about 5 years ago - David Numantian - Direct link
Originally posted by Captain Australia: Just my own personal wishing well on three features I'd like to see in the campaign:

1) The option to multiply the number of zombies in timed spawns (in addition to the outright difficulty levels easy->apocalypse). Just an extra option to further ramp up the difficulty for your game wherever you sit on the overall difficulty ladder.
- lets say you're playing on easy but can't win a challenge map (but still would like a 1.5 kind of escalation in challenge - the 14/28/etc day timed spawns can be made 2x or 3x harder
- or at the other end, you're in apocalypse and want even MORE .. so you still have the same amount of time to prepare and the same level of ambient zombie population .. but you can sleep in peace knowing the timed zombie waves will be even more mind boggling with 2 or 3 times the population

2) Option to continue campaign maps
I don't mind meeting the mission criteria and working a against a timer, it just feels a bit repetitive to build up the community, meet the goals, and then just when you think you've got your defenses optimisd, the game ends because you've achieved your objectives. I just wouldn't mind it if the village elderman said something like "General, instead of moving on right away, might you stay and help us bolster the defenses against the vast writhing horde of undead ?"
- just meaning after you've achieved the goals within the time constraints, game doesnt arbitrarily end
- if you choose to continue, you can stay on the map and increasingly difficult zombie hordes will spawn with the typical timers
- after you defeat a spawn you have the option to continue (but cant continue with an impending spawn, and they get bigger - so if you stay on a map it's just going to get harder & harder but your score will pile up .. and if you overstay beyond your capability, you'll be overwhelmed and lose)

3) Incentives / Optional Objectives
If I'm going to overstay my welcome on maps, it'd be good to have an incentive to sacrifice crazy layers of defense in the interest of building/farming/mining space.

I know this is probably outside the realm of possible, but I personally reckon it would be good if the game recognised per-city achievements when you end a map, example:
- completing default mission objectives = no result
- extra 1000 citizen population over default = a passive +1 worker boost to your future settlements (so for example an over-achiever at end game might start a hell map with an extra 10 workers), or 10 gold each time the train arrives, something like that
- or another example: surplus resource production +500 at map finish: +1 production all future maps
- on the campaign map with the "COMPLETED" info, it also says:
(producing 1000 surplus citizens, 500 surplus food, 20 surplus stone, 3 surplus iron --- BONUS generates +1 worker, +1 food)

No need to kick the ♥♥♥♥ out of the idea, it's just a wishing well. I understand it would have to be balanced out so as to be quite hard to achieve given space, map size, defenses, etc, and for the reward to be a little more than trivial but a lot less than game changing.


We have a dedicated part of this forum for ideas and suggestions , please could you post it in the following link
---> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/4/



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