about 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

You can make a backup before use your tech tree points and after play the mission. What do you need more? If you don't like your choice you can load again the backup and play the mission again with different techs.

about 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

I want to remember you some words from the Develop Team about the Tech Tree and the implementation of the Back Up system.

Technology Tree

Some players mentioned that if you don’t achieve certain advances you won’t be able to progress in the missions.
In our tests we have completed the entire campaign in Challenging with very different (and crazy) tree settings. We have even completed the campaign with only one unit: the soldier with all his improvements, without attack towers, and without any micromanaging, simply making hordes of soldiers and sending them to hunt. Also, using the Inn and its rewards without investigating any unit. And so many other situations and game styles just for fun.

In the end, what we want to say is that the fun comes from exploring and creating your own strategies with the resources at your disposal, to adapt and survive, that's what the game is all about. We hope you’ll agree.
Still, if you get stuck in a mission you have several options:
- There are always other missions to complete first, in which your technological configuration may have an advantage, and then you can return to the previous one with more progress made.
- If you are still stuck, lower the difficulty for a specific mission. The only change is that you win fewer victory points.

From this announcement ---->> https://steamcommunity.com/games/644930/announcements/detail/1616144864289506164

New Option to Save a backup of the Campaign

From the game menu within the Dashboard of the campaign you’ll find a new option to record the current state of the campaign in a new slot. You can continue when you want using the Continue option in the main menu. (This is not available inside a mission, just in the campaign dashboard).

We have implemented it for two reasons: First and foremost, we do not want anyone to lose the progress of the campaign. In such a long game losing the advances due to an error or a disk problem can be a disaster.

This will also allow you to perform tests with the technology tree or try different levels of difficulty... in short, experimenting a bit more with the game.

From this announcement --->> https://steamcommunity.com/games/644930/announcements/detail/1616144864304282294



Recent They Are Billions Posts

4 days ago - Gomez