over 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by FatCat0: Once you drop a tesla tower somewhere to build, you can't see what its influence is going to be like when it's done building until it's finished. Not a big deal if you're just building one tower, but can be annoying if you're trying to place multiple at once in an optimal manner. I think it would be useful if the zone where energy will be provided, but isn't until the tower completes, were highlighted in red or something. This would allow the player to see the area of influence and plan accordingly, but still be obvious that it's not currently active.

edit: Womp, wrong forum. I don't ever use the Steam forums so I didn't think to look.


The proper part of the forum made for suggestions, ideas and feedbacks is this -->> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/4/

Check it and post there.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Recent They Are Billions Posts

5 days ago - Gomez