about 5 years ago - David Numantian - Direct link
Originally posted by ShadoWarrioR: I just re-played a Hero Mission, because I did not clear 100% the first time and I want the Empire Points and Research. Guess what. I did it and it the new 100% result did not apply to the current map/stats. So i basically wasted a big portion of my time with this.
If this is intended - Make a Warning message, that only the first run counts.
If it's not - either make the second run count OR better yet - If a player goes a second time, do not reset the map! Only some rando small zombies that wondered through the holes, but all the rest - SAME, so if you forgot 1 thing - you can go back and do it in a minute - not waste 200000000 minutes on slow shooting. IT MAKES SENSE in a real world that would be the case. Not resseting the word.


We have a dedicated part of this forum for ideas and suggestions , please could you post it in the following link
{LINK REMOVED}--->https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/2/



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