over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by JustStatler: The game keeps freezing in Survival. Have had this problem for almost a year now but never could be bothered to report it. 50% of the games I start at 500% end frozen with only option to restart the computer. Any ideas?


Have you tried to report it in the proper part of the forum? Big mayority of the bugs can be fixed.

Please, make a post in this forum section to be helped ------->> https://steamcommunity.com/app/644930/discussions/2/


over 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by herrerik: Well the crash bug has been reported since at least a year back, and still no fix, so reporting it isnt the solution. Fixing the bug would be.

It keeps crashing for me as well. Gotta do manual saves and set timer so I dont loose too much gametime and backup of game folder. Which is what the devs dont want. Which is what we need to do since they dont fix the bug.

Sorry for the bitter tone, but the devs inaction on serious problems with the game is getting annoying.


Please say to me what is the thread in the Bug reporting subforum

Thanks in advance.

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4 days ago - Gomez