almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by HYPERION: Just ended "The Goddess of Destiny". Killed the last zombie of the last wave. And nothing ! CDT!
After all this time in the campaign, it's maddening!

I had no trouble so far with this excellent game.
But if I can’t conclude the campaign, all the time spend in it is lost!
I someone can help me...


I really don't undertand what you mean. When you killed the last zombie your game crashed? did you lose your saved game? Please explain better what is the exactly issue, your ZXLog file looks totally normal.

Thanks in advance.

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by HYPERION: No, I don't think an infected had survived: the mission end except it Crash To Desktop.
I had an automatic save just before the mission end (really just before); I think this is the problem.

When I reload the save the beginnings of the music that signal the end of the mission play, then CTD.

When I have time I will try replay the mission. Except if someone had a better idea…


If you still have the saved game file, could you send it to me to [email protected]?

Thanks in advance.

almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

I have just load the file and the game finished succesfully.

Have you checked the integrity of the files of your installation?

Try to verify them.


almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by HYPERION: Well, at least with your help, I have seen the conclusion of the campaign even if it’s not the way I wanted.

Yes, I even tried to reinstall the entire game; no more result.
Strange: I had no problem with the end screen before, nor with the cinematics.

Any others ideas?

Do you have a file with the campaign ended? A trace that I have completed the campaign?

Hi again,

i have sent you a re-saved file of the files you sent to me. Maybe this makes the trick. Check it and let me know.


almost 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

Really glad to know you can now play the game properly.

Enjoy it!


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