about 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

I have been checking and giants damage is working fine. If the units are inside the towers they are not injuried. After the tower is broken the units on the floor start getting damage and just one hit from the giant kill them.

If you have any video or proof to undertand better the issue, please, provide it to us.

Thanks in advance.

about 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Hi again,

I have been testing it again and I cannot reproduce the glitch you talk about. When the giant attack a tower and it's killed before the tower is destroyed the units inside have all their health bar full.

If you know how to make the glitch happens, tell me.

Thanks in advance.

about 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

I have checked it several time and units inside towers have not problem or issues. Could you please record a video of the issue?

Thanks in advance.

about 4 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

If you use Windows 10 you have a Xbox Game bar. This program can help you to record your gameplay easily.

Thanks in advance.


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4 days ago - Gomez