're just a bunch of normal infected and few runners.

How many times have you suffered this issue?

Do you still the saved game where the issue happens?

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by LunaRusalka: Only once for now. Will the saved game get deleted after you get game over in survival mode?

Yes, the saved game is deleted after you finish (winnig or losing) the survival game. If you observe this issue again, save and exit and make a copy of those saved files to send me please.

Thanks in advance.


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4 days ago - Gomez