over 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by Le Duc Facto: i'am really worried MR Gomez, i'have buy this game first week you relaese it. & i want see new survival map, but i cant she is lock, also some of them ( the 2 nd is lock) so Dev team watch what happens with that & patch this plz. i also post on other topic i got save corrupted for canpaign after the first mission so this is nice for a begining... i "am worried to play now, if this happens after 30 hours of campaign ??? plz check that this is important


Please, make a new thread in the Bug Reporting forum and explain there what is happening exactly. Check here please --->> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/2/

Thanks in advance.


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5 days ago - Gomez